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Season 2: Episode 20 - Parents & Daughters Part 1 (A Canterlot Wedding AU

Author's Note:

Before we begin, I'm actually writing this first part on Thursday, but you won't be seeing this until Friday. The main reason why I'm writing this first part on Thursday is because this entire season finale ended up being very ambitious and crazy.

All the same, ready yourselves for plot development for a change, as well as one of two big bombshells being dropped in this season finale.

The main six plus the majority of the ham-hams were on a train bound for Canterlot. Though, earlier that day, a letter came to invite them to a wedding in Canterlot between Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and Twilight's Brother Shining Armor.

...Speaking of that later point...

"I seriously can't believe you have a brother who lives in Canterlot and never told us." Rainbow Dash said.

"Sorry. It's just...I thought I would have a good time to bring it up sooner than this but, between the Ham-Hams, the various things that happened in Ponyville, and the one time Applejack went missing..." Twilight listed off.

"Hey!" Applejack said.

"To be fair, you can't defend yourself on that last one AJ; no offense." Rainbow Dash said.

"...Ouch. While that statement is very much a true one, it's still a low blow." Applejack said.

"My point being, is that there was just never a good time to mention my brother before today." Twilight said.

"Hey, why is there a pink forcefield around Canterlot?" Hamtaro asked.

That brought said forcefield to the attention of the others.

"...I honestly couldn't even begin to tell you..." Twilight said.

The group was stopped and then scanned with magic before being let inside where at the train station, the group met with Twilight's Brother, Shining Armor, though Blueblood was there too.

"Brother, what's going on? What's with the forcefield?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I'm not sure if it's a crediable threat right now..." Shining Armor said.

"But we were told through an anonymous source that Changelings were planning on sabotaging the wedding." Prince Blueblood said.

"That seems suspicious..." Hamtaro said. "I think...it's best if we ham-hams had a look around."

"Suit yourselves. The shield provided by Shining Armor should keep the changelings out however." Prince Blueblood said.

"You're thinking about something, aren't you Hamtaro?" Bijou asked.

"Yeah. Who in their right mind would send say something anonymously?" Hamtaro asked.

That's when Harmony suddenly flew right through the barrier. "Ah, ham hams. I'm so glad your all here. I seem to have a problem. Spat was spotted recently in Canterlot. And with the upcoming wedding, I'm betting he's going to try something. I'm really hoping it was just some pony's imagination but, just in case." The angel hamster said.

"Hey, how'd you get through the barrier?" Shining Armor asked.

"I think what's more important is that Spat is here in Canterlot. So now we've got these changelings; whatever they are; trying to sabotage the wedding on top of Spat trying to do the same." Hamtaro said.

"Pardon, did you just say there's changelings here? Now what was it about that species my boss said again..." Harmony said. "I'll have to be excused. I need to go double check something." She then flew back out of the barrier.

"Okay, what is going on? What's with the concern with Spat?" Rainbow Dash asked. "...By the way, whose Spat?" She then added.

"Spat is that devil hamster we were told of before. And if he's planning on sabotaging the wedding, something tells me, he might be in league with these changelings." Twilight said.

"Long story short, Spat really hates seeing hamsters getting along, and I bet he'd go out of his way to stop ponies from being friends with each other too; let alone getting married." Hamtaro said.

"Fine, but you are going to tell us what's so bad about this guy once we're done." Rainbow Dash said.

"She's going to regret that..." Twilight Whispered to herself.

"What do you say Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"...It can wait. We have more important things to deal with." Twilight said.

"...Admittedly, that's very true." Applejack said.

The ham-hams discovered a pink alicorn in the Canterlot who told them everything: The queen of the changelings was impersonating her, and was planning on taking over Equestria. So, with the real Princess Cadenza Mi Amore AKA Cadance, the ham-hams soon escorted her to where the wedding reception was taking place, and while Twilight had barged in too, the very fact the ham-hams were with a second Cadence certainly turned heads.

"Wh-what's going on here?" Princess Celestia asked.

"The Cadence that's with Shining Armor is not the real Cadence; she's a changeling in disguise!" Hamtaro said.

"Oh please. That's so lame. Whose to say this other Cadence isn't the real changeling in disguise?" The Cadence near Shining Armor said.

Twilight then approuched the new Cadence, and did a strange dance which Cadence soon joined in easily.

"Wh-what was that?" Hamtaro asked, a little wierded out.

"Hey, isn't that the dance from before?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Twilight, didn't you mention that it was something you and your foal sitter Cadence knew by heart?"

"Yes, exactly." Twilight said.

"Well I'm sold." Rainbow Dash said.

"No doubt about it actually now: The Cadence that's with the ham-hams is the real cadence!" Applejack said.

The fake cadence that was near Shining Armor began to laugh evilly before suddenly shapeshifting into a different sort of being.

"So, this is that Queen of the Changelings you mentioned. The one that was planning on ruling Equestria." Hamtaro said. "Queen Chrysalis."

"What?! You dare try to overthrow the likes of me?" Celestia asked.

"It would've been so easy. I should have enough love absorbed from Shining Armor to deal with--" Queen Chrysalis started.

"Instead of trying to fight; try asking about the queen's daughter..." Snoozer said.

Every pony and hamster alike noticed Snoozer was sleeping on the box Spike was using. "H-how did he get here?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"And...what's this about a daughter of Queen Chrysalis?" Celestia asked.

That's when the CMC soon arrived, with what looked like a foal version of Chrysalis, but had a different main color. "A-Amethyst, wha-what are you doing here?"

"Mommy...just...just ask please..." The new changeling said.

"Snoozer, how on earth did you even know that Queen Chrysalis has a daughter?" Celestia asked.

"Snoozer's always spouting wise wisdom like this. Which is very impressive for a hamster that basically sleeps the day away., I will admit." Maxwell said.

"Wow. Makes me wonder if he's even smarter then Maxwell and I." Twilight said.

"But...but he just sleeps all day! How he could know this stuff is beyond me!" Rainbow Dash said.

"For once, ah agree with Rainbow Dash. There has to be a secret." Applejack said. "Especially since ah know no one carried him here."

"Yeah, it's kind of hard to miss the hamster that sleeps in a nap sack being carried by another hamster or even riding a pony without somehow falling off." Twilight said.

"...No offense, but Fluttershy would probably be able to do that later thing." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, that's not wrong. I would've carried him had he asked." Fluttershy said.

"...Okay so Fluttershy didn't carry him either. What's going on?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"What's with these hamsters getting through the barrier? He wasn't even on the train when the guards checked." Prince Blueblood said.

"I am just here to enjoy some zs and the wedding. Besides, the crisis is adverted now." Snoozer said.

"He's got a point. But there's still Spat to deal with." Twilight said.

Suddenly, the sound of Shining Armor's barrier being forcibly broken was heard. "Wait, who broke the barrier? I didn't give any orders to the changelings through the hive mind." Queen Chrysalis said.

That's when an ice projectile suddenly hit the ground near Chrysalis, and then that's when Spat flew into the building. "Hello Hamtaro & Bijou. Missed me?" Spat asked.

"Spat." Hamtaro said with ire.

To be continued...

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