• Published 6th Aug 2021
  • 6,458 Views, 239 Comments

Get Him 3 - Lord Blackraven

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Chapter 37: The Contest

The Contest

It was taking quite some time but Alex was getting pretty much used to his new life in Equestria. The princesses seeing to whatever it was that he needed. He still hadn't been introduced to the general population just yet. The princesses had been very careful to keep him carefully within the confines of the castle so as not to create any kind of a panic. He was right in telling them his concerns about their subjects panicking about his presence. They had been introducing him to the castle guard and staff to get them used to his presence there. That is not to say that he was confined to always being indoors. Both princesses had given him free run of the royal gardens so that he could still get some sunlight and to be able to enjoy Lunas nightly… handywork?... Hoofdiwork? Whatever… TALENT! Ah there we go!

The batponies in the Night Kingdom had accepted him well enough and the Palace guards and staff had grown rather fond of the human. They never grew tired of the stories from his world. The guard allowed, with the princesses permission, Alex to use their training facilities and grounds to keep in shape and to teach him their ways of fighting and defending the castle. Captain Skyfire was always present and close by his side encouraging him and pushing the young man to do better. The one wing Pegasus was always happy to see the human and had made it his personal goal to help Alex reach his physical and mental best as Alex had requested of him. All while under the watchful eyes of the princesses in general and Princess Luna in particular.

It pleased the captain how his friend had seemed to come to trust ponies, just a bit more. On the downside, however, he could still sense Alexs lingering apprehension over his mistreatment by said ponies.

But as always, there was at least one pony who would eventually challenge Alex in a contest of some sort, thinking that they were superior, due to the fact that they had four legs to his two. It was only just a matter of time.

Word had circulated around the guard about his living in the Everfree Forest for all those years and his fight with the Diamond Dogs and how many he had personally taken out in battle. Of course, the number had continued to grow with each retelling of the tale as the story was told and retold by others over time.

On this particular day, Alex was challenged by a young raw recruit earth pony. That was shortly followed by a Pegasus mare and a unicorn stallion also eager to make a name for themselves out of Alexs hide.

“Very well.” Alex said with a sigh. “I accept.”

“Alex, no. You don’t have to do this!” Skyfire said with concern. “I can put an end to it right now.”

“Sky, no. I have to do this. It would be inevitable that something like this would eventually come.” Alex replied. “I have to, somehow, put this to rest once and for all. If you keep running interference for me, it will make me look weak and what's worse, you.”

“Alex, you know I don’t care about that!”

“I know you don’t care Sky, but I DO!”

Captain Skyfire let out a long sigh. He liked this human and he knew Alex was right.

“Ok buddy. But just know that if I feel things are getting out of hoof that I will stop it immediately. Is that understood?” Skyfire spoke with authority.

“Agreed.” Alex responded. “And Sky?”


“I had to take on all the Elements of Harmony and the two princesses and I managed to evade them all, I think I’ll be ok. Besides, you have to take into consideration, all these contests are for you ponies, not for humans. I’ll do my best.” Alex said with a smile. And with that Alex walked out onto the field to meet his first opponent. “Ready to lose human?”



Opponent one was a tan-ish brown earth pony stallion with a blonde mane. He was somewhat burley and eager to prove himself. “I’m Thunder Kick.” The stallion said with an aire of arrogance. Alex approached his opponent not showing any signs of fear or apprehension. “You’ll soon see why.”

“First contest is Rock Put.” Skyfire announced. “The farthest rock wins! Human goes first!”

Alex walked up to the boulders that were on the field. Alex walked up to the smallest one. It looked like it might weigh about 250 lbs. Alex reached around the stone as best as he could and just barely was able to get a grip on its surface. The pony trainees and soldiers watching cheered Alex on. Alex planted his feet solidly on the ground and began to lift. The stone came away from the ground easier than he had expected and he hoisted it up to his shoulder. Then with all his might he threw the boulder as far as he could Olympic shot-put style. The rock sailed through the air and landed with a thump about 8 feet away creating a dent in the ground where it landed.

The crowd laughed and jeered while some covered their eyes in shame and shook their heads on Alexs behalf.

Thunder Kick walked up to his throwing stone and trotted around it with a haughty type of dance whereupon he turned around and with not much effort he used his right hind leg to effortlessly kick his throwing stone about 15 feet thus winning the contest. Thunder Kick sat on his haunches and clasped his forehooves together as the crowd cheered him on. Alex walked over to the stallion and stuck out his hand to congratulate his opponent on his victory. “Good kick! I think you’ll be going far here!” The stallion looked at the humans’ outstretched hand and placed his fetlock in the offered appendage with a smirk on his face. “Congratulations are in order I guess.” Alex said politely with a smile on his face.

“It was no contest as far as I am conserAAAAAAAAA!” The instant Alex took hold of the blond ponys forehoof He felt what he could only describe as a “blue strength” surge through his muscles as he threw the pony one handed thirty feet or so down the pitch to which he landed in a small haystack and cloud of dust.

“WOAH!” the crowd said in unison and fell silent at the display that had just taken place. Alex walked over to the side of Captain Skyfire and folded his hands behind his back. Skyfire looked up at the human with his jaw hanging open. “A bug is going to fly in your mouth again Sky.” Alex said with a little half smile.

There was an audible “CLOP” as he shut his mouth.

“HOW?” The captain asked in shock. “I told you captain. I’m a human not a pony. Your training is for you ponies. Your hindquarters are the strongest point on your bodies. Our strength is in our upper bodies.”

“I’m going to be rethinking some of our training curriculum I think.” The captain said as he noted it down on his clipboard.

“Hey Sky? Could you find me a tube about as long as my arm and about the inner diameter of a green pea? Oh and also some dried peas or beans that can fit inside?”

“Yeah I think I could. Why?”

“I have a feeling it’ll come in handy against that pegasus mare. She can fly. I can’t. I need to level the playing field if I am even going to have a chance.”

Skyfire signaled to one of the guards ponies who trotted over and saluted the one wing pegasus. The captain gave the necessary orders to the guard concerning Alexs request whereupon said guard saluted one more time and ran off to fulfill his orders. While waiting for the guard to return (blondie) came back from his haystack landing past the captain and Alex with his head hanging low.

“You ok there? I didn’t hurt you did I?”

The stallion looked up at the human. “Yeah, I’m ok. Wasn’t expecting that!” the stallion said.

“Don’t feel bad cadet.” The captain said. “LEARN from it! ALWAYS expect the unexpected!”

“Yes sir!” The cadet said as he saluted his instructor and went back to his seat next to the other two trainees.

Contest 2

The cream colored Pegasus came up next. “Name cadet?” the captain asked in an authoritative tone.

“Misty Cloud Sir!” She said with a salute.

“Cadet Cloud. Let me see what you can do” Pointing at an obstacle course that seemed designed for those who could fly.

“Yes sir!” To which she immediately took off and began to fly through the obstacle course. During the course of her run, the guard that had been sent to acquire a long tube and some dried peas arrived with said materials.

“Sir.” The guard said with a salute and retreated to his assigned post.

The little contest was beginning to draw a small crowd of onlookers.

“Cadet, return!” the captain barked, to which Misty Cloud promptly did, landing at attention while saluting Captain Skyfire. “Are you ready cadet?”

“Sir yes sir!”

“Alex are you ready?”

“Sir yes sir!” Giving the captain a human version of a pony salute.

“Cadet! To the skies!” To which Misty followed her orders pulling her flight goggles over her eyes.

“Alex, what are you doing?” Alex was trying to jump up in the air trying to get airborne. The now larger crowd giggled and snickered at the humans antics.

“Following orders as best as I can sir!” Alex shouted with a teasing smile on his face.

Skyfire just rolled his eyes. “Alex stop. You look like an idiot!” The captain said slightly exasperated.

Captain Skyfire then shouted. “BEGIN!”

The airborne Pegasus had been watching Alexs antics and laugh to herself. “This is gonna be easy.” She thought as she dove straight at Alex.

Alex stood still in the combat field looking at the winged pony as she dove right at him. When he thought she was close enough, he calmly put a handful of peas in his mouth and then took aim at the diving pegasus mare with the tube.

Misty Cloud didn’t know what happened. One moment she was about to tackle the human at high speed, and the next there was a green hailstorm coming up at her. The well-aimed peas bounced off the leading edges of her wings and her goggles protected her eyes but her muzzle was left without protection. The velocity of the peas being shot up at her and the speed with which she was coming down produced a nasty sting on her muzzle and the edges of her wings.

Alex continued to pelt her with the dried peas and just at the last moment stepped aside as the flying mare pulled up just in time to hit the ground and Wylie Coyote roll along the pitch a dozen yards or so. Dirt and feathers flew everywhere in the air in the tumbling ponys wake.

Alex strode to the downed pegasus mare picking up a length of rope along the way.

Walking up to her he checked to see if she was alright at the same time he began to tie her legs and wings together while she was still dazed and confused.

Misty Cloud shook the stars from her vision and then looked up at Alex who was still standing there beside her with his hands behind his back.

“You alright?” Alex asked.

“Yeah. We pegasi are tougher than we look.” She then said as she tried to stand. She couldn’t stand and quickly while struggling suddenly realized she had been hogtied. “Wha..? What happened?” as she looked around.

“Congratulations. You are now a prisoner of war.” Alex said as he looked down at the fallen pegasi.” ….Or supper.“ Alex smiled showing his small canines. The pupils of Misty Sky shrunk to pinpricks at his comment. Alex then bent down and untied her freeing her wings and hooves allowing her to stand albeit a bit wobbly.” Thinking you are superior to others is a sure way to get yourself and your teammates killed or captured.” He spoke. “Think on this.” As she continued to stare at Alex with her jaw hanging open and the look of shock on her face. “Return to your teammates.” To which she promptly followed his order.

“Alex, you really scare me sometimes. You know that if you get hurt, the princesses are going to take my other wing, right?”

“Relax Sky. They won’t do anything to you. I’m still more terrified of them than you are, remember? Besides you are a decorated veteran. They won’t do anything to you. Let’s get number 3 dealt with, shall we?

Contest 3

“CADET!” Captain Skyfire shouted out. “FRONT AND CENTER!”

“Sir yes sir!”


“Saphire Spirit sir.” The unicorn stallion responded and saluted as he trotted up to his position.

Alex walked up alongside the unicorn.

“This is an endurance race. Go til you cant go any farther.”

“3-2-1 BEGIN!”

Off the unicorn shot easily out pacing the human. The human starting off slower but steady and consistent. The unicorn passed Alex 2 times then 3 times. Alex just kept his continued pace. By this time the two contestants had drawn quite a crowd of military and staff ponies. The ponies cheered their own on as he pranced past Alex each time. Alex kept up his constant pace.

On and on the race continued until Alex noticed what he was looking for. The unicorn stallion was slowing down eventually as Alex caught up to him and passed. The unicorn had gone from a fast gallop to a canter, then a trot, then to a walk. It was easy to see that he was very tired and was just about to drop. Again, Alex passed his opponent and continued to keep his constant pace. Once again Alex passed the unicorn and this time for the last time. As he continued on, the unicorn was using the last of his remaining strength to crawl along the racetrack.

As the human rounded the last turn of the track, he reached out and grabbed a practice spear laying along the track and closed in on the exhausted unicorn stallion. The human caught up with the fallen unicorn and raised his spear high over his head as a primal yell left his throat!

“Alex! NO! DON’T DO IT!” Skyfire yelled while running towards his human friend! All the ponies that had been watching the days events unfold, gasped in shock while others in the stands covered their eyes in anticipation. The unicorn, in fear for his life and pupils as small as pinpricks, raised his forehooves over his eyes, tried vainly to use his magic to erect a protective barrier but failed to do so as the spear came down and lodged itself in the ground next to his head.

You could hear a collective sigh of relief from all present when it was discovered that there wasn’t a dead pony recruit laying on the track.

Captain Skyfire slowed his pace to a trot as he came up alongside Alex who was still breathing heavily (although less so since they had stopped) and looked at the prone unicorn then back at Alex.

“My ancestors, from ancient times, used a similar weapon for hunting and for protection. Although our prey might be fleet of foot, sooner or later they would have to stop and rest. We humans would continue to track our prey even while it rested. The one thing we all have in common as a species…. No matter how bad or dark the situation is, we humans NEVER, and I repeat, NEVER give up.” He stated. He then looked to the other recruits and in a loud voice so all present could hear. “We aren’t as strong as you earth ponies. We can fly but not under our own power like you pegasi. We have NO magic like you unicorns. We have had to learn to adapt rapidly to any and all changing situations. If we do not, we die!” He then reached down offering his hand to the unicorn stallion. With a little hesitation the unicorn took the offered appendage and stood up Alex helping him to his hooves. The unicorn took two steps and fell again to the ground grabbing his right hind leg and gritting his teeth. “AARRGG!” The stallion groaned. “Alex crouched down on his knees in concern. “Whats wrong!” He asked worriedly. “Charlie Horse!” He said through gritted teeth. Alex looked at the downed unicorn stallion with a raised eyebrow. Inside he was trying, really hard, not to laugh at the absurdity of it all. “Ok. Come on. Helping the fallen pony to his hooves once again.

Alex then positioned himself on the unicorns’ right side. “Lean against me. Stay off that leg. Let’s get you to the infirmary and get some ice on that.”

The unicorn looked at Alex in disbelief. And did as the human had requested and the two hobbled to the barracks infirmary. “…That’s another thing about us humans.” Alex said as they went along. “We will always protect our own…” He smiled. “…to the death.”

Captain Skyfire shook his head in amazement and pride as the two walked to the infirmary. Slowly and gradually there began to be the sound of stomping hooves getting louder and louder. Those present had heard what Alex had said to the injured unicorn. There was much, MUCH more to learn about this human and his ways.

Above it all, in the castle looking out over the grounds, two princesses looked down on the training field with pride at Alex as he helped their injured subject to the medical ward.

Author's Note:

Sorry I've been away. I have been wondering if I should continue working on this story even though I have some more ideas for it. I'm walking the line on it right now. On the one hand, (hoof) I have some cool / fun ideas still, and on the other...Well, I dont know. I guess only time will tell, huh?

Comments ( 5 )

I wrote them in three days totaling about 24 hours.

Really? Wow. How did you manage that?

I think someone been watching some samurai jack

I really want to see more!

I've been enjoying the story. Really hope to see your plans for the future

Looks like the soldiers are learning something from him.

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