• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 38,659 Views, 1,861 Comments

So, You've Grown Wings - Steel Resolve

The mane six woke up a little different one morning. Madness ensues.

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The Climax part 1

Logic, Common Sense, and Physics looked over the scene in earnest. The presence of Pinkie Pie and Lokey unnerved them, and the presence of Discord gave them the screaming willies, but they felt perhaps they had some say over the other twelve ponies present. Logic peaked into the black shifting ball of malice. She shook her head, they would not be needed here. She motioned to the others they should just go back to helping things make sense elsewhere. She waved goodbye to Pinkie, who waved back, smiling warmly.

"Bye guys, see you at the poker game next Tuesday!"

"Who are you talking to?" Rainbow asked tersely.

"Tell you later Dashie!"

Everypony was watching the amalgam of their two most dangerous enemies, wondering what horrors awaited them. The dreadful laughter and blood red moon was not filling anypony with confidence at the moment.

Luna knew most of all what Nightmare was capable of. Furthermore, she had seen Discord at his worst. If she had been corrupted by Nightmare's influence, what was a being of Discord's demeanor capable of when augmented by that kind of malice? That was the real question, Discord was malicious, there was no doubt of that, but he had a certain warped logic about him. He was a being you could, to a degree, predict. His motives were known only to him, but his actions were always to promote the spread of chaos. He did not kill pointlessly, he preferred live victims. Nightmare had wanted power; over ponies lives, over the day and night cycle, over Luna. Nightmare Moon had been the resulting combination of Luna and Nightmare. In her own, twisted way, she had cared for her subjects in that form. The Eternal Night had been her gift to the world, she felt if ponies could not appreciate her work more exposure was needed, whether they wanted it or not. What would a being with the pure malice of and power of Nightmare and the chaotic nature of Discord do?

Celestia feared for her world, The energy brewing in that ball of evil was vast, and potent, she was uncertain if the day would be won here. She felt her heart grow heavy with dread, not for the first time she wondered what choices she could have done to prevent this very situation. She always planned so carefully, it was a trait she had developed of necessity. In her younger years as a mere foal of one thousand years she had been so flighty, so sure that effort and force of will could best any problem. Then she had lost her best friends, and later, her sister. She looked around her. They were restored to her, for how long she did not know, but they were here now. New friends had joined their ranks, loyal and true all. She had an army here, delivered to her by fate. There was no planning for such occurrences. Perhaps will and effort was in order again.

The ground shook, lightning arched in the sky. The blood red moon eclipsed the sun, seeming to swallow it whole. A scream began, as if the cosmos itself was in agony. Something was emerging.

Lokey cried in anguish. Her cutie mark showed Tragedy in the forefront. "It begins! It is coming!"

A single, massive, leg was the first to appear. It was the leg of a bronco. The color was impossible to describe. At first glance it appeared black, but as you looked closely it was as if the color itself was sucking in all colors around it. This was not a color, this was an absence.

A second leg emerged, the leg of a dragon, the claws looked horribly cruel and sharp, ready to rend anything it grasped. It too was the same impossible lack of color.

Both legs were clad a thick plate armor, the metal was of a type unknown to anypony present. The body followed, its shape that of a lion's, its color nonexistent. More of the armor covered it. The tail emerged, wicked looking spikes and a barb adorned it.

The scale of the being emerging was horrifying. Each of its legs appeared appeared hundreds of hooves in length, the body longer still. How it was emerging from the amorphous ball of energy was anypony's guess. It was almost as if logic had taken a sudden holiday.

The arms followed. The left, a raptor's claw, talons gripping the air as if searching for prey. The right a lion's paw, claws extended. Both arms clad in the dull metal armor. Both devoid of color. It's like, how much more black could this be? The answer is none. None more black.

Finally the head emerged, while the shape was familiar; this mouth on this being held no smile, mischievous or otherwise. Its eyes were slitted. Its expression was cold. Black fire wreathed its head. It surveyed its surroundings, the assembled goddess before it, the lush world over which it hovered in precisely the way a brick did not.

It extended it's senses. It saw the staggering jewels of the night in their infinite dust and it's mind sang with loathing.

For a while it merely examined the universe in all its majesty, all its possibilities. Its various lifeforms with their hopes and dreams.

"It'll have to go." It declared in a voice that was neither male nor female, and echoed with the screams of thousands of souls gibbering in madness.

For a moment, everypony was silent. Then screams erupted from the lips of Luna and Celestia. The assembled mass of ponies looked at the sisters with concern. They were falling to earth, their bodies limp. Nopony knew what to make of this, there had been no movement from the being before them. Then they were clearly able to see both the sun and moon vanish from the sky. Or rather, were able to see, until the source of light and life shed its last rays onto them.


Six horns flared in the darkness. The six melded their powers and began to reforge that which was destroyed. They had remade the world countless times, remaking the sun and moon was not beyond them. Creating a celestial body took time however, precious time they did not have. The process begun, they then saved the royal pony sisters from their descent, if only to avoid further injury to them. Dawn caught Luna, cradling her gently. Sapphire caught Celestia, holding her as if she was the most precious object in the world. The primordial light of the forming sun brightened the scene again. The moon was beginning to reform, a swirling cloud of dust coalescing into the shape of the orb it once was. Dawn cast a teleportation spell, sending each sister to their respective celestial body, they would recover as their creations renewed themselves.

Everypony looked back to the huge creature who had apparently snuffed out the sun and moon with a thought. It began to laugh. It was a long, hollow, joyless laugh of a being who may have never expressed enjoyment. It's laughter was a mockery of all things good.

Two ponies flew into its field vision. One with mane of pink and coat of yellow, the other with a mane and coat of lush green. Their gazes locked with the eyes they flew in front of. The being froze, unable to do anything but meet their eyes.

A quiet voice emerged from the mare with the yellow coat. The voice was barely more than a whisper, yet seemed to drill itself into your head. "Excuse me, I can't help but notice you snuffed out the sun and moon just now."

A gentle voice emerged from the pony with the lush green coat. It was a voice that spoke of caring, and kindness. It also had an undercurrent of barely suppressed rage to it. "You see, we happen to like those particular objects, and the ponies who keep them in the sky. Would you care to explain yourself?"

The voice spoke, it bore no malice, the tone of voice would have been equally well suited to telling somepony the weather schedule for that week. "I am the one known as Omega, born of a need to exist in a place that will not tolerate my existence. I am the end of all. I shall erase everything until only I remain. Then I will be free to roam unhindered. If the cosmos will not tolerate me it shall be removed."

Fluttershy nodded. "That's nice. Girls, let's blast him in the face now."

Rainbow's jaw dropped. "Wha-"

"I said blast him in the face! Nopony hurts my friends!"

Rarity sighed. "That's just 'New Fluttershy' peeking through a bit, I'm afraid. Still, she has a point. No point in putting it off."

The other five bearers lined up, and the elements activated. Light the color of the element they bore shone out from each and merged. The magical forces swirled and danced about the six bearers, and arched down towards the large figure. The magical blast hit Omega square on, showering it with energy. Then it was swallowed up in the blackness.

Twilight was floored, as much as a pony flying several thousand feet in the air could be said to be floored. "Huh? But I-- WHAT?! It didn't work?! It always works!"

Omega loomed before them, silently. Parts of the landscape began to disappear. Stars were blinking out of existence from the sky.