• Published 6th Aug 2021
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Get Him 3 - Lord Blackraven

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Chapter 19: The Return of Pipsqueak

The Return of Pipsqueak

Pipsqueak tried to walk, although it hurt to put weight on his injured leg. He got a few feet from the cave entrance then lost his balance and fell. Fortunately the creature heard and rushed over.

It saw Pipsqueak on the ground and helped him up, checking his injuries.

“I’m fine, I just lost my balance.” Pip said. As the creature continued to look him over.

“My leg still hurts but I’m feeling a lot better.”

It seemed to sigh with relief then it gently picked Pip back up and held him in its arms? Hooves? Pip still couldn’t tell.

Pipsqueak didn't protest, he kind of liked being carried by the creature. It reminded him of Appleblooms brother Big Macintosh, kind, caring, strong but gentle. Pipsqueak liked the creature and hoped that the others in Ponyville would too.

It sat him down next to the fire and handed him a plate of food which Pipsqueak ate hungrily and then said

“Thanks for the food. I didn’t realize how hungry I was!”

The creature nodded its head in approval.

Once he was done eating, it then put out the fire and carried Pipsqueak outside. After looking around and making sure the fire was out, it folded him in its robes and they headed out of the forest.

As they traveled through the forest, Pipsqueak worried that they might be attacked. Then he saw the creatures’ staff and remembered how it had taken out three Diamond Dogs with it and began to feel quite a bit safer. The way it handled those dogs so easily, he thought it could put down anything the forest could throw at them.

After some minutes of walking, the two exited the forest, only to see a group of ponies coming their way. As they got closer, Pipsqueak recognized some of them as Appleblooms big brother and sister as well as their friends and the Elements. The group stopped about thirty feet away from the creature and Pip, and stared at them.

It saw that some of them were carrying pitchforks and rakes and the unicorns in the mix had their horns aglow and at the ready. There were no less than twelve or fifteen ponies present and ready to do battle.

The creature stood in the middle of the path to the Everfree Forest, staring at the ponies in front of him as they stared back. Fear and uneasiness crept up in their collective stomachs as their minds ran through various scenarios. It seemed that Lyra and the others weren’t over exaggerating when they said that the creature was almost as tall as Luna or Celestia!

Suddenly everyone was distracted by something in the sky as they all looked up to witness a half dozen Royal Pegasi Guards and a golden chariot descend amongst them. Princess Luna and Princess Celestia dismounted their golden chariot and walked among the crowd. All ponies present bowed before their Diarchs as the crowd parted to make way.

“Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!” Said Twilight Sparkle as she ran up to them. “That’s the creature that ate Pipsqueak that I wrote you about!” Pointing towards the cloth covered entity.

The princesses walked to the head of the crowd and looked with emotionless eyes at the creature. Studying its unrecognizable form.

Suddenly a rock flew out from among the crowd right at what might be the creatures head and at the same time somepony yelled “DIE MONSTER!”

At that very moment everything seemed to go in slow motion as the rock flew through the air. The creature saw it coming but stood its ground unflinching as it neared him. At the last second, quick as lightning, the creature brought its staff to bear and knocked the rock away as if it were no more than swatting at a fly. Then it turned back to the crowd.

The crowd gasped at the quickness and precision of its response. After another long silent moment both the crowd and the princess’ were astonished when it stiffly and formally bowed to the Diarchs and returned to its upright position. It then crouched down and unfurled its robes to reveal a still alive Pipsqueak all bandaged up but otherwise unharmed, sitting on the ground before them.

“Hi everypony!” He cheerfully said as he raised his unbroken foreleg and waved.

“PIPSQUEAK!” they all shouted in unison.

While everyone was focused on the little colt, the cloaked and hooded figure quietly faded back into the shadows of the forest. When everyone looked back up again it was gone.

“Quick! After it! We need to capture it. It’s getting away!” Shouted Twilight as she bolted for the forest entrance. The other five of the six following close behind.

Celestia held out a wing. “No Twilight Sparkle! Let it go!”

“But why? Princess.” Twilight countered. “We need to capture it and see what it is? We could learn so much from it!”

Princess Luna then spoke in a commanding tone. “Twilight Sparkle!” Twilight turned to look at Princess Luna.

“Your thirst for knowledge is admirable. But do you not remember another creature you pursued and it eventually faked its own death just so it could live in peace? How is it that you have forgotten this lesson so quickly?” She said in a scolding manner.

Twilights ears drooped as she hung her head in shame at the remembrance of Alex and her actions with him. Even worse was the memory of what he thought of her in his letter and the memory of the nightmare he had of her that Princess Luna had shown them some time before.

“I am sure that if it wants us to know about it, it will make itself available.” Celestia added.

Princess Luna then spoke up again addressing the gathered crowd. “It seems that our business here is concluded . We came here to learn of the whereabouts of one of our subjects and of the creature you spoke of in your letter. We have learned about both. Little Pipsqueak is safe and sound has been returned to us and it appears that the creature we all witnessed is rather kind and protective of the little ones. Perhaps even to all ponies that enter its domain. It freed him from the Diamond Dogs, has nursed little Pipsqueak back to health, returned him to us, and left six of you unharmed. I think it tells us much.”

Celestia then spoke up, “My little Ponies. It is time we take our leave. It was good to see you all and that this event turned out to have a happy ending instead of a tragic one.” As she mounted the royal carriage.

“Sister.” Said Luna. “I wish to stay behind for just a bit. I have a minor task to take care of while I am here. I will fly to Canterlot Castle in a bit if that is alright with you?”

“Of course sister. Take all the time you need.” And with that Celestia and her guards departed.

“Luna, if I may ask? Why did you stay behind?” Asked Twilight a bit more humbly.

“I wish to see to the proper care of our little injured friend personally.” She answered as she walked up to Pipsqueak and smiled at him.

She knelt down to his level and said in a soft voice, “How would you like me to take you to the doctor myself? My sister left with all her guards and I have no one to escort me there. Would you be willing to do so?”

The look on Pipsqueaks face was one of absolute joy. “YES Princess Luna! I will do a good job too!” but then he looked down at the ground.

“What is it little one? What troubles you?”

“I got hurt by those mean Diamond Dogs. I can’t walk very well.” He said sadly.

Princess Luna put her hoof to her chin as if deep in thought. “You are right! This doesn’t bode well! This will never do! Whatever are we going to do?”

Pipsqueak didn’t have any ideas when suddenly Princess Luna had a thought and rose to her hooves.

Now towering over the little colt she stated that she had an idea. Suddenly her horn lit up and Pipsqueak found himself lifted in the air and gently set down on Princess Lunas back. She turned her head to look back at him and angled her wings slightly upwards to keep him from falling off.

“There!” She exclaimed. How about if I be your legs and you can be an extra set of eyes to look out for the bad ponies?”

The smile returned tenfold! Everyone else went “Dawwww.” And stepped aside as the princess of the night took Pipsqueak to the nearby hospital.

The crowd could hear Pipsqueak exclaim in the distance “YOUR MY MOST FAVORITE PRINCESS EVER!”

The smile on Princess Lunas face was equally as big as the one on little Pipsqueaks face.

“Well, I’m glad that’s over.” Alex thought as he wound his way through the forest paths that would lead him back to his current home. “Hope the little guy is gonna be alright. I couldn’t do much with my first aid kit. I just hope it was enough.” Those mangy mongrels really pissed me off! NO ONE messes with a kid! I don’t care who or what race they are NO BODY messes with a child! He said angrily to himself as he continued to walk the forest paths.

Yes! Alex was VERY pissed!

As he continued to wind his way through the forest paths, deep in thought, he didn’t notice that there were eyes watching his every move and the careful footsteps that were following quietly and closely in the bushes.

Luna, upon getting little Pipsqueak admitted to the Ponyville Hospital, had given him a kind motherly nuzzle and had then departed leaving a still smiling and very happy colt in the care of the hospitals staff.

As she flew to her castle home, she was deep in thought. The Diamond Dogs seldom dared come this close to populated areas. They were known to capture ponies, griffons, and even zebras, to be used as slaves to dig for gems in their mines or to be sold off at the Outsiders Market far to the south. It was worrisome.

As she landed on her bedroom balcony with nary a sound, she went through her room and out the doors. In no time she was in the throne room where her sister was going over some documents.

Upon entering, Celestia gave a warm smile and greeted her younger sibling. “Ah! Luna. How is the little one doing?”

“He is well sister. The hospital staff will take good care of him, I have no doubt.”

“He will make a fine Lunar Guard when he is old enough. Don’t you think?” Celestia teased.

Luna turned her head blushing a little at her sisters jibe. “Yes he might just at that since I’m his “most favorite princess ever”, according to him.” She countered as she stuck out her chest and held her head high.

Celestia giggled at her sisters display and smiled. She dearly loved her sister and was so very happy she had returned from her exile. Life was so much happier for her since Luna had come back.

Clearing her throat a little. “Yes well…” she refocused her attention on the parchment Twilight Sparkle had sent to them yesterday about the creature in the Everfree.

“Luna? What do you think about the events that unfolded today in Ponyville, concerning our tall friend and that young colt?

“I think it was our missing Alex if you must know.” Luna answered.

“As do I.” Celestia answered in return. “It is obvious that he poses no threat to the little ones or to any pony for that matter.

“It also makes sense that he would keep himself completely shrouded so as to not show any part of himself so that no one would be able to recognize him. The sad thing is that he still fears us.” She said while her eyes closed and her head drooped at the memory of how she had mistreated him.

“How has he been doing Luna?”

“He seems to be doing better since I helped him with his nightmares about us. He is also very clever and resourceful too. It explains why he has been able to survive in the Everfree this long. I am still determined to see if I might be able to talk to him but….”

“But what sister?”

“If anything, He fears us more now than ever.”

“How so?” Celestia said with concern in her voice.

“In my nightly duties of watching over him, I noticed that he has been reading and learning about us and our kingdom and subjects. He knows of our history, our battle when I was the nightmare, even our powers we have over our respective charges. He thinks we are gods and would snuff out his ………. NO! I HAVE TO GO TO HIM NOW! HE IS IN DANGER!!” She suddenly shouted in a panicked voice.

“Luna. Whatever do you mean?” Celestia asked in a worried tone.

“No time! I have to go now! I put a spell of protection around him to let me know if something bad might be happening to him and the barrier surrounding him has been breached!”

Luna said in a panicked voice as she ran for the balcony behind the thrones.

“I will summon a few of the guards to go with you.” Celestia offered as she ran after her little sister.

Luna skidded to a stop briefly and looked back at her sister. “No. Remember he still is afraid of us. Too many ponies may only make things worse! I will send word if help is needed but for now I must go! He needs me! And with that she leapt off the balcony, her wings unfurling as she pumped them as hard as she could and increasing her speed with each stroke.

“No no no no.! Faster, I must go faster! Hang on Alex! I’m almost there!

Alex wound his way through the forest constantly checking his surroundings. He had the weird feeling he was being watched but couldn’t spot anything in the underbrush as he picked up the pace to his home. Soon he could see the rope bridge that went across the gorge. He let out a sigh. “It’s good to be back home.” He thought as he carefully went to the bridge, stepping in certain places then started across the bridge.

As he crossed the courtyard, he made sure to step in certain locations too. Over time he had set a few traps for anything that might think to invade his current home.

“I could sure use a bath after spending the night in that cave.” He mumbled to himself as he threw back the hood of his cloak and took it off draping it over his arm and pushed through the main doors to the castle ruins, closing the heavy wooden door behind him. “Home at last.” He thought.

However as soon as he had closed and the door, he heard a howl outside. He rushed to one of the windows in front of the main castle and looked down across the bridge. The near human sized bipedal dogs armed with bladed weapons had returned.

Oh great. Not more attacking things. SHEESH! First the ponies and now this crap!

Author's Note:

Oh GREAT! Now what? First ponies and now this!!!

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