• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 38,659 Views, 1,861 Comments

So, You've Grown Wings - Steel Resolve

The mane six woke up a little different one morning. Madness ensues.

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A visit with Celestia

Princess Celestia was taking a nap when the scroll appeared in a puff of smoke and fire. “Six? Goodness Twilight what have you been doing? Applejack swore to me you wouldn't touch any more liquor in her presence, if I have to rescue Twilight from a roof again somepony is spending a week on the moon.”

She penned a reply quickly, saying she would send a carriage. A few moments later another scroll popped into existence. “Dear Princess, let's hold off on the carriage a moment, I want to try something. Would you mind meeting me in my old room?” The next thing Celestia heard was an explosion, coming from the north wing. “What in the-”


Twilight coughed, and looked around, “Oh no...”

She had attempted a long range teleportation to her old room in the castle. She had been focusing on extending the range of the spell to include Spike. It seemed she had overdone things a bit, as she'd now managed to take a good portion of the library's floor, and six... No make that seven bookshelves. “How do I compensate for this much raw power? I really need help, or I really might hurt somepony!”

The rubble sent up a plume of dust, her west wall had been demolished, the seventh bookshelf (no make that six and a half, tax law textbooks by the looks of it, no great loss) in a pile of glass. The dust swirled inward as a shape barreled thru the wreckage.

“Twilight, are you in here? What on earth happened? Why would you try a teleport from Ponyville, even you don't have that kind of-” Celestia broke off, sudden comprehension refusing to quite come to the forefront of her mind. Her eyes relayed the message again, her brain explained loudly her eyes were damned liars and should check once more. Her heart decided it was going to play a drum solo for a bit and her stomach, not to be outpaced, did a barrel roll. “Buh.” Her mouth decided, since the rest of the body was clearly having a party, it would join in on the fun.

“Aren't they pretty? I have no idea what happened but here they were this morning! I found a good book on the subject and studied up a bit. I've ruled out every other possibility. I must be an alicorn! Can you help me Princess? I've been trying to control my magic but so far the casualties include seven texts on Equestrian tax code and one innocent brush, how do you deal with this much strength?” The silence lingered awkwardly. It whistled a bit.

Celestia's brain finished its little temper tantrum and relayed a message to the mouth.
“Pretty... yes...” Her brain sat back in satisfaction, job well done.

“Princess? Are you alright?” Spike looked up in concern. He waved a hand in front of her muzzle. “Twilight, I think you broke her.”

The dust swirled again as another shape flew into the hole that had previously been a wall. “SISTER, WHAT DEVILRY IS THIS? WE FELT A SURGE OF MAGIC AND SAW AN EXPLOSION-” Luna's voice cut off as she examined the scene. Her sister seemed paralyzed. A purple unicorn with wings was staring at her expectantly.

“TWILIGHT SPARKLE IT’S SO GOOD TO SEE- Ahem, We are most sorry Twilight. We were uncertain what had happened here and became excited and fearful. We... that is to say, I am most glad to see you, but what has happened here? Why is our... my sister so nonplussed? You look well I must say, your wings look particularly lovely!” Something about this situation seemed a bit unusual, but her happiness remained unabated. Luna embraced the unicorn fondly.

“It's good to see you too Luna! I needed to talk to you as well. I have no idea what happened; but my magic is out of control and I have wings! Celestia does not seem to be with us at the moment, I've been waiting for her to come back from wherever she is.”

Luna nodded sagely, she had seen this before. The memory was... not a fond one. Celestia had reacted like this when she had declared she would not let the sun rise. Also, once when she had walked in on Luna's... alone time. She walked over to her befuddled sibling and placed her muzzle close to her ear and whispered. “Celly, the sunrise is due in two minutes, you've overslept.”

Celestia glanced up in panic, which quickly turned to annoyance. “Lulu, why do you do that to me when I am trying to nap?!” She looked around, her senses relaying the information that her brain had been ignoring.

Twilight sighed in relief, this was not going as she'd hoped. “Thank goodness, I am so sorry if I startled you! Princess, I really need your help here!”

Celestia looked at her protege, “Twilight, I am so sorry; I was just a bit shocked. Tell me more please.”

Twilight nodded, she pulled out a book and opened it. She explained what she had read on the subject. “The book said it would be best to get information directly from the source, so here I am. Can you help me understand what's happening, and why? How do I control this much magic? How do you do anything without setting the world on fire with this much strength?”

The princess glanced at the book. Celestia had been so disheartened, but Professor Cann told her he what he intended. The book was written and published on a bet between the Cloudsdale University and Celestia's School for the gifted. It was a sound theory of course, the most gifted of Unicorns and the most talented of Pegasi researching the possibility of another alicorn outbreak occurring in Equestria, the whole study had proved a waste of time in the end. Despite concluding the whole thing pointless, having done the research they felt they needed to do something with the information. Thissdens had bet Cann two bits he wouldn't have the stones to publish it. Thissdens has lost that bet, and Cann had lost the respect of his colleagues for publishing something so useless. Who exactly would this information ever serve? Celestia looked down at her protege, Twilight's wings fluttered nervously as she looked up to her mentor for approval. Who indeed?