• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 38,635 Views, 1,861 Comments

So, You've Grown Wings - Steel Resolve

The mane six woke up a little different one morning. Madness ensues.

  • ...

A royal RSVP

Luna and Celestia mulled this news over.

Celestia nodded. "Damage control sister, the griffons have taken a liking to you since they respect your... ahem... darker reputation. Can you please explain to them we have a misguided prankster on our hooves and this is not a declaration of hostilities?"

Luna looked slightly embarrassed, but nodded. "Very well sister, I trust you will be heading to Ponyville since it seems to be the center of our remaining problems?"

Celestia looked relieved. "Exactly Lu, I'll need to send a few letters first, but the griffons cannot be ignored while we tend to these developments."

Luna rose. "Be careful Celly, these ponies have had power thrust on them unwillingly, do not be overly harsh in your judgement of their actions."

Celestia looked annoyed. "Of course Lu, these are the Elements of Harmony. I don't blame them for acting like foals with a new toy, but like any foal they need to be kept from playing ball in the house."

Luna laughed a bit. "You never did forgive me for breaking the wings off that statue..."

Celestia snorted. "Long forgotten Lu, the Venus de Equilo is regarded as the most famous and beautiful statue of a unicorn ever created. Only you and I seem to recall it was originally modeled after me."

Luna scoffed. "Whose fault is that sister? Who approves the textbooks for each generation?"

Celestia tried to look angry, and totally failed. "Go, and come back to me quickly Lu."

Luna nuzzled Celestia, then followed the guard as he left the room.

Celestia turned to Spike. "Spike, I'll need you to take a few letters down to these ponies...


In a study in Celestia's room for Gifted Unicorns a wizened old stallion with a question mark on his flank saw a scroll appear in a ball of magical fire.

The pony set his work aside, the grading would have to wait. Letters from the Princess were not to be placed in the IN box.


We would like to personally thank you for your years of service, your research has brought about some immeasurable advances in magic theory. To this end we must beg your indulgence in a certain matter we discussed some years ago. We... were not entirely truthful with you with regards to the total number of ponies which have undergone Alicornication in the past. This omission was not done in malice, but rather in embarrassment, and a wish to not defame some dear friends of our past. However it seems we must research the phenomenon again. We have six new subjects for you to study. We ask that you accompany us in our carriage to Ponyville, we will disclose further details on the way.

Your Apologetic Ruler,
Princess Celestia."

Professor Howe Cann (PHD magical studies) laid the missive aside. He gathered a few notes from a file that had long gathered dust, and prepared to join his sovereign.

He paused, and quickly penned a missive. He laid it in his OUT box, it would be retrieved shortly by his intern.


You owe me fifty bits you old coot, I told you she was holding back!



Pinkie listened with interest to Fluttershy and Rarity. She comforted Fluttershy the moment the mare got to the point in the tale about falling from such a height. "I don't think you need to worry about flying so much anymore 'shy, it sounds like you can take a fall just fine."

Fluttershy just looked a bit frightened at the memory. "Thank you Pinkie. I think we need to find Twilight and ask her what to do. This is just not normal!"

Pinkie patted Fluttershy on the head. "Don't worry 'shy, your Auntie Pinkie Pie has that covered.

Fluttershy muttered a bit about being a year older but said nothing.

Pinkie triumphantly produced a scroll with the royal seal.

She intoned.

"Dear Pinkie Pie,

We have heard of the party you have planned to celebrate your having awoken as a goddess. We wish to RSVP, we will be attending with our faithful student. Also in attendance will be Applejack, who saw fit to come visit us. We ask that you keep your activities confined to the party until we arrive.

Looking forward to the celebration,
Princess Celestia."

Pinkie grinned. "See? You don't need to look for Twilight, she's coming here!"

Fluttershy sighed in relief.

There was a sudden pop above Fluttershy's head, a scroll unfurled and Fluttershy caught it, using magic reflexively.

"Dear Fluttershy,

Please do not read this aloud, we have a task for you. Pinkie has played a little prank and sent a rampaging alligator to go play in Sweet Apple Acres, could you please go calm the poor dear down before he hurts himself trying to gum apple trees? Leave Rarity there if you would, somepony needs to watch Pinkie Pie and ensure she doesn't get up to more mischief.

Your grateful Sovereign,
Princess Celestia.

P.S. Applejack sends her thanks, and asks if you can tell Applebloom she will be late for supper."

Fluttershy read this. "Rarity, can you join me outside for a moment?"

Rarity paused from her examination of the details of the room. She really did need to talk to Pinkie about her choice in decor. The motif was cute but now that she knew royalty was coming it hardly seemed appropriate, perhaps some royal blues and gold streamers... "Oh, of course dear!"

Fluttershy followed her outside, once she was fairly certain she was out of earshot she told Rarity what the letter had said.

Rarity's eyes widened. "That would explain why Gummy wasn't here latched onto her mane as per usual... Well, I will certainly try to keep Pinkie occupied while you tend to this matter."

Fluttershy nodded in thanks. She spread her wings (So large! She really needed to get used to that...) and took off for Sweet Apple Acres. At least it wasn't a dragon this time... "I hope he had a nap before she sent him off to play, Gummy gets cranky without a nap..."