• Published 30th Sep 2014
  • 17,599 Views, 1,209 Comments

Just Roll With It - sunnypack

Ever had your Dad marry a mythical creature? Ever just wanted a normal life? If this is you and you're not me, then this is exactly what we don't want, right?

  • ...

6 - Occasions

Chapter 6: Occasions

Tempora paced within her chambers, agitated. She considered seeing Maximilian but she felt he would just say the same thing, if only in a more respectful manner. Oh Time, where had she gone all wrong. It wasn’t meant to turn out like this.

“Your Majesty?” A voice called out from the hallway.

“Yes, come in, Quill," Tempora answered, straightening her posture.

One of the great oak double doors swung slowly open to admit a small, shy cream-coated pegasus. She nudged the door closed with her muzzle and bowed low before meeting her ruler’s emerald eyes with her own pair of sapphire orbs.

“My Queen," she prompted, straightening up. “You’re still in your, uh, alternate form.”

Tempora took a look at herself, with a surprised look.

“Oh dear," Tempora muttered. She closed her eyes and concentrated for a moment. Her coat shimmered and turned a deeper cream colour than pure white, with the ends a darker orange and light lilac. Her mane and tail shimmered with sparkling points of light. With a flash, her crown adorned her head, studded with brilliant round rubies that complemented her sunset eyes.

“I’ll never understand why the nobles like this," she grumbled as Quill Pot gave her a grateful smile.

“Perhaps it is for diplomatic sensibilities. There is a certain… panache that surrounds your form like this, Your Majesty," Quill commented, waving her with a hoof airily.

“Would you like me to help you with your dress?” She asked and Tempora rolled her eyes. If she sent Quill away the poor mare would be mortified. She was perfectly capable of dressing herself.

“Yes, Quill I would like that," she replied, posing good-naturedly.

There was a short silence in the room as Quill moved over to the wardrobe, fetching a magnificent star studded white gown and placed it delicately on Tempora’s back. She worked on fastening each button and strap expertly.

“I take it there may be trouble in paradise?” She whispered conspiratorially, Tempora flinched slightly but Quill caught the movement.

“It’s his son," Tempora admitted, unable to resist flicking her tail in annoyance. The dress fluttered quite blatantly. Quill paused but then dove right back into work.

“Not getting along well with your daughters?” She asked, pacing around to the other side to inspect her work.

“No, it’s not that. He’s taken an unfortunate liking to Discord," Tempora replied, sighing.

“Discord.” Quill’s gaze darkened, moving into the Queen’s view.

“Tartarus spawn," she cursed, then her hoof flew to her mouth. “Pardon me, your Majesty.”

Queen Tempora sighed again, mulling the conversation she had with her future step-son, she waved a dismissive hoof as Quill relaxed. Quill circled round to the back.

“The conversation I had was less than pleasant. It reminded me of a time… It makes me doubt what I’m doing is right," Tempora confessed, looking down at the ground.

Quill dropped a piece of fabric she held in her mouth and rushed back to face down her Queen.

“My Queen! Everything you’ve done has been right, just and fair. You’re a gift of this world, a force of nature itself. Time, the stars and beyond are of your dominion! Forgive me for saying this, but who is this little foal to tell his future mother-in-law what she does is right or wrong? You’ll see, he just doesn’t understand, a juvenile in both mind and body.”

Tempora didn’t look so sure.

“I think Harmony sees a lot more than I care to admit. I find myself questioning. He is no foal.”

Tempora paused.

"I don't think I know him at all."

Quill finished with a final tug of adjustment and looked uncertainly at her Queen. Tempora smiled.

“Thank you Quill," she said gratefully. “But I think I need some time alone, to think.”

Quill bowed low and reluctantly left.

Tempora stared out her room’s balcony window.

The sky was a brilliant blue, spotted with a precious few clouds. A small blue pegasus gently pushed a wisp into place. Tempora smiled as she recalled the mysterious world Maximilian had come from. The weather was unpredictable, the trees and plants and crops grew all on their own and the world was connected with a web of wires and energy. The pegasus looked almost invisible in the backdrop making it seem as the clouds themselves were moving. She sighed, perhaps she could make a spot like that in Equestria, it would be nice and it could possible remind Maximilian of his home.

“What kind of goofy foal would give up his world to be with me?” She chortled to herself, momentarily lightened. She paused. Perhaps she should be a little more open minded about the situation. The future was the future but the present was the present. She would make the most of it.


I headed back to my house with Discord in tow. When I opened the front door my Dad was reading a newspaper and sipping at freshly brewed coffee. He waved me over and pointed at a metal kettle sitting on a stove that I didn’t recognise.

“Dad," I began, eyeing the kettle and the stove-that-was-not-our-stove. “Where’s our stove?"

“Wouldn’t work," he answered, waving dismissively. “Ponies know about electricity but have yet to create anything to generate electricity. Give me a few years and I’ll rig up something wind-powered or geothermal or something.”

I groaned and addressed Discord.

“Looks like we won’t be playing any video games," I told him sadly. He drooped but I rubbed him affectionately on his mane. “Cheer up, buddy, there’s still plenty of other games around here.”

My Dad coughed. I turned to him, uncomprehending. He gestured meaningfully.

“Oh. Oh right!” I jolted into action, facing Discord to Dad.

“This is Discord, Discord, this is my Dad," I introduced, pushing him lightly forward. Discord seemed a little apprehensive but waddled forward to look up at my Dad.

“Uhm, hi," he greeted, meekly.

“Hey there fella, well I’m just an old man, so I’ll be sitting here reading my paper and keeping up to date, don’t make too much noise you two.”

“Dad, that paper is two days old," I deadpanned. He looked at the front cover.

“And I’m still reading it because I have no access to current newspapers, now shoo!”

Rolling my eyes, I lead the ‘draconequus’ with me, heading for the second floor.

“Dad, we’re going to talk about advanced warnings in due time," I shot back, climbing the first steps.

“I’ll give you more information after the honeymoon!” He yelled back at me. I sighed.

“Come on Discord, let’s see if I can still find my board games," I muttered, climbing a few more steps. I felt a tug on my arm as Discord struggled to make it up the steps.

“Here, let me help you," I laughed, grabbing him under his arms/forelimbs and lifting him up to rest on my shoulders.

“Woah!” Discord yelped. “I’m so high!”

I laughed as he giggled.

“You can pretend you’re an aeroplane, I mean bird or something," I chuckled as he flapped his own wings sympathetically.

“I wish we were outside," he said suddenly and I twisted my head awkwardly to try and look at him.

“Alright, to heck with the board games, let’s go exploring!”

Discord let out a triumphant yell as I charged back down the stairs and flew out the door.

“Second thoughts, Dad, I think we’ll be going outside!” I shouted as I left through the back door.

My Dad only grumbled as he sipped his coffee and rubbed his ears.

“I thought I told you two to be quiet," he grumbled to himself flicking the newspaper.


Discord glanced down, then back up again and then back down.

“I think I can touch the sky!” He shouted in excitement, I gave him a playful bounce.

“Any higher and I think we could touch the moon," I joked, boosting him up higher with my arms.

“Aww yeah! The moon!” He chattered flailing his limbs to reach out further into the sky. I pulled him down, trying to ignore the groan of disappointment from Discord. I would hold you higher, Discord, but my arms can only hold you there for about ten minutes before they start atrophying. Please have mercy.

“Don’t you think it’d be nice if you could go up there one day?” I asked, with a grin. I collapsed in exhaustion from all the running and playing. Mmm. Soft grass.

Discord nodded emphatically as he lay down beside me.

“Yeah, maybe one of us could go there someday," he postulated giving me a wide smile. His bright, hopeful eyes made me want to suddenly hug him. I resisted. Just barely.

I laughed instead.

“Yeah, wouldn’t that be nice," I replied staring off into the trees.

I had a thought.

“Hey, we’re going exploring, do you have a place you live?” I asked him suddenly, getting to my feet.

Discord broke out into a happy grin.

“Yep, I have this place, you have to see it!” He declared ecstatically, pulling me along by my hand. He ran ahead tugging me along. After a unbalanced tug sent him sprawling to the floor, which made me pause in concern, he sprung up and headed away on all fours, scouting ahead at a lightning pace.

Every so often he would look back to make sure I was following and I ran along as best as I could. Some foliage provided a good space for the both of us to pass through, but sometimes there were holes and gaps that were obviously cleared out by Discord so it fit him better than the clunky human bumbling behind.

I whipped past brushes and branches, bushes and beehives (yes bees) and followed the winding path that reminded me of that scene in Lion King where Simba follows Rafiki through a dense knotted forest.

“Stop!” Discord shouted, holding up a paw in front of my face. I stumbled to a stop grabbing a loose tree branch to steady myself.

“Are-“ *huff* “-we here?” I wheezed, holding a palm flat against my chest and bending over, trying to catch my breath.

Discord nodded enthusiastically bouncing up and down in excitement.

“Look, it’s my home!” He announced gleefully showing me the clearing.

I gazed at the peaceful scenery, taking in the fast running brook that cut just past a small rocky cave made of three stones propped up against each other. Discord leapt inside and curled up on the carefully matted grass giving me an apologetic look.

“It’s not big enough for both of us but-“ he darted back out to pat a flat-ish rock half a metre from the entrance “-you can have a seat," he chattered going back inside and curling up again, looking at me with wide-eyes.

It looked like he was waiting for something but I didn’t really notice, trying to look around for evidence of his parents. All I saw was a deserted clearing and perhaps some broken branches all around Discord-height.

“Uh, Discord?” I asked softly.

Discord perked up.

“Yes?” He chirped happily.

“Do you live here by yourself?”

Discord stared at the ground beneath his mismatched legs.

“… Yes," he mumbled, but then brightened a little. “But it’s not that bad! There’s food, water and a cozy house!”

He paused slightly and started pawing the ground in front of him. “It does get a little cold sometimes… and a little lonely… but it’s okay, sometimes I visit the ponies, they're sometimes fun, even if they don’t like me all that much…”

He stopped, his crimson eyes filling up slowly with tears. He sniffed. It looked like he trying his best to hold back the tears using his sheer willpower. He opened his mouth to say more but I burst into action.

“Oh hey, hey," I cooed, quickly getting off the rock and taking him in my arms. I sat him on the rock, talking at eye-level with him in a crouch.

“Don’t worry Discord, if you want you can always live in my house. I’m sure my Dad wouldn’t mind," I assured him, patting him on the back. His face snapped up.

Discord looked back at his tiny home. He looked back at me.

“…Okay," he replied, giving me a tentative smile. I grinned back.

“Good," I said, getting up.

“… uhm I didn’t get your name," he whispered sheepishly. I slapped my head, how could I have not introduced myself? I crouched back down and wiped off the remnants of his tears with a thumb, giving him a reassuring pat on his back.

“I’m Harmony," I chuckled, looking around. I leant in, whispering in his ears.

“But we haven’t gotten around to exploring these lands. New sights await! New treasures to be seen! Discord, let’s make Equestria ours!”

“I’ll make Equestria ours!” He shouted gleefully as I boosted him back on my shoulders again.

We headed out, two intrepid explorers in the land of ponies.

Author's Note:

So ends the homeless Discord arc. Or perhaps this story. I'm not sure. Perhaps more?

I'm sorry if I took the easy way out by fausti-galactica-corn, Queen Tempora is just Queen Tempora I didn't think much of her design because I was more concerned with just her personality before. I decided to take into account wise words, por que no los dos?

Next Chapter: Figments of your imagination is starting to infect the waters of Equestria. Drink a sip and you'll fall into the Imagination Zone. Will we be able to tackle this growing outbreak of creativity?! Stay tuned!

As always, my assembled and homeostatic readers, thanks for reading!