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Season 2: Episode 12 - When Hamsters Play, Cons go Away

Pre-A/N: I couldn't think up too many changes to "Family Appreciation Day" (outside of Sparkle actually trying to get Granny Smith to the schoolhouse, thus being a foil for Apple Bloom for like, one episode). "Baby Cakes" seems perfectly fine as it is without Hamster Involvement being needed. And I couldn't even think of a good reason why the ham-hams would go help find Applejack during "The Last Roundup". So all three of those episodes are going to be skipped, but don't worry; there will be some things to help pad out the episode count. But this was not something I wanted to hold off on.

Pepper & Oxnard were actually hanging around Sweet Apple Acres, enjoying each others company, as they watches sunflowers start to grow. "It's so wonderous. Honestly, thank you so much for letting me plant a field of these, Granny Smith." Pepper said.

"It was the least ah could do for you young-ins. Besides, I looked up what sunflowers look like. They look like something that would be great to have around on the farm." Granny smith said.

"Well, that's very nice of you." Pepper said. "Besides, you're also letting us help out with selling Cider today."

"This is strange..." Oxnard said, as he looked at the barrels of apples. "Granny Smith, is this just me, or does the apple count seem a little low to you?"

"Eh?" Granny Smith took a look. "...Well, I'll be darn, it is lower than usual this time of year. What in Tartarus is going on here?"

"Our apple yield for this time of year is somehow LESS than usual?" Applejack asked.

"That's what Oxnard pointed out, and Granny Smith confirmed it." Pepper said.

"But that can't be right. Something's going on." Applejack said.

"I may respect you being a fellow farm girl, but this is something serious. I'm calling the other ham-hams." Pepper said.

"Yeah. We'll get to the bottom of this." Oxnard said.

The other ham-hams arrived just in time to see two unicorns riding a strange machine. "Hmm? Hamsters? What are they doing on a farm like this?" One of them asked.

"I don't know Flim; it is mighty strange for all of these hamsters to be in a single place if you ask me." The other said.

"I concur one hundred percent Flam; dear old brother of mine!" Flim said.

"...Any ham else feel like their seeing double?" Sandy asked.

That took the two brothers by surprise. "D-did you hear that Flim?" Flam asked.

"Also, can it be more obvious what they are when their names are Flim & Flam?" Maxwell asked.

"I-I certainly did brother of mine." Flim said. "Talking Hamsters; we'll make millions!"

"Yeah no. Your rather late to the scene on that front." Hamtaro said.

"Yeah, we've been here in Ponyville for a rather long time now." Bijou said.

"...Well drat." Flim said.

Suddenly their machine started to go haywire. "Hey, what's going on with our machine?!" Flam said.

Suddenly, stacks of apples were being carried by Oxnard and Pepper. "You two want to explain what you're doing with apples from Sweet Apple Acres?" Oxnard asked.

"Y-you can't prove those are from this farm." Flim said.

"My brother is right; you don't have even a shred of proof." Flam said.

"In that case, we could easily have the matriach here taste these, and see what she says." Pepper said.

"Oh, that's a very good idea Pepper." Oxnard said.

Suddenly, the two unicorns began to sweat like crazy. "W-we don't need to do that, do we?" Flim asked.

"We do if you're going to try and say that we have no proof." Pepper said, her face having one heck of a grin on it.

"...Brother of mine?" Flam asked. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I think I know exactly what your thinking brother." Flim said. "RUN!"

And the two brothers ran like crazy away from the farm.


"Wow, you really let them have it Pepper." Oxnard said.

"You don't mess with a farm. And if there's one thing I hate the most, it's con-artists." Pepper said.

"We can tell." Maxwell said.

Author's Note:

Pepper gets her time to shine here, practically giving Flim & Flam more than a piece of her mind, and even showing off that yes, she has a ruthless side she's not afraid to let out in case of an emergency. And I think being confronted by scam artists would be more than enough for that.

Well, that does it for today's updates. See you all on Monday.

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