• Published 14th Jul 2021
  • 2,240 Views, 68 Comments

Mighty Morphin Ninjas - AmethystMajesty25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies join forces with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for one epic team-up against an old enemy from the past.

  • ...

The Morphenomenal Wedding

The day of Sid and Robyn’s wedding has arrived after yesterday’s event of the Megazord battles in New York and Canterlot. In Casey’s house, Casey and Sid were all dressed in their tuxedos and he was helping his cousin fix his bowtie.

Casey told him, “I'm telling ya. The rabbit goes down the hole, around the tree, and then… violá.”

Sid looked in the mirror to see the bow was somewhat fixed. “Are you sure this is right?”

Then, Casey’s phone rang. Casey picked it up and answered, “Hey Leo, what's up?”

“The wedding starts in an hour.” Leo asked.

“Okay. We'll be right over. See ya,” Casey answered. “So, are you nervous?”

Sid replied, “Me, nervous? C'mon! You and your friends and I have taken on street gangs single-handedly. Going mano y mano with some of the baddest dudes in the criminal underworld, and we took on bad monsters, mutants, and aliens. I mean, you think I'm nervous just because today I'm getting…” Sid started to stutter, “Ma… ma… ma…” After that, he fainted.

“Whoa there,” Casey caught Sid from fainting. “Just be glad that none of those monsters, mutants, or aliens ever proposed.”

Meanwhile at Canterlot, April and Rarity were all dressed up in the boutique as Rarity ironed Robyn’s wedding veil. “Okay, Robyn. Your veil is all ready.”

“Plus, our friends and I put together the food, seating, and flowering arrangements. One for every guest.” April showed Robyn the arrangements on the table.

Robyn was in the dressing room and replied, “Thanks, April and Rarity. You're the best bridesmaids ever.”

“Correction, sis. It's maid of honor,” April said.

“So, how do I look?” Robyn asked.

“Ohhhhhhhh,” Rarity and April gasped as Robyn stepped out of the dressing room and wore her beautiful wedding gown.

Rarity became teary-eyed, “So, beautiful.”

Robyn turned around as Rarity handed the wedding veil to April and she placed the veil on top of her sister’s head.

“Perfect,” April smiled.

Meanwhile, the Rangers were all dressed formally along with Tommy with a sling on his right arm and exited their hotel rooms. They exited the hotel and saw the Rainbooms’ bus parked upfront. However, Bulk and Skull saw them and went to spy on them from the bench, pretending to read newspapers.

Sunset opened the door and asked the Rangers, “Hey guys, are you all ready to go?”

Kimberly answered, “Yep, we're ready.”

Pinkie popped out of the window, “Then hop on board everyone!”

The Rangers entered the bus and Sunset drove it away from the hotel. After that, the duo stopped reading and Bulk asked, “Where do you think they're going?”

“Maybe they're invited to a ceremony, I guess.” Skull answered. “But, Kim and Trini looks so hot in their dresses,” Skull commented. “Rawr,” He charmingly growled.

Bulk suggested, “Hey, I have an idea. Let's follow them. In fact, we brought our tuxedos in case we go on a date with some hot girls around here.”

“Agreed, let's go!” Skull announced.

The duo went back to their hotel rooms to get dressed in their tuxedos.

At the O'Neil Farm, the Ninjas, Rainbooms, and every one of their friends and allies from around the world, including other dimensions arrived as Fugitoid were leading them to the barn where the ceremony was held.

Fugitoid said, “Right this way, ladies and gentlemen. And mutants and aliens. Interdimensional…” He sighed, “I give up.”

Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna stood by the gift table, as Celestia and Luna talked to each other quietly. Celestia whispered, “What do you mean, you left it on the counter?!”

“I thought you were bringing it!” Luna replied.

“Well, this is just wonderful!” Celestia groaned.

Just then, DJ Drone flew in, lowering a gift onto the table.

“Pardon me, ladies,” Frostee said, and left to take his seat.

“Excuse me, Luna and Celestia,” Trixie said, putting her gift on the table before taking her seat.

“I handled the gift for Cadence and Shining Armor!” Luna said to her sister. “You were supposed to do this one, remember?”

“Well, we can't just come to this wedding empty-handed!” Celestia fired back.

While Wallflower and Sapphire put their gifts on the table, the two sisters continued bickering until Mona placed a ceremonial dagger on the table. She said, “Ladies.”

Speaking of Cadence and Shining Armor, the two were sitting in a row off to the side. And Shining Armor was crying his eyes out. While that was happening, Andrea, her parents and her little sister along with Shadowsan and his brother, Hideo, sat next to them and they all stared at Shining Armor in confusion.

“Is he going to be okay?” Donna asked.

“It's alright. He always cries at weddings,” Cadence assured them, as Shining Armor continued crying. “...Usually it's not until the wedding starts.”

“These flameless fireworks look even better than flowers!” Muffins called, holding up one of the flowers.

Lyra told her, “Uh, those aren't fireworks, Derpy.”

Bon Bon corrected her, “Those are flowers. You got them mixed up again.”

Derpy nervously chuckled as Mondo Gecko greeted them, “Hello, ladies.”

Luna suggested her sister, “Next time, you can just bring your own gift, and I'll bring mine.”

Celestia replied, “Fine.”

While the two sisters took their seats, Cisco asked, “Hey um, where's the sushi bar?”

Layla told him, “Will you quit asking about the food? We can't eat yet until the wedding reception.”

“Sorry,” Cisco apologized. “Getting nervous here.”

Spike felt upset and took a seat right next to the Rock N’ Beats.

“What's wrong, Spike?” Bright Eyes asked.

“I asked my friends from the Paw Patrol if they would come to the wedding? And they declined because they're busy with their duty at Adventure Bay.”

Bright Eyes told him, “Oh, it's okay, Spike. I'm sure they'll support the wedded couple in spirit.”

“I hope so,” Spike replied.

While everyone was seated in the ceremony, Donnie checked the seating list and he informed his brothers and friends, “Well, that's just about everyone.”

Sid entered the barn, feeling more nervous. “You guys seen Robyn? I haven't seen Robyn. She's not here. You think she's having second thoughts? Oh I knew this would happen.”

“Calm down, Sid.”

Sid, Casey, Karai, Sini, the Turtles, Rainbooms, and the O'Neils turned to see Master Splinter in his astral form.

“Master Splinter,” Leo greeted him as everyone bowed to him.

Splinter nodded, “It is tradition for the groom not to see the bride before the ceremony. She is preparing herself in the farmhouse.”

“Don't worry, Sid. I'll fetch her,” Kirby O'Neil informed Sid and he walked to the farmhouse.

Then, Karai sensed something was off as if someone was watching her. “I'm gonna go call my Foot ninjas to make sure everything is secure around here. Just go start without me.”

Karai walked away from the barn to contact her Foot ninjas.

While everyone was seated, Bulk and Skull wore their tuxedos and spied on the barn with mutants and aliens.

“Look, Skull! Mutants!” Bulk whispered to him.

“And aliens!” Skull whispered back.

Bulk whispered, “It's a party full of weirdness. Plus, the actual people aren't scared of them. What should we do?”

Skull suggested, “I'd say we go down there and quietly catch them when no one's looking.”

“Good idea, let's roll!” Bulk signaled.

The duo casually walked their way to the barn until Fugitoid stopped them. “Excuse me, gentlemen. Can I get your names please?”

Bulk introduced himself, “Bulk.”

Skull introduced himself as well, “Skull.”

“Let's see here…” Fugitoid looked through the guest list carefully, but their names weren't listed. “Nope. I don't see your names around here.”

“I'm sorry. Come again?” Bulk said.

Fugitoid told him, “Your names are not on the list.”

“What? That's impossible!” Skull bluffed.

Jason and his Ranger team then noticed Bulk and Skull behind them, talking to Fugitoid. Kimberly groaned, “Ugh, them again?”

“Listen, we don't want any trouble,” Bulk begged

Skull continued, “Yeah, we're just going to take pictures.”

Bulk covered Skull’s mouth, “What my small friend was trying to say is... We're freelance wedding photographers.”

Fugitoid scoffed, “I doubt that. Besides, you two don't look like wedding photographers because we already have one.”

Skull replied, “What!? That's preposterous!”

“Maybe your guest list is wrong,” Bulk told him.

“The guest list is not wrong!” Fugitoid shouted.

Then, Pinkie and Mikey came by and approached them.

“Uh, Fugitoid, what's going on here?” Pinkie asked.

“Just some gate crashers posing as wedding photographers.”

Mikey suggested the duo, “If you guys want to help, all you have to do is promise to keep a secret.”

Skull shrieked, “Gah! That mutant talk!”

“Yeah, so what?” Fugitoid said.

Bulk explained, “Again, my companion means is we can keep a secret. But we both want a slice of the wedding cake as compensation.”

Pinkie shook Bulk’s hand, “Deal. Right this way, boys.”

“Are they really going to let them in?” Trini whispered, noticing the duo being escorted to the ceremony by Pinkie and Mikey. “Do they even realize that these two guys can cause trouble?”

“Obviously, they haven't learned about Bulk and Skull yet,” Zack commented.

Jason chimed in, “Listen guys, do not draw attention to yourself and they won't notice us. Right?”

The rest of the Rangers reluctantly agreed, “Yeah.”

Meanwhile, Kirby went inside the farmhouse and called his daughter, “Robyn, everyone's waiting!”

“I'm here,” Robyn went downstairs. “Just went to take deep breaths. But you know Dad, I just wish mom was here to see this.”

“I believe that she will be watching you in spirit to go down the aisle and marry the man who will become your husband. I'm so happy that my daughter is getting married.” Kirby cried, hugging Robyn.

“Okay, Dad. Wipe those tears of yours 'cause you might ruin my dress.” She said.

Kirby wiped his tears with a handkerchief and replied, “Sorry 'bout that. Anyway, let's go.”

Robyn and her father exited the house and walked towards the barn together.

Karai remained vigilant until she saw footprints. She walked away from the house until she looked through the bushes and couldn't believe her eyes. The Putty Foot Elite defeated Karai’s Foot ninjas and agents from The Agency.

“The Putty Foot Soldiers?! Right here at a time like this?! No wonder my Foot ninjas didn't contact me back. I gotta warn everyone,” Karai whispered, vowing to do the right thing. However, she was attacked by Pimiko with a kick to the back.

“You will warn no one, sister.” Pimiko snapped her fingers and the Putty Foot Elite alongside Baxter Stockman in his armored suit, Groundchuck, Dirtbag, Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt surrounded Karai.

Karai scoffed, “So, you want them to hold me down? That's fine by me.”

Pimiko ordered, “What are you morons doing?! Get lost! She's mine!”

Stockman sighed, “Fine.”

The Foot and Rita’s goons stepped back as Pimiko was ready to throw down against her sister.

Meanwhile, everything was set for the ceremony to begin.

Mikey announced, “Alright everyone, it's time for the ceremony to begin. An let's just say, we got a special way for Sid and Robyn to make an entrance,”

“Like what?” Jason asked.

“Like this, hit it, girls!” Mikey cued the Rainbooms, and disappeared behind the barn door.

Then the Rainbooms began to play. Pinkie tapped her base drum while Rarity played her a tune on her keytar and Sunset played a cord on her guitar. Everyone turned to the barn entrance, as Leo and Princess Twilight danced in and started to sing.


It's a beautiful night

We're looking for something dumb to do

Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you

[Princess Twilight]

Is it the look in your eyes?

Or is it this dancing juice?

Who cares, baby?

I think I wanna marry you

Then Sci-Twi and Timber danced in followed by Carter and Buffy and each couple a sang next.

[Sci-Twi (with Timber)]

Well, I know this little chapel on the boulevard

We can go-o-oh (go-o-oh)

No one will know-o-oh (know-o-oh)

[Timber (with Sci-Twi)]

Oh come on, girl! (girl)


Who cares if we're trashed?

Got a pocket full of cash

[Carter and Buffy (with Sapphire and Wallflower)]

We can blow-o-oh (blow-o-oh)

Shots of patro-o-on (patro-o-on)

As they danced, they lifted their arms up as Zach and Angel tangoed underneath.


Ah! And it's on, girl!

Then April and Donnie came in and sang next. Then Shini and Mikey.

[Donnie and April]

Don't say no, no, no, no-no

Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah

And we'll go, go, go, go-go


If you're ready

Like I'm ready

[Shinigami (with Mikey)]

'Cause it's a beautiful night

(We're looking for something dumb to do)

Hey, baby!

(I think I wanna marry you)

[Raph and Mona]

Is it the look in your eyes?

Or is it this dancing juice?

Who cares, baby?

I think I wanna marry you

Then Gabby, Casey, Flash, and Sunset sang next. Followed by the Dazzlings, Shadowbolts, and Color Strikes.




I'll go get a ring


Let the choir bells sing

[Casey and Gabby (with the Rainbooms)]

Like o-o-ooh (o-o-ooh),

So whatcha wanna do-o-oh (do-o-oh)?


Let's just run, girl!


If we wake up

And we wanna break up

[Flash and Sunset (Rock N' Beats)]

That's co-o-ol (co-o-ol).

No, I won't blame you-o-oh (you-o-oh)

[Flash and the Rainbooms]

Ahh, it was fun, girl!

[Dazzlings, Shadowbolts, and the Color Strikes]

Don't say no, no, no, no-no

Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah

And we'll go, go, go, go-go

[Amethyst Majesty]

If you're ready

Like I'm ready


'Cause it's a beautiful night

We're looking for something dumb to do

Hey, baby, I think I wanna marry you

Is it the look in your eyes?

Or is it this dancing juice?

Who cares, baby?

I think I wanna marry you

Then Sid came in, dancing down the isle and up to the altar, where he and Casey locked fists.

[Keno (with Fun Time Rush)]

Just say I (do-oh-o-oh)


Tell me right now baby


Tell me right now baby, baby

Then the CMC as the flower girls, skipped in throwing flower petals while Robyn danced down the isle and up to the altar, where she and April hugged, before she and Sid held hands.

[Burne (with the CMC)]

Just say I (do-oh-o-oh)


Tell me right now baby


Tell me right now baby, baby, oh

Kirby smiled happily at his eldest daughter before glancing at Sid's parents. They were happy for their son, but terrified at having Leatherhead sit in between them.


Cause it's a beautiful night

We're looking for something dumb to do

Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you

(Leo: Ah!) Is it the look in your eyes?

Or is it this dancing juice?

Who cares baby?

I think I wanna marry you

Everyone applauded and the teens bowed for their musical performance.

Celestia came forward and announced, “Please be seated.”

Everyone took their seats and Fugitoid continued, “Family, friends, and loved ones, we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Sid Jones and Robyn O'Neil. Now, if there is anyone present who can show just cause why these two people may not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

Everyone stood silent until Karai was thrown into the barn, smashing the doors. They all looked in horror and gasped as the Turtles, Rainbooms, Shini, and Chaplin went to aid Karai.

“Karai, are you alright?” Chaplin asked.

Karai dryly answered, “They're here.”

Then, a bunch of smoke pellets were thrown inside.

Raph coughed, “What the shell is going on here?!”

Out of the smoke entered the Green Ranger Cyber Shredder. He said, “Your all, awaited demise.”

“Bulk, I think we should run!” Skull suggested, feeling scared.

“Agreed!” Bulk replied in worry and ran away from the barn along with Skull.

As the smoke cleared, Rita, Goldar, Baboo, Squatt, Stockman, Pimiko, Groundchuck, Dirtbag, and the rest of the Putty Foot Elite soldiers stood alongside Green Ranger Cyber Shredder.

“Shredder and Rita working together?!” Bishop questioned.

Zack and Big Mac answered, “Eeyup.”

Sunset ordered, “We have to get the civilians to safety. Pronto!”

“We'll take care of it,” Ms. Nowhere answered. “All units, get the civilians to safety, now!”

Her agents nodded and they started evacuating the civilians to safety.

“Alright, guys!” Jason called.

Leo and Jason shouted, “It's Morphin' Time!”






The Turtles morphed into their Turtle Ranger forms and the Rainbooms morphed into their Equestrian Ranger forms. The Racers, Wondercolts, Shadowbolts, Rock N’ Beats, Equestrians, and the rest of the Ninjas’ allies became surprised that the Ninjas’ new friends and the Rainbooms morphed into Power Rangers.

“I don't believe it!” Goldar said.

Rita wondered, “But how? The Shredder took your powers away!”

“That's what you think!” Billy answered.

“But once a ranger,” Jason vowed.

The Power Rangers shouted, “Always a ranger!”

Green Ranger Cyber Shredder commented, “This outcome makes no difference. Attack!”

Together along with their allies fought against Rita and Green Ranger Cyber Shredder’s army.

“Um, we'll be right by the trees for moral support,” Squatt informed the villains.

“Yeah, good luck!” Baboo gave the villains two thumbs-up before he and Squatt hid by the trees.

Karai stood up and raced over her friends to help, only for Pimiko to tackle her.

“This is becoming more and more pointless, sis. When will you ever stop fighting your own flesh and blood? It doesn't have to end this way.” Karai questioned Pimiko.

Pimiko just attacked until she got on top of Karai. She acted like she was about to stab her, but she just threw her sword away. “There! I finally beat you!”

“I don't understand. I thought you were going to kill me.”

Pimiko explained, “I thought about what you said before…”

“And…” Karai wondered.

“You were right. But that doesn't mean your innocent.”

Karai retorted, “Me?! I'm not the one who caused all this havoc just to win in a stupid fight!”

“Do not tell me what's stupid or what I want!” Pimiko cried.

“I don't need to tell you! It's obvious!” Karai shouted.

Pimiko continued, “You were the one who wanted to win! I just wanted a sister!” Karai was surprised to hear Pimiko’s revelation. “You were right. We were just cannon fonder to him.” Karai continued to listen to Pimiko. “And after he died, I was angry for a different reason. You had your brothers and friends... People who cared and loved you! I had no one but my own anger! I'm sorry!”

Karai hugged Pimiko after that. She told her, “They could be your friends, too.”

“Really?” Pimkio asked, tearfully.

“Yeah... But right now we have enemies to stop!” Karai raced back to help her friends, leaving Pimiko to think deep until she got up and left the barn.

Back to Rita and Green Ranger Cyber Shredder, they walked towards the Turtles and Rainbooms while knocking off some of the heroes’ allies out of their way.

“I don't remember getting your RSVP, bucket for brains!” Rainbow growled.

“How about we call this a wedding objection!” Green Ranger Cyber Shredder said.

Rita noticed, “And I see that you girls got yourself an upgrade.”

“Yeah. We look morphenomenal!” Pinkie cheered.

“You always spoke highly of friendship and magic,” Rita added, “Bleh! It's disgusting!” The Rainbooms growled after hearing what Rita said. The space witch continued, “And as for you, the Turtles. The freaks who protect the very people who hate them.” The Turtles clenched their weapons firmly as Rita continued. “Tell me something boys and girls… is that going to be your legacy? To come all the way here just to die alone with no recognition or reward?”

“If it means people like you never showing mercy on the innocent, then yes!” Raph answered back.

“He is right!” Rita and Shredded turned around to see Princess Twilight and the Power Rangers. She continued, “We'll never stopping protecting the innocent, fighting for our beliefs, and the loved ones we care about.”

Jason stated, “Because that's what heroes do for a living.”

“So be it then, heroes! Stop us if you can!” Green Ranger Cyber Shredder vowed.

“With pleasure!” Sunset replied and the villains took the fight against the heroes.

“Stay back! I'm warning you! You wouldn't like a bride getting all angry, would ya?” Robyn defended herself with a long candle holder against three Putties.

Then, Sid came to the rescue and took down three Putties. “Robyn, are you alright?”

“I'm fine. I can't believe they ruined our wedding!” Robyn cried.

“I know. Never thought this day would happen.” Sid then saw more Putties coming towards them.

Robyn passed Sid another candle holder, “You're going to need this, hun.”

“Thanks, babe.”

Robyn kissed him on the cheek, “Now let's go kick their butts together.”

“You got it!” Sid acknowledged and the couple fought off some more Putties.

Ms. Nowhere, Gary, Chaplin, the Racers, and the Dazzlings, and the Shadowbolts fought off against the Putties inside the barn until Usagi showed up to help them.

“Is anyone hurt?” Usagi asked.

Tony replied, “Nope, we're all good, Mr. Peter Cottontail.”

Usagi raised an eyebrow, not understanding the joke.

“It's a joke. You'll get use to it,” Echo replied, kicking down another Putty.

“And here I thought Michelangelo was hard to understand,” Usagi thought to himself before he resumed fighting.

Echo used her break-dancing skills and kicked two more Putties down.

“Sweet dance moves. Interested in taking hip-hop kido class?” Zack noticed.

“Never heard of hip-hop kido before, Black Ranger, but I'll think about it,” Echo answered and sidestepped a punch from another Putty.

“Alright. If you say so.” Zack nodded and spin kicked the Putty down.

“You know, when I woke up today, I really didn't think I'd be fighting a golden gorilla from the moon,” Casey commented, fighting Goldar with a hockey stick.

“Hi-yah!” Kimberly took down a Putty. She replied, “Believe me, you never get use to it.”

While Jason and Trini helped Bebop and Rocksteady take down Groundchuck and Dirtbag, Billy and Zack charged right at the Green Ranger Cyber Shredder, getting ready to jump over him after he knocked down the Turtles.

“Give up the Power Coin, Shredder!” Billy demanded.

Zack added, “Yeah, green and purple is not a good look for you…”

Suddenly, Shredder punched Zack while Billy jumped over him. Shredder said, “Your skills are as weak as your bravado, Rangers. Do you honestly think you can best me in hand-to -hand combat?”

Zack replied, “Don't have to. We just need to keep you occupied long enough to distract you.”

“…!” Green Ranger Cyber Shredder turned around to see Billy holding Tommy’s Power Morpher.

“Tommy… now!” Billy signaled and Tommy used Billy’s invention to power down the Green Ranger Cyber Shredder.

“AHHHHH!” Cyber Shredder no longer had the Green Power Coin.

Tommy chuckled, “I was expecting a little more resilience from a ninja master like you. Now let's see if I can finally dent that helmet of yours… SI-YAAAH!” He punched Shredder in the face afterwards.

“Boy, did I miss this,” Tommy picked up his morpher. “However… I can't because my arm is broke, thanks of you, Shredder. So… Karai.”

Karai appeared and Tommy told her, “I want you borrow my morpher. Fight him for me.”

Tommy offered her his morpher and Karai took it. He told her, “You got this, Karai. We believe in you.”

Karai nodded and stood face-to-face with his father. “This is for Splinter. It's Morphin' Time!”


She activate Tommy’s morpher and she was transformed into the Green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.

Cyber Shredder commented, “Clearly, I spoiled you too much.”

“No more games, father. Let's end this. Once and for all!” Karai armed herself with the Dragon Dagger, getting into her fighting pose.

“For once, I agree with you, daughter.” Cyber Shredder got up and stood toe-to-toe with her daughter one last time.

Raph and few ran to help, only for Leo to stop them. Leo told them, “This is her fight, not ours.“

The rest of his brothers nodded.

“Yes, I agree with you. But now, you have to deal with me.” Rita swooped in and was ready to use her scepter. “Say bye, bye, freaks.”

“Hey! Hands off on my friends, space witch!” Princess Twilight jump kicked Rita on the side and fell down.

Leo smiled, “Thanks for the save, Twi.”

Princess Twilight replied, “You're welcome, Leo. The barn is getting too crowded. You guys handle Rita and Shredder. The Rainbooms and I will get the rest of our friends to safety.”

“You will handle nothing!” Cyber Shredder vowed, spin kicking Karai. He then walked over to the piano and carried it, “Your attempts to defeat me have only made me faster, stronger!” Shredder threw the piano at the Turtles and Karai, and Rita used her wave of magic to levitate Princess Twilight, the Rainbooms and Power Rangers, sending them flying out of the barn. Cyber Shredder continued, “And it will cost you everything.”

The barn was packed with Putties and the allies were doing everything they can to stop them. Cyber Shredder approached Stockman and informed him, “It is time.”

Stockman nodded and called the rest of Shredder’s army, “Move out!”

Groundchuck, Dirtbag, Goldar, Stockman, and the Putties retreated as Rita and Cyber Shredder started to take down the pegs of the barn. The structure of the barn was about to collapse and the allies panicked while running towards the exit.

“Farewell, worms!” Cyber Shredder said before kicking down the last peg.

The allies were trapped while the villains watched the barn collapsed onto them.

“NO!” The Turtles, Rainbooms, Rangers, Karai, and Princess Twilight shouted in horror. They all ran to look at the damage, but it was too late.

Baboo and Squatt cheered and wooed while Cyber Shredder sinisterly laughed, “And now it is your turn to perish!”

Then, the heroes heard something moving from the rubble.

Leo told his friends, “Guys, look. Something's still moving in there.”

Spike sniffed, “Yeah, I'm sensing life inside there.”

Jason informed everyone, “Twilight, Donnie, Spike, Billy, go check it out. The rest of us will deal with Rita and Shredder.”

Spike and his friends ran towards the barn and saw an opening. They took a look and saw Ryder using a force field from his Superhero suit. Plus, the Paw Patrol were there in their Mighty Pup outfits.

“Fascinating!” Billy said in amazement.

“Ryder! Paw Patrol! You all made it!” Spike cheered.

Marshall answered, “Yep, we sure did.”

“But how?” Donnie questioned.

Ryder explained, “Nowhere called and informed us about what happened.”

Chase vowed, “We'll get you all out of this mess.”

“But hurry, this force field won't hold much longer,” Skye informed everyone.

“Everyone out, NOW!” Nowhere called and all of the allies ran towards the exit. Ryder made it out last before he deactivated the force field and the barn collapsed.

However, the allies were surrounded by the rest of Rita and Shredder’s army. Goldar ordered, “Finish them!”

“Stand your ground, lads!” Rocksteady shouted. “Get ready!”

“So, how do we beat Shredder and Rita this time?” Applejack asked while fighting against Goldar.

“We'll have to give everything we got. Use your special attacks and weapons,” Leo answered.

“You don't have to tell me twice. Power Axe!” Zack swung his axe on three Putties.

The allies continued their fight against the Putties as most of them piled onto Slash and Leatherhead, but their brute strength managed to break the pile of Putties.

Casey and Sid stood back-to-back against a couple of Putties. Sid asked, “So, what do you think of the odds are of us getting through this?”

The Joneses punched a couple of the Putties and two more were about to jump on them until Rockwell used his mind to levitate the two Putties and sent them flying. He said, “Statistically speaking, bad.”

“There's too many of them!” Amethyst called, fighting against one Putty.

Sensei Wisecrack agreed, helping his twin brother fight, “It's like we're living in a zombie movie except these clay things aren't zombies.”

Aska slashed a Putty with her kunais and reminded him, “They're called Putties!”

“Just keep fighting, my students!” Sensei Qucikstrike called.

“Yes sensei!” The Fushigi Warriors (Amethyst Majesty, Aska, Shining Star, Zap Jam, Sweet Bolt, Bright Idea, and Button Mash) shouted in unison and continued fighting against the Putties.

“We need more reinforcements!” Sapphire suggested, helping Wallflower fight against a Putty.

Wallflower added, “Badly!”

Casey and Sid took down a couple more Putties until Casey saw something coming. “Yeah, well, I'd say they just got a little better. Look!” He pointed up to the sky and saw a team of superheroes coming towards the battlefield. Casey called, “It's the Justice Force!”

Baboo and Squatt looked up to see the Justice Force in the sky.

“Oh c'mon!” Baboo complained.

Squatt shouted, “That's not fair!”

“Sorry we're late,” Silver Sentry said and knocked down a bunch of Putties in his way.

Technologirl approached Sid and gave him a present, “Oh, and congratulations from all of us.”

“Thanks,” Sid replied.

Technologirl used her giant mech suit to punch four more Putties and the rest of the Justice Force helped the Ninjas’ allies turned the tide of their battle against the Putties.

Meanwhile, Bebop and Rocksteady continued fighting against Dirtbag and Groundchuck in a stalemate.

“You're gonna pay for turning us into freaks,” Groundchuck vowed.

“What? We did not. Right, Bebop?” Rocksteady asked.

Bebop was about to remark until he remembered what they inadvertently nailed them. “Oops.”

“Da? Got something on your mind?” Rocksteady asked.

“We did inadvertently mutate them,” Bebop told him.

“See what I mean, dumb dumb?” Dirtbag said.

Bebop apologized, “Hey, it was an accident! Alright, we're sorry!”

Groundchuck angrily replied, “Sorry? You want to say sorry?! Well you and your partner shouldn't have drop a vial of ooze on us in the first place!”

“You talk too much,” Rocksteady punched Groundchuck in the face.

“Sheesh, big or small? An accident is an accident,” Bebop turned invisible and kicked Dirtbag on the side.

Spike used his Pup-Fu skills on one Putty Foot Soldier and another until he saw a small tidal wave that was summoned by Alim, trapping the Putties, going to hit Everest from behind.

“Everest, behind you!” Spike called.

Everest turned around and used her freeze breath to freeze the wave of Putties that was behind her.

“Woah, awesome wave, dude!” Zuma complimented.

Alim replied, “Thank you, small creature.”

“Thanks, Spike.”

Spike smiled, “You're welcome, Everest.”

The rest of the Paw Patrol used their powers to trap and take down the Putties as well.

“Wish I have powers like them,” Spike thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Goldar swung his sword to attack Billy, but he dodged it with a cartwheel and Goldar swung his sword again at Zack, but he dodged it with his hip-hop kido moves, and the two Rangers kicked him on the chest.

“Hi-yah!” Zack and Billy yelled.

However, that only made Goldar mad until Jason jumped in. “Power Sowrd!” Zack hit the monster with his Power Sword on Goldar’s back.

Goldar stumbled a bit as Trini and Kimberly got their blade blasters up.

“Fire!” Trini and Kimberly fired lasers at Goldar with their Blade Blasters.

After that, Tommy shouted repeatedly, “Hi-yah!” He kicked Goldar’s sword out of his hand and gave Goldar some kicks to the side and front until Tommy kicked him in the face, knocking him down.

“C'mon Goldar, get up!” Squatt yelled.

“Don't let those pesky Rangers beat you!” Baboo stated.

However, Goldar slowly managed to get up after the Rangers’ punches and kicks.

“It's not over yet! Tower formation!” Jason ordered, arming himself with his blade blaster.

The blue and black Power Rangers brought out their blade blasters as well.

Billy and Trini nodded, “Right!”

Zack and Kimberly acknowledged, “Ready!”

“Okay, we're in position!” Trini called.

The Rangers shouted, “NOW!” They formed a standing tower with Trini and Kimberly standing on the shoulders of Jason, Billy, and Zack. After that, the tips of their blasters were pointed together to create a pyramid-shaped energy blast.

“Power up!” Jason ordered.

The Power Rangers yelled in unison, “FIRE!!”

The Rangers fired their pyramid-shaped energy blast at Goldar, taking massive damage to him. After that, Goldar fell down in defeat.

Baboo and Squatt watched from afar and groaned.

“Oh c'mon!” Baboo said, throwing his popcorn down on the ground.

Squatt agreed, “Not fair! Not fair!”

Zack announced, “Goldar, zero. Rangers, one.”

Meanwhile, Mr. Stockman took on the Turtles and deflected their weapons because of his armored suit.

“You just don't know when to catch a break, do you Mr. Rockman?” Raph questioned.

“IT'S BAXTER STOCKMAN!” Stockman reminded them, angrily.

Mikey chimed in, “We were just throwing a wedding for our friends until you and your little Foot experiments showed up.”

Stockman faked his ignorance, “I don't know what you're talking about. Plus, this is a gift to the newly weds.”

“Putties wearing Foot Clan gear? That sounds suspicious to me,” Donnie stated.

Leo added, “Worst. Present. Ever.”

Stockman sighed, “Okay, fine. Not the best present, but I named these soldiers, the Putty Foot Elite.”

“Next time, leave the naming to Mikey,” Donnie reminded him, continuing to attack Stockman.

“Whatever,” Stockman replied, dodging Donnie’s Power Staff. “But how did you reptiles become Power Rangers?”

“We ain't telling you a single thing, Baxter! Take this” Donnie hit Stockman with his Power Staff.

“And remember to watch your back!” Raph slashed Stockman’s jetpack from the back with his Power Sais, leaving it to go haywire and Stockman couldn't control flying his suit.

“I'll get you for this…” Stockman vowed while flying uncontrollably,

“Let's hit him with our finishing maneuver!” Raph called.

The rest of his brothers nodded and all four of the Turtles came leaping in all different directions and all turned around in mid air, shouting, “SHELL SHOCK!” And slammed their shells right into Stockman’s armored suit.

Stockman fell down and groaned in pain after that.

As for Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Rainbooms, they were fighting against Rita.

Rarity and Princess Twilight projected a force field with their magic, protecting her friends and deflected Rita’s dark magic attacks. “That's right! Hide like a little spineless coward. Just like Princess Celestia!”

“Don't you dare talk to Princess Celestia like that!” Princess Twilight shouted back.

“Ah, so Celestia has a new student! Perhaps I'll let you watch as I turn her into a stone statue right next to Discord!”

Princess Twilight was mad and confused, but then she had an idea. “Wow, you're seriously behind. Discord busted out of his prison months ago.”

Rita’s face turned into sheer terror. “He's… He's free?!”

Princess Twilight continued, “Yeah. He was evil at first, but then he reformed and helped us from time to time. “

“Impossible!” Rita bluffed.

Rainbow sped up all the way behind Rita and Rainbow jump kicked her from behind, interrupting her attack.

“Agh!” Rita yelped until she noticed Rainbow. “Why you little rat!” She started attacking Rainbow with her dark magic attacks with her scepter, but Rainbow kept dodging with her super speed.

“Can't catch me! Too slow! Right here!” Rainbow repeatedly shouted before she shook her butt.

Rita focused her attacks on Rainbow, “Hold... still!”

Rainbow called, “Tag out!”

“WHEEEEE!!” Pinkie jumped in. “Smokescreen!” She threw a bunch of cupcakes with her magical touch and it exploded near Rita, creating a pink smokescreen to blind her.

“I can't see!” Rita coughed.

“Then you ain't seeing this bull charging!” Applejack hit Rita with a shoulder tackle, blindsiding Rita.

“Take this!” Rarity summoned a diamond and pushed Rita as well. “That's for ruining a great wedding for our friends!”

“Attack, my squirrels!” Fluttershy called.

Rita became swarmed by squirrels and she said, “AH! Get off of me, you little pests!”

While Rita was distracted, Sunset asked, “You want the honors, Twilight?”

“Are you talking to me?” Princess Twilight and Sci-Twi asked in unison, pointing to each other.

“The Princess,” Sunset answered.


Sci-Twi offered her counterpart her weapon, “Take my weapon, too. Double the damage.”

“Thanks,” Princess Twilight nodded and rushed towards Rita. She jumped up and was ready to go for the final blow on the space witch. However, Rita saw her and charged her scepter up.

“ENOUGH!” Rita stomped her staff, creating a shockwave to knockoff the squirrels, Princess Twilight, and the Rainbooms. “No more games!” She used a spell to summon Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna in chains. “Now tell me where the portal to Equestria is, or these two imposters will taste my wrath!”

“Unhand us, you ungrateful, space witch!” Principal Celestia demanded.

Vice Principal Luna struggled, “Girls… don't tell her!”

Rita demanded, “I know the portal is somewhere at your high school, but I don't know exactly where! TELL ME!”

Meanwhile, Karai dueled her father again. Before Karai swung her Dragon Dagger at him, Cyber Shredder swung his gauntlets at his daughter. They clashed together until they were a stalemate.

“After all I've done for you... THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME!?” Cyber Shredder vented.

“You took everything from me!” Karai was going to attack again, but Pimiko appeared to protect Cyber Shredder.

Cyber Shredder told her, “Thanks for coming to my aid. Now finish her.”

Pimiko thought for a second until she tossed flashbangs at Cyber Shredder, blindsiding him. Then, she slashed his armor with her katana, but it was too strong. For a brief minute, Shredder blocked Pimiko’s sword with his gauntlet.

“What is the meaning of this, Pimiko!?”

“Getting payback for ruining my childhood.” Pimiko answered.

“You will pay for double-crossing me! And for that, you will die along with your sister!” Cyber Shredder vowed until he blocked Karai’s dagger with his other gauntlet.

Karai asked her sister, “Pimiko, where's the weak spot on this machine?”

“Left ankle!”

Karai listened and used the Dragon Dagger and slashed the left ankle, damaging Cyber Shredder.

Pimiko continued, “Right shoulder has a direct connection to his weapons.”

Karai damaged the right shoulder of Cyber Shredder and all of his weapons got jammed in place.

“Top of the head is the main CPU,” Pimiko said.

Karai was ready to destroy the main CPU, but Cyber Shredder threw Pimiko at her sister, colliding onto each other and fell into the ground.

Cyber Shredder commented, “No use. You two will forever be a disgrace to my family.”

“Your family? YOUR FAMILY?!” Pimiko sweated, stood up and clashed her sword with Shredder’s gauntlets again.

Karai clashed with Shredder’s gauntlets again with the Dragon Dagger, “How many lives have you taken?! How many homes have you destroyed?! Heck, you weren't even my father to begin with because you murdered my parents and you took my childhood away from me! Including Pimiko's!”

Cyber Shredder grabbed Karai's neck and picked her up. He told her, “Shame this has to end like this. But I guess it's unavoidable. The war is over. Give up now and I will spare your life along with Pimiko's.”

Pimiko saw some exposed electric wires and had a plan.

Karai replied, struggled to breath, “That's the one thing… I'll never do.”

Cyber Shredder frustratingly sighed, “Then I guess this is over.”

“Yeah... For you!”

Pimiko thrust the wires onto Cyber Shredder and electrocuted him. Karai pried herself free as Pimiko called her, “Karai! Give me a hand with this!”

Karai slashed Shredder with the Dragon Dagger, taking more damage, and Karai followed it up with a kick to the Shredder’s chest, sending him down to the ground.

“You look terrible… in green,” Pimiko panted for air.

Karai panted, “And you smell like… burnt meat.”

For the first time ever, the two of them actually laughed together.

Cyber Shredder slowly got up and panted. “I won't lose to the likes of my enemies like you. And when I'm finished with each and everyone of you, I will take over this world, the universe, and every dimension that you all hold so dearly and I will be its ruler!”

Pimiko and Karai responded, “Ugh, SHUT UP!!!”

The two sisters worked together and attacked Cyber Shredder with their weapons.

Back to the Rainbooms, they were at a precarious decision as Rita continued to chain Celestia and Luna as hostages.

“What should we do now?” Sci-Twi whispered. “One wrong move and both of our principals are done for.”

Princess Twilight sighed, “Okay, I'll tell you. After all... Master Sombra needs new servants.”

Rita’s eyes shrunk in terror after hearing that name.

“Master? What are...” Sunset questioned until Princess Twilight secretly did the 'Play Along' hand gesture.

Sunset nodded as Princess Twilight continued, “Allow me to properly introduce myself. Twilight Sparkle, Dark Disciple of the Great King Sombra.” While Princess Twilight was secretly directing Pinkie and Rainbow Dash to get behind Rita, she continued, “My master instructed me to find the Power Coin so he may finally conquer what remains of Equestria. But having you in chains would definitely bring a smile to his face.”

While Princess Twilight described the Sombra’s Future, Rita started to terrifyingly believe in her while Pinkie and Rainbow Dash got into position.

Princess Twilight offered Rita, “You have two choices: Stand down and submit quietly or I bring you to my master in chains!”

“No, anything but that.” Rita was backed into the ambush spot. She knelt down to her knees, “Oh please, don't deliver me to Sombra!”

Princess Twilight got serious until she laughed.

Rita became confused, “What? What's so funny?”

“Oh, you just fell right into a ninja’s trap: Deception. GIRLS, NOW!” Princess Twilight signaled.

Pinkie and Rainbow dropkicked Rita from behind and the sisters were freed from Rita’s spell. Celestia and Luna then stomped on her feet.

“Ow!” Rita yelped in pain.

They side kicked her on the gut and followed it up with a double hip toss, slamming Rita down on the ground.

Rita groaned in pain, “You... you tricked me.”

Princess Twilight replied, “More like telling you half the truth. Which the half means it is not true.”

Rainbow swooped in and grabbed the two sisters away from Rita with her super speed. Rainbow instructed them, “You two get to safety, we'll handle it from here.”

Celestia nodded, “Okay, thank you.”

As the two sisters left, the Rainbooms and Princess Twilight charged right at Rita to defeat her.

Baboo and Squatt watched as Rita and Shredder continued getting beaten up along with the Putties by the heroes. So, they came up with a decision.

“And… that's our cue to leave, Squatt.”

“Agreed, Baboo.”

The two climbed down the tree until they bumped into Bulk and Skull, who was watching the battle behind their tree. The four idiots looked at each other before Bulk and Skull asked together, “What are you doing here?”

Baboo said, “That's what we're going to say.”

“What are you doing here?” Squatt asked them too.

“Well… we're stopping you from running away!” Bulk answered, grabbing a piece of wood.

“Y-Yeah, what he said!” Skull nodded, grabbing a piece of wood as well. “We're not afraid of you!”

Chase then noticed that Baboo and Squatt were confronting Bulk and Skull. He barked, “Ruff! Net!” Chase’s pup pack activated his net launcher and fired a net.

Bulk and Skull charged right after Baboo and Squatt, but they moved aside, letting Bulk and Skull get captured by a net.

“Hey!” Bulk and Skull yelled.

Chase apologized, “Whoops, sorry.”

Baboo laughed, “Hahahahaha! Too easy.”

“Let's get out of here, Baboo!” Squatt called.


“Uh-oh, they're escaping!” Chase called.

“On it!” Spike heard him and ran after Baboo and Squatt.

Commedically, the two of them ran in terror from a talking dog, 1/10th their size.

Skye flew in and saw the two running away from Spike in the forest. “Time to blow you two away,” Skye generated two small tornadoes and it picked up Baboo and Squatt, spinning them around.

“W-woah! I'm feeling dizzy!” Baboo said.

“M-Me too!” Squatt agreed.

The little tornadoes sent Baboo and Squatt back to the field and Chase saw an opening. “Net!” Chase signaled and his net launcher shot a net at Rita’s henchmen, capturing them.

Spike met up with Chase and Skye. Chase told them, “Skye, Spike, thanks for your help.”

Skye bowed, “You're welcome, Chase.”

“No problem, pal.” Spike nodded.

“Oh, c'mon!” Baboo complained.

Squatt commented, “Bad doggies! Bad!”

“We're not the bad dogs around here. You guys are the bad dogs here! Did I say that right?” Spike wondered.

Chase and Skye laughed after that.

Meanwhile, Karai and Pimiko jump kicked Cyber Shredder, sending him flying down to the ground where Rita was.

Rita confessed, “Ugh, I am starting to think this partnership isn't going to work out.”

“Agreed,” Cyber Shredder replied.

The Rangers, Rainbooms, and Turtles assembled together, surrounding and trapping Rita and Cyber Shredder.

“Alright, everyone, let's finish this!” Karai stated!

Everyone shouted, “Right!”

The five Power Rangers brought out their special weapons first.






They combined their weapons and formed the Power Blaster.

“Power Blaster!” The Power Rangers called while the Rainbooms and Turtles combined their magical powers too, locking their sights on Rita and Cyber Shredder.

“Target locked!” Sunset called.

“Give 'em everything we got!” Leo ordered.

Karai vowed, “This is for my birth parents!”

Pimiko shouted, “This is for taking away my childhood!”

Rita looked in worry, “Uh-oh.”

The Rainbooms, Turtles, and Power Rangers yelled together, “FIRE!!!”

The heroes fired their final, powerful, energy beams at Rita and Cyber Shredder. However, Goldar swooped in to rescue Rita at the very last second.

“What?!” Cyber Shredder reacted.

While Baboo and Squatt escaped from the net and chased after Goldar and Rita off the O'Neil Farm, Cyber Shredder got hit with the powerful beam from the combined forces of his sworn enemies. He screamed in agony and pain as cracks started to form within him. The rest of the allies and Putty Foot Elite stopped fighting as they watched the heroes blast Cyber Shredder.

“BOOYAKASHA!” The heroes shouted as well.

The heroes stopped firing and turned around for their battle pose. As for Cyber Shredder, he fell down to the ground until he exploded, destroying what was left of him. Plus, the Putty Foot Elite faded away thanks to Rita’s spell. The allies cheered and ran up to the Rangers to congratulate them.

Leo stated, “Finally. Shredder’s reign of terror is over. Again.”

While they continued celebrating, Pimiko walked into the forest, away from them.

Karai saw Pimiko and ran after her. She stopped and said, “My friends would very much be open to you now that Shredder is gone.”

“I don't know, sis,” Pimiko stated. “They'll eventually arrest me for all the trouble I have caused since I first met you guys.”

“Doubt it. They have a knack for being friends with enemies.”

“Maybe another day, Karai. I just need to clear my head first.”

Karai nodded, “I understand, Pimiko.”

Pimiko smiled as she walked away until she vanished into the forest.

“Til we meet again, sister.” Karai bowed before heading back to her friends at the O'Neil Farm.

Leo saw Karai and asked, “Everything okay, Karai?”

Karai answered, “Yeah, but let's not worry about that now.“

“Hey, guys! I think I finally figured out how to tie this thing.” Sid called as he showed Stockman with his hands tied up in a bowtie behind his back.

“Nice work, cuz,” Casey smiled, giving him a thumbs-up.

Robyn tearfully ran up to Sid, “Oh, Sid.” She hugged him and Sid hugged her back.

Silver Sentry then flew in with a tied up Groundchuck and Dirtbag in a rope. “Now then, let's not let a few bad apples ruin all the fun. I believe there's a wedding to be finished.”

“Yeah, about that.” Fugitoid called. “The barn is destroyed.”

Sunset assured him, “Don't worry about it, Fugitoid. We can take the wedding outside.”

Stockman, Groundchuck, and Dirtbag nervously laughed.

“Uh… is it too late to say sorry about the wedding?” Stockman sheepishly asked. “Cause we are definitely sorry about your wedding. Shredder forced us to follow through with his plan.”

Mona wrapped her fists together, “My wedding gift was a decorative dagger. Along with Sal's. But we'll gladly take these wedding crashers out in the trash.”

“Agreed,” Sal Commander nodded.

“Hold on, you two,” Ms. Nowhere put a hand on her shoulder, smirking. “I think I have a better idea.”

Minutes later, the Agency agents watched Stockman, Groundchuck, and Dirtbag cleaned up the area and rebuild the farm in their prison clothes and shock collars.

One of the agents held up an E-pad and Ms. Nowhere appeared onscreen. She said, “That's it, boys. Keep cleaning and don't miss a single spot in the O'Neil Farm! YOU HEAR?!”

The three villains answered, sadly, “Yes, Ms. Nowhere.”

“Do we get a piece of that wedding cake after this?” Stockman begged.

“Not a chance, slimeball! You reap what you sow!” Ms. Nowhere yelled, making Stockman scared.

“Nowhere! The wedding's about to start again!” Gary called offscreen.

“Gotta go. I'll see you three idiots locked up in a cell later.” Ms. Nowhere turned off her phone after that.

The wedding between Sid and Robyn was at the beach in Canterlot and it was about to start as numerous allies from different dimensions watched from afar by the use of Mick Kanic’s buzzcams. From the Ninja Steel Rangers, Ultimate Daimyo and his son, the Utrom Council, The Bat Family, G.I. Joe, Tiger Claw, and Alopex to Cody Jones.

Renet watched behind the palm tree and cried in tears, “No matter how many times I've been to a wedding, it always makes me cry.”

Fugitoid announced, “And so, by the powers vested in me, by all the planets and dimensions in the universe, it gives me great pleasure to pronounce you, Sid Jones and Robyn O'Neil, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Sid and Robyn tearfully kissed and as the sun was setting down, everyone cheered and applauded for the newlyweds and all was right in the world.

Minutes later, Rita and her henchmen arrived back at the Moon Palace.

Rita vented, “I can't believe we lost to those pathetic brats again.”

Goldar told her, “We will have our revenge next time, your highness.”

“We will find a way to enter Dimension X. Mark my words, you teenage insects!” Rita vowed.

Then, Finster ran towards Rita from the door, “Your highness!”

“What is it, Finster?”

“You have a visitor,” Finster answered.

The door opened as Rita and her henchmen looked to see a tall, demon wearing a samurai-like armor.

Rita greeted the demon, “Ah, Serrator. Didn't expect you to come here just now. What brings you here?”

Master Xandred explained, “I've been waiting for a while and it tested my patience. But now that you're here, let's talk some business.”

“Hmm, interesting. Go on,” Rita replied.

Meanwhile, in an unknown dimension, a white Power Ranger with gold and green armor sat on his throne, watching the footage of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fighting against Goldar and the Putties. As well as a the Turtles, Karai, and Rainbooms trying to stop Rita and Cyber Shredder at the O'Neil Farm with their new Ranger powers.

“Interesting...” the Power Ranger said to himself, with curiosity. “They could've been gods with those powers.”

Author's Note:
  • The chapter is heavily inspired and based off from the final 2003 TMNT series’ episode, Wedding Bells and Bytes.
  • The interaction between Karai and Pimiko is based on Gamora and Nebula’s interaction from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
  • Spike chasing after Baboo and Squatt is based on Groot chasing after a Ravager goon, also from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
  • The song, Marry You, was sung by Bruno Mars.
  • The first epilogue scene is directly tied to Equestria Ninja Girls: Samurai Showdown.

In loving memory of Jason David Frank. You will always be a legend in our hearts.

“Once a Ranger, Always a Ranger.”

Comments ( 10 )

That was some wedding. And a big farewell to Jason David Frank

Pretty solid work.

I thought it was going to be a bit longer, but still, you delivered.

Pretty awesome stuff.

Very good ending, I really liked the development of the chapter, I really liked that Tommy gave his morpher to Karai, it reminded me of when Jack gave his morpher to Sky to defeat Mirlok. Just the only observation I have is that in the Samurai Showdown preview the villain I'm using is Serrator.
As for the rest, well done.

Speaking of Cadence and Shining Armor, the two were sitting in a row off to the side. And Shining Armor was crying his eyes out.

Let's hope that the wedding of Human Shining and Dean Cadence will happen soon.

Cyber Shredder slowly got up and panted. “I won't lose to the likes of my enemies like you. And when I'm finished with each and everyone of you, I will take over this world, the universe, and every dimension that you all hold so dearly and I will be its ruler!”

Reference to Across the Shellverse?

Haven’t read that fic. But, I am not sure if that’s a reference to Across the Shellverse.

Really?, I thought it was.

Still not sure if that’s a reference.

Great job!

(Meanwhile, Night Shine was going through Shine Boy's mail.)

Shine Boy: (in the other room) Hey Luke! Anything in the mail?

Night Shine: Nah! Just junk mail! (Tosses it in the trash, unaware he overlooked an invite to Sid and Robyn's wedding.) I wonder when's wrestling?

That was so beautiful...

Love the tribute

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