• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 12,798 Views, 784 Comments

Direction - Darth Link 22

The Mane Six have to work to save Equestria... without Twilight

  • ...

The Best Laid Plans

Twilight rambled off the last of the nine great wizards that formed the first teaching staff at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, along with the spells they created, the classes they taught, and the feats they had accomplished. Twilight had learned so much that she half-expected Celestia to make her list the lengths of their horns. Thankfully not, even she had her limits.

It took an hour, but she was finally finished. She welcomed the water pitcher that her teacher offered, and gulped it down, trying to soothe her sore jaw. Nearly turned her head straight up, knowing full well that the Element of Magic would remain on her head thanks to the spells Celestia had cast on it.

"That was very good, Twilight," she nodded. "Very good. I think you've memorized just about every bit of history I can teach you."

"Really?" She didn't sound pleased. "There has to be something else!"

"Oh, don't worry, Twilight," she soothed. She outstretched her wing, and Twilight took the invitation. There was plenty of room, Celestia's bed was enough for five ponies. As Twilight's purple magic floated the crown to the side of the bed, Celestia soothed her. "Even if I can't be your teacher, you know we'll always be friends. And I didn't think you'd want anymore of the hard truths that came with history."

Despite the warmth Celestia naturally radiated, Twilight felt a chill. She had learned some unpleasant things. Sombra, who had conquered the Crystal Empire and brutally destroyed the unicorn and pegasus crystal ponies in the Culling. The changelings, an entire race trapped in mindless bodies thanks to Discord. Legends of a time before the Age of the Three Tribes, when humans walked the land, and threats like Tirek, and Catrina, and the Smooze threatened the peaceful Dream Valley. Fairy tale rubbish, Twilight had dismissed, until she remembered that NightMare Moon had once been the same.

And the thought that the nightmares of foal's tales might have lived wasn't the most terrifying, it was knowing that the others certainly plotted even now.

"Any word on..." She swallowed a lump before going on. "...on Trixie? Where she is?"

"I'm sorry, Twilight, but no. You know I'd have told you first, of all ponies."

"I know. But... what she's become..."

"She doesn't have the Amulet anymore, Twilight. She won't be as powerful now."

Twilight rubbed her head. "I know. But... I'm sorry, Princess, but seeing what she turned into... she was just a showmare, but..."

The chill was back, the same chill she had felt when she first saw Trixie with the forbidden amulet around her neck, casting humiliating spells on her friends. That amulet... it had revolted her. Even locked in Zecora's box, it gave her an uneasy tinge. Even now, locked away deep in the castle vaults, she still shivered just thinking about it.

And there was Trixie herself. Oddly, those few moments of confusion when she realized she had been tricked were when she was at her most coherent. Then she seemed to go even madder than before. Twilight had tried to restrain her, of course she had, but insanity was too much of a wild card for a logical pony like her, not helped by the power boost she still had.

She had gotten away. The Everfree Forest was combed for days by the Royal Guard, but she simply was not there anymore. She was gone, added with the changelings on the list of unaccounted threats that blighted Twilight's life.

Her fear must have shown. Celestia's wing tightened around her. "You'll be able to handle it. I know you will."

Twilight gave a smile. It was weak, but at least it was there. She nestled into her mentor, as if she weren't a full grown pony with a child of her own, likely asleep in the room that he insisted they share, even in a castle full of hundreds of bedrooms.

She had been on edge since the Wedding. Nightmares of changelings roasting her on a spit still frequented, though thankfully her other series of nightmares, of her friends sneering and cheering at her death, had dropped out of the subconscious. Still, she was jumpy, and constantly looking for new ways to protect herself and her loved ones. Among these, the most radical, was asking if the Elements of Harmony could stay with their bearers at all times. After some uncertainty, Celestia agreed. Twilight had proved that she was capable. The corruption of the Element of Magic, a side effect of Luna's fall, was not likely to happen a second time.

Celestia pushed the thought out of her mind that she had once had that kind of faith in her sister as well. She returned the nuzzle, then quite against everything she wanted she pushed her away. Just a bit. "You've been learning a lot over the last year. I know I've been doubling your studies ever since the incident up at the Empire, and I've been stealing time from your friends, but it has all been for a good cause."

"I know. I trust you."

Celestia felt a familiar pain, one she had felt since that horrible day she met Discord. From her family's death, then Luna's banishment, and most recently Cadance and Twilight at the Wedding, among several other things in between, trust in her seemed to be a worse idea all the time. Or at least, she thought so.

"I think you're ready."



Celestia nodded. "Yes, Twilight. You're ready for something I've known you wanted since the day you became my student, even if you never had the nerve to flat out ask me."

Twilight held her breath. Her eyes were wide, and sparkling. It made Celestia smile. She seemed more like the filly that she had met years ago than ever.

"I think you're ready for the Trials."

Immediately a purple blur jumped from under Celestia's wing and began bouncing around her chambers, each leap punctuated with a "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Celestia laughed, using her magic to stop her in the air. “Calm yourself, do you want to wake the castle?”

“You’re really sending me?” Twilight said, a distinct squeal in her voice. “The Trials? I’m ready? Really?”

Celestia smiled and nodded. "These last three years, you more than proved yourself... I take that back, in the first two years you proved yourself, and this last year I’ve been preparing you for life as an alicorn. All the political knowledge and history you’d need... I think you’re ready.”

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Yes! Yes! Yes!”

Twilight threw her forelegs around the neck of her mentor, burying her muzzle in her neck. Celestia felt wetness. She was crying. “I... I don’t believe...”

Celestia gave a knowing smirk. “Why not? You’ve proven you’re brave, kind, smart. You’re worthy to wield the Element of Magic, you’ve proved adversity will not erode your good will. There’s no reason you are not worthy.”

“Oh my... oh my...” Twilight looked up at her mentor. She was breathing deeply. “I... when do I leave?”

“In a few days. I’m going to announce your departure to the nobles... you’re to keep quiet of it, by the way. It won’t do if the changelings know that one of the Element Bearers is missing.”

“I... I understand.”

“You’ll set out with supplies. Alone. Not even Spike can accompany you.” Celestia tried to keep smiling, but they were getting into territory she didn’t like talking about. “It... it will be dangerous, Twilight. Or it can be. There have been tales of ponies who came back mad...”

“I’ve heard.” She didn’t sound any less excited. “But... I can do it! I’m ready.”

“I know,” she smiled, nuzzling her. “I have faith in you.”

Scootaloo yawned as she pulled the covers even further over her. It was hard, Tank had decided it was her turn to have his company that night, so he was resting on top of them, but it was far enough.

She looked around. Her room, decorated, was something she could still hardly believe, even all this time later. A poster, signed by every high ranking Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash could get an autograph from (which was plenty; nearly everypony at the camp knew the new recruit had a filly at home), was hanging on one wall, with a few models hanging from a mobile on the ceiling. A bookcase filled with Junior Daring Do novels and a few other fantasy series, with her schoolbooks on the bottom as an afterthought. A desk, the same from her old house, sat with an unlit lantern and some of her school work. A closet half-opened showed only her flowerfilly dress, since she had little need for clothes. Her scooter, still cherished even as she learned how to fly, was leaning in one corner.

It occurred to her, for the first time since she had moved in with Rainbow Dash, that this could have easily been her room when she had lived with her mother and father. Hard cloud instead of wood, yes, and a bookcase where she would have retched before, but it was still very much the same. There was just one thing different: Rainbow Dash was sleeping in the next room, not Speedy and Quick Delivery.

She flopped back onto her pillow. It felt safe. She never thought life could get this good. Rainbow Dash had taken her in, and whenever she had to go train, Soarin' himself tried to get time off to come watch her. When he could not, the Apples always had room for her, and even if it meant sharing a bed with Apple Bloom, she still loved it.

She loved this life. It was perfect, even if it was a bit different than she expected.

Rainbow Dash seemed to be three different ponies sometimes. In peaceful times, she was laid back, almost lazy. When training her, she was tough, but fair, like what she suspected a Wonderbolt drill sergeant was like.

But a third Rainbow Dash had come out. One that seemed to actually act like a grownup. One that made sure that she was maintaining a B-plus average, flight school scholarships were getting harder to get and she didn't want to beg Celestia for the money if she could help it. It was hard at first, Speedy had never cared and she had a stellar C and D grade average, but Rainbow Dash had asked Twilight to tutor her, and together they managed to help her. One that made sure she was home by sundown, in bed by eight o' clock. Alfalfa before dessert, reading every night, be sure to do the dishes and feed Tank, it's your turn today.

Even as it annoyed her, it seemed almost as good as a hug. Rainbow Dash cared, and that made all the difference. It did kind of weird her out how she could switch between the roles so effortlessly. Once, when Fluttershy was babysitting, she asked her about it. She merely shrugged and said Rainbow Dash could be counted on once you convinced her it was important, and she had decided Scootaloo was important.

Tank had noticed that his little Master wasn't asleep. He reached over and gave her a playful lick on the cheek, perhaps his first since he and the other pets caught the Crusaders proclaiming Angel the cutest thing ever. Scootaloo smiled and stroked his head.

"Still can't sleep, Tank," she whispered. "I can't wait."

Soarin' was getting some time off. The three of them would have a long day together, going to Cloudsdale and seeing the weather factories, a chance for her to use actual Wonderbolt equipment at the stadiums, dinner at a nice restaurant. Nothing could spoil her mood.

The hallways were filled with guards, and yet they didn't see the intruder.

She might as well have been a moving shadow, with how effortlessly she blended into the darkness. The lights the guards shined had to be avoided, or course, but that was easy enough.

She knew, roughly, the layout of the castle, so it didn't take long to find the room she was looking for. Waiting for the guards to move too far away to see her, she slipped in.

Twilight Sparkle was asleep. She had leapt into the room, waking Spike. She scooped him up, tossed him in the air, laughed and cheered, kissed his face several times, and told her news. He cheered too. Spike wanted to go to Donut Joe's and celebrate, and Twilight was inclined to agree, but when she layed down, her fatigue overcame her excitement, and she fell asleep with her son in her arms. He was soon asleep too, but not before taking the crown from her head and placing it on her nightstand. He didn't mind having to share a bed.

She was pleased. Her sources said everything would be this way. It was the best possible opportunity. Carefully, she made her way toward the nightstand. Then, with her magic, she lifted it.

By fate, Twilight stirred, and her eyes opened.

As it turned out, it wasn't the thief's best opportunity. If Twilight had been alone, she might have seen an unknown figure that likely had sinister intentions near her, and reacted with fear while she tried to defend herself.

Instead, she saw an unknown figure that likely had sinister intentions near Spike, and reacted with rage while she tried to defend him.

The blast from Twilight's horn just missed the mysterious pony, but it blew a rather nice hole in the wall.

Instantly there was actions. Guards shouted orders as they investigated the explosion. The thief leapt toward the hole, the Element of Magic in her magical grasp. Twilight yelled "Thief!" and leapt from the bed, her hooves barely touching the ground as she ran.

The hallway was already abuzz with activity. The thief ran down the hallway, but three Royal Guards were already standing between her and her destination, whatever it might be.

"Halt! In the name..."

The thief jumped, but not over the guards. In fact, she only gave a tiny hop, and when she hit the floor, she kept going, sinking into the shadow. That shadow passed under the baffled guards, their surprise only ending when the shadow touched their hooves. They cried in pain and fell to the floor, feeling like they'd been placed on a large skillet.

Twilight did leap over them, the sole reason she was no longer firing was to not risk hitting any guard that might try to stop her prey. As the thief rose from her shadow and looked back, Twilight edged closer, still yelling "Stop! Thief!"

She got close enough to grab onto her cloak with her teeth.

She regretted it immediately. She felt a burning sensation through her teeth, and her tongue felt like she had eaten fire. She let go almost at once, the unexpected pain too much for her.

Luckily, the snag caught the thief off guard. She stumbled forward, falling on her face. As she rose, her hood fell back, and Twilight recovered in time to get a brief look at her face.

It was a pony, the color of a setting sun, whose mane was a mix of orange and red.

That was all she had time to notice before the fire came. A large fireball was inches from Twilight's face before she got her shield up. As soon as the flames subsided, she fired. The thief wasn't struck, she ran into a wall, a shadow of her continuing to run along the wall, over decorations and pictures of past nobles.

Twilight chased after her, through the hallways. The thief didn't stay in the wall, Twilight was beginning to think she couldn't very long, but every guard that tried to stop her was sidestepped in a similar way. Twilight tried everything she could think of. She upended the rug ahead trying to trip her up, only for her to see it and leap over. She lifted up anything she could reach and threw it at her, but they were as sidestepped as easily.

Finally, they turned down a hallway that had a single door open. It was here, just after the door, that Celestia landed.

"You've made a mistake..."

And like a switch had been thrown, Celestia went from angry to shocked, as if she had seen her niece once again change into the Changeling Queen. "S-Sunset?"

The fire came again. Celestia didn't even flinch as the shield came up, she was too shocked. The thief, Sunset, Twilight supposed, turned and entered the room.

Twilight followed, jumped up and tackled the thief again.

It burned, just touching the cloak, but it had the desired effect. The thief hit the floor, and the crown flew out of her grasp, spinning through the air and toward the room's only bit of furniture, a full length mirror.

And then, in keeping with the night's theme of unexpected events, the crown didn't hit the mirror. It went through it, the glass rippling like it was a particularly thick form of water.

"No!" Sunset cried. She threw Twilight off of her, not too hard with all the pain she was in, and leapt through after it.

Twilight was torn between nursing her wounds while gaping at the mirror and wondering whether to chase after her assailant. Celestia must have seen it, because she enveloped her in a golden magic.

“Don’t follow. Not yet.”

“But... the Element of Magic...”

“You can’t recover it right now. Not until you heal... and you know more about your opponent.”

Twilight blinked. She had seen it happen, but only now just realized that Celestia had recognized the thief. She looked at her mentor, then at the mirror. “Princess... who was that?”

Celestia sighed, with a look in her eyes that Twilight had come to know over the past year, one of regret and sadness. “That was Sunset Shimmer... my last student.”

Author's Note:

Yes, I'm using Equestria Girls as the excuse as to why Twilight has to leave, although the events will happen much differently in this continuity. Everything will be explained better in the next chapter.

The movie wasn't my original plan. Truth be told, it was never one hundred percent solidified. Still, it gave a good reason why Twilight had to be alone, so why not? We will not be seeing Twilight for awhile after she leaves, this is about what happens in the home front.