• Published 14th Jul 2021
  • 2,247 Views, 68 Comments

Mighty Morphin Ninjas - AmethystMajesty25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies join forces with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for one epic team-up against an old enemy from the past.

  • ...

The Turtle Rangers

While the chaos was spreading at Canterlot and New York, Rita was meditating, concentrating her spell.

“What's she doing?” Squatt asked.

Finster answered, “She's preforming a spell that'll help find us the Open Portal to Equestria.”

Baboo said, “What?! You mean we're going back?!”

Goldar was ready to smack all three of them with his hand. “Not if you all break her concentration.”

Ignoring the sounds her lackeys were making, Rita swung by and angrily told them, “Will you idiots be quiet for just one moment?! I'm trying to concentrate here!”

The guys bolted out the room as Rita was concentrating the spell. But the energy Rita was producing didn't go unnoticed.

“Oh no!” Alpha panicked.

“What's wrong, Alpha?” Zordon asked.

“Zordon, Rita is preforming a spell. She must be trying to locate...”

Alpha-5 stopped himself before he revealed too much.

Zack asked his mentor, “Zordon, is there something your keeping from us?”

Zordon answered, “Yes, there's something more powerful than the Power Coins that Rita was trying to get years ago. Something I had hope she gave up trying to get.”

“What is she trying to get?” Jason asked.

Trini reminded everyone, “That's the same magic Sunset and her friends told us about.”

Sunset spoke, “Did someone say Equestrian Magic?”

She overheard them as the Ninjas and Rainbooms went to talk to Zordon after watching the Viewing Globe.

“Indeed. You are going to want to hear this. It's a story I had hoped I'd never have to tell.” Zordon informed them.

“Okay,” Jason answered. “But still, Rita’s monsters are attacking both Canterlot and New York.”

Kimberly added, “And Tommy is still being held prisoner against his will.”

Zordon assured the teens, “We will. Alpha, teleport the Turtles and April to New York.”

“You got it, Zordon,” Alpha-5 said while pressing some buttons on the control panel.

With no time to waste, Turtles and April were teleported to New York to deal with Rita’s monster.

“Ah, come on! Where are you going?!? You all came here for a show, right?” Wyldfyre asked, throwing the hot dog kart aside. “For those of you who survive, this is a once in a lifetime experience!”

While Rita’s minions continued terrorizing Main Square of New York, the Turtles and April teleported to the rooftops from the Command Center.

Mikey felt woozy and asked everyone, “Okay, does everyone have all their arms?”

“You don't have to ask that every time we teleport, Mikey.” April informed him.

“Safety first, dude.”

Raph peered down on the streets, observing his enemies. “I don't like fighting out in the open in our area, Leo.”

Leo understood him, “Neither do I. But that's what these morphers are for, right?”

Donnie answered, holding his morpher. “Right. These will help conceal our identities. That way, the citizens don't know who we are under the helmets.”

“Dude, you gotta say it. And we gotta do the pose too,” Mikey insisted.

“Okay, okay…” Leo took a deep breath, “Here goes nothing. It's Morphin' Time!”

The Turtles and April used the Ranger's Power Morphers to begin their transformation.






The five ninjas morphed into Power Rangers and posed. “Turtle Rangers!”

“Alright team, let's get to work!” Leo called.

Back at the Command Center, the Rangers and Rainbooms watched the Turtle Rangers fight Wyldfyre and they were all surprised.

Trini said, “I'm amazed that our suits are one-size, fits all.”

“They have to be. They're not the first Non-humans to wear them,” Alpha-5 stated.

“Looks like they're handling themselves pretty well,” Zack noted.

Rainbow added, “Agreed.”

Billy asked, “Wait, wasn't Karai with them?”

“No. She's still recovering in the Turtle Lair,” Twilight answered. “But still, we need to stop that other monster back at our city.”

Kimberly added, “And Tommy is still being held prisoner. Who knows where Shredder has taken our friend. We have to find Tommy ASAP!”

“Do what you can to help, but be careful,” Zordon ensured them.

Rainbow replied, “We're always careful.”

Casey told the Rangers, “I'll help you find your friend since I got nothing else to do. Alpha, can you teleport us back to the Turtle Lair?”

“And teleprt us, the Rainbooms, back to Canterlot please?” Pinkie smiled.

“Roger that, teleportation sequence activate.” Alpha pressed the buttons and the heroes were teleported to their separate locations.

“Bulk, we've been looking for hours all over town.” Skull said, walking around Canterlot City with his best friend.

“Luckily, there's only one place left in town to look. The High School. My research shows that all sorts of crazy stuff happens there,” Bulk explained.

Hiding behind a building was the alicorn monster that Rita sent.

The monster sneakily approached behind them. “Crazy Stuff? Might be something Rita might like.”

Bulk and Skull was spooked and frightfully turned around to see the alicorn monster.

“Wh-what is it that you want, sir?” Bulk frightfully asked.

The alicorn monster answered, “Take me to the high school and I won't hurt you two.”

Bulk and Skull looked at each other and thought about what answer they'll come up until a voice called out.

“Hey you! Get away from them!”

The alicorn monster turned around to see the Dazzlings, Wondercolts, and Shadowbolts, arming themselves with their weapons while Bulk and Skull ran away.

“What are you supposed to be?” Sugarcoat asked.

Micro Chips answered, “Looks like one of those Angel Grove monsters I've seen on the news.”

“For once, you're right,” The alicorn monster said. “But you made a big mistake crossing paths against me.”

Flash Sentry bluffed, “Mistake? Heh, it's twelve against one. Seems like we've got the advantage.”

“Hmmm, your right. Putties!”

A swarm of Putties suddenly appeared again as the teens glared at Flash Sentry.

“I'm just going to be quiet now,” Flash Sentry said.

“Putties, attack!” The alicorn monster ordered.

The Putties charged right after the Dazzlings, Wondercolts, and Shadowbolts. The teens defend themselves with their weapons and started fighting them in the streets.

“Don't pull your punches. They're nothing but mindless creations,” Adagio informed her friends while fighting off against a Putty Patroller.

Indigo Zap stab one Putty and it just disintegrated. “She's right! They're like the Kudabots.”

“That's good. Which means we don't have to hold back!” Sandalwood stated while hitting another Putty with his shield.

Just then, Rainbow Dash zipped by and took down a couple of Putties until the rest of the Rainbooms came by.

Timber Spruce cheered, “Alright, we got some reinforcements on our side.”

Pinkie nodded, “You got that right, dude.”

The alicorn monster watched as his Putties were wiped out till he found Bulk’s research papers on the ground.

“Ah yes, this will help me find the portal.”

Twilight saw the monster flying away, “Hey, stop right there!”

The Rainbooms tried to catch up, but the alicorn monster used his wings to create a huge gust of wind at a group of people to buy himself time to escape. “Later, losers!”

The citizens, including Bulk and Skull, held on for dear life from getting blown away by the huge winds.


Bulk said, “Yeah, Skull?”

Skull asked, “Why does this stuff always happens to us?”

Sunset observed the chaos happening at Canterlot. She got worried and said, “Okay, we might be in trouble in here.”

Meanwhile, the original Power Rangers, Casey, and Spike were teleported back to the Turtle Lair.

“I'll be on the couch if you need me.” Spike hopped onto the couch and turned on the remote to watch TV.

“Casey!” A voice shouted and it was Gabby. “Where were you?”

“Oh, I just went to help my friends, that's all.” Casey answered.

Kimberly suggested, “Okay, now that we're all here, let's go save our friend. Starting now!” Kimberly answered, feeling motivated.

Zack replied, “Yeah, you wanna take on Rita and Shredder without our powers, Kim? Be our guest.”

“We need to come up with a plan before we make our next move, Kim.” Gabby told her as Kimberly sighed.

“Kimberly is as brave as she is wise,” The Rangers looked back in surprise to see the spirit of Master Splinter standing there.

“Whoa, now that's trippy!” Zack said.

“You must be Master Splinter, I presume.” Jason said.

“Indeed I am, young one. Any friends of my sons are friends of mine. And you guys are one of them.”

Casey bowed, “It's good to see you again, Master Splinter.”

The Rangers smiled and bowed to Splinter as well and Jason told him, “It is truly an honor to meet you, sir. However, we are in a precarious situation. We lost our Ranger powers and we can't find our friend because our enemies got the best of us. What should we do?”

“And how long have you been standing there?” Trini questioned.

“When I passed on from life, I am anywhere,” Splinter explained. “Watching over my students and family and only appear when something's troubling them.”

“Then I guess we know why you're here,” Billy assumed.

Splinter nodded. “Indeed. As I have often had to remind my sons, strength can be lost, speed can be taken. But these things do not define who you are. You are not Rangers because of your morphers. You have morphers inside because, inside… You are all Rangers.”

The Rangers started gearing up with some ninja weapons and clothing, provided by their ninja friends (but mostly Rarity) while Splinter continued his speech.

“Adaptability. Camaraderie. Trust and focus. These things can never be taken and they will forge you into the warriors you already are.”

After admiring their ninja outfits and feeling motivated by Splinter’s speech, the Rangers were determined and ready to go.

“Ninja Rangers to the rescue, baby!” Zack cheered.

Kimberly asked, “Can we wear these all the time now, please?”

“I would have gone with matching hockey masks, but…” Casey suggested as Gabby elbowed him on the arm. “Ow, I'm just saying! Alright?”

Jason approached the two, “Casey, do you know by any chance of where Shredder could've taken Tommy?”

Casey started thinking until he remembered something. “As a matter of fact, there is a chance that Shredder went back to his lair.”

“Really? Can you take us there?” Kimberly smiled.

“Of course. We'll take you there,” Casey answered.

“We?” Gabby asked.

“You really think I'm going to take the Rangers to the Shredder's lair alone, did you?” Casey asked.

“No, of course not. In fact…” Gabby turned her attention to the Rangers and smiled, “…we'll take a couple of our allies to help you find your friend, Rangers.”

“Alright! Now we're talking!” Zack cheered.

“Then it's settled. We got no time to waste everyone. Now let's go find Tommy before anything else bad happens to him.”

Everyone nodded and they all exited the lair as Splinter watched them, and couldn't help but smile at the heroes. “Let the shadows be your guide. Stealth and secrecy are your greatest allies. Now, go! Find your friend, and most importantly… always protect one another.”

Back at New York, the Turtle Rangers jumped in at Times Square to take down their enemies and help the citizens from danger.

Leo assured the innocent civilians, “Fear not, good citizens,” He took down a Putty Patroller with his Power Blades, “EEYAH!” He resumed, “The Power Rangers are here to protect thee!”

Donnie asked, “Is that how you think they sound?”

“Guys, I don't know what's up with these coins, and I've never shot an arrow in my life… KEE-YAH!” April used the Power Bow and shot an arrow at another Putty. “But right now, I'm Robin Hood.”

“Totally! This is awesome! My chucks got daggers on them… or… her daggers are chucks!” Mikey said, using his Power Chucks against a couple of Putties.

“Guys, you are missing the best part. These things ain't human. Which means, we can finally cut loose for a change.” Raph explained while using his Power Sais to slash another Putty.

Wyldfyre appeared, “You know what, I couldn't agree more.” The fire monster blasted a fiery cyclone at Raph.

“Humpf!” Raph grunted, taking the hit.

April informed the Turtles, “Boys, get in close and get to Raph. I'll cover your attack!”

“Looks like someone's gunning for my job,” Leo noticed.

“In April, we trust,” Mikey added.

“Wooden arrows against someone named "Wyldfyre"? Genius!” Wyldfyre said before he spat fire out of his mouth, burning the arrows. He then used a fiery shockwave, knocking the Turtle Rangers off his back. “I was hoping for a real fight with the real Power Rangers, but you five will cook up just as early. So, who wants to go first?”

The Turtle Rangers knew they were going to have their hands full on taking down Rita’s tough monster and it's not going to be easy.

Leo said, “Okay, we might be in trouble here.”

As the sun was setting, the Rangers drove the Shellraiser with Keno, Karai, and Shini inside while Bebop and Rocksteady drove their van, followed by Casey and Gabby with the Turtle Racer as they all drove to their destination, the Shredder’s lair.

Keno instructed him, “Take a left over there. And then take a right over there.”

Jason asked, “You sure you know where we suppose to be going, you two?”

“Trust me, man. You hang with the Turtles and Rainbooms long enough, you'll pick up a few things.” Keno answered, crossing his arms while sitting behind Jason.

Casey answered, “I know the location of Shredder's house. So don't question me like that.”

“Alright, I'm just saying. I apologize.” Jason apologized before instructing Billy, “Billy, let me know the second you got a signal.”

Billy nodded, “You got it.”

Shini said, “Wait… what signal?”

“Don't worry about it, Shin. But I'm still cycling through different frequencies,” Billy answered while using his laptop. “Oh, by the way, I planted a micro-transmitter on Shredder during our fight. Figured it might come in handy.”

Trini and Zack looked around at the controls of the vehicle and they were impressed. “Is that a garbage cannon?” Trini asked.

"Indeed it is, Trini." Keno confirmed.

Zack answered, “And you and I have to come up with an excuse for me to use it.”

“Bingo! I got a lock on the signal!” Billy alerted everyone.

“Solid. Next stop, Shredder's Lair!” Jason shouted.

Meanwhile, the teens continued to fight against the Putty Patrollers.

“Girls, if that monster got away with those papers.” Rarity said.

Pinkie continued, “What do you think he was looking for?”

Adagio answered, “Unfortunately, we heard what he wanted.”

“And it's not good,” Aria added.

Applejack asked, “And where do you think he’s heading?”

“To your school.” Sonata answered as the Rainbooms’ faces turned to a expression of horror.

Sunset warned her friends, “Girls, go warn Zordon! I got to warn Twilight!”

Meanwhile in Equestria, Princess Twilight was in her castle and saw her journal glowing, opening it. She read Sunset’s writing and it wrote, “Twilight, code red! Warn Princess Celestia! Rita Repulsa! Alicorn monster! Equestrian Magic!”

Princess Twilight had no idea what Sunset was saying and sent Celestia a letter to Canterlot. When Celestia read the scroll, she glared at two words.

Celestia angrily growled, “Rita Replusa.” She called, “BLADE SWIPE!”

Blade Swipe entered the room, “Your Majesty,” He bowed to her. “How may I be of service?”

“Gather what guards that on duty, grab every spear from the armory, and head to the mirror portal in Princess Twilight's castle. And until further notice, assume anything coming through that portal is hostile and is to be responded with lethal force.”

Blade Swipe asked, “Your Highness, are we under attack?”

Princess Celestia answered, “Not yet.”

“But if my friends are in trouble, I have to help them!”

“I understand, but I have a feeling they'll be fine. This is just a precaution.” Princess Celestia assured him.

Blade Swipe nodded and ran to carry out his orders while Princess Celestia levitated out a crystal. Then it began to glow and Zordon’s face appeared.

Zordon greeted her, “Celestia, it has been some time, hasn't it?”

“It has been, my dear old friend.”

Back in Canterlot City, the alicorn monster was close to the source until Pinkie hit him with a smoke bomb, blinding him and the papers fell right out of his hands. He then crash-landed right next to Coinky Doinky World.

“The papers! Where are the papers?”

Rainbow held up the papers on her hand, “Looking for something?”

“No!” Rita’s monster shouted as Rainbow ran away until Rarity wrapped the monster around with her diamond shape-like rope, trapping him.

Rarity said, “This should hold him.”

Applejack glared, “Now, would you mind telling us who you are and why you want to know about the portal?”

“Wait, Zordon didn't tell you?” Rita’s monster started laughing.

“What are you talking about?” Sunset asked as Rainbow came back.

“Rita learned about a new dimension called Equestria centuries ago.” The monster tried to remember.

The girls looked at each other in confusion. “I’m confused. Zordon didn't tell us any of that stuff and you’re the one telling us this now?” Twilight asked.

“That's because every monster knows that's today is the day Rita Replusa stole the Green Power Coin.”

Sunset shrugged, “I don't remember that particular day.”

Fluttershy added, “None of us are.”

“Don't believe me? Ask Princess Celestia. Or maybe Nightmare Moon, she had a perfect view of the fight from the moon. Or confront Zordan about it.”

“That's because it happened centuries ago. Rita and her army invaded Equestria to steal the magic there. But Princess Celestia combined the Elements of Harmony with the Power Coins. But just before Rita was thrown out of Equestria, she cast a spell that allowed her to grab the Green Power Coin.”

Everyone felt unsure and Pinkie asked, “Why would you be willing to tell us?”

“Because I was actually there.”

Susnst said in disbelief, “No way.”

Rainbow questioned, “You're kidding me, right?”

The alicorn monster broke free from the diamond chains with his sheer strength. “Enough talk. Now you will feel the wrath of Ali-Blast!”

The Rainbooms morphed into their Crystal Guardian forms and the girls went on to fight Ali-Beast.

Minutes later, they arrived at the woods. The Rangers and their friends made their way on foot, trekking through the forest, while keeping a sharp eye out for anything suspicious. “This is it, Rangers. My father's mansion is just beyond these woods. It's heavily fortified, and there are traps and Footbots everywhere. We'll have to keep on our toes for this one. Be careful.” Karai instructed before she mumbled to herself, “Father, if you're here, I will find you. And I will defeat you.”

The Rangers and their allies observed the area around the Shredder’s mansion. It's heavily guarded by Foot Bots and filled with traps.

Keno commented, “Geez, you guys weren't kidding that Shredder's got tight security in these woods.”

“Oh tell us about it,” Bebop remembered.

“No turning back now.” Shini reminded them.

“Then let's go.” Jason said, as the team proceeded while Billy shut down any of the security cams with his laptop.

“This suddenly feels like I'm getting a sense of déjà vu right now.” Casey mumbled to himself.

Rocksteady nodded, “Da, I agree, Casey. It's just like old times.”

The Rangers and Ninjas took their time surpassing every obstacle Shredder threw at them to get to the lair. After going through all of that, they survived and approached the mansion.

“Jason, you know we're probably walking into a trap again, right?” Billy asked.

Jason answered, “Yeah, but it's kinda what we do best.”

The heroes snuck through the window and into the hallway of the mansion.

“Look at the size of this place. This Shredder must be a millionaire.” Zack gasped.

Gabby murmured, “I doubt that.”

Karai shushed the boys, “Shhh. We're here.” They all reached downstairs to the lab floor as a few Foot bots were guarding the area below them.

“Left foot, right foot...” Trini said.

While they were busy sweeping the Foot Bots around the area, Stockman was in his lab and he was preparing a syringe for Tommy while a Foot Bot was watching him in his cage. “So Tommy, before Shredder executes you, I would like to take a few samples to see how the energy of this Morphin Grid affects your cellular structure. Mostly brain, spinal, and bone marrow to start. And sadly, yes... it will hurt quite a bit.” While Stockman was distracted, Rocksteady bursted through the doors and destroyed the Foot Bot.

The rest of the heroes entered as Tommy was very elated to see his friends again.

Jason spoke, “You're right, creepy doctor villain. This will hurt quite a bit.”

Rocksteady greeted Stockman, “Da, good to see you again, Stuntman.”

“It's BAXTER STOCKMAN, you overgrown rhinoceros!” Stockman yelled as Rocksteady snorted angrily.

“Geez, you haven't changed much. But anyway, I'm sorry about this old pal, we have to rescue our friend. Pronto,” Bebop stated.

“So, who wants to beat up the evil scientist first?” Trini suggested everyone.

Stockman sighed and decided to retreat. “An unfortunate interruption. But predictable. Until next time, Tommy.”

“Now can I lead the scavenger hunt or what?” Casey asked.

“Forget him.” Jason said. “We got what we came for.”

Tommy greeted his friends, “Hey guys, cool outfits you got there. Thanks for… um--”

“Save the apologies later, bro. For now, let's get outta here.” Billy said as the heroes exited Dr. Stockman’s lab and looked around the hallway to make sure the coast was clear.

Kimberly asked, “Alright, Casey. Quickest way out of here?”

“Yeah, all these hallways look the same,” Billy added.

Casey answered, “We're good, Rangers.”

Karai stated, “And if we're lucky, we'll steer clear of any trouble. Now c'mon, let's get outta here before my father sends more of his Foot cronies in here.”

Everyone else nodded to Karai as they hurried upstairs, exiting the lab floor. After reaching upstairs, they walked into a dark room loaded with training equipment. Keno looked around, “Perimeter's too quiet.”

Then, they heard Pimiko’s voice, “Aww, what's the matter? Leaving so soon?” The lights came on to reveal Pimiko, Groundchuck, and Dirtbag, as she continued, “Did you seriously think you were getting out of this without a fight, did you?”

Groundchuck snorted, “Yeah, this here's our house!”

Zack sighed, “Oh, great. Figures Tweedledee and Tweedledum would be here.”

“Don't call me that, payaso!” Dirtbag yelled.

Groundchuck stated, “Check it out: This is our state-of-the-art training facility. And guess what? It's programmed to eliminate intruders like you!”

Casey wasn’t surprised and scoffed. “Yeah, yeah, I've heard that line before. So can you let us pass through the exit door please?”

Pimiko answered, “I'm afraid we can't do that. Father's got big plans for you puny heroes. Destroy them! For The Foot Clan!”

The security devices activated and laser guns were firing at the group who used their weapons to dodge, while Karai ran past the two mutants, “Dang, ninja girl's fast.” Groundchuck gasped.

“Da, is what Bebop once said!” Rocksteady charged at Groundchuck and rammed him into a wall.

Then, Dirtbag was blasted by Bebop’s energy mohawk. “That's right, man! Hee hee!” Dirtbag swung his pickaxe at Bebop, but the mutant warthog kept dodging with his dance moves. “Too slow, fool!”

While the Rangers and their allies were busy fighting inside the mansion, Karai reached outside the mansion and stood across from her was Pimiko.

“Back for Round 2 huh?” Pimiko said. “I'm gonna enjoy breaking you after our first fight, sister.” Pimiko sinisterly smiled, arming herself with her katana.

“Not if I have anything to say about it. Because after this fight is over, tell Shredder that you failed and I'm coming after him so that I can end the story between me and him.” Karai stated.

Pimiko growled, “I won't let you lay a finger on Shredder. I will surpass you!”

Karai taunted Pimiko with a hand gesture, signaling her to bring it. “Prove it.”

While Pimiko and Karai started their dueled with a sword fight outside, the Rangers and allies were holding off against the Foot Bots inside while the four mutants duked it out.

Groundchuck was thrown against another wall by Rocksteady, who then charged at him again, but the mutant bull dodged then pulled out a crossbow and began firing arrows.

The arrows just broke upon contact with Rocksteady. “Puny arrows are no match for the Rocksteady!” He charged at Groundchuck again, but the bull caught him and the two struggled against each other. Until Groundchuck managed to get out a taser rod and zap Rocksteady before he threw him over his shoulder and onto the ground.

“My turn to get rammy!” Groundchuck let out a roar and charged at Rocksteady, plowing into him and smashing him through the walls.

Dirtbag was still trying to hit Bebop and was still having no luck.

“C'mon, man, this getting embarrassing!” Bebop said, before he dodged another swing and jumped up before he threw another energy mohawk at Dirtbag, blasting him off his feet. Then he bent down at the mole. “Ha ha ha, this was too easy!”

Suddenly, Dirtbag grabbed him by his vest. “I don't think so, El porquero!” Then he head-bashed Bebop back, making him stubble back, then he grabbed him by the waist and body-slammed him hard. “Who's too easy now, huh?!” He grabbed Bebop’s legs and spun him around before throwing him through the hole in the wall that Groundchuck and Rocksteady made and ran after him.

Gabby had just smashed a laser turret, when she saw Groundchuck and Dirtbag getting the upper hand against her friends. “Oh no!”

While they were fighting, Jason noticed something behind the Foot Bots. “Billy, deactivate the security board. We'll cover you.”

Billy answered, “Affirmative.” The blue ninja ran past a couple of Foot Bots until more of them blocked his path.

“Goongala!” Casey yelled and fired two explosive pucks right at the Foot Bots, blinding them.

“Thanks, Casey!” Billy reached to the control board and deactivated it, shutting the defense system off.

“That takes care of that,” Shini said, then she noticed something. “Wait. Where's Bebop and Rocksteady?”

“And where's Gabby?” Casey looked around for his girlfriend.

In another part outside, Groundchuck and Rocksteady smashed out of the wall, soon followed by Bebop and Dirtbag.

Then Groundchuck and Dirtbag each lifted up Bebop and Rocksteady and threw them into each other. Then they charged at the two, Groundchuck shocked Rocksteady in the face, Dirtbag uppercut Bebop in the jaw, and both of them punched their heads together, before Groundchuck knocked them off their feet and onto the ground on their backs. They looked up just in time to see Groundchuck and Dirtbag jump up with their fists raised.

“This is gonna hurt!” Bebop groaned.

“Da!” Rocksteady said, right before Groundchuck and Dirtbag nailed them with a pile-driver, knocking the wind out of them.

“Yeah!” The two high-fived.

“That was for turning us into freaks!” Groundchuck glared down at them.

‘And now for the finishing move!” Dirtbag pulled out a drill. When suddenly, the two were bathed in headlights. “Huh?”

They turned to see the Shellrasier as Gabby stepped on the gas, and rammed the two mutants away. Then she got out and went over to Bebop and Rocksteady.

“Are you guys okay?” Gabby asked in concern.

“Yeah, girl, we're fine,” Bebop said.

“After we take nap,” Rocksteady added, and they passed out.

Gabby shot a glare at Groundchuck and Dirtbag as they got up. “You brutos are gonna pay for hurting my friends!”

“Oh yeah?” Groundchuck said.

“You and what army, chica?” Dirtbag asked.

“This army, punk!” Called Zack as the Rangers and allies arrived.

“I honestly did not expect that.” Groundchuck said.

After the Rangers and their allies took out the Foot Bots, the group attacked the two mutants along with more Foot Bots, who engaged them. “Get them!” Tommy called.

Back at Times Square, the Turtle Rangers continued to do their best to take down Wyldfyre.

“Leo, watch out for his fire cyclones!” Donnie alerted his brother as Wyldfyre unleashed his attack with Raph getting ready to attack the monster from behind.

Mikey cheered, “Fire cyclones. Good name.”

Wyldfyre unleashed a fire blast at Leo, “You can't outrun me forever, Power Pests. Eventually, Wyldfyre will be your end!”

“Rangers! Regroup on me!” Leo dodged the monster’s attack.

However, the fire blast knocked off the top of a street lamp and it was hurdling towards an innocent family of three, who were hiding behind their truck. The little boy looked up, “Um, Mom?”

The mom looked up and gasped as the little boy continued, “Mom, that lamp is falling right at…”

Then all of a sudden, Raph quickly caught the street lamp, saving the innocent family. “Ow,” He grunted.

“Thank you,” the little boy cried.

After the family ran away to safety, Raph regrouped with his team and April informed them, “Guys, we probably need to end this before someone gets hurt.”

“I'm hurt.” Mikey said in sarcasm.

Donnie got an idea and suggested, “Leo, I think it's time we bring in the firepower.”

Leo nodded, “You lead, we follow, Donnie!”

The Turtle Rangers grabbed their Ranger weapons, getting ready to bring out the big gun.






The Turtle Rangers forged their weapons together to create their very own version of the Power Blaster.


However, Raph asked, “Um… okay. What now?”

Donnie answered, “Simple…”


They fired their Power Blaster at Wyldfyre with a powerful energy beam.

“NO! AGGHHHHHH…” Wyldfyre yelled before he was blasted into oblivion, lighting a powerful light at the center of New York until it died down.

The Turtle Rangers high-fived to each other after defeating Wyldfyre. Mikey cheered, “Aw yeah! Not bad for a first try!”

April admitted, “I gotta admit, this was pretty fun.”

“Um, guys…” Donnie alerted his team as a crowd of people applauded the heroes at Times Square. “Looks like we got some fans.”

Raph replied. “Yeah, well… I'd say it's about time.”

Back at Shredder’s Mansion, the Rangers managed to defeat Groundchuck and Dirtbag along with the Foot Bots.

Keno cheered, “Woo! That was close. We managed to defeat those two mutants, but the robots were so easy.”

Zack added, “Yeah, piece of cake! At this rate, we'll be home free. Safe and sound.”

Then, Stockman spoke through the speakers from the mic in his lab.

“Attention, intruders. This is Baxter Stockman speaking, and you are trespassing. In an effort to expedite your eventual surrender, may I introduce all of you to… the next step in the evolution of Foot Clan.”

The doors behind them slowly opened, glowing red inside. And out of the doors were the Putty Patrollers in Foot Clan gear.

“The Putty Soldier Elite! A combination of our most powerful knowledge of the Foot and that extraordinarily, versatile, putty substance. Putty Soldiers, eliminate the intruders!”

The Rangers, Casey, and Keno were intimidated by the appearance of the Putties’ new look.

Gabby said, “Ay caramba.”

“One of us had to say something, didn't they?” Trini asked in sarcasm, glaring at Keno and Zack.

“I'm surprised that it wasn't me who joked around this time,” Casey stated.

“Great…” Kimberly groaned.

Ali-Blast blocked and dodged every strike, “You girls can't beat me. Not even with your powers.”

Rainbow tried to attack with her speed, only for every strike to be blocked just as fast. “He's too fast.”

Applejack tried her strength, but the monster outmatched her strength. “He's too strong.”

“I almost forgot how fun it is to fight weaklings like you girls,” Ali-Blast threw the Rainbooms around like they were nothing. “And now it’s time that I blow you all away!” Ali-Blast said and blew a huge gust at the Rainbooms.

Rarity reluctantly created a diamond barrier to withstand the huge winds from Ali-Blast.

“Okay, now you're just cheating,” Ali-Blast was ready to fire lasers from his eyes until the Turtle Rangers arrive and fire Blade Blasters at him.

The alicorn monster fell down and the huge winds stopped.

Rainbow called, “Good timing, you guys.”

Ali-Blast growled as he stood up, “I'll be back. Just you wait!” He retreated and vanished through teleportation.

“You guys okay?” Leo asked them.

Sunset answered, “We're fine, but Leo, We've got big…”

Donnie alerted everyone, “Uh guys, I just got a call from Casey. He said the Rangers rescued Tommy, but they're dealing with a swarm of Putties controlled by Stockman. They need help creating an escape route.”

“Tell him we're on our way,” Leo answered as Donnie nodded. “C’mon everyone, our friends need help at the Shredder’s lair.”

Everyone nodded and headed to their next destination, the Shredder’s mansion.

Meanwhile, Pimiko and Karai continued their fight and they were exhausted. Pimiko grabbed Karai's wrist and threw her to the ground, but Karai turned into her serpent form and broke free.

“I hate that form! And not just because it's unfair, that is seriously freaky,” Pimiko said in disgust

Karai answered, “You get use to it.”

Pimiko was about to use her forward sword strike, but Karai wrapped her wrists around with her tail and threw her into a tree. Then, Karai sensed something and it was unlike anything she’d ever sensed. So, she slithered away to find her friends.

As Pimiko regained consciousness, she got up and Karai left without a trace. She threw her sword on the ground and growled, “Go ahead. Slither away like a coward you are! This war between us is far from over! I swear! Do you hear me?! I SWEAR!!!”

Back inside the mansion, the heroes continued to put up a fight against Stockman’s newest creation, the Putty Soldiers. However, there were too many of them.

“Casey! We need to get out of here now!” Tommy shouted.

“I'm working on it, Tommy! Just keep--” The Putty Soldier was about to take out Casey.

Gabby warned him, “Casey, watch out!”

Casey turned around to see the incoming Putty Soldier until Karai, the Turtle Rangers, and Rainbooms arrived just in time as Donnie whacked the incoming Putty Soldier with his Power Staff.

Jason said, “Perfect timing, you guys. And you look great in those Ranger outfits, by the way.”

“Oh what can I say, we looked morphenomenal.” Mikey smiled.

“Ha! Good one, Mikey!” Pinkie cheered as she and Mikey high-fived.

Sunset informed everyone, “There's too many of them, we have to retreat now!”

“Smell ya later, Putties!” Rainbow mocked them.

Shini and Mikey threw their smoke bombs and the heroes escaped the mansion.

Meanwhile, Rita and Green Ranger Cyber Shredder were having a discussion about the attack in the mansion at the Moon Palace.

“You had the Rangers here, powerless and outnumbered. And yet they managed to escape.” Rita said.

Green Ranger Cyber Shredder replied, “Yes, well Stockman's hybrids proved to be… troublesome. But Oliver's escape would be inconsequential, if your monsters had defeated those pesky turtles and brats, they would've retrieved their morphers as you promised it would.”

“A momentary setback… but if you doubt my abilities, perhaps your fabled, extra dimensional allies can be of assistance?” Rita suggested.

“The Kraang? No. I partnered with them once, but their ambition is to take over the earth! We must retrieve their morphers ourselves.” Green Ranger Cyber Shredder explained.

Rita sighed, “So many strings, so few results. I'm beginning to question the benefits of this little partnership of ours, Shredder.”

Green Ranger Cyber Shredder suggested, “Then perhaps instead of blaming each other for our failures, you and I should take a more direct approach.”

“You ready for this, Bob?” Dirtbag asked.

Groundchuck answered, “Ha. You kidding? Been wanting to level this city since day one.”

Back at the Moon Palace, Rita informed the two mutants, “Don't let us down, gentlemen. Now, make these mutants grow!”

Rita casted her growth spell and made the two mutants grow into giants at Central Park during the night.

“There, that should buy us some time.” Rita stated as Ali-Blast appeared in her palace.

Ali-Blast informed her, “My queen, I have the location of the portal for you.”

Rita cheered, “Wonderful!”

Finster called, “I'll start making more Putties right away.”

“No! We're not just going to use the Putties. I'm calling in an old favor.” Rita stopped him.

“What do you have in mind, Rita?” Goldar asked as Rita sinisterly smiled.

Meanwhile, the heroes were back at the Turtle Lair and watched the news from the TV screen.

“You're looking at live footage of the devastation of Central Park. With these giant creatures loose on the city. Here's hoping the Power Rangers aren't far behind.”

“Great. Maybe they'll get dumber as they get bigger.” Raph said.

Fluttershy shivered, covering her mouth. “Oh my. This looks bad.”

“I know. With those two, that size, unobstructed… the damage they can do could be catastrophic.” Twilight explained.

“After getting pounded by them, I agree with Twi!” Bebop said.

“Da, the Groundchuck and Dirtbag are as tough as we are!” Rocksteady stated.

“They seemed really mad at you guys?” Keno stated.

“Why's that?” Kimberly asked.

“They say we turned them into freaks,” Rocksteady answered.

“And... their not entirely wrong,” Donnie pulled up some footage of their first battle against the Putty Patrollers and they saw Bebop and Rocksteady accidentally caused a mutagen canister to spill on the two sewer workers.

“Dizzle snap!” Bebop said.

“Whoa, first you accidentally create Mega Shredder, and now Groundchuck and Dirtbag?” Mikey noted.

“It was an accident, okay?” Bebop panicked. “Just chill.”

Jason went to talk to Billy and asked, “Billy, has Zordon figured out how to reconnect us with our coins?”

Billy answered, “Alpha's close. But, no… not yet.”

Since the Rangers were locked out of their morphers and can’t access their Zords, Jason thought of something and spoke, “Well then… looks like we've got only one option left.”

“So much for a tour…” Billy chuckled, knowing what Jason meant.

“Wait, no… really?” Donnie questioned in amazement.

Billy continued, “Yep… It looks like we're giving you the keys.”

Minutes later, the Turtle Rangers were now piloting the Dino Megazord, heading straight towards the two rampaging, giant mutants at Central Park.

“Donnie, why aren't you the one driving this thing?” Raph asked, looking at Donnie.

“Don't look at me, Raph! You wanted red so badly… that makes you the driver!” Donnie explained. “Now can we all just enjoy the fact that we're piloting the Megazord again, please?!?!”

Author's Note:

Each of the Turtle Rangers’ renders were drawn by me.

Mighty Morphin Ninja Rangers pic was taken from the comics