• Published 14th Jul 2021
  • 2,240 Views, 68 Comments

Mighty Morphin Ninjas - AmethystMajesty25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies join forces with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for one epic team-up against an old enemy from the past.

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Green Ranger Cyber Shredder

In the Shredder’s mansion (which is fully restored), Rita and her minions were witnessing the Cyber Shredder’s new Green Ranger power. So, Rita charged right at Green Ranger Cyber Shredder with her charged-up scepter.

“You fool! You've corrupted the Dragon Power Coin!” Rita said.

Green Ranger Cyber Shredder replied back, “I merely bent it to my will… as I do all things.” He dodged Rita’s attack very quick as he felt the Dragon Coin’s power. “I must say, I've never felt anything like quite like it. The speed. The strength. The raw power. It's… intoxicating. My senses are like razors. My muscles like steel. The world slows… yet, I do not.” Then, Green Ranger Cyber Shredder jump kicked Rita from behind.

“Come on, you little chihuahuas! Stop running away so I can smash ya!” Simon said as he started swinging his pickaxe at Baboo and Squatt as the two aforementioned goons ran away from the mutant role.

“Why am I the only one who brought a weapon?” Squatt asked.

“I make putties! I shouldn't even be here!!” Finster added, hiding underneath the table.

Bob fired arrows from his crossbow, “Simon, use your drill and…”

Goldar punched Bob in the face. “Umph!” Bob grunted.

“Cowardly comrades, rally to my side. Let's make our empress proud!” Goldar called the three cowards.

Meanwhile, Rita and Green Ranger Cyber Shredder continued their battle against each other.

“You are not the first to be seduced by the Power Coins, ninja. But your avarice will be your undoing...” Rita charged her scepter, “...For I have defeated far greater than you.” Rita blasted a shock wave, sending Cyber Shredder down to the floor.

“AGGGGHH!” Green Ranger Cyber Shredder grunted. “I've broken one Ranger today, and soon... I will break them all, including those Turtles and Rainbooms. Will you be standing in my way... or by my side?”

“I have only ever been on one side, human...” Rita jumped up and aimed her scepter at her enemy. “MY OWN!”

Rita blasted an energy bolt from her scepter at the Green Ranger Cyber Shredder and a thunderous shock wave occured.

“Father?” Pimiko wondered as the rest of the goons turned their attention to their bosses.

“Um... boss?” Bob asked as Simon gulped.

“Are they... um... dead?” Baboo added.

Green Ranger Cyber Shredder blocked her attack with his steel claw gauntlets. However, he thought of something in his mind throughout the short battle with the evil sorceress.

“You are quite… formidable. Perhaps you and I can team up and destroy our enemies.”

Rita scoffed, “Pfft. Easy for you to say, genius. I can destroy the Power Rangers myself! I don't need your help!”

“I have powerful allies… in another dimension, in fact. They know much of the Rangers and I believe you and I could do great things… together.”

“I bow to no one.” Rita clarified.

Green Ranger Cyber Shredder noted, “Nor do I, but perhaps… a limited partnership in the service of--”

Rita said, “The destruction of our enemies. But when we're done, you and I will finish this little dance of ours.”

“I would expect nothing less. In fact, I look forward to it.” Green Ranger Cyber Shredder announced as the rest of the goons went back to their respective bosses before Rita and her comrades retreated back to her Moon Palace.

The next morning, back at the Turtle Lair, Mikey delivered some pizza boxes to Zack, Jason, Donnie, and Pinkie.

“Okay dudes, here's your pizza.” Mikey called.

“Alright, I'm starving.” Zack said.

Pinkie asked, “Say Zack, you mind getting the ice for the drinks?”

Zack replied, “Sure.”

Mikey and Pinkie snickered in mischief as he went to get some ice. Meanwhile, Billy sat alongside Leo and Karai who were meditating.

“So, Leo, I've been thinking about this and… did the mutagen turn you from a turtle into a person or… a person into a turtle?” Billy asked.

Leo answered, “The first choice, sort of. My brothers and I were just ordinary turtles til we got mutated into humanoid turtle hybrids.”

“Fascinating. What about you, Karai?” Billy said.

Karai replied, “I do not change into a turtle, but I can change into a snake and back into a human at my own free will.”

“Interesting.” Billy said.

Meanwhile, Raph was punching his punching bag training alongside Trini and Applejack.

“So… is that why you're angry all the time?” Trini asked Raph. “The isolation? The face public perception?”

“I'm not angry? Who said I was angry? Did Mikey told you? It was Mikey, wasn't it?”

Applejack informed her, “Take mah advice, Trini. Don't whack that hornet's nest.”

Trini replied, “I'm just saying… maybe it's not so bad. You don't have to go to school or lie to your friends and family…”

Raph interrupted her. “Because being me is so easy?”

“You can just be you.” Trini finished.

Raph understood Trini’s words. “Tell you what, anytime you wanna trade hard lives, Trini. You just let me know.”

As for Kimberly, she was helping April decorating the flowers for Robyn’s wedding.

“So, what's the occasion with all these flowers?” Kimberly asked.

April smiled, “It’s for my sister's wedding.”

“Oh my. Your sister is getting married?! Congratulations, April!” Kimberly cheered, hugging April.

“Why thank you, Kimberly. Thanks for helping me out with the flowers.”

Kimberly replied, “Oh you're very welcome, April. No wonder the rest of your friends are very busy and not here at the Turtle Lair today.”

“Yeah, they just want to make my sister's wedding to feel so special to her.” April said.

“Aww, that's so sweet. But I was wondering, before my friends and I leave New York, can we go to the wedding?” Kimberly asked.

“Of course, any friends of the Turtles are friends of mine too.”

“Really? Oh thank you April. You're the best!” Kimberly beamed, jumping for joy while hugging April.

Then, the Rangers’ communicators went off.

“We gotta take this.” Jason said.

Leo and the rest of the Ninjas nodded as the Rangers gathered around for a meeting.

“Come in, Alpha.” Billy called, contacting Alpha.

“Aye-yi-yi! Rangers, I think we've finally located Tommy. We've detected a massive of discharge of Morphin Energy outside the city.”

Kimberly cheered, “Great work, Alpha.”

“We can't get a precise lock on Tommy's location, but we'll teleport you as close as we can. Proceed with extreme caution, Rangers.”

Jason nodded, “We will, Zordon.”

“Jason, do you want us to tag along?” Rainbow asked.

Raph added, “Yeah. I'm always up for busting a few skulls.”

Jason smiled, “Thanks guys, but… I think it's best that we Rangers find Tommy. Rangers, it's Morphin Time.”






The Rangers rushed to the signal located at the dockyards, searching for their comrade. Zack, Billy, and Jason searched through the field of ship crates.

“So Jason, when this is all over, can we maybe invite the Mikey to hang with us in Angel Grove?” Zack asked.

Jason answered, “If we survive whatever we're about to talk into, sure.”

“Awesome, cause I also asked Pinkie and Rainbow to come out next week.” Zack added.

Billy chimed in, “Yeah, and I kinda invited Donnie and Twilight. I wanna introduce them to some people at Promethea. Did you know that they have a blimp?”

As for Trini and Kimberly, they searched up high through the stairs.

“Is it just me or does this thing have trap written all over it.” Trini wondered.

Kimberly replied, “Oh, it's totally not just you. I'm just hoping we find Tommy before these feet guys--”

Suddenly, the girls saw a Ranger silhouette appeared, teleporting from out of nowhere.

“Tommy?!? Is that you?” Kimberly asked.

The figure stepped out of the shadows and out came the Green Ranger Cyber Shredder. “No… Tommy's not here.”

Before Trini and Kimberly could defend themselves, Green Ranger Cyber Shredder used the device that Stockman gave him and blasted the two female Rangers. They both screamed until their Ranger powers were gone.

“Ugh. Kim… Are you… Okay?” Trini asked, feeling light-headed.

Kimberly replied, “Nope… Not at all.”

“Rangers! Where…” Jason hollered until he, Zack, and Billy found them. “There!”

However, the three Rangers noticed that Kimberly and Trini were unmorphed.

“What happened? Why did you unmorph?” Zack wuestioned the two girls.

Billy informed the guys, “Guys, something's wrong.”

“No, wait! You have to…” Trini warned the guys.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Green Ranger Cyber Shredder took away their powers as well with Stockman’s device. “How sadly predictable,” He said.

“Kim, help me get them to their feet.” Trini ordered.

Zack replied, “Nope. I'm just gonna lie here.”

“Your skills are considerable, Rangers. But you lack stamina.” Green Ranger Cyber Shredder continued fighting against the unmorphed Rangers as he elbowed Kimberly on the head and grabbed Billy by the collar. “How pathetic. You don't deserve these powers. Who are you without them?”

Billy answered, “You're about… to find out.”

“EHHH-YAH!” Trini yelled and kicked him upside the head with her front flip side kick.

Green Ranger Cyber Shredder rolled out of the way as the unmorphed Rangers were charging towards him.

“Where's Tommy? What did you do to him?!” Jason asked.

“The same thing that I've done to you.” Green Ranger Cyber Shredder fired back, raising his Dragon Dagger.

Suddenly, Casey, Keno, Shini, and Karai appeared, jumping into the fray and getting ready to battle his old enemy again.

“Hey there, Lawbreaker. Remember me?” Casey said.

Keno added, “And me?”

“Don't forget about your daughter and Shini.” Karai stated.

Green Ranger Cyber Shredder dodged Casey’s kick, Keno’s Escrima sticks, Shini’s magic attack, and Karai’s sword slash as he landed.

Casey added, “It's been a while Shredder. What is it with you fighting teenagers? We need you to get a hobby… or at least a date.”

“What's up crazy goalies.” Zack greeted him.

Keno informed Zack, “Our mutual turtle pals and Rainbooms couldn't beam in. They thought you might need an assist in getting out, and well… I was the closest.”

“Not to mention I felt my father's presence around here.” Karai added.

Then, Green Ranger Cyber Shredder clothesline both Casey and Keno down to the ground before planting their faces on the pavement.

“…Lucky me.” Casey said.

“It was too foolish to interfere, but I should expect nothing less from you and your friends, daughter.” Green Ranger Cyber Shredder stated.

The rest of the Rangers looked on and Billy called, “Um, Casey, please tell me there are like fifteen more of you on the way because… I think we might need them.”

Jason charged in for a roundhouse kick, but Green Ranger Cyber Shredder dodged it and stepped back as a bunch of Foot Bot Ninjas joined alongside their master as well as Pimiko, Bob, and Simon.

Karai glared at her sister, “Pimiko.”

“Karai.” Pimiko glared back at her sister, too.

Green Ranger Cyber Shredder offered the Rangers, “Just give me the coins, and all of this can end.”

The Rangers were cornered as they helped Casey and Keno up. Jason informed his team, “Rangers, if we try and win this fight without powers…”

Trini continued, “We'll lose. Jason, we have to run and live to fight another day.”

“You guys go. Shini and I will deal with my father’s new clan.” Karai ordered.

With no other options left, Casey, Keno, and the Rangers decided to retreat from the docks.

“Is this the plan? It doesn't feel like a plan.” Zack asked the team.

Billy answered, “They must be using something to jam our communications. We just have to get outside of the disruption field, so…”

“Cowards!” Green Ranger Cyber Shredder and his Foot team stopped the heroes from retreating while Shini fought some Foot Ninja bots and Karai dealing with Pimiko . “Run if you must. But know that if I do not possess your Power Coins by sunrise, your friend's life is forfeit.”

Kimberly wondered, “Jason…”

“I know.” Jason replied.

Then, Trini’s communicator beeped. “Wait, Zordon…”

Zordon teleported the Rangers, Keno, and Casey safely to the Command Center. Green Ranger Cyber Shredder growled, “Repulsa. The Rangers are now powerless,” He looked up to the sky as Rita looked through her telescope to see her ally. “You may begin when ready.”

Rita wickedly smiled, “Excellent. Finster!”

Meanwhile, a fiery, big cat creature showed up along with the Putty Patrol begin to terrorize Times Square in the evening.

“Come on, New York. Let Wyldfyre show you how to party!”

Then, another one of Rita’s monster that looked like an alicorn showed up along with more Putties in Canterlot City, terrorizing the streets in the evening.

Back at the Command Center, the Rangers, Keno, and Casey were resting and trying to think about what they're going to do next.

“Well that's just great. A pyrokitty and unicorn from outer space. Fantastic.” Zack complained, observing the Viewing Globe.

Trini chimed in “So this can't be a coincidence, right?”

“You mean Rita sending a monster to New York the second we lose our powers? Not a chance. She's gotta be working with… whoever that was.” Jason said.

Billy reminded his friend, “I believe our ninja friends told us the guy with the helmet and armored blades was the Shredder. He's big time bad news. Right, Casey?”

“Yeah. I can't believe our old enemy is back from the grave.” Casey said.

Keno added, “With him along with Pimiko, two new mutant goons, and an army of his Foot Ninja bots, they're even more trouble than the last time we saw him.”

“Zordon, whatever Shredder hit us with, we can't morph. We've all tried. It doesn't work.” Jason informed Zordon.

“Yes, Alpha detected a molecular disruption field affecting your DNA during teleportation. The Power Coins remain active. But, you five cannot unlock them.”

Jason and his Ranger friends looked confused. “If we can't... Who can?”

“And what are we gonna do about Wyldfyre and the other monster?” Trini asked about the monster problem in New York.

“And Tommy. Shredder's gonna kill him if we don't turn in our Power Coins.” Kimberly said.

Billy chimed in, “Um, well, considering the coins still work and we need to be in two locations at once. I may have a rather radical suggestion.”

Minutes later, the Turtles and Rainbooms were teleported to the Command Center.

“Whoa. Where in the world are we?” Raph asked.

Twilight was fascinated with the main room of the Command Center. “Wow. Fascinating.”

“Jason, what's going on?” Leo questioned Jason.

“No time to explain, Ninjas.” Zordon told them, turning their attention to Zordon.

“Whoa! Giant floating head!” Mikey shouted. “So cool.”

“Who are you?” Sunset asked.

“My name is Zordon. And I am the Power Rangers' mentor.”

“It's an honor to meet you, Zordon.” Leo said. “My name is Leo, and these are my brothers and friends.”

The other three Turtles introduced themselves.





Sunset introduced herself. “Greetings, Zordon. My name is Sunset Shimmer. And these are my friends.”

The rest of the Rainbooms introduced themselves too.

“Twilight Sparkle.”

“Rainbow Dash.”



“Pinkie Pie.”


“And Spike.”

“Together, we are the Rainbooms.” Sunset stated.

“It is an honor to meet you all. We have a dire situation. Your enemy, the Shredder, is back.”

The Turtles and Rainbooms gasped after hearing his name.

“The Shredder? He's… back?” Sunset asked.

“Unfortunately, yes.” Zordon answered.

Leo replied, “That's impossible. We defeated him a long time ago.”

“I understand. But now, your enemy has joined forces with Rita Repulsa to wreak havoc and spread chaos. So, that is why… Leo, Donnie, Raph, Mikey, and April. You five will be filling in for my Power Rangers as the new, interim team of Power Rangers. For now.”

Zack, Trini, Billy, Kimberly, and Jason handed the Ninjas their Ranger Morphers and their Power Coins.

“So… do we get to pick our own colors?” Mikey asked, feeling ecstatic.