• Published 6th Aug 2021
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Get Him 3 - Lord Blackraven

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Chapter 32: Night Excursion

Night Excursion

The weeks slowly rolled by as Alex stayed in the two sisters castle home. True to their word, they saw to it personally that he had everything he could possibly need. He had maids that took care of his living quarters every day along with his clothing. At first they were afraid of him due to his tall stature and his canine teeth, but soon warmed up to him as time went by. Speaking of clothing, (his were NOT made by Rarity. He didn’t feel like he was ready to face the main six just yet.)The food, however, was better than anything he had had in a very long time. Everything seemed to be going well, although much to the princesses dismay, it was reported back to them on more than one occasion that it had been discovered, that Alex hadn’t been sleeping in his new bed. Instead he had been sleeping on the floor with the blankets and pillows in a makeshift bed next to the fireplace in his room. When the princesses asked him why, he said it made him feel safer. They decided that rather than convince him he was truly safe otherwise, they would just leave the situation be and let Alex come to terms with it in his own due time.

Once again, the princesses were again true to their word and didn’t inform any of the mane six about where he was and how he was doing even though Twilight did try to contact the princesses a few times to get any kind of information about him and how he was doing. That was until Princess Celestia sent a parchment back telling her that he didn’t want to see any of them.

“Whats it say Twi?” Applejack asked Twilight as the elements sat around the map table in the Ponyville Castle. The mood of the mane six was less than happy. Even Pinkie Pie wasn’t her usually overly bubbly self.

“We are not to ask about Alex any more until further notice. He does not trust us after what we tried to do to him and he does not want to see us.” Twilight sadly replied.

“I can’t say ah blame ‘im. We all were pretty awful to ‘im.”

“Yeah. Some Elements of Harmony and Friendship we turned out to be.” Rainbow Dash said. Her usual bravado currently not present.

“How could we sink so low and hurt him like that?” Fluttershy said meekly. “It’s been three years since he came to Equestria and I feel just awful for what I’ve done.”

“You are not alone in this dear.” Rarity chimed in. “We are all at fault. Why I even heard he had some new clothes made and he specifically asked that it be somepony else other than me.”

“All I wanted to do was turn him into a pony so other ponies would stop chasing him and he wouldn’t have to keep running away and hiding. That way he would have lots of friends and he wouldn’t be sad anymore.” Said Pinkie.

“I read that book he gave me several times and practiced some of the routines in it and it got me noticed by the Wonderbolts. Sorin said that he had never seen maneuvers like that before and wondered where I got them from. I just told him it was from a book that I had from somepony. I mean I’m finally getting noticed by them and I feel like I hurt somepony and was mean to them just to get the attention of my heroes. It just feels so wrong! I didn’t earn it the right way!” Cried Rainbow Dash.

“Twilight? You seem to be awfully darn quiet. Are you ok?”

“Yes. Yes I’m fine. Just fine. I… No. No I’m not.” She said as her head drooped. I-I’m supposed to be the Princess of Friendship and I screwed up ROYALY! I had a golden opportunity hoofed over to me on a silver platter, to show just that and I blew it! I’m a FAILURE! I don’t deserve to be the Princess of Friendship anymore!” She wailed. “I messed up ROYALY and I don’t know how to fix it!” She yelled in sadness and frustration as her head fell and thumped on the map table with a loud bang.


Alex continued to live in the castle. He was slowly getting used to the hospitality but was still wary a bit, waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak. The guards that were assigned to him both day and night were always there. At first they did their jobs out of duty and loyalty to their lieges, but as time went by, the guards had warmed up to him considerably and genuinely liked being around him. He had some incredibly amazing things to say about his home world that they found very fascinating. There were a few times that he had seen Capt. Skyfire and was always greeted with a warm welcome from the one winged peagasus.

“Skyfire! It’s great to see you as always my pony friend! How goes things?”

“You as well my human friend!” Skyfire responded in kind and bowing before Alex. “Been busy training the new recruits for the castle guards.” He responded while looking out a window down at the training grounds below. There Alex could see the earth ponies working hard on their strength training drills and combat maneuvers. The unicorn trainees perfecting their defense and attack magic spells, and the pegasi recruits going through their aerial maneuvers. Skyfire let out a quiet sigh as he looked longingly as the pegasi in the sky and then went back to his professional demeanor. His eyes revealed his thoughts for only a subtle moment, but it wasn’t lost on Alex. In that moment he knew what was eating at Skyfire.

“How has things been going for you Alex?” He asked.

“Well… I guess ok so far.”

“Have the princesses been better to you?”

“Oh yeah! Really good to me. They seem to be trying really hard to make up for their mistreatment of me. I’m……Just…..

“Just what.”

“I don’t want to speak ill of them. They are trying in earnest to make amends, but I just can’t let my guard down. I fear that if I make one wrong move or say one wrong thing then its game over. My life will be snuffed out like a candle in a hurricane. I’ve never been around any kind of royalty before, here or back on earth.”

“They would never do that to you Alex!” Skyfire said in a shocked voice. “The princesses aren’t evil y’know right?”

“I know. I know. Sky. I’m just having a hard time of it now. I am trying to trust them and give them the benefit of a doubt. I really am, but it’s just very hard to do so.”

“Try and look at it this way Alex.” Skyfire began. “In the military we all face certain death in one form or another all the time. Fear is natural in all creatures. Especially for us ponies. We are a prey species and therefore very guarded around others we might consider a danger. We have had to overcome that fear or at the very least control and face it instead of it controlling us. You know what I mean?”

“Yeah I guess you’re right.” Alex sighed. “If I screw up in front of the princesses and they decide to do away with me, at least it will be over and done with. I should just suck it up. Hope for the best. Expect the worst, and just take what comes. Eh?”

“Now you got it buddy!” Skyfire exclaimed.



“Do you trust me?”

“You are one of the very few ponies I do trust Sky. Why do you ask?”

Skyfire turned and looked Alex dead in the eyes. “I would never lie to you Alex and I am telling you the honest truth. The princesses won’t hurt you. I promise.”

“Thanks Sky.”

“Any time buddy. You ever need somepony to talk to, I’m always around. I gotta go work with the newbies some more so I will see you later ok?”

“I’ll be seeing you around too … Oh and Sky?”


“Would ya quit bowing at me every time you see me please? I aint that special and it just doesn’t feel right.”

“Ok. I’ll see what I can do your highness.” He smirked. Then he turned and went on his way.

Alex let out an exasperated sigh and turned to his escorting guards. “I’m getting a little hungry. Do you guys know where the dining hall is from here?”

“Yes your highness. Right this way.” The unicorn and Pegasus guards said with a bow.

“AW C’MON, not you guys too!” He whined in frustration.


After dinner was consumed, Alex and his guards walked about the palace some more. The guards weren’t allowed to eat in the royal dining room as per protocol and that didn’t quite sit right with Alex so on more than one occasion snuck some snacks from the dining hall and give it to his escorts of which all were grateful. He even looked after the bat ponies that were assigned to him when he was up and about at night. He found the bat ponies, in particular, to be most fascinating and the bat pony guardsmares in return found Alex to be a most fascinating creature as well.

Lately, he was just wanting to wander around the palace. It seemed like no matter which way he went or what corner he turned, there was something new to see. Eventually he made his way back to his room and entered, the guardsmares resuming their post just outside his door.

It wasn’t long before there was a knock at his door. “Enter.”

In came the Princess of the Night, Princess Luna. “Alex, how are you doing this fine evening?” Luna asked as she walked out onto the balcony of his room. She had found him there staring at the sky seemingly lost deep in thought. It was almost time for her to bring forth the night. At first he didn’t respond but then looked over his shoulder.

“Hello princess. I’m doing ok I guess.” And then looked back to the sky.

She didn’t like it, being called by her title and frowned inwardly. He was still being a little too formal with her. “Alex, please, just call me Luna okay?”

“I’m sorry your highness. Luna Okay it is then.” He snickered. “Although that’s a pretty weird last name, even for where I come from.” Luna blew a piece of her mane out of her face in minor exasperation and stuck her tongue out at him. He had a quick sense of humor and was pretty good at teasing her at times. She smiled inwardly. She really liked this human.

“I was just wondering….” She paused for a moment looking down and pawing at the balcony’s floor with her right hoof. “….if you would like to….. um….. watch me bring in the night?

Alex turned to her with surprise in his eyes. “Really!?”

“Yes Alex. Really.”

“I read back at the old castle ruins that you and your sister could do that, and I watched the night and day change, but I’ve never seen you two actually do that.” He said. “Sure!” He said excitedly.

Luna had a big smile on her face. It was very rare to have someone to demonstrate her talent to and she’d never done it for a human before. This would be a personal first and she’d also be able to tease her sister a bit at being able to show off for their guest before Celestia was able to.

“Please, Alex, stand here next to me.” Luna said. Alex did as he was bidden and stood on her right hand… hoofed….? side.

Luna began to sing. It was a very soft and kind sounding lullaby. Something a mother might sing to her child to frighten away the monsters so the little one could sleep. Her horn began to glow with its familiar blue hue. Alex looked back and forth between the princess and the sky. Gradually the sky darkened as her sister set the sun to rest.

As Luna continued her song the stars became visible one by one. They seemed to swirl and dance in time to Princess Lunas enchanting song. Her angelic notes continued until it reached a crescendo and at that point she bowed her head and slowly rose it up again. At this point her horn began to glow a bit brighter and at the same time the full moon arose in time with her song. Slowly the stars stopped their dance across the night sky as Lunas song faded away to its ending. She opened her eyes to see Alex reaching up to the sky and waving his hand out as if trying to touch or capture the very stars in her night sky, just as if they were a little colt or filly chasing fireflies. She smiled to herself at his innocent childlike gestures.

She lit up her horn again and Alex found the same glow around his outstretched hand as it was gently lowered back down.

Alex turned to stare at Luna, slack jawed. Unbridled awe and wonder pouring out of his eyes, only for Luna to give him a coquettish smile and as she pointed a hoof to her head, "This crown is not just for show, you know?"

“WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO?!,”he shouted in surprised excitement.

Luna's fur was nearly singed from the excitement coming off of Alex, his eyes wide with childlike wonder. Giggling and blushing a bit at the opportunity of having an audience to truly appreciate her nightly efforts, Luna decided to put on a little show for him, "Well... aside from assigning them their stations in the sky, I determine their levels of brightness," she bragged, the words barely leaving her mouth before the evening began to shine even brighter, the stars seemingly burning that much hotter for a few seconds. "Their numbers, and most importantly, the positioning and phases of my station," she explained, pointing out her namesake in the night sky as it began to cycle through all of its variants, running the full range from waxing to waning and everything in between.

For the first time in what felt like forever, Alex found himself moved to the point of being overwhelmed. All his thoughts and feelings had been clocked to full capacity, trying to fully process the world around him, burying everything else beneath the barrage of sensory input. Truly making it feel as if the hell he had been through was nothing more than a bad dream.

A terrified shout and some violent shaking finally brought him back to Equestria, as he found Luna sitting in front of him and gripping him by the shoulders with her hooves, fear and shame carved into her features of her face. He, shaking his head, showed Luna that he had snapped out of it, that he was alright, and that she could ease up in her not so gentle ministrations.

"Oh thank the stars! We thought We had shocked thee senseless," she said, relief washing the fear away from her face but leaving the shame, as she refused to make eye contact with him, choosing instead to stare down at the marble floor of the balcony, "Please, We beg thy forgiveness, We had simply wished to give thee a demonstration of our talents, We had no idea it would frighten thee so." In her fear she had inadvertently reverted back to her ancient Equestrian tongue.

Alex reached up and cupped both her cheeks gently and nudged her face up so she could look him in the eye. It was a bold move on his part, but considering she was currently feeling very vulnerable, he did so without thinking.

Once he had her full and undivided attention, he gave her a warm smile and shook his head back and forth.

“No, no, no, that was spectacular! That display had to be the most awe-inspiring sight I have ever seen!”

Luna's tenseness began to subside some with his reassurance, "Truly?"

He nodded. “Thank you.” It was then that he realized that he was touching the night princess. Not only touching her but petting her! He withdrew his hand rather rapidly. “Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t mean to!...Please don’t…”

“Alex, its ok. You need not worry. I was not offended by your physical contact. In fact it felt rather nice.” She let out a heavy sigh. “Alex, you need not be afraid of myself and my sister. I know that you still fear us and that you are afraid that you may offend us in some way and that it may cost you your life or at the very least imprisonment, but I want to assure you that that is not the case. You are our guest and we would be your friends if you would let us. Do you understand?”

“I…I am trying princess. I really am. It’s just that…” His sentence dropped off there.

Luna then stood up. “Alex, would you please follow me?” as she went to his chamber door she opened it with her magic. Alex got to his feet and followed.

They were both quiet and all that could be heard was the steady sound of foot and hoof falls on the polished marble floor and the sound of the crackling fires in the braziers that lined the hallways. Eventually they found themselves at the doors of the royal throne room. The thestral guards standing guard at the doors stood at attention upon their approach. Luna then turned around and spoke to the two thestral guards who had been silently following behind them the whole time and ordered them to stay with the two door guards and then walked inside with Alex following close behind.

The double doors closed behind the pair with a soft low rumble. Luna then walked to the two sisters thrones and stood in the moonlight at the base of the raised dais. Luna inadvertently (or perhaps advertenly) struck a pose that made the moon reflect off her fur and made her look very stunning in the moonlight. Alex was taken with how beautiful she looked but did his best not to show it.

“Alex, I brought you here to ask you a favor. A request if you will.” She said as she sheepishly pawed at the floor with her forehoof. A thought had been on her mind ever since she had first encountered Alex.

“Alex, would you please mount me.” She said.

“What… What?! He said in surprised confusion.

“Please mount me. Climb on my back.”

Alex shied away. “No.” He flatly stated. “No way.” Shaking his head.

Luna slowly walked up to him and gave him her best puppy dog eyes. “Please Alex?”

I…I can’t princess. I mean you’re a PRINCESS! It would be unseemly. What would your subjects say! Its beneath your station!”

“Alex, my subjects are asleep at the moment and there is nopony here in this room but you and me.” She smiled mischievously. She could see his resolve starting to crumble.

With a resigned sigh, Alex shoulders sagged. He was opposed to indulging her request, in actually he would hate for anypony to see him riding atop the princess, lest it create some sort of scandal amongst her subjects. Raising one hand, he extended a finger and gave her a serious look. If they were going to do it, he had one condition.

“Only if we do this in private,” he said sternly.

Noticing his stern expression and tone, Luna examined the area. The throne room was fairly big, easily able to accommodate dozens of ponies comfortably, so it likely would suffice; it was, after all, a first time for the both of them. Looking back at him, she nodded.

“Very well then,” she agreed while hiding her enthusiasm for this new experience, she beckoned him with a wing. “Well, since that’s all settled, come?”

Walking over, Alex looked at the mare’s frame from muzzle to tail. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he slowly exhaled.

“You ready?” he asked, resting a hand on her neck.

Luna nodded and laid down on the floor and spread her wings so they would be out of the way to make it easier for him to climb on her back. Alex swung his leg over her back and Luna stood up folding her wings securely over his legs.

Shifting only slightly, she adjusted to his weight. And there it was, that feeling from the first time Alex had jumped on her back and threw his coat over her eyes so she couldn’t see. She shuddered under his weight and much to her amazement, having the young man atop her was remarkably comfortable. She felt the unusual feeling that he was now somehow her master and that she must obey. Not only obey but willingly obey, She WANTED to, yet at the same time that she must protect him at all costs from whatever perils that may try to harm him.

Feeling his hands glide over her neck, as he settled into place, she considered it as good a time as any to begin. Moving a hoof forward, followed by a second, she leisurely began to walk around the perimeter of the throne room.

Keeping silent, Alex rocked back and forth with her movements. Her slow, methodical gate made it easy to adjust to her movements. Stroking the back of her neck, his fingers glided through her ethereal mane. Luna found she loved the feeling of his fingers doing that.

“Enjoying yourself back there?” Luna giggled, making a gentle turn and peering back up at him.

“Yeah, this is really nice. It feels incredible,” he cheerfully responded.

Seeing his enjoyment, the Princess grew more excited. Speeding up slightly and breaking into a canter, the man lightly bounced and swayed upon her back. The sensation, while a bit odd, was strangely very comforting. She found that it wasn’t difficult for her to warm up to this feeling. With her silver clad hooves steadily clip-clop-ing across the polished marble floor, she continued circled the room.

“W...woah,” Alex said involuntarily, being unprepared for her change of pace. Absentmindedly he leaned forward and placed his hands on her shoulders to steady himself.

The abrupt shift from above, feeling of him gently holding her, sparked something within Luna. As unusual as the whole situation was, everything about the situation felt extraordinarily natural, no, more than that; it felt organic. As though something had been missing from her very long life. She was positively inspired by the whole situation subconsciously transitioning into a full gallop, all the while feeling every movement and emotion from her rider. As she approached the exit, she came to a screeching halt, her silver shod hooves coming to a sliding stop.

“Holy crap!” Alex exclaimed, having gotten just the barest taste of what the Night Princess was capable of. He had little doubt that, given the proper space, she could possibly move even faster. Unfortunately, she could not go any faster, since they were relegated to the throne room, she’d have no way to be sure.

“Alex,” Luna spoke, causing the man’s attention be drawn to her face, “do you trust me?”

“What?” he confusedly countered, taken off guard by her question?

“Do you trust me?” she repeated.
Slowly but surely, with an uneasy look in his eye, the man nodded. “Yeeeees?”
The corners of her mouth turned up, as she spun around to face the far end of the room towards the two thrones. She walked to the drapes on either side of the thrones and walked through them out on to a balcony behind the thrones. One last time she asked her human rider. “Alex do you trust me?”

Alex had several thoughts go through his mind as he looked into the eyes of the pony whose back he now sat upon. The words of his one winged Pegasus friend came to mind. In that moment he knew he had to make a leap of faith.

The sound of her hooves impacting the marble was all the warning Alex got, as the Princess surged forward. He draped his torso over the alicorn’s neck. With precious little ground to cover, she’d have to slow down, that was unless…Forcing himself to look up, he opened one eye and “No, no, no no no no no no, OH CRAP!” he rambled as his grip on the magnificent diarch of the night tightening!

Author's Note:

This chapter was a bit longer than I had planned. I had a lot of things I wanted to get on the page before I got to a stopping place.

Sorry in advance for any errors.

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