• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 12,797 Views, 784 Comments

Direction - Darth Link 22

The Mane Six have to work to save Equestria... without Twilight

  • ...

There's a Storm Coming

As intense as the chariot ride last night was, the one this morning was even more unbearable. Even when she was annoying, Pinkie was friendly. Applejack, on the other hoof, was more ornery than ever at being dragged away from her work.

“I still can’t believe you…”

“Talked you into this,” Rainbow Dash said, with a roll of her eyes. “I know, but you’re the only one that can help me with Twilight and Spike gone.” She took a deep breath as she watched the landscape roll by. “I’m never going to laugh at Twilight being an egghead again. She did us a favor doing all the boring stuff.”

“Well, maybe you’ll appreciate that more now,” the Earth Pony said, paying more attention to the scenery herself.

“You’re one to talk,” Rainbow Dash said. That got the conversation back in place.


“You’re. One. To. Talk.”

The Pegasi flying the chariot were employing all their training to pretending not to notice, while at the same time preparing in case the conversation turned more confrontational.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Gee, how about the fact that, even after all this time, you still refuse to take those business classes that…”

“Oh, fer Celestia’s sake, now you’re going to go off on me? I get that from Rare enough…”

“Yeah, you do, because you’re stupid about the way you spend money!” Rainbow Dash rubbed her temples. “You have two products that sell out every year… usually without me getting any, I might add… and you still barely make your bills every month! You’d be right up there with Filthy Rich if you had any sense of how to save money.”

“Oh, now you’re trying to play ‘Miss Responsible’?”

“Considering ‘Miss Responsible’ has managed to afford a big house on a weather mare’s salary, yes.”

Applejack gritted her teeth. Rainbow Dash continued.

“You never have enough of anything because you won’t let anypony besides us help you. You nearly got run out by Flim and Flam because of that. You sell record crops, but instead of really improving anything you just use it to fix some supplies and keep things as they are. You refuse to upgrade anything, and still do everything by hoof.”

“Th’ stuff tastes better…”

“No, don’t even try that. Don’t think I didn’t notice Granny Smith after she tasted that cider. That machine made it just as well until those idiots screwed up.”

“Yeah, well…”

“You know, Rarity and Twilight have been trying to get you to just go take a business class and learn how to save money. Do something about it!”

“Rainbow, I can’t afford that.”

“Both of them offered to lend you the money. And, need we forget, Princess Celestia? The one that offered us free health care, tax breaks, scholarships for any foals we might have, all that stuff since we got the Elements…”

“I ain’t gonna be no charity case…”

For crying out loud, it’s not charity!” That outburst startled Applejack. The pegasi also shook, but in the argument it was barely noticed. “For Celestia’s sake, we all want you to stop this! Ever since Twi left, you’ve been trying to be a leader, but you can barely lead yourself. You’re barely getting by, even with all four of you working. Apple Bloom might need bits for secondary school, and Celestia knows how long Granny Smith will last before she needs to be taken care of. You’ve already nearly had to leave town once, and who knows what would have happened without us together. You could fix everything if you’d just accept the money and go enroll in something that would let you run the farm better. Are you going to do it, or are you going to have to poison half the town again before you admit you need help?”

“What did you say?”

“Are. You. Going. To. Have. To. Poison. The. Town. Again.”

There was a long uncomfortable silence.

“Why don’t we just stay quiet until we get there?” Every syllable was dripping with anger.

The rest of the trip was done in silence.

Fluttershy spread some bread crumbs out for the ducks. As they nipped them up, occasionally quacking a thanks, Fluttershy smiled.

Peewee, on the other hoof, stayed silent. She scanned the horizon. Despite how often Fluttershy explained it to him, he kept expecting to see his master come up and scoop him up.

As Fluttershy continued her duties, she kept wishing one of her friends wasn't busy. With Rainbow Dash and Applejack gone, Rarity caring for her sister, and Pinkie working, she was getting pretty lonely, even with Owlowiscious and Peewee to care for.

After finishing her duties, she gathered up her basket and returned to her cottage. What she saw when she got there was three ponies being growled at by Harry.

"Goodness, what's going on here?"

One of the stallions, a Pegasus with a hammer and nail cutie mark, answered. "Y-you're Fluttershy? Please, tell your bear here to calm down."

"Simmer down, Harry," Fluttershy said gently. The bear complied, but still kept his eyes on the newcomers. "I'm sorry, he gets nervous around strangers."

"Yes, well… we're the work crew Princess Celestia hired. We're here to install anti-changeling wards on your house."

"Oh, yes. Well then, you best get to it. Let them by, Harry."

Harry complied without further complaint. As the workers, stepping slowly as to not enrage the bear, went to work. Fluttershy went inside and found Owlowiscious. She scribbled out a quick note and gave it to her. "Go get Rarity and tell her I need her."

After all, she wasn’t going to let the three leave without a changeling check.

“Hmmm..... nnnmmmm,,,,, uuuughhh…”

Sweetie had been moaning all morning. Rarity had fed her and gave her her medicine, but her temperature didn’t drop the slightest.

“Oh, I wish I knew what was wrong with you. Shh, big sister’s here.” She kissed her forehead again.

Sweetie quieted down. Within five minutes, she was asleep again.

Sighing, Rarity kissed her again. She needed to get back to work. Which is why it was inconvenient that a certain owl came in moments later.

Lightning Dust was a bit uneasy, and not for the first time since meeting Trixie. She gave off an unpleasant enough vibe, but this new guy…

He was a stallion, an Earth Pony, big enough that he would likely give a manticore a run for its money. He had a dusty brown and a black mane, tied into dreadlocks all the way down. Perhaps the most worrying was his cutie mark, which depicted a red horseshoe with stars around it. She had a pretty good idea what he got it for.

He hardly seemed to move. Ever since he had been brought in, he had simply sat in his chair and read the newspaper Trixie had given him, with only a slight nod to his other teammate. He was not only built like a mountain, he seemed to act like one too. It wasn’t just sitting still, it was almost like a statue. Even with his size, one might not notice he was there.

As Trixie fumbled with a few papers, Lightning whispered in her ear, “Are you sure about this guy?”

“Trixie assures you, she knows what she’s doing. He might not have the personal grudge the griffon had, but he’s as good as they come.”

“Where’d you hear about him?”

“When Trixie became a fugitive, she got entangled in criminal affairs. She heard rumors of him. It wasn’t until she began looking for allies that she truly learned of him. She ignored it, at first, but with Gilda saying no…”

“Why pick Gilda over him?”

“Surely you’ve deduced?” When Lightning shook her head, she continued. “When I… was humiliated by Twilight Sparkle, I felt a rage… something eating away at me. It drove me for months, months of humiliating work that was beneath me. Then when I put that Amulet on… it was clearer than ever. And it allowed me to do great things. I wanted that in my allies. Somepony who would feel the same burning desire I did. And I know you’ve felt it. You’ve been ruined, as I have.”

“I… have…” she said. “But not the way you’re talking about. I always thought of a way to show up Dash, but…”

“Yes! You haven’t felt the Amulet!”

Trixie’s look was starting to scare Lightning Dust. She was grinning ear to ear, and her breath was shortening.

“I felt it… all those emotions, pushing me… it was… amazing! It gave me such power! I… I took over, and it felt good.” Then, realizing how she was acting, she composed herself. “Once you feel that feeling, you’ll never want to go back. You’ll be the best of the best.”

“Well… I guess…”

“Trust me. You’ll be great, and even if Red Hoof isn’t as driven, he’ll do well. And it’s only a few hours away.”

Lightning Dust blinked. “A few hours? I thought we were going to get more…”

“No need. Trixie can match Twilight Sparkle’s magic, you can do the same for Rainbow Dash’s speed, and Red Hoof will handle Applejack’s strength. That’s all we need to worry about. The other Bearers, they’re nothing special. Still, we need to get them first.”

“What? Why?”

“If they contact Princess Celestia, we’re stuck. They’ll put tons of the security around Ponyville and we’ll never get another chance. We need to attack swift and mercilessly. Get them all before they can get the word out. Once they’re gone it doesn’t matter if Celestia is told. In fact, I’m counting on it.”


“Trixie know Celestia has Trixie’s Amulet. She’ll get it back and take her rightful place!”

Lightning (the weather, not the pony) flashed at Trixie’s statement.

Red Hoof turned a page of his newspaper.

“K.... b.... n...”

Those mumbles greeted Rarity as she walked back in from checking the workers. Her head felt like it was going to split in two, but it had to be done.

When she approached her sister, the mumblings stopped. “That’s right, Sweetie, I’m back, you can calm down.” She felt her sister’s forehead again. “Still up… if you’re not better by tomorrow, I’m going to send a message for Princess Celestia. You need a better doctor.”

Sweetie didn’t answer. She just moaned.

“Alright, you can drop us off here.”

The two Pegasi stopped out in a field, letting Applejack and Rainbow Dash out. They flew off rather quickly, having sensed the tension between them.

As Applejack watched them do, she turned to her friend, who was balancing the entire stack of notes the two had made that day. “Well, that’s it. And good thing to. I’m gonna need to work overtime tomorrow to make up for everything you made me miss…”

“Actually, Applejack…”

The Earth Pony looked at her friend incredulously. “Oh, no, no, I’m not coming back tomorrow!”

“Come on, AJ, I haven’t spent time with Scootaloo in days! I just want one day to spend with her…”

“But I need…”

“Get Celestia to send you a few workers. Come on!”

“No, no, I…”

“Come on, I already had to cancel that day out with…”

I said no!

There was silence.

“You know, Twilight would sacrifice her pride for her friends,” Rainbow Dash said, before she flew off, heading toward her home.

Applejack just gritted her teeth. After a moment, she turned and began trotting to Sweet Apple Acres.