• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 12,790 Views, 784 Comments

Direction - Darth Link 22

The Mane Six have to work to save Equestria... without Twilight

  • ...


Gilda flew over the town of Ponyville, trying her best not to be seen. Still, she ran across the occasional Pegasus who gave her a dirty look. That just reminded her of the bad situation she was in.

It figures that when that pink pest said she had invited everypony in town, she had meant everypony.

She was relieved when she actually arrived at Rainbow Dash’s house. However, that relief disappeared when she remembered it had been her that she had wronged the most. Still, she steeled herself. She wasn’t a spineless kitten like Fluttershy.

Then she mentally kicked herself. Rainbow Dash had said part of the deal was that she’d have to be nicer to Fluttershy.

Taking a deep breath, Gilda knocked on the door.

For ten long, agonizing seconds, Gilda held her breath, imagining every bad outcome she could to this scenario. It was absolute torture waiting for that door to open.

When it did, it turned into pure surprise. Instead of Rainbow Dash, a young orange Pegasi answered the door, looking up at her with wide, curious eyes. “Hello.”

“Um... hi. Uh, sorry, I think I have the wrong house. I’m looking for Rainbow Dash’s place...”

“Oh, no, you’re in the right place. You’re Gilda, right?”

Gilda’s mind nearly broke. “Um, yes?”

The small Pegasus turned to call into the house. “Mom, she’s...”

Gilda’s eyes bugged out. “Mom? What? Wait...”

Before she could finish Rainbow Dash came stumbling into the room, laughing harder than Gilda had ever seen her. “You... you should see the look on your face! Priceless!” The cyan Pegasus laughed. The orange filly was giggling too, apparently having been in on the joke.

Gilda calmed down, fuming a bit at first, but her beak quickly curled up into a smile. “Very funny Rainbow.” She turned to the squirt. “Okay, kid, you had your fun. You better run home, me and her have a lot to talk about.”

The little filly stopped laughing. “I do live here.”

“Sure you do,” the griffon said.

“No, really. Rainbow Dash isn’t my mom, but she does take care of me.”

“Okay, come on, the joke was funny, but now it’s over.”

By this time, Rainbow Dash had gotten back on her hooves and regained most of her composure. “Scootaloo, show Gilda the guest room. I’ll pull out the snacks. Come back to the den after you get her settled in.”

Without another word, Rainbow Dash turned and headed for the kitchen. Scootaloo began tugging at Gilda’s front talon. “Come on, the guest room is right next to mine.”

Gilda blinked. “Okay... really funny. This is a joke, right? Right? Rainbow?”

Dash stopped a moment to turn back and give a mischievous smile. Then she continued into the kitchen.

“Rainbow? Rainbow?”

Gilda just sat, slack-jawed, at what she had just heard. “Sweet Creator... I’d heard a lot went down after the Changeling invasion, but that...”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “We go through a lot. I haven’t even told you about Discord, or Sombra...”

“And you took in a kid... I never would have expected that from you. What happened?”

“I grew up,” Rainbow Dash answered. “That’s the whole reason you’re here, remember?”

Gilda felt her feathers ruffle. “You... you used her to pull a prank on me! You call that growing up?”

“No, I call that breaking the ice,” the Pegasus laughed. “It really made the last hour and a half less awkward, right?”

Gilda was suddenly hit by the revelation that her friend was right. All the anxiousness had evaporated in her shock and her desire to figure out what was going on had been driving her for the last half hour.

“Wow... you did, didn’t you?” Gilda felt herself grinning. “I guess that’s you all over. Always another prank.”

“Well, not so much these days. Still, had to bring it back this time, it is how me met, remember?”

“Really? I seem to recall we met because at Junior Speedsters, and the first thing you said to me was ‘What are you supposed to be?’”

Rainbow Dash blushed, rubbing the back of her head. “Hey, everypony was thinking it, I was just the one that said it. Besides, after that you tried to trip me off our cloud. Kind of broke the ice, didn’t it?”

“No, you trying to beat me up broke the ice.”

“Try nothing. It was worth the three weeks of detention.”

Gilda smiled. “Funny, you seem to remember winning, when I recall you having two black eyes.”

“I seem to recall you having a busted beak.”

“Please, Dashie, you went down like a bit...”

“Hey, hey, hey!” Rainbow Dash said, surprising Gilda. “Scootaloo’s in the house. Watch your mouth.”

The griffon stared at Rainbow Dash for a moment, then burst out laughing. “Oh Creator, you’ve turned into your mother!”

Rainbow Dash felt her cheeks heat up. “I have not!”

“What next? Are you going to start telling me I need to eat my alfalfa and not stay out too late? I knew you had slowed down, but I didn’t expect you to go all old mare on me argh!”

Gilda was cut off by Rainbow Dash tackling her to the ground. Immediately the two were wrestling, just like old times.

“Going to make sure Scootaloo is walking upright and not say ‘awesome’ so much?”

“Quit it!”

“Going to trade in your flight goggles for an apron and a wooden spoon?”

“I said quit it!”

“Gonna...” Gilda couldn’t finish, she descended into laughter. Rainbow Dash fought a little more, but she started laughing too. Eventually the two rolled off each other and just laughed, giggling like they were back in flight school again.


The two turned to see Scootaloo, having come into the living room having heard all the commotion. She was wearing her saddlebags, which were filled to the brim.

“Nothing. Me and Gilda were just having some fun,” she said. “It looks like you’re all packed and ready to go.”

Gilda blinked. “Go where?”

“Well, we’re not staying here tonight,” Rainbow Dash explained. “We’re going to have a cookout and campout at Sweet Apple Acres. That’s my friend’s farm.”

Gilda groaned. “Really?”

“Yes, really,” Rainbow Dash said, in a tone so forceful that Gilda nearly flinched. “Remember, you’re here to make up for everything you did the last time you were here. So, I set up the party tonight. You’re going to apologize to my friends, especially Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, and you’re going to apologize to Granny Smith for that little prank. You’re going to make friends, and be polite all night, okay?”

Gilda looked at the floor, suddenly back to feeling as she did before she had met Scootaloo. “Y-yeah, okay.”

“And you’re going to pay for that apple Pinkie saw you steal. Did you steal anything else?”

“No, really, I didn’t.”

“Good. There’s also somepony else you’ll be meeting.”

Now Gilda lifted her head and looked at her oddly. “Who?”

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. “That... is a long story. I’ll tell you on the way to the farm. Come on, Scoots, on my back, we better get going.”

As Scootaloo did as instructed, Gilda tilted her head. “Still riding at that age?”

Scootaloo blushed a bit. “My dad wasn’t too interested in teaching me...”

Gilda winced. “Oh, kid, I didn’t mean...”

“It’s okay. Rainbow Dash says my wings are coming in great. I’ll be able to fly as soon as I finish up my strength training.”

“Oh, that’s... good.”

Rainbow Dash decided it would be best to end the awkward moment. “Come on, let’s get going. The others are waiting for us.”

“Really, Rarity?”

“Darling, I’m sorry, but after our little trip I want some luxury today. Besides, the fillies will be staying in it was well, and we want them to be comfortable.”

Applejack sighed, looking at the Unicorn’s big tent. “Thought you’d be gettin’ rid of luxuries, after that talk we had in the jungle.”

“Applejack, there’s a difference between dragging along all this stuff on a hike and simply bringing it to an outdoor party.”

“Yeah, I guess.” The cowpony went back over to the pit and placed some more vegetables on the fire. “I just hope yer ready for this. I know out off all of us you have the biggest gripe with Trixie.”

“I do. I’m not sure Sweetie’s ready... I’m not sure I’m ready. But Celestia says she’s trying to change, and I trust her judgement. I’ll give Trixie a chance.”

Applejack nodded. “I understand what ya mean. I don’t know if I’d trust her either if it weren’t fer the Princess. Still, I’m a bit nervous.”

“You aren’t the only one. I’d much rather still be in Canterlot. I dare say, I’ve hardly sewn a dress in the past few weeks. I’m really hoping I’ll be able to catch up soon.”

“Know what you mean. I miss workin’ in the fields. Getting my hooves dirty. Know it ain’t glamorous, but I’m good at it.”

“I can understand this. There are parts of the dressmaking process that are tedious, but it gives me time to think.”

“Or dream about some fancy stallion?” the cowpony chided.

“And what if I do?” Rarity smiled. “There’s nothing wrong with a little fantasy.”

“Come on, Rare, we need ta focus. You think Twi is wastin’ time over in that mirror world over some stallion?”

“Maybe she is!” Rarity’s eyes light up. “Oh, can you imagine? Falling in love with somepony from another world? Star-crossed lovers! It would be romantic.”

“Please,” Applejack said, almost laughing. “Twi? I don’t think that girl can be attracted to anypony. The day she says she has a coltfriend’s the day I’ll eat my hat.”

“I’ll remember that... and to tell her you said that.” Rarity grinned at Applejack’s sudden fear. “But honestly, romance hasn’t been on my mind, lately. I’ve had something far more pressing in mind.”

“Oh? What’s that?”

“Why, the makeover that I’m going to be giving you and Rainbow Dash, of course.”

Applejack was confused at first. Then her pupils shrunk to the size of pinpricks as she remembered what she had promised the Unicorn in exchange for not packing so much.

“I’m already thinking something nice and pink and frilly,” Rarity said. If Applejack were of a sound mind, she probably would have caught Rarity’s smug tone and realized it wasn’t really going to happen.


“I think it’ll look good in your Hearth’s Warming cards. Can you imagine, the entire Apple Family clan, all seeing your new dress?”

“No, no...”

“I think some cute little pink ribbons will really tie the whole ensemble together...”


The Unicorn finally broke down in giggles at her friend’s horror. Applejack glared at her, but eventually she smiled and laughed too.

Rainbow Dash and Gilda landed on the outskirts of the farm, and Scootaloo leapt off of the older Pegasus’s back. She immediately made a dash for the campsite, running toward where she thought her friends would be.

“Any reason this place is so far away from town?” Gilda asked.

“Farms need room to expand, duh.” Rainbow Dash said. “And if you’re wondering why we’re camping here, it’s because we think it’s best Trixie not be around the townsponies just yet. They were ready to rip her apart when she was arrested. Rarity might have calmed her down, but we thought it’d be best if she got some alone time with us.”

“Uh-huh, okay... then why am I here?”

“Because you two could learn a lot from each other. I think talking would be good for you both.”

“...Sweet Creator, you really have turned into your mom.”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Don’t even joke about that,” she said.

“I’m not joking.”

Rainbow Dash stopped laughing and looked at her friend. Gilda was really looking at her with wide eyes. There was a heavy silence.

“What happened?”

“I grew up,” Rainbow Dash repeated herself. “And I think that’s why you need to meet Trixie and the others.” She started walking to the camping area, but stopped when she realized Gilda wasn’t following. “Nervous?”

“No... well, yeah, but that wasn’t what I was thinking about.” The Griffon looked at the campsite. “I was... well, I was thinking. I guess I considered myself an adult until I came here. I know I’m not perfect, but still... I didn’t think I was this far behind. I know that sounds weird...”

Gilda stopped when Rainbow Dash put her forelegs around her neck and hugged her. She was frozen from shock. Even as their closest times, Rainbow Dash had not been an affectionate mare, most contact between them involved playful punches and wrestling. This was just shocking.

When Rainbow Dash pulled back, she spoke. “I know exactly what you mean. I thought I was an adult until Twilight moved into town and I started hanging out with all my friends.”


Rainbow Dash nodded. “I learned a lot from them. From Twilight, and Rarity, and even Pinkie. I...” She stopped and thought. “I can’t think of any way to put it without being corny. But... there’s no magic thing you do to learn. You just do.”

Gilda gave a weak smile. “I guess you’d know.”

“This is your first stop,” she said, gesturing to the campsite. “You go there, apologize to everyone like you should have done at Sugarcube Corner the last time we met, then you’ll meet Trixie and we’ll all have a party. Come on, it’ll be awkward at first, then it’ll be just like old times.”

Gilda was silent, looking at the campsite.


“... Now I’m nervous, okay?” She took a deep breath.

“What happened to the old ‘rough and ready’ Gilda who didn’t care?”

Gilda grinned. “Maybe she’s growing up too.”

Author's Note:

Yeah, I've finally updated this. It's going to be updated once for every two Through the Mirror until that one has caught up with this. For the record, at this point Thursday is halfway over for Twilight.