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Season 2: Episode 19 - Putting Your Hoof Down AU

Author's Note:

Mid-week chapter update? I'm clearly mad here. Or I could just want to make sure my full attention is on the finale on Friday. I hope this doesn't happen again, but you never know. Regardless, you all are getting a special Wednesday Chapter Update. Enjoy~

Extra Note: Also still working out the format for this project. I think I'm getting close to a format that I'm happy with and I think you all can be happy with as well in case you were wondering why the change in format has happened out of nowhere again. I think I've got the format nailed down for the most part. Let me know if there are any changes you think I should make that you believe others would enjoy as well.

It had been just an ordinary day, and what's more, the CMC were heading for Fluttershy's place.

"Don't you think it's a little redundent for us to try for animal care taking cutie marks when Apple Bloom's already tried that?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Perhaps, but, I think I can help reign things in. And it should be easy to convince Fluttershy to let us--"

Sparkle got interrupted though, when Fluttershy was suddenly thrown out of the house by Angel. "Ow..." Fluttershy said.

"Oh boy...what happened here?" Sparkle asked. Something tells me, it's time to bring out the heavy artillery she thought to herself.

"W-well, it's just...I think I'm getting sick of being a doormat." Fluttershy said. "And there's this seminar I've found a flyer for so, I'm honestly thinking of going..."

"Nah. No need to waste your time and money on a seminar." Sparkle said. "All you need, is the right confidence. And lucky for you, I'm going to give you a make-over like you wouldn't believe. And I don't mean just make-up either."

"Huh?" Not only was it Fluttershy who was confused, but the CMC too.

Later, Fluttershy was at Twilight's place, though the yellow pegasus was in a chair and Sparkle was on top of a vanity. "Hmm...yeah, I'm going to have to ask for Twilight to cast a temporary shrink spell before I can get started on the make-up. Better for me to work if your my size." Sparkle said.

"Well...you are the expert here when it comes to make-up, that's no joke." Maxwell said.

"Yeah. Seriously though, you're in good paws Fluttershy." Sandy said.

Apple Bloom had to do a double take. "...Is that make-up on Sandy?" Apple Bloom asked.

"You like? Maxwell really likes it. And it's something Sparkle did." Sandy said.

"I'll be up front, I thought I could do make-up, but the make-up Sandy has on right now, just really brings out her inner beauty." Rarity said.

"That's the point. Though with Fluttershy, I'm not planning on doing that this time." Sparkle said as Twilight shrunk Fluttershy to Hamster size and then Sparkle pulled out a quick set-up kit for a hamster sized vanity.

"Really? What are you planning to do with Fluttershy's make-up then?" Rarity asked.

"You'll see. I promise though, you're going to love the new you." Sparkle said before she got started right away.

A bit later, the results were in. "So, what do you think Fluttershy?" Sparkle asked.

"It's...wow...I-I can look like this?!" Fluttershy who was normally timid was talking very confident like.

And she even looked more confident too. "Yep. See, I'm good at this." Sparkle said.

"I-I have to take tips." Rarity said.

"I'm willing to teach you, but it won't be easy, nor will it be free for that matter." Sparkle said.

"I-I understand that much...but seriously, I'm very impressed." Rarity said.

The shrink spell wore off. But Fluttershy's make-up stayed mostly the same. "W-whoa...I was not expecting that to last so little time this go around. It actually caught me off guard." Fluttershy said.

"I ain't quite done with you yet though." Sparkle said as she hopped onto Fluttershy's back. "Make-up was just the first step to show you that yes, you can look confident. Now, it's time for some tips on how to act confident too."

"Oh boy, this is going to a day, isn't it?" Apple Bloom asked.

After a giant montage of Sparkle helping Fluttershy really take herself seriously, it led to a net-positive for Fluttershy all around.

"I...I had no idea I could stand up to myself like this. Wow. You've really helped a lot, Sparkle." Fluttershy said.

"I told you that you wouldn't have to waste your money on that siminar. Wasn't this a much better alternative? I think your not disappointed." Sparkle said.

Just then, the group saw a mob of ponies chasing away a minotaur. "...And just as well, the creature in charge who was known as Iron Will seems to have suddenly found himself have suddenly come under fire for results no pony was satified with." Twilight said.

That's when Bijou was seen trying to scurry after the Minotaur as well. "COME BACK HERE...oh he's gone..." Bijou said before she stopped. "Huff...huff..."

"Something up?" Twilight asked.

"Oh it's just...I wanted to impress Hamtaro with something different, but he didn't like the way I turned out...now I'm worried he doesn't like me anymore..." Bijou said. That's when Hamtaro showed up.

"H-hamtaro." Sparkle said.

"So, I'm guessing that means your going back to just being yourself?" Hamtaro asked.

"Yeah. I tried to become something I wasn't." Bijou said.

"Good. I'd hate for that to happen again. You don't have to try and mix up your personality for me, Bijou. You just need to be yourself. That's all. I like you just the way you are. You don't need to change yourself up to keep me interested in you." Hamtaro said.

"Hamtaro..." Bijou suddenly threw herself around Hamtaro. "Th-that means so much to me, thank you~"

"Seriously Bijou, you've landed the best boyfriend ever. You should've understood from the get-go the kind of you that Hamtaro has fallen for in the first place. And just what kind of hamster he is." Sparkle said.

"Yeah. I'll certainly not forget that from here on out. I-I think I have a friendship report to give Princess Celestia." Bijou said.

"Why don't you tell me it?" The Princess in question was right there next to them.

"P-princess, I didn't know you were in Ponyville." Twilight said.

"Well, I heard that Iron Will was causing issues in Ponyville so I came to deal with the issue personally. We've had a long-standing relationship with the Minotaurs, and I'd hate for that relationship to turn sour over something like this." Celestia said.

"R-right..." Bijou said. "I think what I learned about friendship, is that you don't have to change yourself to keep your friendships or your love alive. You just have to be the best you you can be for your friends, and everything will work out in the end."

"Well, she's not the only one whose learnt something about friendship. Thanks to Sparkle, I've learnt that if I really search within myself, I can find a me I didn't think existed, so that I can stand up for myself without really changing much about my personality. All while still keeping my friends." Fluttershy said.

"Both really good lessons in friendship. And maybe something a little more." Celestia said.

"Seriously Bijou, I'm just glad you learnt this lesson sooner rather then later. I'm very glad." Hamtaro said.

"Oh Hamtaro..." Bijou was hugging her boyfriend more now.

"I think...it's best we left these love birds alone for now." Sparkle said.

"Agreed." Celestia said.

Post A/N: Yeah, I figured I could turn this episode into something to really show off how much Sparkle is growing into her own hamster, and really showcase just how much she's changing from being around all the ponies. She's certainly becoming a much better person for it, you could say. But that's all for this quick mid-week update. This Friday, expect the two-part season 2 finale. And there will be MANY changes. And there are two changes in particular I'm excited to be showcasing. One change is being borrowed from a now abandoned story. The other change is something I doubt no one will see coming. Let's just say, there's a reason I introduced Shadow Skull as Spat’s father in one of Monday's chapters.

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