• Published 30th Sep 2014
  • 17,600 Views, 1,209 Comments

Just Roll With It - sunnypack

Ever had your Dad marry a mythical creature? Ever just wanted a normal life? If this is you and you're not me, then this is exactly what we don't want, right?

  • ...

15 - Haven

Chapter 15: Haven

You haven’t heard it from me but Star Swirl can be the most paranoid being in the multiverse. I don’t make a habit on judging people… or ponies for that matter, just based on their habits. But when you build a humungous tower to keep your research safe from prying eyes, none of which are actually interested in stealing your research, it’s a little overkill. For anyone. Even my Dad, in his greatest bout of paranoia, only wrote his research in his own constructed language. At least it didn’t take ten years to build, with his own hands, err, hooves.

When I mentioned something to this effect, Star Swirl stuck his nose in the air and told me I didn’t understand. When I told him that he’d basically trapped me in a tower with no other means of escaping without teleportation, because I sure as heck would not be climbing outside, against my will, he reluctantly conceded the point.

The upside to this whole situation was the fact that we managed to finish the tea while I debated whether it was worth the trouble waking Discord up just because I wanted to teleport out of the tower and the added fact that I would be immensely sick straight after the teleport.

All in all, if there was a lesson to be learnt from my whole experience in this new world called Equestria, it could be summed up in five words.

Teleporting, the worst thing invented.

If I were at liberty to add one more word, the new phrase would be.

Teleporting, the worst thing invented. Ever.

Star Swirl had tried to convince me that teleporting was an indispensable tool. I agreed. I’d love to be able to instantaneously travel from point A to point B in an instant. The only problem was:

A. I didn’t want to blind the people around point B.

B. I didn’t want to make the people I was dragging to point B, sick.

C. Appearing in other people’s houses without knocking on the door first is rude. Knock, please.

Okay, I might be exaggerating a little of my dislike for teleporting. It’s a wonderful thing. Think of the possibilities! Yadda yadda. I just wanted a little peace and quiet, was that too much to ask for? Maybe have a normal life. Perhaps get a stable job, be recognised for perhaps a small advancement in the scientific community and then retire with a comfortable pension. Something along those lines.


Curious about my passion for science?

While it was true that my father was somewhat eccentric- wait okay, crazy as a scientist, I still liked science in its own way. Rigorous, disciplined and stable. The exact opposite of my Dad. Come to think of it, it’s amazing that the paradox of my father being himself and a scientist didn’t automatically cause a universe-ending cataclysmic extinction level event, but there you go.

Where was I? Oh yes, dealing with a crazy unicorn on an isolated tower.

“So, if your tower is built so high to prevent people-or-ponies from coming in, why do you have a door?” I asked, curious despite myself.

“So I can escape easily," Star Swirl answered as if that was a stupid question.

I groaned and pointed out all the windows.

“If you wanted to jump out, there are windows all around this room," I reasoned, giving Star Swirl an unamused purse of my lips.

Star Swirl looked at me as I were the daft one here.

“Don’t be ridiculous, climbing through a window? Preposterous! Entrances and exits through doors only," he shot back, while I fought the urge to slam my head on the table.

Discord shifted in his sleep, blinking at me blearily.

“Not done yet?” he mumbled sleepily.

I sighed and nodded.

“Can you talk some sense into this unicorn?” I asked Discord. Come on, back me up.

Discord gave me what could only be described as simultaneously the cutest, most innocent, innocuously evil smirk in the history of all mouth expressions.

“Sense? What fun is there in making sense?” Discord giggled, sticking out his tongue. I imagine in the future, I would not be the only one irked by that statement. I patted him on the head.

“Okay, Discord, I shouldn’t have asked for the impossible-“


“-But it still stands that I need to get out of here and get to the ground, without teleporting," I finished, as Star Swirl gave me an annoyed pout. I ignored it easily. My ten years or younger or opposite gender or all inclusive rule still applied.

He kicked me.

Though of course there were other methods to get what you want.

I gave up. Though every fibre in my body screamed at me not to do it, I said the words to my inevitable doom.

“Alright Star Swirl, just teleport me.”

I don’t know why he looked so happy, doesn’t it exhaust him? He’s probably doing it for my reaction, kind of like my Dad. I groaned inwardly. I didn’t want to deal with two Dads. One was quite enough, thank you very much.

We teleported back to the gardens where I spent a good couple of minutes dry-heaving in the corner.

“Never again," I muttered darkly as I rejoined the slightly woozy Discord, lucky kid, and the infuriatingly smug unicorn. To prove I couldn’t do anything, he teleported away, giving me an unprepared flash to my eyes. I barely stopped myself from yelling obscenities after him but I allowed myself to do it in my mind.

Mind the kids.

Discord was studying me intently, giving me a curious look. He looked like he was about to say something but obviously thought the better of it and shut his mouth.

“What is it?” I asked him.

Discord had a thoughtful expression on his muzzle as he considered his question carefully.

“Star Swirl said you had magic," he pondered out loud. “I think I have magic… I wonder if I could learn magic?”

I cocked my head, considering the question.

“I don’t see why not, you’ve obviously been able to learn some yourself, with that… what was it called? Bubblegum Burst?”

Discord nodded emphatically.

“I just snapped my claws and then boom! Bubblegum!” he chortled, grinning widely.

“Well I’m not an expert but I think you’d be pretty good at magic, Discord," I encouraged, giving him a pat on the head.

Discord gave me a wide smile.

“Maybe I could use my magic to cheer up these ponies? Then they might like me!”

I clicked my fingers, pointing at Discord.

“You have such excellent ideas. I agree, let’s both learn some magic together," I said, walking towards the garden side-entrance. I mean who could resist? It’s magic! Discord pounded ahead of me.

“Okay, we should start tomorrow!” he suggested, darting forward in excitement.

“Yes, Master," I chuckled following the irrepressible foal.


One of the advantages of being soon to be married into the royal family, is that people showed you deference and respect. Not that I liked respect that I didn’t deserve but coming along with Discord, whom many of the servants blatantly disliked, was not mentioned out loud even once. They acted as polite as possible as well.

Though it should have given me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside that the servants were forced to acknowledge and respect Discord’s existence, I also felt immeasurably sad for the foal. This sort of thing can’t be forced on other people and it felt wrong to do so. There had to be a way for Discord to be accepting among his native peers. If only Tempora hadn’t had that premonition, this whole debacle wouldn’t have come about and I wouldn’t even be worrying about it now.

I had so many questions about the clairvoyance that Tempora possessed. Questions I should have asked her during our session in the garden but I failed to do so because…

Because of Cadance.

I knew in all likelihood that Cadance was gone forever. That sort of emotional spanner in the works made me vulnerable to Tempora’s insistence that she was doing her motherly duties and protecting me from some unforeseen future disaster.

I should have fought it more. The future wasn’t fixed. What a ridiculous idea. How could such an advanced equine race put so much stock in such a far-fetched concept?

I sighed, trudging along. I really needed to talk to Tempora or my Dad. Not only about the oracle-thing but also about whether to stay here or go home. I needed to know if it was even possible for me to go home.

This maze of a castle weren’t helping matters, either.

I was looking for List, but I couldn’t find the mare anywhere. After a while of trudging around I finally decided to ask somepony for directions. I paused. I’m starting to go native with the language! Wait, when did I start?

A white unicorn in a gaudy and ludicrously frilly dress cantered up to me and was studying me curiously while I mulled over the problem of my modified mode of speech and whether or not it was a good or bad thing. She waited for a while before primly clearing her throat. My gaze shot up to take in the mare.

“Oh, yes sorry about that, I was thinking about something," I apologised, smiling.

I was met with a good-natured tilt of her head and a pair of curious sky-blue eyes that regarded me.

“Oh not a problem, darling. I must say you are a very interesting specimen," she began but a hoof shot to her muzzle. “Oh what am I saying? How rude of me. Let me introduce myself. My name is Verity Belle, a minor noble, and you are?”

I gave her a lop-sided smile while folding my arms across my chest.

“Somehow, I can’t envision someone as measured and thoughtful as you are to not know my name," I laughed.

Verity had the presence to bring forth a slight flush to her cheeks as she meekly replied, “Oh? Was that a subtext for describing me as devious and calculating?”

I waved it away with a chuckle.

“Oh nothing like that," I shot back easily. “But perhaps you could help me? I’m looking to find Tempora or my father, Maximilian.”

Verity tilted her head in assent.

“Well now, I will do so but please promise me a favour in the future?”

I paused. Politics so early in the game?

“If it is in my power to grant reasonably," I said carefully. Verity’s mouth curved up in what looked like tacit approval.

“So you know how to play the game?” she inquired inquisitively. I nodded, smiling.

“Didn’t spend five days on Alektris 9 counting sheep," I answered, gesturing down the hallway. “Perhaps we could talk on the way?”

“Never rush a lady, darling," she replied and gracefully strode forward. “But I would be glad to.”

Discord tugged at my legs.

“Carry me?” he pleaded, giving me big round eyes. Cheater.

“Oh all right," I grumbled as Verity looked on in poorly concealed bemusement as I carried Discord hugged to my chest.

“My, how adorable," she commented as I did my best to preserve my dignity while being relegated as a semi-permanent foal-transporter.

“That’s part of the problem," I mumbled softly but evidently Verity caught it as peals of laughter rang through the stone halls.

“I can tell you will be very interesting indeed," she said, striding ahead.

I didn’t have a comeback to that so I kept quiet.


I found out all manner of culture from Verity and she was keen to share some aspects about her family and their history. Verity claimed she was descended from a long-line of royal unicorns before an event dubbed ‘the Unification’. Apparently, after the founding of Equestria the royalty of the unicorns became somewhat redundant, but reluctant to give up power they clung onto nobility and titles, resulting in a vast majority of unicorns in the higher-echelon strata of the current pony society. It didn’t help that the currency they held during those times, which was gold, was mainly in the hooves of the unicorns or that physical manifestation of magic from the unicorns gave them a decided edge when inventing new technology or completing most fiddly and fine-tuned tasks.

Verity though, was a noble that was fed up with the division caused by this stratification in terms of talent and skill. Though many ‘Earth Ponies’ were particularly adept at cultivating plants and crops, did not make them stereotypically suited among their whole ‘tribe’. The same could be said for Unicorns and Pegasi. Not all Pegasi were suited to ‘weather working’ and not all unicorns were adept at magic.

Verity expressed a growing displeasure at the persistent ‘tribalist’ tendencies that still gripped the ponies to this date. I admitted that I would like to see that kind of dividing influence should be addressed. I hated intolerance in my world and I was surprised to see that it existed in this world. I don’t know what I expected, to be honest. Seems like virtues as well as sins were shared common among the universe. It made me conflicted. While it would be nice to see a utopia of love and tolerance, I didn’t think that would ever be possible.

I looked at Discord, snuggling against my chest.

For his sake though, I would hope that it is.

Verity gave me a one legged bow, which I took to be a pony form of a curtesy. I was disappointed that I couldn’t catch a glimpse of the marking on her flank. It was interesting that those markings seemed to be vaguely connected to their names and professions. Verity parts with a measured pace and she disappeared, leaving me feel like a soft breeze had swept through the hallway.

Verity had left me outside what I recognised as the adjunctive waiting room to the throne room. I opened the door, nodding to the two guards standing at the immense double doors. I didn’t spy any other ponies lurking around the area so I continued forward, stopping a measure away from the guards.

“Is anyone visiting Queen Tempora?” I asked the guard on the left.

“No," he replied shortly, not bothering to even look in my direction.

“So, would you mind if I visit?” I continued impatiently.

The guard didn’t respond verbally, but the creak of the doors opening was something I took to be confirmation that I could enter.

I stepped inside, taking a moment to scan the interior. It was empty, save for Tempora seated casually at her throne, sifting through parchments.

As I approached the throne, Tempora’s face split into a wide smile.

“Harmony," she greeted me warmly. “What a pleasant surprise, I was just about to send for you after signing the documents. In fact, these documents pertains directly to you," she explains, waving the sheaf of parchment in her telekinetic grip.

I tilted my head, curious. Discord wriggled out of my arms to land on the floor with a thump.

“Well, it’s about your status after your father and I marry," she continued and I leant forward, my interest piqued.

“So?” I urged her onwards.

Tempora paused for a dramatic reveal, she couldn’t help herself.

“You are going to be a prince!” she exclaimed and I quite literally fell back on my backside. Discord giggled at my antics. Tempora allowed herself a smirk.

“Not only that but we’re assigning the adjacent forest to this castle as your principality. We’re thinking of calling it ‘Harmony’s Haven’.”

I just stood there with my mouth hanging comically low. Tempora chuckled.

“I know this is a lot to take in but-”

“I accept," I cut in, surprising the Time alicorn.

Tempora did a double-take.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“I accept," I repeated, with a firm nod of my head. I probably looked ridiculous doing so in my seated position but I didn’t mind. Discord didn’t either, he was getting a free rub.

Tempora gave me a look of approval.

“This means you’ll be staying in Equestria then?” she asked hopefully.

Ah, so that was what it was about.

“Yes, for the time being but I accepted because I have plans," I explained. Tempora regarded me warily.

“Ambitions?” she asked through the intervening silence. It was somewhat frosty.

I shook my head.

“Change," I shot back, glancing at Discord.

Understanding dawned upon Tempora’s face as she caught my glance.

“I see, two problems solved in one go," she commented snidely, then dismissed it with a flick of her tail.

“You still have to become an official prince after the wedding for the title to be conferred appropriately but if you’re planning what I think you’re planning, this will be less an honorary title and more of a political one.” Tempora blinked at me. “But I see you are prepared for that.”

She suddenly grinned at me.

“Thank you Harmony," she said, then waved a hoof at me on the floor. “Perhaps you should pick yourself up from the floor, it is a long way up.”

I caught her double meaning and clambered to my feet, less than graciously.

“Thank you," I said, heading for the door. Discord chased after me, shooting an uncertain glance to the current ruler of Equestria.


Tempora watched as her stepson and his charge left the throne room. Flicking an ear, she rolled her eyes and called out to the seemingly empty room.

“All to plan, Max?” she stated more than asked. Max appeared next to her bowing jauntily.

"My Queen," he said evenly.

Max had an awfully smug look plastered on his face. Tempora stared at him stonily.

“Well, close enough. Can’t help it if he exceeds expectations," he replied easily, taking Tempora’s head in his hands.

Tempora licked his hand playfully as Max jerked them back in surprise.

“Perhaps the unexpected can also be a good thing," Tempora chuckled, nuzzling against his side.

Max nodded his smile somewhat distant.

“Things are about to get a lot more chaotic in the future.”

Tempora rolled her eyes.

“Tell me about it.”

Author's Note:

Oh boy, what plans are there in the future?

A long chapter to end the preparatory arc of Harmony's Haven.

Next Chapter: Robots and magic don't mix well together. Think about the Terminator and the Lord of the Rings. Actually, I wouldn't mind watching that. Robotic Tempora the Terminator vs. Magic Max! Stay tuned!

As always, my particularly faithful readers, thanks for reading!