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Season 2: Episode 21 - Parents & Daughters Part 2 (A Canterlot Wedding AU)

Previously, a pretty big bombshell had dropped where the queen of the changelings Chrysalis was revealed to have a daughter, who was begging her mother just to ask for something that the ponies were unsure about. However, before Chrysalis could even ask anything, an ice projectile broke Shining Armor's barrier and it was followed by a very particular devil hamster.

"Spat." Hamtaro said.

"I'd be sorry about breaking up the mood, except I'm not. When I heard about this changeling invasion that was to take over Equestria, I was initially all for it. But then, I got one of those changelings to talk. One who looked like they really, really did not want to be here." Spat said.

"Thorax. I should've known." Chrysalis said.

"Don't put the blame on him. It's your fault for selecting him in the first place. Besides, now I've got a reason for interrupting things. Turns out, Chrysalis's hive is very low on love, and it's not enough to sustain a Princess Changeling. They need a lot of that if they are to survive at all. And the moment I realized these Changelings need to feed on love to survive at all, that's what was the selling point." Spat said.

"She really could've just asked." Hamtaro said.

"It's not like it would've hurt too much just to ask. I mean seriously." Bijou said.

"All the same, I better make sure I can win this. So unfortunately for the pony princess, she's getting frozen thanks to some powers I've been granted thanks to the Windigos." Spat said.

"What? The Windigos? How?!" Celestia exclaimed.

But Spat did not answer, he began to charge up a giant icicle attack.

After charging up the attack enough, he launched it right at Celestia, who tried to use her magic to stop it, but couldn't. Just when all hope seemed lost...


The sound of ice shattering suddenly filled the room, and every pony, changeling, and hamster alike was shocked by who the cause of the sound turned out to be, as Spat's attack suddenly rained harmlessly down around the reason.

"Sn-snoozer?!" Hamtaro exclaimed. Sure enough, Snoozer was up, and he was wide awake.

"This persona of mine will benifit me no further." Snoozer suddenly said in a different voice. Suddenly, black magic envoloped him and soon, he had become Shadow Skull.

"Shadow Skull?!" Spike exclaimed.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Spat said.

"Tell me about it; Snoozer was Shadow Skull the entire time?!" Hamtaro exclaimed.

"Small correction: You have it backwards. I was the one you called Snoozer this entire time." Shadow Skull said. "Snoozer is just one form I've taken over the long, long years I've been alive."

"All the same, of all the times for you to show up, why'd you have to choose now?!" Spat exclaimed. "Gah. I have to flee. I know better than to tango with an invincible & immortal hamster." Spat then flew off, getting out of dodge as fast as he can.

"Invincible?" Hamtaro asked.

"And now you know why I choose to hide myself away under the guise of an ordinary hamster once every few years." Shadow Skull said. "Still, the Snoozer persona wasn't meant to last as long as it did. I was only planning on maintaining it for a few weeks at best."

"So then, what changed your mind?" Twilight asked.

"It was not a what that changed my mind..." Shadow Skull then pointed at Hamtaro. "Rather, it was a who." The immortal hamster concluded.

"M-me?" Hamtaro asked.

"I've met many hamsters across the time I've spent posing as a mortal hamster, but none had the kind of spirit Hamtaro has. I've never met a hamster so pure of heart and full of hope until I first saw Hamtaro." Shadow Skull said. "For the first time, I felt like sticking around, just to study one hamster more."

"And the more you learned, the more you just felt like sticking around; am I not correct?" Celestia asked.

"Something like that. Even now, the concept of love has not tainted Hamtaro's spirit. It is still pure of heart and full of hope just like it was day one. By now, most hamsters would've become tainted, but not Hamtaro. He's different." Shadow Skull said. "His spirit being the way it is, is what protected him against Discord's magic. You can't taint what refuses to be tainted after all."

"I'm shocked...I really didn't think Hamtaro was just that special." Sparkle said.

"I really don't follow what you're saying, but it sounds like I'm some kind of big deal huh?" Hamtaro asked.

Shadow Skull laughed. "And that's just another example of what I was saying. Your just too pure for anything to change who you are deep down. You are a gift Hamtaro; one that just keeps on giving."

"Well gee, I don't think I'm anything that special." Hamtaro said.

Shadow Skull laughed some more. "You see, this is exactly what I'm talking about."

Suddenly, Harmony came in. "Hey, I just saw Spat..." She trailed off once she spotted Shadow Skull and landed behind him.

Shadow Skull turned around. "...Hello Harmony." Shadow Skull said. "It's nice to see that you're doing well."

"...Shadow Skull. Your very lucky my boss says I can't mess with you. Because otherwise I'd make you pay for what you did to my mother." Harmony said. "He told me you abandoned her as soon as she became pregnant with me."

"I won't deny that I did that. However, I did so not because I no longer loved her. I did so for the child she was going to produce." Shadow Skull said.

"...What's that supposed to mean?!" Harmony exclaimed.

"I did not want the child to study dark magic, and end up like me. I wanted them to become someone different and follow a different path in life. And I was so proud, when that child did exactly what I had hoped for." Shadow Skull said.

"Wait a second, if I'm following this correctly, then that means..." Twilight realized what that means.

"...Yes. It means exactly what you think it means." Shadow Skull said.

"Shadow Skull is my father." Harmony said. "But...but I still don't understand. If you wanted me to be different then you, why..."

"I didn't want you to be pressured. When I heard you decided to become an Angel Hamster, I was very pleased. Tartarus, I was even proud of you when I heard you passed the test with flying colors. In that moment, I could not be more proud of you." Shadow Skull said.

"So...you...you did it on purpose...because you didn't want me to turn out like you...but...but why?" Harmony asked.

"Because while I did love your mother, I knew I would outlive her. But I didn't want you to follow on the same path as me. So I'm very glad that did happen. Ever since then though, I've just become...so null to the world around me thanks to the dark magic I've gained. I knew it was already happening by the time your mother became pregnant with you." Shadow Skull said.

"Wait...but what about that stuff about Hamtaro?" Twilight asked.

"Yes...for the first time in decades, ever since I decided to want to study Hamtaro, I've found my feelings begin to return. Because now, I have hope for the future." Shadow Skull said. "And that hope only grew, when Harmony asked Hamtaro & Bijou to defeat Spat."

"Spat really caused a huge mess. Too big for me to solve on my own. Besides, I was still getting used to the whole dealing with Spat thing. For someone who had only become a devil-hamster a few years ago, he was doing it like an expert." Harmony said.

"I guess he gets that from his mother. Now I wish she didn't essentially abuse me like she did." Shadow Skull said.

"Abuse you? What's that supposed to mean?" Harmony asked.

"...I mean something very, very not safe to say around all these onlookers. Something very drastic." Shadow Skull said.

"...Wait, are you saying that Spat..." Harmony said.

"Is your half-brother? Yes. Yes I am..." Shadow Skull said. "But not by my choice."

"I...I honestly believe you...for some reason I do..." Harmony said. "...Father..." She then began to hug Shadow Skull, tears streaming down her eyes.

"...I...I never thought I'd be hugged by my own daughter until today..." Shadow Skull said. "It feels...nice..."

"...Well this certainly is NOT how I expected this wedding to go." Prince Blueblood said.

"To be honest, neither did any pony or hamster here." Princess Celestia said.

Author's Note:

Welp, there's the other bombshell. With Season 2 finished, I'm going to put the story on hold for the forseable future. But don't despair, this story will return later on this year. Until then, keep the love of hamsters in your heart, and I'll see you all back here for when the story resumes for Season 3 which will turn out VERY different from the original season 3. It won't be only 12 episodes long for what I've got planned. Take care every pony.

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