• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 12,790 Views, 784 Comments

Direction - Darth Link 22

The Mane Six have to work to save Equestria... without Twilight

  • ...

A Friend Returns

Two pieces of news reached Canterlot the next day that caught Celestia’s attention.

The first was a notice from the Griffon Embassy that one of their guards, Gilda, had a run-in with two ponies matching the descriptions Trixie had given her the night before. She immediately sent for her to come here, then visited Trixie in her cell to inform her that her trial was being pushed back a day. She softened the blow by allowing her whatever she wanted from the royal kitchens for her meals.

The second, and the most exciting to Princess Celestia, was news of a Pegasus who had appeared outside the gates of Canterlot, looking banged up but still moving determinedly to see the Princess. She had been eventually brought to a hospital, where she had to be sedated to stop her from resisting while they treated her.

Celestia ordered her moved to the palace’s hospital wing. As soon as court got out that day, Celestia traveled down to the wing. As soon as she entered, she heard the struggling.

“Miss, Miss… please calm down. You’re injured…”

“Look, you, I need to get this to Princes Celestia now… now! You speak Equestrian, don’t you? Now doesn’t mean, ‘After I’ve rested,’ it means now!”

“Miss, I understand your worry, but the Princess has been informed, and she will be here as soon as her duties will…”

“This is more important than whatever she’s talking about! I need to see her now!”

The doctors and their patient kept going in circles as Celestia stepped in. The pony in question certainly didn’t look like anypony you’d let into the Princess’ presence. With a wild red mane and a white coat, all frayed from her struggles. She was indeed restrained by the hooves and across the barrel, though she was still kicking greatly… or was at least trying to.

And she was indeed banged up. Her torso was wrapped in bandages, as was her left wing. Her right hind leg was in a cast, which was leveled up, though her left was still trying to kick at the doctors trying to help her.

“Enough,” Celestia said. Everypony in the room stopped and looked at her. The Pegasus smiled brightly. “Doctors, please leave us.”

If any doctor wanted to protest, they didn’t. They simply left, looking reluctant but resigned. As soon as they were out of the room, Celestia locked the door behind them. Then she lit up her horn, waiting a few moments.

“Nopony… or changeling… listening in.” Then she smiled. “Daring Do, I presume?”

The Pegasus widened her eyes. She blushed. “How could you tell?”

Smiling, the Princess nuzzled the restrained Pegasus. "No time for a greeting?" she asked, the offense in her voice so transparently false that Daring couldn't help but grin, despite her situation. Still, Celestia pointed to the mare’s flank. “You seemed to have forgotten a cutie mark.”

Daring looked at the blank flank, and blushed even deeper. “Knew I forgot something... but it’s because I have something really important to tell you.”

“Oh?” Celestia lit up her horn. In seconds a cutie mark, one of a cloak and dagger, appeared on Daring’s flank. "No time to catch up? No tales of your adventures over tea? I've seen you come here more beat up than that and still want a chess game before any treatment."

Daring stopped to look at her fake cutie mark, getting the implication of it immediately. "That sounds good, but you need to hear this now.

“Now that that’s taken care of, why don’t you tell me what that is?”

“The Changelings are down south!”

That got Celestia’s attention, and almost immediately the warmth disappeared from her face. Now, it was all business. “Are you sure?”

“They’re the ones that did this to me!”

Looking over Daring’s beat up body. “Okay… tell me what happened.”

Daring Do took a breath. “Well, after hearing about that Unicorn that attacked Ponyville a few months ago, I started looking into other powerful artifacts that could be used to counter it. I wasn’t successful for a while, but then I stumbled across a legend. It was said that the Sun Stone was still intact.”

Celestia blinked. “The Sun Stone? The same one used by the Flutter Ponies in the stories?” Her thoughts drifted back to her book. The story of the witches stealing the Sun Stone was almost as well known as the tale of Midnight Castle.

Daring nodded. “I read that there were rumors that it was found shortly after Discord’s defeat by a group of ponies of unknown intent. I read… that they gave you a magic mirror once.”

Celestia’s eyes glazed over. “Yes… a group of ponies did once. But nevermind. What were you saying?”

“Well, I heard this legend that they hid the Sun Stone far away in the South, past the Badlands, even past Equestria’s borders. They repurposed an ancient Llama temple to hide it in, deep in a dangerous jungle where nopony would dare travel. Of course, they hadn’t counted on me, so I started my research. I found the area where several temples were built in the old days, so I packed my bags and headed out.

“It took weeks of traveling, but I got there. I set up camp and began scouting the area. I went through most of the temples, but I never found anything. I finally narrowed it down to a single one, the biggest.

But when I went to go search it, I was jumped. Changelings swarmed me. I tried to fight them off but there were too many of them. After they beat me down, they searched me. When they found out I didn’t have anything, they threw me into a river nearby. I tried to swim to the shore, but the current was too strong and I was too weak. I slipped under and I blacked out.

“Then, I woke up on the shore. I hurt all over, but I was near my campsite. I found out the Changelings found it and ransacked it, but luckily they missed the bits and maps I had hidden. I pulled myself to a town and got the dye job and patched myself up, then I hired a chariot to fly me here.”

Celestia listened, never interrupting. When Daring was finished, Celestia spoke. “So… you think the Changelings are after the Sun Stone?”

“I wouldn’t doubt it. Luckily, they won’t have a clue where to look. Since they missed my maps, they won’t know which temples were duds, and they’ll have to search them all. That should give me enough time to rest up. Then, I’ll sneak back in there and…”


Celestia’s response was spoken with her usual gentle firmness, but to Daring it was like Celestia had just spat in her face.

“You won’t be going. Time is of the essence. I’ll be sending out the only ponies I can fully trust on this in your absence.”

“What? But… Princess, I can do this! Just…”

“I have no doubt you could. But I can’t wait for you to get better… really better, not just to the point you consider better. You’re going to run yourself into the ground if you keep this up.”

“But… but this is my hunt! I’ve been working towards it!”

“This goes above your pride, Daring.”

“…This will mess up the book I’m writing!”

“Improvise. Besides, you can be more use to me here.”


Celestia sighed, her head hanging a bit. “…The bearers of the Elements of Harmony aren’t exactly the best interrogators in Equestria.”

Daring blinked. “What?”

Celestia redid her spell to check for listeners, then told Daring what she had been having the Bearers do. After she was finished, Daring just scoffed, ”Great… I can go from dying of drowning to dying of boredom.”

“Daring,” Celestia rubbed her head. “Please. Too much is going on… far too much.”

Daring Do looked at her, then sighed. “Okay, Princess. I trust you.”

Applejack sat on the porch to Sweet Apple Acres, watching Apple Bloom and Scootaloo work. She was going to still be useful around the farm by keeping an eye on the pair and making sure they weren't too overworked. Still, they were going to be put through their paces over this next week.

She shifted her weight, then winced. Her ribs still hurt, and her legs were still sore, although thankfully she shouldn't be out of comission for more than a week. It still killed her that she couldn't do more, either on the farm or in an investigation.

She wanted Rainbow Dash to come by and talk to her, but she knew that wasn't happening. Soarin had used one of his vacation days to come down and check on her, and with Scootaloo out of the house the pair weren't likely to go out.

Taking a breath, she looked down at the book she had checked out of Twilight's library. It was a historical epic, and Applejack tried to lose herself in it, but all it got was her wondering how Twilight could get through so many so fast.

"Feelin' better?"

Big Macintosh had stepped onto the porch. Applejack sighed, but smiled too. Her big brother never lost that protective instinct. As soon as he had heard what happened he had run out to search for the pair in case they were hiding in wait. She could almost pity them if he caught them.

“As well as a banged up pony can feel,” she said, looking back over the field. “Kinda wish the others were here, though. We need ta be chattin’ more.”

“Well, who's in Canterlot right now?”

“Pinkie an’ Fluttershy.” Applejack pulled her hat over her eyes. “I don’t even wanna think ‘bout the trouble they’re getting into. I wanted somepony else ta go, but Rarity needs ta catch up on her work an’ take care of Sweetie, an’ Rainbow Dash is off with her coltfriend. Playin’ round when there’s work ta be done…”

“Don’t be so hard on them,” Big Macintosh said. “Everypony’s a little tense. Maybe yer friends need a rest.”

“We’ll have time to rest…”

Whatever Applejack was going to say, she trailed off when she saw something in the air. Squinting her eyes, she saw it was a Pegasus with a pure white coat, with a chariot trailing behind her. It took a moment to realize that said Pegasus wasn’t pulling the chariot, two others were… in golden armor.

"Wait… th' Princess!"

Applejack jumped up, and only stopped a moment in shock at her still smarting limbs. "Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, nevermin' that, get inside and get some of our best crop. We're about to have company… some important company."

The two fillies hadn't seen their ruler coming, but the work they were doing was so arduous that they were inside with great speed. By the time the Princess of the Sun had touched down, they were already outside with some candied apples and Granny Smith's newest pie. They nearly dropped it when they saw who it was for, but collected themselves admirably.

"Hello, Applejack, Big MacIntosh, children," Celestia greeted as the chariot touched down behind her. Pinkie tumbled out one side, while Fluttershy climbed out the other, murmuring a small "Thank you."

The Apple Family bowed, but Celestia quickly ordered them to rise. The two guards pulling the chariot detached themselves and flew off into town.

"Princess. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Applejack said.

"We must have a meeting. My guards went into town to fetch Rarity and Rainbow Dash. It seems the circumstances of your mission have changed."

Applejack tilted her head. "What'd ya mean?" She looked at the two ponies that had arrived with her. "Did you two do somethin'?"

"Nuh-uh," Pinkie said. "I'll have you know we did a great job."

“I swear, I only attended a few of Olive Branch’s meetings. I left long before the assault on the palace, I swear!”

“Go on, anything else?” Fluttershy said, the Stare working at full power.

“…I pick my nose when nopony’s looking.”

"It has nothing to do with their performance today, Applejack. I'll explain everything once the others are here."

"Uh… right… well, there are treats, if you want any."

Celestia looked down and, seeing the pies for the first time, cut herself a slice. As she levitated it up, she looked at Applejack. “There are no cameras around here, are there?”

Applejack smiled. “Relax, Gabby Gums is good an’ gone.”

Celestia grinned. “Excellent.” And she gulped the slice down in one bite.

By the time Rarity and Rainbow Dash had arrived, everypony was inside, gathered around the dining room table. The pies were half eaten, and the fillies were enjoying getting out of work long enough to talk to the Princess.

“Uh, Princess? Did you have to get your cutie mark like ev’rypony else?”

“Yes I did, Apple Bloom.” Celestia smiled. “Long ago, in the Age of the Three Tribes. Unfortunately, that’s a tale for another time.” She rose to her hooves. “Everypony’s here, it seems. Guards, leave us.”

The two armored ponies saluted and flew away.

“I’m sorry, but I must ask any non-Bearer to leave. Please go outside.”

“Aw, but we can be…” Scootaloo was cut off by Big MacIntosh nudging her, which was only intended to be a small push but ended up sending her tumbling a bit. Apple Bloom complied, knowing better than thinking this was an argument they could win.

Once there were inside, Celestia turned to them. “Thank you all for agreeing to meet with me on such short notice.”

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to say it was no problem, but it was Applejack that spoke first. “Is this about how we’ve been handlin’ the investigation? We can do better, really…”

“Applejack, please,” Celestia said, not raising her voice. “You did… adequate.” The swallowed back a lump. “For ponies not trained in the field. But the good news is, one of the informants that I trust has returned, and she’ll be taking over that investigation.”

The five ponies just stared at her.

“Really? I thought you said we were the only ones you could trust.”

At Rainbow Dash’s question, the Princess just smiled. “The only ones I had on hoof. However, an old friend returned that I’d trust with my life. However, she brought bad tidings with her. I’m afraid I must assign all of you on a new mission. As soon as Applejack is healed, all of you must leave Ponyville.”

Almost immediately there was chaos at the table.

“Wha? But Princess, the farm needs me right now! I can’t just leave!”

“Please, your Highness, I’m far too behind on my work to be running off!”

“What about Wonderbolt training? I don’t want to end up a private forever!”

“Will we be getting travel bags? Oh! Oh! Granny Pie made the best kind of trail mix!”

“My little ponies,” Celestia said, not raising her voice but still bringing the table to silence. “I can assure you I have taken your grievances into account. I have prepared compensation from each of you. Applejack, I’ve arranged for some helping hooves to fill the void in your absence.”

“But yer Majesty, we don’t let nopony that ain’t kin work on the farm! I can’t just…”

“Applejack, please. I’m well aware of your ways. I’m the one who gave this land to your family, remember? Your family has allowed outsiders to work the farm in extreme times, and that includes when family members have been called away on military service. Well, you're performing in the services of the crown. I think you qualify.”

“…Yes, that’s true… but…”

“What?” Rainbow Dash yelled. “All this time you could have called somepony in? And you still made us go for you!"

"It ain't that simple! We weren't leavin' the homefront, an'…"

"You still could have…"

"My little ponies," Celestia repeated. This time there was force behind it, and it silenced any further word on the matter. It didn't stop Rainbow Dash from shooting another glare telling Applejack their conversation wasn't over.

"Rarity, I assume you have the designs you need to make ready?"

"Well… yes…"

"I'll have some of my seamstresses make them. I assure you, they'll follow your designs to the letter. All your orders will be filled."

"That could work… but I'd lose so much business being away…"

"Would designing dresses for three princesses compensate?" At Rarity's breath hitching, Celestia went on. "Luna, Cadance, and I will be all attending the Grand Galloping Gala this year, and we've decided to make it special. You'll be designing dresses for all three of us. I'm sure that will drum up business."

"Yes! Princess, I can't thank you enough! I…"

Celestia used her magic to gently stop her from bowing to the floor and kissing her hooves. She turned to Rainbow Dash. "As for you… I've talked things over with Commander Spitfire. If you go through this mission, it will render basic training moot. And, might I add, it will look good for future promotions."

Rainbow Dash rubbed her chin. That did sound pretty good…

"Wait… this is better military trainin' than a boot camp? What exactly are we gonna be doin'?"

That implication got all their attention.

Celestia took a deep breath. "I won't sugar-coat it. This is dangerous terrain. You'll be leaving Equestria's borders and heading into largely uncharted territory. And I'm afraid the Changelings might be waiting."

Trixie levitated another spoonful of soup up to her mouth. She had to admit, the dungeon wasn't so bad. Her cell was roomy, it had a comfortable bed, and she was given plenty of reading material. Best of all, Celestia had agreed to remove the horn ring in a show of good faith.

Dabbing her mouth with her napkin, she returned to her book, one on magical theory. After she had taken up acting, she had allowed herself, out of painful curiosity, to look through the books she would have read had her parents gotten her into Celestia's School. To her surprise, without the constant dirty looks from her parents and constant pressure to be perfect, she found herself enjoying the books she had once despised. Why had she stopped reading?

Because preening in the mirror and admiring yourself became more important.

She outwardly winced at her internal monologue. She didn't know who she hated more: her old self for being who she was, or her new self for waking her up to it.

She took another spoonful and returned to her book, and had gotten three more sentences in when a low chuckle stirred her out of her thoughts.

"I could almost believe you were a disciple of Celestia instead of a rat in a cage."

The voice was so low that for a moment Trixie wondered if it had been in her head. She lowered the book a moment, then realized where the voice was coming from.

The cell across from her, just as big but with no luxuries, was a red Unicorn. One with a cutie mark that allowed Trixie to identify him immediately. He had been in all the papers, after all.

"Olive Branch."

"My reputation precedes me," he said, still barely getting above a whisper, yet his voice carrying through the cavernous prison. "As does yours, the one with the Alicorn Amulet."

"Be quiet," the guard outside Trixie's cell said. Trixie responded by burying her muzzle into her book.

"Running and hiding. That's why you took Celestia's offer, isn't it? Being her tool allows you to pretend the past didn't happen."

"I said be quiet," the guard repeated.

"Gave you your magic back, did she? A carrot dangled in front of your nose so you'll be her lap dog."

"Another word and you go in the tank," the guard growled, "And you'll be there for a month, even if I have to petition both Princesses."

"It doesn't bother me."

The guard actually started and looked at Trixie, who was trying to look as casual as possible.

"He's just saying those things to get under my skin. If he does, it validates him."

Olive Branch chuckled. "Trying to analyze me, girl?"

"I don't need to," she said, still deliberately not looking up from the text on the page, though she wasn't reading at the moment. "I was you, once. Everything bad that happens to you is somepony deliberately out to get you. It's never your fault. Just like me before the Amulet came off. Just like Lightning Dust. You want me to be hurt because you think that will prove your point. The guard getting angry is enough. But you're wrong."

There was a silence. The guard couldn't help but smirk. Olive Branch just looked at her.

"So… they've broken you, huh? They tried to break me. But they failed. I won't be a pawn."

He looked at Trixie and saw nothing. But the guard, closer, saw. Trixie winced, ever so slightly. Olive Branch's words did hurt, even if only a little bit.

"They'll never break me."

His small audience were both listening for any further comment, but he said nothing, simply putting his head down on his pillow. Trixie had been right. Not receiving the validation he craved, he simply stayed quiet. He didn't see Trixie move.

But the guard did. The side of her face, all he could see past the book, had lips curled up. She had been validated.

The five ponies just gaped at Princess Celestia, who was keeping a neutral expression. She couldn't say she hadn't expected this.

"These temples were abandoned after Discord's reign. The Llamas hid in them, praying to their gods to save them. It failed, and after Discord's defeat the their faith was broken. And so, they simply packed up and left their old ways behind."

A silence hung in the air as he finished.

"You're tellin' me yer sendin' us right into the belly of the beast?" Applejack said. "Us versus all o' them? How are we gonna manage that?"

"Don't worry, Applejack. I have forseen your objections. First off, I do not believe the full Changeling forces are present at the Temples. Such a big number would have been noticed, even in such a remote area. Local Llama villages are close knit, they're likely to notice extras in their rank or travelers. Even an upturn in the animal population would be noticed by them."

"Then it shouldn't be a problem. We handled tons of those guys before they got us." Rainbow Dash's face had her trademark smug grin.

"Can't you take this a little more seriously?" Applejack said.

"Secondly," Celestia went on, trying to diffuse the tension, "while you will be going on the true mission alone, you will not be the only ones I'm sending. The day before, I'll be sending several soldiers to the edge of the jungle with instructions to search the outer perimeter. With any luck, the Changelings will focus their efforts on deflecting them, allowing you to slip in.

"Also, the Changelings will be spread thin looking through all the temples, as my agent said. If you're careful, you'll be able to get in and out with minimum trouble. If you look over her notes, it shouldn't be that hard to navigate the area and the temple both."

"I thought you said she didn't get a chance to search the temple?" Rarity asked.

"Perhaps not that one, but her observations of the smaller temples should give you a template."

Fluttershy spoke up next. "Um, wh-what about the Llamas? Are they going to be okay with us being there?"

"Don't worry. After the invasion, I talked it over with any foreign dignitary that would listen. All agreed to let us carry out investigations in their territory on the subject. By the time you're ready to go, the Llama Emperor will know."

"Ooh! Ooh! Will we have a Llama to help us?" It was Pinkie who spoke.

"I'm afraid not. Several nations have agreed to help us look, but the Llamas were one of many who made it clear they wanted nothing else to do with it. They fear they'll take the Changelings’ attention away from us to them."

Rainbow Dash scoffed. "Cowards."

"Don't let them hear you saying that,". Celestia warned. "I don't want our relationships damaged. At any rate, not even the Emperor will know of you. I can't risk spies in his court. Fortunately, he sees why this needs to be top secret and didn't press too hard."

There was an uncomfortable silence. It was Rarity who broke it. "When do we leave?"

"In three days. Applejack should be healthy by then. Remember: your goal is to get the Sun Stone, if it exists, and get back here. Do not try to fight the Changelings unless absolutely necessary. Something tells me that even when you get back, our mission will be far from over."

Author's Note:

Well, here we go.

I pictured Direction as broken into three major parts. Dealing with Trixie was the first, and this, the actual adventure, was the second, and likely longest part. We'll be having almost exclusive focus on the Mane Five for awhile, with occasional jumps to check up on Celestia and Trixie.

The major plot of the fic was seeing how the Mane Five would fare without Twilight to lead them, and while threats coming to them was okay, the full effect wouldn't be explored unless they really had to lead.

Hope you all enjoy and will stay tuned!