• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 12,798 Views, 784 Comments

Direction - Darth Link 22

The Mane Six have to work to save Equestria... without Twilight

  • ...

Sweetie Catches a Bug

“Sweetie,” Rarity said, in between tapping on her bedroom door in three knock intervals. “It’s not that I don’t enjoy having you over, but Mother and Father are probably going to be worried about you.”

Still no answer.

Rarity was starting to get worried. This wasn’t like her sister at all. She usually had a boundless amount of energy, late to bed and early to rise, usually to cook her a breakfast that was getting slightly more edible with each attempt. She knocked on the door once more. “Sweetie?”

She finally opened the door again.

What she saw gripped her heart.

She was laying in bed, sweat making her mane absolutely unkempt, sticking around her horn. The odor that reached her told her that the bucket beside her bed had gotten filled once more during the night.

“Sweetie!” She galloped over to the bed. She placed a hoof on her forehead, which told her what she already knew: a fever.

“Uhh... Rarity?”

Sweetie had stirred.

“Shh. Stay put. I’m going to go get the thermometer and some medicine. I know it’s yucky, but you need to take some.”


Rarity raced downstairs, as quickly as she could both run and carry the bucket filled with Sweetie’s half-digested food without spilling it. If her sister wasn’t whining about something unpleasant, it was time to worry.

“So far, there’s been no sightings of any changeling activity,” Spitfire reported. “The desert has been combed by all three branches of the EUP, and the Buffalo have scouts all over the area.”

Celestia nodded. “And Everfree?”

“It is still being searched. After the break-in yesterday we re-warded the castle, and are currently using it as a base of operations.”

Celestia nodded. “And any word on Trixie Lulamoon?”

“Her whereabouts are still unknown,” Captain Onyx Stone spoke up. “All of the unicorns under my command have been taught the skills necessary to purge the Amulet’s remaining influence from her.”

Celestia nodded. “And you remember your instructions?”

“Yes, yes,” the Unicorn nodded, “she’s to be unharmed. It’s been hammered into my soldier’s heads that she won’t be herself until purged.”

Celestia nodded, looking over at the two commanders. The heads of two-thirds of the EUP were present, but it seemed the third, Captain Hickory, was still absent. She sighed. “I want patrols stepped up. Whatever’s going on, nopony’s going to slip by me this time.”

The two captains saluted. “I’ll go over things with Soarin. The Wonderbolts will be at every corner of the kingdom by morning tomorrow.”

“I’ll have enough anti-changeling badges ready by the end of the week. I will pin them on you personally, after another changeling check, and then you will personally distribute them to every member of your ranks.”

The two nodded, and before they could continue, the doors to the throne room opened once more.

“Your Highness, Captain Hickory has arrived.”

The Captain walked in, getting a quick changeling check in the process, and took his place at the table. “My apologies, Your Highness, but I received a lead I felt I must look into.”

“On the changelings?” the princess asked hopefully.

Hickory shook his head. “No, on Trixie Lulamoon. Reports say she was sighted in Manehattan.”

“Well, that’s almost as good. What can you report?”

“She was seen in an alleyway, talking to an as-of-yet still unidentified Pegasus. We have soldiers there scouting the area with local police.”

“And on the Pegasus? What did she look like?”

“I have a sketch here, it arrived by fireplace this morning,” He noted, sticking his muzzle in his saddlebag and pulling out the evidence. “It’s a bit crude, but I think we can...”

“Wait,” Spitfire said suddenly, grabbing the sketch, “I think… yes, I know this pony!”

“Do you?” Onyx asked.

“Yes. Her name is Lightning Dust. She was a recruit at the Academy… started the same day as Rainbow Dash. She was talented, but she was far too reckless and self-centered, so she ended up dishonorably discharged.”

“Is she a threat?” Celestia asked.

“I’d say so,” Spitfire nodded. “She is skilled. She even earned wingleader. But she’s reckless. Even if we can catch her, she’ll end up damaging things if we’re not careful.”

“Add her to the Wanted List, though remember she’s wanted for questioning at this point and nothing else.”

All three nodded.

“Excellent. Now then, onto the patrols…”

The meeting lasted another hour before Celestia dismissed them. Picking herself up, she glanced at a nearby clock. She had finished twenty minutes ahead of schedule, meaning she had some time to read through some more of her novel before she had to hear petitions from the Elite.

Sighing, she teleported into her room. The newest Daring Do book sat on her end table with a bookmark near its middle. She had been hoping to finish this before Daring Do and the Volcano of Destiny was out. She might make it, even with everything on her plate, but she regretted the changelings took her wizards away from the not important but very much appreciated anti-spoiler wards they were developing.

She picked up her book and turned to the chapter she was on.

She hadn’t read but three sentences before she found herself peering above the pages to her desk.

The books were still there, still open to the scene of Megan slaying evil.

Forget it, Tia, her common sense said. You stared at that picture all night and you remembered nothing.

She stuck her muzzle back in the pages, but every three paragraphs she found herself looking back at the old tome.

She eventually marked her place again, then went back to staring at the picture.

Those ponies... it drove her mad. Why were they so familiar?”

A familiar knock came at the door. “Your Highness? Are you in there.”

Celestia sighed. “Yes, Kibitz?”

“Princess, you must come quickly. Chief Thunderhooves has arrived, and wishes to petition a few grievances with you.”

Celestia sighed. If the Buffalo were starting to get upset, that would make things about ten times harder than they had to be. “Very well, I’ll be right there.”

Sweetie could barely eat the soup that sat in front of her, and wouldn’t have bothered if Rarity hadn’t insisted, stating that she needed to eat something, and soup is good for a sickness. Rarity ended up feeding her, then kissing her forehead and letting her sleep.

She had been working at her sewing machine when Scootaloo and Apple Bloom had shown up. She had informed them of her sister’s sickness, and then politely but firmly refused their offers to try for cutie marks in nursing.

As soon as the two left disappointed, Applejack was next at her door.

“Sorry ta bust in on ya like this, Rare, but do ya think ya can go with Rainbow today when she’s interviewin’ those guys?”

Rarity shook her head. “I’m sorry, dear. Yesterday I would have said yes, but poor Sweetie fell ill and I must stay and take care of her.”

“Ya sure? Can’t yer parents do it? This is important.”

“Applejack, please. If it was Apple Bloom that got sick, you’d want to be the one to stay and take care of her.”

Applejack opened her mouth, stopped, then sighed. “Yeah, I would. But this is kind of important."

Rarity was working on a dress at this point, but was still keeping one ear on the conversation. "I know, Dearie. Still, I must say you seem to be taking this very seriously. Are you really that worried?"

Applejack was silent for a moment. "I suppose. I guess… what, with no Twi around, I figure somepony's gotta pick up her slack."

"Then why don't you go with Rainbow Dash today?"

"I was plannin' to. But…" Applejack gave a groan, pressing her hat over her eyes. "Derpy crashed into mah fence yesterday. I gotta stay home an' fix it."

Rarity placed a hoof on her forehead. "That poor mare... she ended up crashing into my trashcans last night."

"That filly would lose her brain if it wasn't in her head." Applejack shook her head. "Well, then I'm outta ideas. I don't think Pinkie or Fluttershy would be good fits."

"Aww, why not?"

Both mares jumped ten feet in the air as Pinkie popped out from behind a curtain.

"Gah! Pinkie, what are you doing here?"

"That's a good question. Anyway, why don't you think I'd do a good job?"

Applejack kicked at the ground. "Well, Pink… it's just, you're a little too excitable with whatever you try. I don't want you to freak anybody out."

Pinkie scoffed. "I can be real calm! Really! I'll have everypony talking…"

"Pinkie, remember when ya tried gettin' info outta Spike!"

"Oh, but that was so long ago! Please, Applejack? Please, please, please, please, please…"

Rarity rubbed her temples. "Applejack, perhaps she should go with Rainbow Dash. Just to see how she does?" There was an unspoken, "And to make her stop," that Applejack heard crystal clear.

'Well… I guess it couldn't hurt too bad…"

"Yay!" She put a foreleg around both of her friends and pulled them into a bonecrushing hug. "You won't live to regret this!"

Both of the ponies in question just looked at each other.

Peewee tapped his beak against Fluttershy’s window, chirping sadly.

“Peewee, I told you before, Spike can’t come back until next month.”

The baby phoenix just looked at at Fluttershy, then back to the window.

“Why don’t you have another flying lesson? Owlowiscious would be happy to give you one.”

Peewee didn’t even look this time. He simply gave his pitiful chirp.

Fluttershy felt like crying. It hurt to see a baby so sad, longing for the dragon he likely believed was his parent. True, his mentor was still here, but the one who usually fed and cared for him was gone.

“Please, Peewee… I know! I can make you that dish listed in the Guide! Princess Celestia made it herself, it’s fit for a royal phoenix!”

Still nothing.

Owlowiscious wrapped a wing around his charge. He didn’t resist, but he didn’t really react either.

Fluttershy sighed. She understood Peewee’s feelings, she had her stomach in knots worrying about what horrible things Twilight and Spike were facing. She glanced out the window.

A tugging at her tail interrupted her. She turned around to see Angel looking impatient.

“Oh, Angel. I’m sorry, today’s your tail fluffing, isn’t it?”

The bunny nodded.

“Well, I suppose I’m not getting anywhere with Peewee… okay.”


At that moment, the Unicorn was “in the zone”, as it were. In the next moment, she was practically gliding up the steps into the bedroom. “Sweetie, what’s wrong?”

“C-can I have a glass of water?” She sounded like she was about to cry.

Rarity didn’t remember answering. The next thing she remembered, she had the glass, and was gently tipping it into her sister’s mouth.

“How are you feeling?”

“I... I feel too hot... like I’m going to die!”

“Don’t talk like that, Sweetie. Let’s take your temperature again.” She levitated the thermometer into her mouth. As her sister clamped down, she brushed her mane off her forehead and gave her a gentle kiss.

“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…” she sang, gently brushing her sister’s mane. Sweetie just moaned.

She took the thermometer out. “…One Hundred and Six! That does it, I’m taking you to the doctor.”

“I don’t wanna get out of bed.”

“Shh, shh, don’t worry, I’ll make everything better,” Rarity soothed. She ran downstairs, and returned with her softest blanket. She wrapped her sister in it before placing the load on her back. “Don’t worry, Sweetie. You big sister will take care of everything.”

Celestia looked at the mirror again. Not at the glass this time, she didn’t think she could bear seeing her tucking two Alicorn fillies into bed again. It was at the frame.

The mirror was a strange mix. Even decorated with rubies, it seemed almost plain. The sleek silver trim didn’t sparkle, so even with the decorations nopony would likely notice it.

Celestia studied every detail. There was something here... Something familiar. Since she had heard Thunderhooves’s grievances (merely that the buffalo working with the guards needed bigger rations, thank goodness) and held court, she had been studying the mirror intently.

It was why she was finding the book so familiar. She was sure of it.


Celestia perked up. Luna had walked into the room, and was looking at her.

“Luna… you’re up early.”

“…Tia, it’s seven.”

Celestia blinked, looking at a nearby wall clock for confirmation. “…So it is…”

“Tia, I know the mirror’s tempting, and don’t think I don’t know what you’re seeing, but you must resist it. Twilight simply isn’t…”

“It’s not that, Luna, really. It’s… I think this mirror’s connected to Megan.”


“Are you telling me you think this mirror leads to Megan’s world?”

“I’m saying it’s possible. I think… I think the ponies who gave it to us might be the ponies from the old stories. I know that sounds crazy, Luna, but…”

“Do you have any evidence for this?”

“I’m not sure. That’s why I’ve been waiting for you to get up. Will you go back to the Castle with me? The ponies that left us the mirror left us their symbol, but I don’t remember where.”

“Sister…” Luna began, but then sighed. “Very well. I trust you. Let’s be off, if we leave now we'll be done by midnight.”

Author's Note:

Okay, I clarified Trixie a bit since I apparently didn't clarify it enough earlier. Anyway, things will be a bit more personal for a while, with Rarity and Sweetie on one end, and Celestia and Luna on another. Hope you enjoy.