• Published 6th Aug 2021
  • 6,494 Views, 239 Comments

Get Him 3 - Lord Blackraven

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Chapter 4: A Tormenting Dream

He Yet Lives!

Luna traveled through the realm of dreams. She knew her way well. This was her realm every bit as much as the night. Most ponies were awake so there wasn’t very many sleeping minds she has to look into. Most were nocturnal, Bat ponies and such and many of them were her personal guard.

As she sifted through the sleeping mind of her subjects, she noticed something way off in the distance. It looked like a roiling thunder storm. Flashes of lightning flickered at random moments. It was something that she had never seen before. As she approached, she could sense that this was a nightmare unlike anything she had experienced before. Soon she could feel the wind start to pick up. The more she tried to push her way through, the stronger the wind increased in force until she could feel the very feathers being ripped from her wings one by one.

Undaunted, through the pain and wind, she pushed until her head broke through the barrier. She only saw it for a second. A bipedal figure on one knee holding his head in torment. His head suddenly snapped up and looked her straight in the eye. In that moment she saw the sheer terror he was experiencing before she was violently thrust out and the thunderstorm vanished in an instant.

Luna awoke with a start! Frantically she looked around her sisters room but apparently not recognizing any of it.

“LUNA! What is it?! A surprised voice called to her. “What did you see?! Luna looked in the direction of the voice and shrieked in terror, her hooves scratching and scrambling to back away from the thing in front of her until she felt her back against a wall. The thing continued to approach calling her by name until she felt herself coming to her senses. “LUNA! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!” Celestia cried. “WHAT DID YOU SEE?!” Her voice so full of concern.

“Celestia? Is that you? Tia… you… I…

“I’m here little sister. It’s ok. You are safe now.” Luna felt a wing surround her and hug her warmly. Lunas panicked breathing and racing heart slowed to a steady beat and she looked up into the worried eyes of her sister.

“Luna, what did you see? Were we right?”

“Yes sister. I saw him only for an instant. He yet lives. He was there. He looked straight into my eyes and I saw sheer terror! I couldn’t remain long enough to discover where he has been hiding before he threw me out by waking up, but he does live. Of that I am certain!” Something is terribly wrong though. He is hurting. We need to find him and help him.


“Are you sure about this Luna?” Celestias concerned voice said.

“Yes I am sister. I…We must help him but we first must discover what is tormenting him so and where he is hiding before we can act.”

“Very well Luna. I will follow your lead. This is your domain after all.” Both sisters settled down to slumber. Luna had decided it would be best if they were to enter Alex’s dream as silent, invisible observers. That way they could see what was tormenting him without him knowing they were there. After all, neither one of them had ever seen into the mind of a human before, and Luna thought it was best to be careful until they understood the workings of his dreaming mind more.

Luna began to weave her sleep spell and let it wash over both of them. In no time Luna found herself in the dream planes once more. It didn’t take her long to locate the sleeping mind of her sister. Opening a portal, Celestia stepped through.

“Are you ready sister?”

“Yes, I am. Let us begin.” Was her reply.

Luna pointed off to the same maelstrom in the distance she had seen the previous day before as she slumbered.

Both sisters spread their wings and soared toward the raging storm. As they approached the turbulence began to increase but with less effect. Lunas spell of invisible observer seem to be working. In this state they could only see but not affect nor interact with what they saw. Once they had both crossed the tumultuous barrier, there again they saw the human figure on one knee closed in on himself with his hands covering his head. Celestias heart immediately went out to him and she made to step forward to hold and comfort him but was stopped by Lunas outstretched wing. Looking to her sister, silently Luna shook her head “no” she mouthed the words.

Silently they watched the horror unfold.

Author's Note:

Luna has discovered Alexs' dreaming mind. But what will she discover about his dreams?
Be forewarned. It isnt pretty.

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