• Published 14th Jul 2021
  • 2,240 Views, 68 Comments

Mighty Morphin Ninjas - AmethystMajesty25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies join forces with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for one epic team-up against an old enemy from the past.

  • ...

Megazord Battles

In the middle of the night, the Dino Megazord and stood their ground against a giant-sized Groundchuck and Dirtbag at Central Park.

Mikey spoke in an epic, narrating voice, “Four turtles. Two mutants. One giant robot. The fate of millions hang in the…”

April interrupted him, “Mikey! Stop narrating and make sure we don't step on anyone.”

“I don't know if I can, April. This is too epic!” Mikey cheered.

Donnie asked, “Raph, you need any help with the controls?”

“Think I'm getting the hang of it, Donnie. It's just like a button masher,” Raph replied, piloting the Megazord to punch Groundchuck next. “Hit a button, sock a mutant. I could get use to this.”

“Time to bring in the Mega Sword!” Mikey cheered.

Donnie corrected him, “Correction, Mikey. It's called the Power Sword.”

“As long as we get to swing that thing, we can…” Raph and the Turtles were interrupted by incoming missiles, targeting the Megazord from different directions. With his keen sense, Leo pressed some buttons to control the Megazord use the Power Sword to destroy the missiles.

Mikey questioned, “Whoa, what was that?”

“Foolish turtles…”

Suddenly, the Dragonzord appeared and tail swiped the Dino Megazord. Plus, there was a big mind-control chip on the chest of the Dragonzord.

“So much power and this is how you use it,” Green Ranger Cyber Shredder observed his enemy from the rooftop while controlling the Dragonzord. “But don't worry. Soon it won't matter who has the coins because I will be the only one able to wield them.” Green Ranger Cyber Shredder used the Dragon Dagger to play like a flute to control his zord. The Dragonzord hit the Dino Megazord again with its tail, but with more impact, damaging the chest.

“Whoa! Donnie, my controls are down!” Raph exclaimed.

Leo informed everyone, “Power's dropping.”

“Ah, where did all of these sparks come from!?!” Mikey wondered.

The Dino Megazord fell down and the Turtle Rangers were in a pickle after taking a damaging blow from the Dragonzord.

“Donnie, can you get us on our feet?” Leo asked.

“I'm trying, but these controls weren't made for turtle fingers.”

With the Dragonzord, Groundchuck, and Dirtbag surrounding the Dino Megazord, Raph alerted Leo, “Leo, we're about to become the candy in the metal piñata.”

“I can see that,” Leo replied.

“C'mon you guys, we can do this! Brody and the others wouldn't give up; so why should we?!” April exclaimed.

“You're right, April. We can't let our friends and our city down because of us,” Donnie then contacted the Command Center, “Alpha-5, this is Donnie. We could use a little help here.”

Back at the Command Center, Alpha-5 replied, “Roger. I'm attempting to remotely reactivate the control systems. Donatello should have access now.”

Zordon contacted the Power Rangers, “Power Rangers, the Turtles are in need of assistance. Billy, are you in position?”

Billy replied through comms, “We're working on it, Zordon. Just tell them to hold on for as long as they can.”

“Auxiliary power engaged!” Donnie shouted, arming the Dino Megazord’s Power Sword.

Leo ordered, “Great! Raph, dunk that lizard back into the ocean.”

Raph replied, “With pleas…”

The Dragonzord quickly blocked the Power Sword with its tail. Green Ranger Cyber Shredder said, “I would have preferred the Megazord remain intact, but destroying it with you inside will have to suffice,” He called his two henchmen, “Boys, finish them off.”

“Ha! With pleasure, boss!” Dirtbag replied and damaged the Megazord’s leg with his pickaxe, making the Megazord kneel.

“Heads up, shell brains!” Groundchuck rammed the Megazord on the chest with his head, sending it down to the ground.

“I've waited for a long time to finish you off, you pesky brats.” Green Ranger Cyber Shredder told them. “Farewell, Turtles. We both deserve better.”

Then, something big was flying towards the battle. “Well, maybe we can oblige with a little bit of…”

Metalhead flew into battle, giant sized. “…Turtle Power!”

The Turtle Rangers and their enemies were surprised to see Metalhead.

Mikey said, “Whoa, Donnie… is that Metalhead? Did you upgrade him to do that? Because it looks like he's been working out.”

“Turtles, Rainbooms, this is Billy. Do you read me?” Billy asked through the comms.

Sunset answered, “Go ahead, Billy.”

Donnie replied, “We hear ya, Billy. That's a nice ride you got there.”

The Power Rangers were in the cockpit, piloting Metalhead and Billy explained, “It's all thanks to your friendly android and your miniaturizing ray. A few modifications and voilà! Instant emergency Zord at your service!”

Twilight asked, “Is his AI still intact?”

Kimberly answered, “Billy assured us his AI is intact. He's fine.”

“Can you guys maybe geek out later?” Trini asked them.

“Yeah. We've kinda got a city to save!” Zack reminded them.

“Don't worry, Dragonzord! We'll free you when we get the chance.” Jason told the Dragonzord.

“Energy banks charged!” Kimberly shouted.

“Turtle cannons, fire!” The Rangers shouted in unison and fired shots at the Dragonzord.

“Alright, let's get back in the game, Turtle Rangers!” Leo shouted and everyone nodded.

Meanwhile in outer space, Rita looked through her telescope from the Moon Palace. She said, “Huh... I'll give them credit for resourcefulness. However, Canterlot is still vulnerable and the Rangers won't be able to save that town.”

Squatt asked, “So do you have a plan, Rita?”

“Yes I do, you idiot! Now shut up!” Rita yelled and whacked him with her scepter.

“Ow!” Squatt yelped.

“Send out the Putties to the portal! By the time that robo whacko figures out what happened, Equestria will be under our control. And by the time Celestia finds out, she'll be stuck as a statue right next to Discord.”

Baboo asked, “But what about Nightmare Moon? We had a deal with her.”

Rita remembered, “Oh yeah. I forgot about that. I wonder what or how she's doing right now.”

Then, Sunset’s phone rang and answered the call. “Hello?” She called.

“Sunset, this is Karai. Rita just sent an entire army of Putties on Earth and they're are heading towards Canterlot.”

“WHAT?!” Sunset reacted.

Karai continued, “It's true. I'm already heading towards Canterlot, but your friends, family, and Equestria are in danger if we don't act now.”

“Okay. My friends and I will be there to stop them. Thanks for the heads-up.” Sunset hung up her phone and called, “Girls. We need to go back home now.”

Rainbow whined, “Oh c'mon! I was just watching this battle in New York.”

“Rita is advancing on the portal! We need to go NOW!” Sunset ordered.

Rainbow sighed, “Fine. Let's do this!” She turned off the TV and exited the Turtle Lair first as the rest of the Rainbooms followed her.

Fugitoid nodded, “Of course.”

Meanwhile in Canterlot, Karai rushed towards the portal until Pimiko came out of nowhere and tackled her from the side.

“You again?” Karai kicked Pimiko back and performed a kip-up. “Are you really going to make this a habit now?”

Pimiko swept her legs and kicked her back. Then she attacked Karai as girl dodged her strikes.

"Why are you are helping Shredder, Pimiko?" Karai demanded as she blocked and dodged Pimiko's attacks. "What do you hope to gain from him?”

Pimiko headbutted Karai and knocked her down with a kick. “What I want is for you to suffer!”

“Go ahead and try,” Karai told her as she brought out her katana.

Pimiko brought her own katana and the two clashed their swords with one another.

Meanwhile in New York, the Turtle Rangers and Power Rangers continued fighting their enemies with their arsenal, the Dino Megazord and Metalhead.

Leo ordered, “Now hit that button again, Mikey. Keep these two off balance.”

Mikey pressed the button and punched Dirtbag in the face. He exclaimed, “Yeah! How do you like it, Mole Breath?!”

“What makes you think you'll win?” Dirtbag retaliated and continued fighting against the Dino Megazord.

“You mess with the bull, you get the horns, tin turtle!” Groundchuck replied as he charged right at Metalhead.

Metalhead grabbed his horns, blocking his attack. He replied, “Too slow, Bull-Man. But if you want a charge, we'll give you one.”

“AGHHH!” Rocksteady shouted in pain as Metalhead tased him.

Mikey cheered, “Dudes, Groundchuck is down for the count.”

“And Dirtbag's about to follow,” Raph added before he shouted, “SI-AYYYAH!” The Dino Megazord threw Dirtbag down on the ground and knocked him out as well.

The Megazord and Metalhead turned their attention to the Dragonzord after defeating Shredder’s henchmen.

Jason ordered through comms, “Shredder! Hand over the coin and surrender.”

“By all means,” Green Ranger Cyber Shredder replied, standing on the shoulder of his Zord. “Come and get it.”

Raph groaned, “They always say that.”

“Bad news everyone, we don't have enough power to defeat the Dragonzord because we're running out of energy. So, I suggest that we need to combine all our powers to defeat it.” Donnie suggested.

Billy replied through comms, “I think we can help with that.”

Metalhead informed his friends, “Make whatever sacrifice you have on my part. This wouldn't be the first time I'd give my life so my friends and other innocent people will live.”

Kimberly assured him, “Don't worry, Metalhead. You wouldn't have to sacrifice anything. We're just going to transfer your power to the Megazord.”

Metalhead understood, “Then by all means, my friend. Do it.”

Billy nodded, “Okay then. Transferring power now.”

Donnie tearfully smiled, “Thank you, Metalhead. We'll see you again real soon.”

Metalhead gave a thumbs up at the Turtle Rangers as the robot started transferring power to the Dino Megazord.

“Awesome!” Mikey cheered.

Green Ranger Cyber Shredder scoffed, “Impressive, but pointless. My Zord is unstoppable and you cannot stop me.”

Jason growled, “Hey pinhead! The Dragonzord doesn't belong to you. It belongs to our friend and teammate. And now, it's time that we take back what's ours.”

Zordon contacted the heroes through the comms as, “Turtles, Rangers, hear me now. The Megazord possesses innate adaptive capabilities. You must utilize them now, before it's too late. Bring your vessels together, combine your strengths, defend your weaknesses, and unite as one. Together, you will create the Turtle Megazord.”

“I think it's a great idea, Zordon. Let's do it!” Leo smiled determinedly.

Billy called, “Begin Turtle Megazord sequence.”

Energy surged through both robots as the robotic parts of Metalhead began to combine with the Zords to forge a new combo of a Megazord. After that, the Turtle Megazord was born.

Green Ranger Cyber Shredder growled, “I've seen enough. Witch, get me out of here. Stockman, pilot the Dragonzord remotely and target the remaining Zords. If I can't possess them, no one will.”

Rita used her spell to teleport her ally out of the battlefield while Stockman gained control of the Dragonzord.

“Who needs some dumb flute to control a massive robot like this one. Baxter Stockman is in full control, baby!” Dr. Stockman exclaimed, feeling proud of himself.

“It worked. Zordon’s plan worked!” Billy exclaimed.

“Locked in full power!” Jason exclaimed.

“All systems are green!” Donnie shouted.

Mikey informed his brother, “Donnie, I really hope Metalhead will be okay. I don't want you to lose him again.”

Donnie nodded, “Thanks, Mikey.”

Jason informed his team, “Alright. Let's put the Dragonzord back to sleep and send it back into the ocean.”

“YEAH!!!” The heroes yelled in unison.

While the Turtle Megazord clashed with the Dragonzord once more, the Rainbooms arrived back at Canterlot to deal with a threat of their own.

“Girls, we got to evacuate the school and the whole city before those Putties get here!” Rainbow suggested her friends.

“Right!” The rest of the Rainbooms replied and they went to work with finding and rescuing civilians.

Rainbow rushed across the school until she found the fire alarm and set it off, speeding away to the exit before the innocent students in the building exited right away.

Flash spotted the Putties and rushed to his locker. He called Bulk Biceps right next to his locker, “Bulk, tell everyone to grab their weapons and get to the statue. Hurry!”

Bulk Biceps nodded and ran off to warn the students about the incoming threat coming to their school. The Wondercolts spread out and grabbed their ninja weapons, hidden around the school.

“Students, what are you doing?!” Principal Celestia asked while seeing the students gathering around to prepare for battle.

Lyra informed the principal, “Enemy forces are approaching our school.”

“What?!” Principal Celestia reacted.

Then, Vice Principal Luna ran to her sister with her binoculars. “Sister, we got trouble up ahead. Take a look.”

The Putties approached the school as Bulk and Skull ran inside.

“What in Faust’s name are those things, Luna?!” Principal Celestia asked, noticing the Putties.

Vice Principal Luna answered, “I don't know Celestia, but we're about to find out.”

“Quick! Head to school and find the bathroom to hide!” Bulk informed his buddy as they head towards CHS.

Bulk and Skull entered the school and mistakingly went to the girl’s bathroom without even thinking. After that, the next sounds were the two of them getting beaten up by angry girls.

“Sorry!” Skull apologized and exited the bathroom alongside Bulk. “Let's try the gym locker room. We'll hide in there.”

The duo limped sorely to the next room. Meanwhile, the students lined up in front of the statue.

Flash stood his ground and called every Wondercolt, “I don't know what this enemy wants with our school, but none of us are letting them destroy it Let's send these creatures packing!”

The students shouted in unison, “YEAH!!!”

“More teenagers?!” Rita impulsively said, looking through her telescope.

Baboo asked, “And why are they carrying weapons?”

Rita stated, “These fools don't stand a chance against my army. If they want to die just like those pesky Power Brats, so be it. One way or another, I'm going to take over Equestria and absorb all of their magic.”

Goldar suggested her, “My queen, allow me to lead the assault personally.”

“Do as you wish, Goldar.” Rita answered. “Show them not to mess with me.”

No one knew it but on the other side of the mirror, every royal guard stood ready for battle including Princess Twilight, Blade Swipe, Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia.

Blade Swipe held his spear at the mirror portal and asked Princess Celestia, “You sure the others will be okay, your highness?”

Princess Celestia sighed, “I was afraid that something like this will happen again, but I'm positively sure your friends from the other side are okay. Twilight, send a message to Sunset and tell her to come here immediately. There is something I have to show you and her.”

Princess Twilight nodded, “Of course.”

A little while later, Sunset saw her journal glow. “My journal's glowing,” Sunset stopped and grabbed her journal from her bag. She opened it and read Twilight’s message. “Guys, can you handle things without me for a bit? I gotta go to Equestria.”

Applejack answered, “Sure, Sunset. We can handle these Putties.”

Everyone gave Sunset a clear shot to the portal, unaware that Rita saw her go through by using her telescope.

Rita said, “Got it! It's the statue, just as I suspected. Goldar, head to the statue. Pronto!”

“Yes, my queen!” Goldar understood.

While Sunset entered the portal, Goldar flew his way into Canterlot and headed towards the school. However, Rarity created a diamond barrier around the statue to prevent any unwanted guests entering the portal.

Flash Sentry told her, “Thanks, Rarity. Come on, everyone. Set up a defensive zone around the statue.”

Minutes later, Sunset entered Equestria from the mirror and met some royal guards surrounding it with their weapons up.

“Stand down!” Blade Swipe called and the guards lowered their weapons.

“I wasn't expecting this to happen today,” Sunset then mumbled to herself, “What a way to welcome me back to Equestria, you guys.”

“Sorry about that Sunset. It was a necessary precaution in case an intruder tries to come here. So, how are you doing as of late?” Princess Twilight asked.

Sunset replied, “Oh I was fine until some monsters were heading towards Canterlot. And I assume you guys were prepared as well?”

Blade Swipe answered, “Yeah. We're lucky that we stopped before we skewered you.”

Princess Celestia commented, “Very lucky.”

“So, what's troubling you, Princesses?” Sunset asked.

Princess Celestia answered, “There's something I have to show you and it might save your home.”

Princess Luna agreed, “Indeed. Let us head back to the castle so that we can discuss about what's happening right now.”

Then all of a sudden, Discord popped in from outta nowhere, startling Sunset and the Princesses.

Discord questioned everyone, “Anyone wanna tell me what's all the commotion here?”

Sunset answered while running, “No time to explain, Discord. We're heading to the castle in Canterlot. It's an emergency.”

“Ah, Sunset. You're back. So tell me, how are you doing?” Discord asked while floating forward and lying his back on a cloud.

Celestia growled, “Not the time, Discord! Unless you have something to fight against an old enemy of ours.”

Discord knew exactly who she was referring to and he was so shocked, he launched his cloud fly as fast a torpedo. “You don't mean?!”

Luna replied, “Eeyup.”

Sunset answered, “Zordon told me about this enemy of yours. Rita Repulsa.”

Princess Twilight informed the Princesses, “How do you know this Rita Repulsa so much? You never told me about her.”

“History is written by the victors,” Discord said.

Celestia continued, “But some secrets should remain hidden.”

Sunset commented, “Wow. You guys are pretty much talking in riddles now.”

Discord groaned, “How was she your student, Celestia? I've seen those Putties smarter than her.”

“Excuse me?!” Sunset remarked. “You wanna me to test that theory out on you right now?!”

Luna told them, “Now is not the time.”

Celestia arrived outside the castle and informed everyone, “Sunset, Twilight, come with me. Discord, stay here and help.”

Discord puts on his soldier helmet and saluted to her, “You can count on me protecting Equestria, Princess Celestia. I won't let you and your sister down.”

Princess Celestia, Luna, and their friends entered the castle while Discord and the royal guards protect the castle. They entered through the hall and up to the Canterlot library till they arrived at the restricted section. Celestia and Luna walk up to a bookshelf, and used their magic to pull a book out each labeled with their cutie marks. This in turn caused a secret passage way to open up. They followed the alicorn sisters down a chamber, as Sunset spoke, “It feels nice to enter back into this room again.”

“It sure is, Sunset. But Celestia, what's in here that can help us?” Princess Twilight asked.

“This,” Celestia spoke as she and Luna used their magic to pull a book out each labeled with lightning bolts. This in turn caused the bookshelf to open up something inside. Then, the lights start to turn on and six toy-sized pony bots that looked like Twilight’s friends appeared, including one more that looked like Sunset Shimmer.

Luna commented, “I hope these still work.”

“This toy looks like…” Princess Twilight gasped, “ME?” She squealed in joy and geeked out, “Oh my Celestia. You two made toys that look just like me and my friends! This is so awesome! Does it have catchy songs or voice lines? When is it going to be shipped in the marketplace? Will it be delivered in our doorstep? Can I…”

Sunset covered Princess Twilight’s mouth with her hoof. “Woah. Easy there, Twilight. Just calm down for a sec.” She took her hoof off Princess Twilight’s mouth after that.

Princess Twilight cleared her throat and apologized, “Sorry about that. Just got a little excited over there.”

“Allow me to explain. These are your Zords. Zordon and I created these a long time ago. They may look like small toys, but they are not meant to play with. As for you Sunset, your Zord is the latest addition to the team after I forgave you for redeeming yourself and your mistakes by helping your friends and spreading friendship beyond Equestria.”

Sunset was ecstatic after hearing Celestia’s words. She tearfully bowed and smiled, “Wow. I am humbly honored Celestia. Thank you.”

Celestia nodded, “You're welcome, Sunset.” She blew the dust off a box after that and opened it. “Now take this with you when you go back. Your friends are going to need it if you want to fight Rita and her army.”

Sunset saw what Celestia gave her. It looked like the Power Morpher, but the coins had insignias of the Elements of Harmony on it.

“No way. They look exactly like the Power Morphers that the Power Rangers wore. Before I go back, can you explain to me and Twilight how you and Luna manage to acquire this stuff?” Sunset said.

Princess Celestia answered, “Well for starters, after Twilight and her friends defeated Nightmare Moon and turned her back to normal, I went to this place to contact Zordon about what happened. He told me that we can create some Zords based on you and your friends’ appearances and magic. Not only that, we also created morphers in case Rita tried to invade Equestria again.”

“You mean to tell me that Rita invaded Equestria before?” Princess Twilight questioned Celestia. “How come you didn't tell me about this?!”

“It's because you were not ready to fight threats that are outside of our dimension.”

Princess Twilight sighed, “Good point.”

Celestia continued, “As for the morphers, there is one danger to it. I'm not sure if the morphing grid can handle the energy of Equestrian magic. Best case scenario is that you'll have a limited amount of time to use it. In order to morph, you have to say the name of your virtue from the Elements of Harmony. And to summon your Zords, you press the button on top of their backs and throw it into the air. Does that sound clear?”

Sunset nodded, “Yes, Celestia. I fully understood your instructions.”

Luna informed her sister, “If you don't mind sister, there's also something I want to get off of my chest.” Celestia nodded and Luna continued, “Back when I was Nightmare Moon, I met Rita Repulsa and her forces before.”

“What!?” Celestia, Sunset, and Princess Twilight reacted in unison.

Princess Luna explained, “I wasn't myself at the time when I met Rita and we made a deal. Rita and her army would invade Equestria while Nightmare Moon would get her revenge on Celestia. No offense.”

Princess Celestia replied, “None taken, Luna. Before the invasion happened, a voice spoke to me during my sleep. In my dreams of course. He told me to use Equestrian magic combined with the morphing grid to defeat Rita and her army.”

Sunset guessed, “And I'm guessing that Zordon was the one who spoke to you in the Dream World.”

Celestia explained, “Yes. We managed to combine our powers and defeated Rita and Nightmare Moon from their destruction. Now with that out of the way, head back through the portal. Quickly!”

Princess Twilight stated, “Give Rita a reminder not to mess with Equestria.”

Luna added, “And please be careful, Sunset. We don't know the extent of the morpher’s power.”

“You got it. I won't let you all down.” Sunset vowed and hugged the Princesses as they hugged her back.

Sunset raced back to Twilight’s castle and dived back into the portal to the human world.

Blade Swipe looked on and thought to himself, ‘Good luck Sunset.’

Sunset arrived just in time as the army of Putties came closer. “Rainbooms!” Sunset whistled loudly and the Rainbooms got her attention.

“Welcome back, Sunset!” Pinkie cheered.

Sunset nodded, “I got you all something from Equestria that will help us defeat those Putties. Here, take these.” She gave each of the girls their Power Morphers and their toy-sized Zords that looked like their pony counterparts.

Rainbow got excited and said, ‘Seriously?! This looks 120% cooler than my baseball card collection.”

“Okay Rainbooms. It is now time we take our fight to the battlefield, girls. You with me?” Sunset asked her friends.

The Rainbooms nodded and Flash said, “I don't mean to break this up... But they're coming!”

“We know, Flash. And we're ready,” Rainbow vowed as the girls stepped forward and stood up against the incoming threat.

Sunset spoke, “Let's show these Putties how we run things here. Rainboom Style.”

“YEAH!!!” Bulk Biceps yelled.

“Tell 'em girls!” Bon Bon shouted.

Sunset called, “IT'S MORPHIN TIME!!!”








Rita saw a bright light shining, “What now?!”

The Wondercolts covered their eyes as the Rainbooms morphed into Power Rangers.

“Celestia is still as infuriating as she was all those years ago. At least when we invade, she won't have her precious baby sister with her.” Rita growled after witnessing their new gear.

The Wondercolts, Principal Celestia, and her sister were stunned. Amazed by their outfits. Even the Rainbooms themselves.

Pinkie commented, “Look at our Ranger suits! So comfy.”

Rarity smiled, “And they looked fabulous!”

Rainbow smirked, “Oh you're in so much trouble now, Putty Patrol!”

“Let's do this Wondercolts!” Sunset shouted.

The Rainbooms led the Wondercolts into battle and they charged right towards the army of Putties. They plowed through the horde of Putties, tearing them to pieces with the use of their upgraded weapons.

Applejack commented, “These things are as brainless as the Kudabots.”

“Cherry bomb!” Pinkie shouted and threw a cherry cupcake right at a couple of Putties and it exploded right in front of them.

Rainbow cheered, “Woo! This is so much easier to take down the Putties with our new powers now.”

The Wondercolts and Equestrian Rangers managed to slow down the Putties, Pimiko, and Goldar as a distraction with their weapons while Rarity summoned a diamond to push Goldar and the remaining Putties away, making them slam into a tree.

“Now's our chance, girls!” Twilight informed her team.

“Booyakasha!” The Equestrian Rangers shouted as a stream of magic blasted at the Putties except Goldar and Pimiko, who flew up in the air and carried Pimiko.

“This isn't over yet. I swear!” Goldar vowed and teleported away from Canterlot along with Pimiko.

Applejack told everyone, “Don't worry about him. He's just too chicken to admit defeat.”

“Anyways, we did it!” Pinkie cheered and the Equestrian Rangers celebrate their victory with the Wondercolts.

Back at the Moon Palace, Goldar retreated safely back as Rita growled, “I cannot believe you and my Putty army got your butts kicked by an army of teenagers! What do you have to say for yourself?!”

Goldar knelt down, begging for mercy. “I'm sorry, my queen. Please forgive me.”

Rita growled, “If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. Now make my monster grow!”

The sorceress then resurrected Ali-Blast and turned him into a giant. He roared and was ready to cause some mayhem and destruction in Camelot. The Wondercolts were scared as ever and they were not ready to face a large threat like Rita’s giant monster.

“W-W-What in the world is that?!” Snips and Snails asked, feeling scared.

Twilight answered, “Another day in the Power Ranger office.”

Then Rainbow told Sunset, “Please tell me we’re going to summon our Zords.”

“Indeed we are, Rainbow. Tell me Sunset, how do we summon them?” Twilight asked.

Sunset answered, “You press the button on top of its back and shout out its element.”

Applejack gave her a thumbs-up, “Oh okay. That makes perfect sense.”

“Alright, girls. Let's do this!” Twilight shouted out.

The Rainbooms pressed the buttons on their Zords and threw them up in the air before calling their element one by one.








A flash of bright light engulfed the seven Zords and they all turned giant just like Rita’s monster.

“Now this. Is. Awesome!” Rainbow geeked out.

“Let's go girls!” Sunset ordered and the Rainbooms hopped onboard to the cockpit of their Zords.

Ali-Blast vowed to them, “I'll turn those tin cans to scrap metal!”

Twilight told the monster, “You want to go to Equestria so bad, you're gonna have to go through all of us first.”

“Fine by me!” Ali-Blast charged up his energy from his horn and threw it right at the Rainbooms.

The Rainbooms used the steering wheel from the cockpit of their Zords and drove them to dodge the monster’s energy blast attacks.

“Alright, let's see what my Zord can do.” Rainbow pressed a button and her Zord flew up into the sky and spread its wings. “Now let's see if you like gale winds!” Rainbow’s Zord flapped its wings and blew strong winds against Ali-Blast.

“Don't forget about me!” Fluttershy added and her Zord flapped her wings to create strong winds like her friend, Rainbow Dash, against Rita’s monster.

“Cute, but mine is much more stronger.” The monster flapped his wings and blew strong winds against Rainbow’s Zord and Fluttershy’s Zord.

“Maybe this will!” Applejack used her Zord to buck kick Ali-Blast like a missile.

“Agggggh!” Ali-Blast grunted.

“I got some free marshmallows for you! And you're going to like them!” Pinkie said as her Zord started standing up on its hind legs and rapidly fired giant, exploding marshmallows from its hooves.

“You honestly think you can destroy me like this?!” Ali-Blast fired energy blasts from his horn at the marshmallows, deflecting her attack. Then he fired energy blasts at Pinkie’s Zord, Rainbow’s Zord, Fluttershy’s Zord, and Applejack’s Zord, but the monster’s energy blast attacks was deflected by a magical barrier thanks to the other three Zords, courtesy of Rarity, Sunset and Twilight.

“What goes around, comes around!” Sunset redirected Ali-Blast right back at him with double the strength, knocking the monster down hard.

“Now let's see what mine can do!“ Rarity’s Zord used her horn to summon a glowing diamond and pushed Ali-Blast away, making him fall into the ocean.

“I'm not beat yet. I still have plenty...”

Suddenly, a magical blast hit Ali-Blast hard from outta nowhere.

“What?!” Ali-Blast wondered and looked high above to see Twilight’s Zord flying, meaning that her Zord blasted him just seconds ago.

“How's that for an alicorn?” Twilight fired back, mocking Ali-Blast.

Ali-Blast growled, “I'll show you not to mess with me!”

“Girls, it's time to combine our Zords.” Sunset informed her friends and they were all pumped up for some more action, feeling excited up as ever.

“Initiate Megazord sequence,” Twilight said as the Pony Zords started to assemble. Rarity’s Zord and Applejack’s Zord became the arms, Rainbow’s Zord and Pinkie’s Zord became the legs, Fluttershy’s Zord became the chest, Twilight’s Zord became the head, and Sunset’s Zord became the centerpiece. Plus, AJ’s Stetson hat appeared on the left hand as a shield and Twilight’s spear appeared on its right.

“Rainboom Megazord!” The Rainbooms shouted as the Megazord landed on the ocean.

“It doesn't matter what you do. I'm going to Equestria and well turn it to rubble!” Ali-Blast rapidly fired energy blasts from his horn.

“Shield up!” Applejack called and the Stetson hat shielded Ali-Blast’s magic horn attack. “I gotta ask, why is my Zord's hat a shield?”

Everyone shrugged as Ali-Blast charged right at them. However, the Rainboom Megazord used the spear to attack Ali-Blast, but at the same time, the Turtle Megazord used the Power Sword to attack the Dragonzord in New York.

Billy informed everyone, “Guys, we have to take out the device on the Dragonzord’s chest. It's the only way to save Tommy’s Zord without hurting it.”

“Yeah! Let's rip that thing off for Tommy!” Raph stated.

“Agreed! Alright Rangers, let's finish this!” Jason ordered and everyone nodded.

Side by side from their respective areas, The Turtle Megazord and the Rainboom Megazord attacked their opponents with their weapons, taking heavy damage from multiple sides.

Ali-Blast grunted in pain, “No… This can't be.”

Sunset told the monster, “Hey Ali-Blast, this is a message from the Rainbooms. Tell Rita the Equestrian Rangers sent you!”

Pinkie added, “And if you see Niox, tell him we sent you too.”

Side by side, The Turtle Megazord and the Equestrian Megazord charged up for their final attack and they all shouted in unison from their respective areas.

“Power Rangers…”

“Turtle Power!”

“Equestrian Power!”


The two Megazords unleashed their final attack and defeated the Dragonzord and the giant Ali-Blast from their respective areas.

“My Zord/My monster!” Green Ranger Cyber Shredder and Rita yelled in unison.

Ali-Blast fell into his demise and exploded while the Dragonzord was freed from the Foot’s corruption, destroying the mind-controlled chip.

“Dang it!” Stockman said and the feed from the Dragonzord was disconnected.

Meanwhile, Karai and Pimiko were still going at it when Pimiko threw a smoke bomb in her face, distorting her. Then she smacked her back and punched her right and left, kneed her in the gut, and body-slammed her over her shoulder.

Karai hissed and transformed into her serpent form then struck at Pimiko, biting her all over, before whacking her down with her tail.

Pimiko snarled at Karai, “Until next time!” She threw down another smoke bomb and disappeared.

Back with Rangers, the Dragonzord roared and bowed to the Turtle Megazord, thanking the Turtles and Power Rangers.

Jason told the Dragonzord, “Glad to have you back, pal.”

The heroes celebrated their victory and the battle was over.

The Turtles, Rainbooms, Rangers, Karai, April, and Casey were back at the Command Center to relax and eat pizza.

Jason called Zordon, “Zordon, Shredder escaped and we have to go find him.”

Tommy reminded him, “He still has my coin and who knows what he and Rita are planning to do with it next.”

“During the fight, Shredder said something about… being "the only one" who could use the Power Coins or something.” Raph said.

“If that's true, Shredder and Rita are about to become the most powerful people on the planet.” Leo stated.

Sunset continued, “This fight isn't over.”

Zordon told the teens, “I understand all of your concerns, but you all need to rest now. We will find a way to get your Power Coin back, Tommy.”

Tommy nodded, “I understand. And when our enemies return, we will face them as friends.”

“Indeed. However, I fear you are right, Sunset. Is Equestria ready for an invasion should the worst happen?” Zordon questioned her.

Sunset assured him, “Everything is ready. Any of our enemies goes through the portal to Equestria, they'll be met by an army.”

Twilight noted, “Good work, Sunset.”

“But in the meantime, let's dig in for some fresh pizza!” Mikey cheered.

The teens cheered and went to grab pizzas from the pizza boxes.

Casey asked Karai, “Hey Karai, what happened to Pimiko?”

Karai answered, "Don't worry about my sister. She retreated.”

Leo noticed that Karai looked dismal, “Something on your mind, Karai?"

“Pimiko is consumed by vengeance,” Karai noted. “Just like I was. And she's descending into madness as a result.”

“Like father, like daughter,” Raph quipped and Sunset elbowed him.

“Despite everything she's done, I don't want her to end up like Saki,” Karai said. “Leo, do you think that there's a chance we can save her?”

“Well, I have to say I'm not sure,” Leo admitted. “But if you believe it, Karai, then there's always a chance.”

“I hope so, Leo,” Karai said.

“…I hope so.”

Meanwhile, Green Ranger Cyber Shredder, Pimiko, Groundchuck, and Dirtbag were resting back at the Moon Palace with Rita being angry.

“I can't believe those pesky teenagers ruined my plans again! I will crush them all if it's the last thing I do!” Rita vented as she blasted Squatt out of frustration.

“Ow! That hurts!” Squatt yelped.

Green Ranger Cyber Shredder assured her, “Do not fret, Rita. I still have this Power Coin under my protection. We just need to heal up and plan our counterattack.”

Rita sighed, “Fine. But it better be good. Otherwise, this alliance is over.”

While Rita and her followers walked away, Pimiko asked him, “So what's the plan, father?”

“We strike back when they least expect it,” Green Ranger Cyber Shredder answered and looked at the view of the Earth, thinking and plotting his plan to get revenge on his enemies.

Author's Note:
  • The toy-sized Pony Zords are based on G4’s My Little Pony toys.
  • The Rainbooms summoning their Zords were based on the concept of the Dino Charge Zords.

Rainboom Megazord artwork was created by WarriorofFaith18