• Published 6th Aug 2021
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Get Him 3 - Lord Blackraven

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Chapter 28: Catching Up

Catching Up

Alex awoke from his slumber in the hospital. The bed was comfortable and he really didn’t want to get out but Mother Nature was leaving him a message telling him that if he didn’t use the bathroom soon that things were going to get ugly and messy. With some effort he was able to sit up on his own and with a little more effort, he was able to swing (more like flop) his legs over the side of the bed.

Upon setting his feet on the tiled floor he felt how cold it was but didn’t wince from the feeling. It actually felt rather nice. It felt way better that the sudden migraine that hit his head like a freight train.

“Ugh! What a headache! If this is what it’s like to have a hangover, I’m never going to drink!” He grumbled as he wiped his hand through his hair and down his scraggly whiskered face and then focused on his goal in front of him.

He tried his footing on the floor and found that his legs were too wobbly and weak to hold his weight.

It was just at this time that Nurse Redheart walked in and saw him sitting at the edge of his bed.

“Oh! You’re awake! How are you feeling Alex?”

“Bathroom.” Was all Alex said as he tried to stand up again only to have his knees try to buckle, again.

“Woah there young colt!” She exclaimed. “Hang on just a sec.” and she quickly rushed over to him. “Here now. Just put your hands on my back to steady yourself and I’ll help you get there. Alex looked at her with a bit of nervousness in his eyes. She understood that look. She had heard of what he had been put through and of his fear and mistrust of ponies.

“Come on.” She spoke softly and nodded. It’s all right. I won’t hurt you.” She said with a kind smile on her muzzle as she turned and stood at his side so he could put a hand on her back while she looked over her withers back at him and patiently waiting. Alex looked at her then back at the bathroom all the while thinking he could wait a bit longer but his insides won out and so with a deep sigh he steeled himself and put his hand on her back at the same time he stood up.

Nurse Redheart easily took his weight and slowly walked him over to the rooms bathroom all the while quietly speaking words of encouragement. Once she had guided him to the bathroom she exited to give him some privacy. “I’ll just be right outside the door when you are done. Just let me know.” She said as she closed the door.

Alex finished up his business and flushed the toilet. It was a little different in its construction but he made due with little discomfort. Once finished and cleaned up he called out in a raspy voice to the nurse that he was done whereupon she opened the bathrooms door and once again placed herself in a position to help him steady himself as she guided him back to his bed. Once there, she helped him to sit and then gently used her muzzle to help him lift his legs back into bed, skillfully pulling the beds blankets over him with her teeth, that being the last thing she took care of.

Alex then asked her for a glass of water to wet his parched throat to which the good nurse obliged him with a cup of water with ice cubes in it! A small but pleasant surprise and a comfort to his somewhat sore and parched throat. Just as Alex was about to take the clear liquid from her hoof, there was a loud rumbling. Nurse Redheart eyes went big and her ears went up. “It sounds like somepony is hungry!” she said with a cheerful smile.

“You got that right! I’m so hungry I could eat a hooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrouse.” He started to say but caught himself in mid word thinking that it might not be a good idea to use that particular earth expression. “Yes, I am a little hungry.” He said, a little embarrassed by his near slip of the tongue as he eagerly drank his cup of water.

“Ok. Just wait here and I’ll be back with something for you to eat right after I check on your roommate here.” She said as she rolled back the partition curtain revealing the Pegasus that was in the bed next to him. Once she had checked him over, she headed for the door. “I’ll be right back.” She cheerfully said as she went out the door.

Alex laid in bed looking at the ceiling and thinking of nothing in particular when his eyes drifted over to his Pegasus roommate only to see the white furred equine looking Pegasus staring back at him with green eyes filled with curiosity. The Pegasus spoke first. “What and who are you?” the pony asked with curiosity. “I’ve never seen somepony like you before.”

Alex responded in kind. “I’m what is called a human. My names Alex. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m not exactly from around here.” He said with a little sarcastic humor.

“I kinda figured that part out already.” The pony said with a good natured smirk. “The names Skyfire. I am part of the royal guard. Princess Celestias elite royal guard to be precise. Then he went silent for a bit and looked back at what was left of his left wing and sighed. “Well, I used to be.” He said sadly as he waved the stump of his amputated wing. “Looks like I am forever an earth pony now. I will be permanently grounded from now on.” He said sadly.

“What happened? If you don’t mind me asking.” Alex queried.

“Got ambushed by four griffons while out on patrol. They came out of a cloud they were hiding in and were on our patrol before we knew it. One of the feather pluckers wounded one of my squadron and I ordered my wingman to go help him before he hit the ground while I held them off. It was an ugly fight. I managed to wound two of them and knock one out of the sky before the fourth one clawed my wing and I fell through some trees shattering most of my wing bones on my left side. I was told that despite the best magic and healing spells they had, it was no use. My wing would have to come off.” He said while waving the bandaged stump some more. “I don’t know what I will do once I get outta here. Probably fly a desk job, get a medical discharge or honorable discharge from the service with some kind of severance package. Severance HA! HA! I made a funny!” He said with sarcasm as he wiggled his stump around again. “The problem is that I liked my job. I took great pride and pleasure protecting the princesses and the ponies of Equestria! If I had it all to do all over again, I still would…….But now I just don’t know what I’m gonna do. There isn’t very much work nor many opportunities for a one wing pegasus that can’t fly.” Sky said as his head sunk back onto his bed and he looked at the ceiling above his bunk. “How about you? How did you land up here?”

“Long story.” Alex said kind of bluntly. “I got sucked into this world somehow, chased by a bunch of ponies who wanted to exploit me for gain, got hunted for fun by the same ponies in a forest, faked my own death so I could escape being chased, lived in a run-down castle of sorts in a forest for about three years, Got in a fight with some kinda dogs for hurting a little kid… uh…colt, got attacked by more of them at my home and held them off for a while before I got over run and wounded in the fight. That’s when Princess Luna showed up. I mean it was her but it wasn’t. Can’t describe it any other way. Passed out in front of her and the next thing I knew I was here. The rest is a blank at the moment.” Alex sighed.

“WOW!” Skyfire exclaimed. “What an adventure! It sounds like you have been put through Tartarus and back! And you were hunted for sport too? That is a horrible thing to do! I’d talk to the princesses about that if I were you! That is totally not ok in my book.”

“Oh, I plan to, believe me…Since they were two of the eleven that were hunting me.”

“WHAT!? Sky exclaimed. But that’s impossible! They would never do something like that! You must be joking!” Skyfire said with eyes bulging in astonishment.

Alex looked at him with an expressionless face. “Note serious face.” Alex stated flatly as he pointed to his expressionless face. “Contrary to what you and the rest of Ponyland here may think, your princess’ aren’t infallible.”

Sky lay his head back down on his pillow and stared at the ceiling as he thought about Alexs’ words. It just wasn’t possible! The princesses wouldn’t do such a thing! Suddenly he sat up again. A thought in mind. “Hey Alex?


“You said that you lived in a ruined castle in a forest didn’t you?”

“Yeah, Why?”

“Well, the only castle I know of in a forest was the old ruins in the Everfree Forest. That castle was known as The Castle of the Two Sisters. It used to be the home of both Princesses Luna and Celestia a long time ago. Is that where you say you were living?”

“I didn’t know its name but yes it was in a forest.”

“And how long were you there did you say?”

“About 3 years I think. Give or take.”

“That’s incredible!” Sky exclaimed. “Weren’t you scared? That place has all kinds of dangers. It’s terrifying! I heard stories of ponies going in there and they were never seen again!”

“Naw. I wasn’t scared all that much really. Doesn’t mean I was careless or stupid. I was cautious but scared? Nope.”

“How could you not be?”

“That place isn’t all that different to many places back home. I would go camping with my grandparents almost every summer.” Alex said very matter of factly. “It looked like any other forest I’ve been in.”

Sky just looked at him with his mouth agape.

“Might want to close your mouth. A bug might fly in it and you are starting to drool out of the corner a bit.” Alex smirked.

Still wide eyed and looking at Alex, Skyfire shut his mouth with a very audible “CLOP!”

Nurse Redheart suddenly walked into the duos room standing on her hind legs while pushing in a food cart. It amazed Alex that these ponies could do so many human like tasks even though they weren’t bipedal. She pushed the cart up next to Alexs bed and while still on her hind legs she pulled the little table over and placed his food on it. Alexs stomach grumbled again with the knowledge that it would be feeling full and satisfied. She then wheeled the cart around to Skyfires bedside and did the same. Alex didn’t waste any time devouring his meal and before she could leave the room he had finished off the entire meal.

“WOW! You really were hungry weren’t you?” Nurse Redheart exclaimed as she took the empty dishes from Alexs tray and put them back on the trolly.

“Yes ma’am! I didn’t know how hungry I was! That was really good. Please tell the cooks that I loved it.

“I will. They will be happy to hear of your compliment of their work.”

“Nurse? Can you tell me when I will be able to leave here? I’d like to go back to my home as soon as possible.”

“Well, Doctor Hoofson and Trotter will want to give you a full examination before you go but if everything checks out, then you will be set free probably tomorrow!” she said. “If you behave yourself, you might also get a treat too!”

“That sounds wonderful! Then I can get out of your hair… uh… mane. Sorry, I am still trying to remember and get used to using your language around here.”

“It’s quite alright young stallion. Your Equish is better than my command of your lands language.” she giggled. “Now, off to sleep with you. Get plenty of rest. Tomorrow is a big day for you!”

“Ok mom.” he retorted to which she gave him a playful smirk. He liked Miss Redheart. She was the first pony in this place to be nice to him.

Alex lay back on his bed with a satisfied smile on his face. Soon he was asleep again. She walked over to the side of his bed and with her hoof gently brushed a stray strand of his hair out of his face.

“Nurse Redheart, can I speak with you a moment?” Skyfire whispered quietly motioning her to his bed side.

“Yes Sky. What is it?”

“If I am not mistaken, I heard him say that he is eager to go back home right?”

“Yes, he did say that. Why?”

“Do you know where his home is?” Skyfire whispered.

“No I don’t.” She whispered back.

“It’s the old ruins in the Everfree Forest!”

“You don’t mean…?”

“YES! His home for the last three years has been the Castle of the Two Sisters ruins!” Skyfire exclaimed in a hushed tone! “He told me so!”

“That is where he was injured when he was first brought in! I didn’t know it was where he had been living all this time!” Redheart quietly said as she looked back at Alexs sleeping form. “This will never do! I will let the princesses know and maybe they will arrange better living arrangements for him. But he absolutely cannot go back to that dreadful place. I simply won’t allow it!” As she turned to leave Skyfire whispered.

“Wait! There is more! He also told me that he faked his own death because the princesses HUNTED him FOR SPORT!

For a moment Nurse Redheart was speechless as her pony brain tried to process what she had just been told.

“Skyfire, I will handle everything from here. Thank you for this information.” She said. “And now I need you get some rest too. You will be checking out of here soon as well.”

“Oh ok……mom.” Skyfire said with a smirk, imitating what Alex had said earlier.

Nurse Redheart just smiled and rolled her eyes at his good natured ribbing while he settled into his own bed and rolled onto his non injured side.

And with that, Nurse Redheart quietly exited the room past the Pegasus guards.

“Nurse?” One of the guards suddenly said in a stoic voice while still looking forward.

Nurse Redheart turned to the guard that spoke. “How is he doing? Skyfire?”

“He is recovering nicely. But the doctors had to amputate his wing in order to save his life. It was so badly damaged that there was no other choice.”

The other guard looked down and shook his head in sadness. “He was one of the best among us. Now he’s grounded forever. No Pegasus should have to go through this. Better off dead than be grounded for the rest of your life.”

All three ponies were quiet for a moment and before the silence could get more awkward one of them then asked. “What about the creature in there with him? Isn’t it dangerous?”

Nurse Redheart internally frowned a little but understood where the guards were coming from being that they had never seen a human before.

“Alex. His name is Alex. He is what is called a human and he isn’t dangerous at all.

As a matter of fact, He is more terrified of us ponies than the other way around! He has been horribly mistreated by ponies. He also saved a young colt from torture and enslavement from Diamond Dogs despite his mistreatment. Add to that, he was badly wounded in a battle with more Diamond Dogs later which is why he ended up here. He almost died from his wounds! It’s going to take a while for him to trust any of us at all.”

Both guards’ jaws hung open in shock at her words.

“I am not at liberty to say who the culprits were and the full extent of the harm that was caused, but right now he needs to have friends he can trust.”


Day turned to twilight, turned to dusk, turning eventually to night. Princess Lunas charge brightened the night sky along with the glowing stars that always accompanied it. Alex awoke with the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon. He looked over to his side and peering through the dark could see the sleeping form of his one winged pegasus roommate laying on his uninjured side. His ribcage gently rising and falling as he breathed. He felt much better and as though his strength and energy had returned. As he looked about his room, he could see details and he thought it was odd that he could see in the dark so well.

He mentally wrote it off as the light of the moon coming through the rooms outside window. Suddenly he could hear the hoof falls of ponies outside his door and muffled voices stating. “By the Princess of the Night, we relieve you.” To which he heard the reply…”By the Princess of the Day, we stand relieved.” And more clopping then fading away as they walked down the hallway.

Alex quietly got out of bed and looked around. At the foot (hoof?) of his bed he spied the clip board stating his condition and current status. Picking it up, he looked it over quickly and realized that he would be getting out come the morning. He felt an unwanted cold shudder run down his spine at the realization that the ponies might want to put him in a cage and keep him incarcerated so that they might keep him for further study. “Not gonna happen!” he thought as he replaced the clip board back at the foot of his bed.

Quietly looking around some more, spotted his shoes and his clothes neatly washed, repaired, and folded in a cabinet on his side of the room. He also discovered his backpack as well. He quietly as possible got dressed all the while keeping a wary eye towards the door for any sign that the guards heard him moving about. Once dressed he carefully went over to the window and opened it. He took one last look around and quietly slipped out into the night.

Author's Note:

Looks like Alex will be getting out soon. I still have a lot more adventures planned for Alex so stay tuned.

Keep it nice please.

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