• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 38,659 Views, 1,861 Comments

So, You've Grown Wings - Steel Resolve

The mane six woke up a little different one morning. Madness ensues.

  • ...

Intermission: Help Anypony, the author flipped.

Twilight Sparkle approached Dawn, the Element of Magic.

Dawn had laid out a picnic spread, it looked quite inviting. "So it is down to you, and it is down to me."

Twilight nodded and stepped forward.

A fireball blasted the ground at her feet. "If you wish to die, by all means continue to approach."

Twilight stopped. "Let me explain."

Dawn snorted. "There is nothing to explain, You're trying to save those I am rightly trying to punish."

Twilight stepped forward again. "Perhaps an arrangement can be made, a fair trial-"

Dawn blasted the ground again. "There can be no arrangement, and you are risking your demise for even trying."

Twilight pondered. "Then we are at an impasse-"



Rarity looked over the author's shoulder. "Really? The Sicilian vs the Man in Black? Darling, you can do better. Twilight deserves better of you."

Hey! The Princess Bride is a classic, and this is a classic confrontation scene!

Rarity gave him a long suffering look. "Yes, and William Goldman is a wonderful writer, but you don't need this kind of crutch do you? Come now, what's bothering you dear?

Hey now, I am fine, just a little case of writer's block is all-

Rarity nodded. "I see, so you thought you could get past it by adapting somepony else's work? Take your hands off the keyboard dear, let's see what we can do."

Hey! What are you up to?

Rarity smiled, her horn glowed, and the keys began to merrily type.

Twilight Sparkle, the beautiful and studious mare, pursued her nemesis, Dawn the Element of Magic. Twilight's long flowing mane swirled in the breeze. She surveyed the environs. Mountains to the left, trees below, the sun was setting in the west setting the sky ablaze in colors. There could be no more wonderful place to face your enemy.

The Pony ahead of her, fleeing like a coward, had a coat of a drab gray color. She wondered idly if she might be able to improve this pony's looks with a nice gown, perhaps something in black to offset that dreadful gray color. While she wondered this the pony ahead of her turned and attacked. It was a beautiful volley of fireballs, each with a wonderful trail of fire trailing it, making them look like shooting stars in the nights sky. She pondered her last night spent studying the stars in her library, gazing upon the majesty of the universe via her telescope. The fireballs came ever closer, and Twilight dodged gracefully to the side, looking for all the world like a ballerina-

Pinkie bounded up. "Hey, whatcha doing?"

Rarity stopped typing with a start. "Pinkie you interrupted my flow! I was about to have Twilight perform Swan Lake-"

Pinkie looked at the keyboard with interest. "OOOO you're writing? Can I help can I can I!?"

Rarity huffed. "Very well, you can't well do worse than the author."

Pinkie sat down and stared at the keyboard. It began to type to the tune of "Cupcakes."

Twilight dodged the fireballs. Fwoosh!

Then she cast some back, BLAM!

Dawn started tossing clouds at Twilight like pillows, POOF POOF POOF!

Then Twilight picked up a tree with her magic and threw it at Dawn, CRASH!

Dawn cried out when the tree hit her. WAAAA!

Then Pinkie Pie showed up, TADA!

Pinkie sang a song. LALALA!

Everypony cheered! YAY!

"Um... Excuse me everypony, what are you doing?" Fluttershy looked on curiously at the pink pony pantomiming prancing and piping a pony piece of her own composition.

Pinkie Pie jumped up. "Hi Fluttershy! The author has writer's block AGAIN so Rarity wanted to help him and I said hey I wanna help too so I started writing and I was like BLAM and POW and LALALA and then you came up and asked what I was doing and I told you Rarity-" The end of that run on sentence was spared to the readers by a well groomed white hoof.

"Oh, I see. Well have fun Pinkie Pie-"

"Darling would you care to give it a try?"

Fluttershy back away. "Oh no I couldn't..."

Rarity pursued her. "Oh yes you can! Come, I insist, let's see what you can do."

Fluttershy continued to back away. "Please I would rather not-"

Rarity back her into a corner. "Please!"

"Oh no I-"




Fluttershy looked defeated. "ALL RIGHT FINE!" She trotted to the keyboard and sat down at the chair. The author watched in interest, this should be good...

Fluttershy rubbed her hooves together and began typing furiously.

Twilight finished the dodge with a pretty pirouette that set her long flowing mane swirling in the breeze. She gave a come hither look to the other pony. "Why are we fighting it dearest? This is clearly just sexual tension. Come, let's go experiment together in my lab, we can study the interactions of two bodies as they attract each other."

Dawn caught her up in a long kiss, her need hot in her eyes. The two ponies melted together in the embrace, hooves roaming all over the other pony, exploring-"

Rainbow Dash looked over her shoulder. "Whoa, 'Shy that's some good work! Probably better save that energy for your next book though."

Fluttershy blushed. "Dash please..."

Rainbow looked startled. "Oh! Right! Sorry.... Um... What I mean is I know nothing about anypony writing romance novels under a pen name."

Fluttershy blushed even more furiously. "I need to go now. It's been fun everypony..."

Dash looked at the empty seat. "Anypony mind if I take a crack at this?"

Rarity was still a bit shocked, Pinkie smiled.


Twilight smacked Dawn and laughed in her face. "HAHA I fooled you, now lets race!"

Twilight was of course a huge nerd but she had come in fifth place in the "Running of the Leaves" and she had been training hard with her best friend ever, RAINBOW DASH! She also had a brand new pair of wings so she was even more awesome, almost as awesome as RAINBOW DASH!

Suddenly a race track appeared from freaking nowhere, because racing is just that awesome. In the stand RAINBOW DASH cheered the nerdy pony on, next to her sat her date, DARING DO! They were all over each other when they weren't cheering on Twilight while she raced Dawn around and around the track-

"What in tarnation?!"

Dash rubbed a hoof over her mane. "Oh... Hey AJ..."

Applejack frowned in disapproval. She looked at the author, then at the ponies crowding around the keyboard. "Ain't he supposed to be writing this thing?"

Dash chuckled. "Yeah... about that..."

Rarity interrupted. "He's just feeling a little bit uninspired at the moment dear. It will pass, for now we are trying to see if we can help. With varying success..."

AJ nodded. "Oh, gotcha, well if it's to help out I'll lend a hoof. Step aside Dash, lemme try."

Twilight Sparkle gazed upon her opponent disdainfully. "You will not defeat me Dawn, for I have my friends to support me, in spirit if not in person. My talent is magic, and Friendship is the most powerful magic. I will bring you low, as I have so many others before you."

Dawn bowed her head. "I admit defeat, oh mighty one. Come, let us be friends forever more-"

Rarity stopped her. "Darling that was so eloquent, how is it you write so well when you speak with such a dreadful accent?"

Applejack puffed up with pride, but then looked annoyed. "What the hay are ya talkin' about? I ain't go an acksent!"

"Author why aren't you writing? My big scene is coming up! Everypony is expecting something great!" Twilight glared death at the author.


Pinkie bounced happily away. "See you soon everypony!"