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Season 1: Episode 17 - Best Night Ever AU

Author's Note:

I honestly couldn't think of too many changes to "A Bird in the Hoof" or "Suited for Success" so actually, this will mark the ONLY episode update for what was supposed to be Friday's upload.

However, this AU is where I'm going to get to do something cool~

"Seems it's been forever for the Grand Galloping Gala to come along." Twilight said, as the main six was heading for Canterlot. Thanks to the Ham Hams, their ride had been secured.

"Still find it odd that after the ticket faisco, the Ham Hams get to come along too." Rainbow Dash said.

"Guess Princess Celestia was that impressed by our infiltration of the castle without even getting caught." Hamtaro said.

"How DID you get into the castle that way anyways?" Twilgiht asked.

"Hamster trade secret." Hamtaro said.

"Sad thing is, Boss was SUPPOSED to come with us, but no pony or hamster's seen him since the Mysterious Mare Do Well incident." Sparkle said.

"Going to be his loss." Rainbow Dash said. "Though, I did get a letter from Princess Luna asking to meet me during the Grand Galloping Gala." She said.

"Not sure what that's about, but I have a good feeling about tonight." Hamtaro said.

Little did any pony OR hamster know, tonight was going to be off the charts.

The group of ponies and hamsters soon arrived to the castle in their attire. The ponies wore their dresses made by Rarity, however, there was some kind of commotion going on.

"This is kind of wierd. What's going on here?" Twilight asked.

"You haven't heard?" It was Spitfire who talked. She was all dressed up too. So was Soarin. "Seems the usual orcastra that plays during this thing got replaced because too many of the members came down with the flu." Spitfire said.

"Seems an odd coincidence." Twilight said.

"We didn't do it!" Hamtaro said.

"Doubt it was on purpose anyways. Though, it did leave Princess Celestia Scrambling. Seems she was able to find a band to play in the orcastra's place. Some band by the name of 'Hampton & The Hamsters'." Spitfire said.

Sparkle's eyes suddenly went wide eyed. "HAMPTON & THE HAMSTERS?! THEY'RE HERE?!" Sparkle exclaimed.

"The name does ring a few bells." Bijou said.

"It should. They are only like, the most famous hamster band in all of our world." Sparkle said.

"Seems like they got teleported here too then." Hamtaro said. "And their making the most of it."

"A famous hamster band? I wonder how good they are." Fluttershy said.

Soon every pony and the Ham Hams were settled in the ballroom. The main six quickly noticed the large stage with hamster sized amps. "Wow. That's so adorable." Rarity said. "Gotta take notes from this..."

Suddenly, that's when some fog rolled in. And music played. By quite a few hamsters.

These hamsters weren't done here though...and four imparticular started leading the next song.

"Good evening Canterlot City!" The Lead Hamster, Hampton, said. "We're here to kick this Gala up a notch. Now, get ready to really groove." He added.

Luna would pull Rainbow Dash aside for a bit. "So, Rainbow Dash, I was hoping to talk with you a bit about the Shadowbolts Nightmare Moon had created. Admittedly they...piqued my interest."

"So, your going to make them a real thing or something?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes. Do not fear, I would never ask you to choose this over your friends. In fact, there's plenty of ponies I've been scouting for the Shadowbolts since that fateful night." Luna said. She noticed the next song was starting. "...Let us discuss more once the concert is over, shall we?" Luna asked.

"Sounds like a plan." Rainbow Dash said.

"And now ladies and gents out there, this next song is a dedication to our very first song. This is 'Sing A Simple Song'." Hampton said.

"And to close out things, let us pay a tribute to all you couples out there in the audience." Hampton said.

"Goodnight Canterlot City!" Hampton said, as an instrumental of the final song played and the main four hamsters left the stage.

"Wow, they ARE good." Twilight said.

"Duh! Why you think they got so famous? Even HUMANS were into this stuff." Sparkle said.

"Wow. Not sure what a human is, but these hamsters got to be doing something right if they've got non-hamsters as fans." Rainbow Dash said.

"And I think we can include ponies into that fanbase now. Look." Twilight said, seeing a few of the usually upkempt nobles dacing to the instramental track.

"...Case in point." Rainbow Dash said.

This really did turn into the Best Night Ever.

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