• Published 30th Sep 2014
  • 17,599 Views, 1,209 Comments

Just Roll With It - sunnypack

Ever had your Dad marry a mythical creature? Ever just wanted a normal life? If this is you and you're not me, then this is exactly what we don't want, right?

  • ...

13 - Of

Chapter 13: Of

This day was going to be perfect,
The kind of day of which I’ve dreamed since I was small…

Cadance paused in her own musings. Bruised, battered and helpless she felt that there couldn’t be a situation any worse than the one she was in right now. A shiver crept down her spine as she felt a sudden chill in the room. She was about to lose somepony very important to her and she was trapped in this horrid crystal chamber with not even a spark of power.

Yet, she felt her melancholy did not only encompass that of her present, but rather a nostalgia from the past as well. She could not help but feel that there was something missing. Something she had also dreamt of when she was small…


It took me a while to compose myself again, but eventually I did.

I pulled back from Tempora slightly, giving her a grateful smile and gazed out into the garden, half taking in the view and half looking for Discord to cheer me up. Discord, however, had chosen to stay out of sight and I eventually tore my eyes away from the peaceful gardens.

“Feeling better?” Tempora asked me, rubbing me on the shoulder with a wing. I took a couple of deep-breaths to calm the sobs rising in my chest. Instead of answering her question, to which I was convinced we both knew the answer to, I launched into the problem, determined to find out more.

“What other things could be part of a different ‘stream’? How can I tell if it is natural or part of a fabrication? Are there any more peop- ponies that could have drifted into this Time?”

Tempora looked at me with a fretful gaze, but I held it. She shook her head.

“It’s very unlikely. In fact, Cadance, should never had made it to this timeline at all, complex living things have relationships, interactions and a deep impact on the world around them. As you have seen, Time had constructed a full background for this ‘Cadance’ and even went so far as to make her my alicorn daughter. This sort of thing is so rare it borders among impossibility… be glad you had the chance to meet her at all.”

Though I felt a deep ache in my chest, I felt I was able to accept those words from Tempora. It wasn’t her fault, not really, and blaming her would be the easy way out. Perhaps if time-travelling was possible here, my Dad being case in point, I could-

“I bid you not, Harmony.” I looked up in surprise. Had Tempora read my mind?

Tempora gave me a look of sheer sadness that it froze my thoughts in its tracks.

“Meddling with Time is a dangerous affair, unstable, cataclysmic for those involved. Many have tried and have failed. Oftentimes, the result is worse than they started with. Please, Harmony, I bid you not to pursue this.”

I turned down my head in shame. Indeed I had been thinking rashly. What sort of repercussions could result in me altering streams to my will. What right did I have? Obviously, if Tempora could control Time so easily what need would she for monuments and architecture for the dead?

“I understand," I said, and found that I meant it.

“Good colt," Tempora replied tenderly and gave me another nuzzle. I found myself give in to this one more easily. She did care.

Discord jumped out of the bushes and darted towards us and Tempora reared her head back in surprise. She glared distrustfully at the draconequus as he approached much slower, eyeing Tempora warily. I rolled my eyes. Trustworthy as she was, she still didn’t understand that Discord was not a danger to anyone. He was just a kid.

“Tempora," I warned but she didn’t seem to be listening to me. She didn’t even look like she was listening to anything. Her gaze was focused on Discord.

Suddenly she took a sharp breath, eyes wide and wings suddenly flaring. Surprised by the sudden movement I almost fell out of my chair but cautiously addressed the chaotic monarch.


No response.

“Tempora are you all right?”

Still nothing.

I laid a hand on her forehead, staring into her eyes.

“M-Mother?” I tried and Tempora’s eyes suddenly snapped to me. I started guiltily.

“Oh, Harmony," she mumbled, sagging in her seating. “This is why you should not meddle with Time.”

I sat down beside her, stroking her back. Discord held my other hand and we were silent for a while.

“I have told you before that I can see the future," Tempora explained, her hoof playing circles on the couch. “Because my special talent is Time, I’m able to catch glimpses of the future for various ponies. Sometimes it’s something innocuous like spilling a glass of water. Sometimes it is something greater like a marriage or the coming of a foal between a couple.”

She paused here, turning her troubled gaze to meet mine. I kept silent. What could I say to these confessions and revelations?

“Sometimes it is world-changing, either ages of prosperity I see… or destruction and desolation.”

Tempora sighed.

“The one thing in common with all of these is that they all come true. Not one of my visions have come about that have been proven false.”

I stood there silently stroking Tempora’s mane as I considered what she said. A sudden thought occurred to me.

“Well, it doesn’t matter," I said, clapping my hands together.

Tempora turned her shocked face to stare at me.

“How can you say it will not matter? It is the future!” she growled, flaring her wings.

I laughed again as Tempora simply fell back, confused.

“And the future is in the future. We live in the present. What you saw was only a glimpse of the future with nothing before nor after to support or deny the evidence that this Discord here-“ I gestured to Discord who was trying to make himself small as possible “-is the same as the Discord there.” I pointed to Tempora’s head.

Tempora just sat there with her mouth hanging loosely, gaping at me.

Carpe diem," I replied to her incredulous look.


Carpe diem," I repeated, gesturing to the sky. “It means ‘seize the day’, and that’s what I intend to do.”

Tempora followed my hands to gaze at the deep blue sky and smiled.

“I wonder sometimes," Tempora mused out loud. “If I married the son or the father.”

“Wisdom stems from the strangest places," I chuckled, ruffling Discords mane.

Tempora looked at Discord, this time with a bit more warmth than before.

“Indeed," she finished simply. “Indeed.”

I looked at my watch.

“Well, I have some time before I have to meet Star Swirl.”

Tempora gave me a strange look. “Star Swirl? Whatever for?” she interrogated, levelling me a look that brooked no argument.

I shrugged.

“Something about magical aptitude. That unicorn reminds me of my father," I said, tapping a finger on my chin. I waved the issue away.

“He said it wouldn’t take long so I thought, why the heck not?”

Tempora nodded.

“The unicorn is all kind of eccentricity. My, my, he must have his reasons and he is a loyal subject... But if he does anything untoward, do let me know immediately," she advised, getting up from her reclining couch.

I took the opportunity to stretch, cracking my joints and limbering myself up.

“Come on Discord, let’s go exploring," I urged, tugging lightly on his claw. Discord reluctantly stepped along with me, trying to put himself simultaneously as close as he could with me and as far as he could from Tempora. Tempora looked a little pained but it was quickly buried under an inexplicable aura of command. I felt it prudent to call it ‘her royal armour’.

I sighed.

This will be a long walk.


After pacing along in tense silence between Discord and Tempora, I heard a rustling in the bushes. Tempora paused slightly but I could tell she was on guard. I edged ahead of Tempora and kept Discord behind me, wary of the snaps and crackles coming from the small hedge ahead.

“Animal?” I hissed to Tempora, but she shook her head, her mouth tilted upwards in amusement.

“Something more deadly," she whispered back. My blood froze solid and I held my breath.

That was until I heard a familiar line of dialogue.


“Pony feathers.”

“‘Tia! Mommy told us not to say those words!”

“Mommy’s not here-“

Tempora magically levitated her two filly daughters.

“-Oh," Celestia mumbled, giving her mother a sheepish look. “Hi Mommy.”

I face-palmed.

These two fillies were as covert as an elephant on a highway.

Luna was trying to make herself as small as a pillbug.

Celestia looked as comfortable as a penguin in a microwave.

I turned to Discord whispering discreetly in his ears.

“That’s how not to hide," I confided as he giggled. Luna and Celestia looked miserable.

Tempora glared at her two daughters, more so at Celestia than at Luna.

“Celestia, how many times have I told you not to use that kind of language?!” Tempora lectured in exasperation.

“Sorry, Mommy," she sniffed, trying to hold back tears. She looked to me for help.

Oh, no, you dug your own grave, cute little thing.

Tempora turned Celestia so that she faced her mother again.

“Don’t go looking to Harmony for help, this is your own fault. You should take responsibility for your actions," she chided. Celestia looked down at her hooves, gently bringing them together. I was reminded of a child putting their index fingers together.

“Sorry, Mommy. I won’t do it again.”

Tempora huffed.

“See that you don’t," she says placing her daughter gently on the grass. Celestia and Luna quickly scrabble to cling to my pants, obviously fearing a stronger reprimand from her mother.

Tempora looked even more annoyed. If that was possible.

“Why do they cling to you like that?" She turned to Celestia and Luna. "I’m your mother!” she yelled, sitting down on her haunches and flinging up her hooves. I couldn’t help but chuckle at the display.

“You’re a little scary when you’re angry," I admitted and the two fillies nodded vigorously until her mother swept a vengeful gaze towards them. They shrunk back behind my pants.

I sighed.

“Just like that," I pointed out. Tempora looked surprised.

“I- uh-," she paused slightly then looked a little ashamed. “Have I always been acting like that to my little foals?”

“I can’t answer that," I replied, giving the two a comforting hug.

Tempora let that thought stew for a while.

"I do rarely get out of the courts every so often, so I feel I'm more of a Queen and less of a mother," Tempora stated, agitated.

I shrugged.

"You can balance both," I said, but I didn't know much about royalty and her own responsibilities. "It's not really my place to say."

Tempora rushed forward.

"But I do value your opinion, what say you about this? They have taken a liking to you."

I shifted uncomfortably under Tempora's intense gaze.

"Shouldn't you talk to Max about this? He's the parent," I offered, feeling a trickle of sweat work its way down my spine. Tempora could be really high sprung.

Tempora took a deep breath.

"Like you have said 'Carpe diem', right?" She looked at her daughters as if readying herself to launch into action.

Suddenly, she leapt forward.

“Oh, I’ve been a foal about this!” she cried, rushing to her daughters and scooping them up. Celestia and Luna very confusingly and belatedly hugged their mother back as Tempora emotionally nuzzled her two daughters. I was beyond confused. This mare was a kaleidoscope of emotions.

I stood there awkwardly as Tempora continued to cuddle her daughters.

I turned to Discord.

“That’s how not to parent," I confided softly.

“I heard that!” Tempora called back.

"Come now, we've got to keep things light. Let's do something together, huh? Like a family," I proposed, gesturing to the gathered foals.

Tempora looked uncertain for a moment but it banished itself like a sun breaking through the clouds.

I smiled as I gathered Discord under his forelegs and boosted him on my shoulders again.

“All right my companions, there has been enough mysteries, emotions and conundrums. Let’s find something new to explore, here in the gardens of Queen Tempora’s ancient castle!”

The children cheered, dragging a bemused Time alicorn and her excited human stepson with them. We whiled away the time momentarily forgetting the cares of world.

Because frankly, I needed it.

Author's Note:

Harmony has a plan. We don't know what it is yet but it will be done.

Remember, I update fast but I have a drawback of spelling/grammar/errors, so sorry folks. But at least you'll get a daily dose? If you think the quality is declining, make sure you note it below in the comments and I will slow down. If you want me to update as fast as possible, consider leaving a comment asking for MORE CUTENESS AND NOM NOMS. If none of this applies, perhaps you will be interested in a full refund? For all others, you must be satisfied, have an imaginary cookie, I heard they are the best kind.

NB: I feel like there should be a little after-action for Cadance. Although I posted this story as an Alternate Universe, it was a fiction originally intended just as a short, fun fic filled with a little comedy and an exasperated human son. Lately, it has grown a little and broken out of its cocoon and now it's reaching something of a fully fledged fic status. I had a choice, to keep Cadance in or to work her more seamlessly into the story. Despite assumptions, this temporal anomaly was planned much earlier on in chapter 1. Any ideas from external sources or plot inputs have not been taken onboard, this fic rolled only from its premise, a human teenager whose father had married Celestia, Luna and Cadance's mother.

One thing is for sure though, Cadance will not be gone forever. Do not be alarmed, she is simply taking a vacation. I will not divulge past this, it will spoil plot. But rest assured, she is NOT forever gone. (Love-butt will return).

Next Chapter: Cucumbers are throwing slices onto your eyes, you will be pampered!

As always, my warm and fuzzy readers, thanks for reading!