• Published 30th Sep 2014
  • 17,599 Views, 1,209 Comments

Just Roll With It - sunnypack

Ever had your Dad marry a mythical creature? Ever just wanted a normal life? If this is you and you're not me, then this is exactly what we don't want, right?

  • ...

35 - The

Chapter 35: The

Since the Ball wasn’t exactly foal-friendly, we all decided to have fun ourselves, in whatever way we could think of.

Tempora didn’t seem to mind that I had disappeared along with her two daughters, in fact she seemed to smile every time she caught us sneaking around the edges of the courtyard. Runner and Golden Gala had a blast trying to play hide and seek under the table cloths that covered the buffet tables, and Celestia surprised most of us by spying on the rest of us from a tree that dominated the centre of the Ball.

I kept busy, glad that playing around had mostly taken my friend’s minds off the pertinent question of exactly where I came from and what my parents did. Inventing lies was easy, keeping track of them… not so much. Wavey still gave me sidelong glances from time to time, reminding me of that promise to tell her exactly what my backstory was. I wasn’t exactly comfortable lying to my friends, but the invented alibi was a lot more easy to explain than my somewhat convoluted circumstances leading me to be placed in the school in the first place.

I decided, for the moment, that it would be an obstacle I would take care of in the future. For now, I wanted to enjoy my time.

“Excuse me?”

I turned around in surprise.

“Yes?” I said, looking up.

The pony wasn’t as well-dressed as the rest of the participants. Indeed, even most of the minor nobles were bare of clothes, but meticulous grooming had been applied in an effort to differentiate themselves, quite literally, from the unwashed masses.

Though her fineries has seen better days, the ruffles in her dress seemed genuine, and the delicate lacework could only have been done through dedicated sewing and attention to detail. Looking at her face, her sharp, angular features were more striking and she stood taller than most of the noble delegates that graced the courtyard that night.

“Would you happen to know where I could fetch some refreshments?”

I stared at the mare, glancing at the buffet table in confusion.

“Uhh, they’re right next to you,” I said, pointing a hoof to the table. Seriously, they were right in front of her.

“Mmm,” the pony hummed absently, not even turning to look at the table. “So life-like.”

The statement was more to herself than to me, so I continued to stare uneasily at her while she studied me with piercing eyes.

“Hey, Harmonica, wh—”

Runner skidded to a stop, his neck craning to take in the mare’s heightened statured.

“B-Big!” he squeaked. “I-I mean…”

If the mare cared, she didn’t seem to take heed, instead she studied Runner with an expression that was part intense curiosity and concentration, rather than annoyance.

“A frame of reference,” she said. “Quaint.”

I gave her a weird look that mirrored Runner’s own.

“Uhh, yeah,” I said. “Let’s go…”

“Hold it,” the mare said. Then her gaze shot to my right fore-hoof. “Ah, I see.”

I froze. Wait. Was she just going to blurt it out in front of everypony here. I saw the others approaching curiously. Better get away—

I jerked back, the mare grasping my shoulder with an outstretched hoof. She leaned in close, enough for me to feel her warm breath as she whispered into my ear.

“I’m Mint,” she said. “You know of my mother.”


“Hmm. I think I would like some apples.” The mare suddenly let go. I stumbled a few steps forward, before whipping my head back.

“Hey, wait!”

Mint was humming to herself, effortlessly gliding through the crowds until she melded in, disappearing from our view.

Apples? Something sparked in my memory.

“Hey Harmonica, why’re you standing around here?”

I blinked at Runner. “I was talking to her, didn’t you see?”

“See what?”

“The strange mare, really tall, you said she was big.”

“Did I?”

I shut my mouth. Runner just looked more confused. He was right there. It didn’t look like he was playing around.

“She— ah never mind,” I said, “I was just uhh talking to somepony.”

Runner shrugged. “Must have missed her by a tail hair.”

“Hey, what’re you doing?”

Wavey trotted up, seeing my expression.

“Oh I was just talking to somepony and Runner caught up with me,” I explained. I looked around. “Where’s the sisters?”

Golden caught up, but she evidently heard my question.

“They’ve gone back, there’s a dragon in the back apparently,” Golden said.

I cast my gaze back at the dais. Tempora was surreptitiously motioning at me.

“Oh,” I said nonchalantly. Then I faked a yawn. “Yeah, I have to go. It’s getting late.”

Golden and Wavey shared a look.

“Uhh, you know the Ball goes on the whole night?” Golden said, with an arched eyebrow.

“Yeah, uhm… it goes on for the whole week too,” I said. “So I think I’ll see you all tomorrow.”

Runner rolled his eyes. “Ah, lucky you, getting to leave whenever you want.” He pointed a weary hoof at two ponies that were practically glued to a well-dressed stallion. The stallion didn’t look too comfortable. “I have to stay around with them.”

Golden smacked him in the shoulder and gestured somewhat obtrusively at me.

“Oh,” Runner mumbled. “Heh sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”

“You never think,” Golden muttered. “Sure you don’t want to stay?”

I didn’t have to fake how uncomfortable that made me feel. Did I just play the fake-orphan card unwittingly?

“Ah, yeah,” I said. “See you later.”

As I trotted stiffly away, I heard Golden grumble something at Runner. Runner made a halfhearted reply, but I heard Golden smack him again.

I sighed.

Hopefully I could tell them soon.


After sneaking into a corner, I managed to transform back, luxuriating in the feeling of stretching my arms and legs. Ooooh, the body you’re familiar with is the best type of body!

I know what you’re probably thinking. What happened to my clothes?

Magic is funny. Things can be transformed into other things. Equivalent volume doesn’t really matter, because density changes. What’s funny is that things are preserved rather strangely. When I transform into a pony wearing clothes, the fibres are integrated into a fine layer under my hair coat.

It’s really warm, so I wouldn’t recommend doing this in summer. The bonus is, I look identical, but I wouldn’t let Melphus try and pick me up, because I’d weigh a freaking ton. Just thought I should let you know.

“Harmony, oh I’m glad you’re here now,” Tempora said. She cast a nervous glance behind her. “Do you mind handling this? No need to worry everypony.”

“Uhh okay,” I said. “What? Did Matriarch Scales decide to drop by?”

Tempora coughed. “No it’s not Matriarch Scales.”

Tempora's nervousness was infectious. “Uhh, then who is it?” I asked.

Tempora hesitated. “Do you remember when Scales mentioned she would send a dragon to accompany you to the dragon-lands?”

I nodded, but my brow wrinkled. “That’s right,” I said. “But isn’t that in more than a week?”

Tempora smiled. “The dragon was interested in you. She came over early.”

She? Another dragoness?

I shrugged. Didn’t matter.

“Can’t be that bad,” I began, but I trailed off when Tempora’s worried look persisted.

“It's her daughter.”

Oh, goody, more politics.

“Oh for pony’s sa—” I quickly amended myself. “I mean… what’s she like?”

“Difficult,” Tempora answered. “She’s… troublesome. Has an issue with listening to me.”

That’s not good, I thought.

“Okay,” I said out loud. “I’ll give it a go.”

Tempora visibly relaxed. “Thanks,” she said. “I’ll make it up to you.”

“You know if these favours keep piling up, you’re going to end up owing me the kingdom,” I said.

Tempora mumbled something but I couldn’t hear it.

“What?” I queried.

“Nothing, around here,” Tempora replied, turning left around a corridor. “I know the night has been long, but you can rest throughout the day.”

Tempora mumbled something again.

I think I caught ‘if you survive’, but that could have been my imagination.

Tempora took a deep breath, composing herself in front of the door.

“Is she in there?”

Tempora started and looked at me sheepishly.

“Ah, yes,” she replied.

I’ve never seen Tempora so flustered. What kind of dragon was Scale’s daughter that could illicit such a reaction from the steadfast ruler of Equestria?

Tempora mumbled something, I think I caught ‘get it together’, or something.

“Okay, okay, just open the door and let Harmony deal with it,” Tempora muttered.

“What was that?” I said suspiciously.

“Hmm? Oh did I say that out loud, forget about it.”

What? Forget about it.

“Hello, Lapis.”

I strained in the darkness, trying to make out the dragoness. I guess I was expecting someone as big as Matriarch Scales, instead a grinning form of ultramarine scales and fangs leapt out of the darkness.

“Tempy!” the voice cried hugging the alicorn with bombastic enthusiasm.

“Lapis… I… can’t… breathe!” Tempora gasped.

Lapis broke away and patted Tempora on the head, despite the fact that Tempora’s crown was skewed, Lapis didn’t seem to notice.

“Oh, look you’re so cute, what are you? I simply must hug you!”

Tempora magically fixed her crown as she sighed in relief, all the while watching as I got my lungs crushed by the overly-friendly dragoness.

“As you may have surmised, Lapis is very friendly.”

“N’aww you’ve got such tiny little wiggly things. They’re like really blunt claws!”

I felt my hands being poked and prodded.

“You’re so squishy and soft! You’re adorable!”

“Help!” I yelled.

Tempora skittered out the door.

“Good luck!” I heard her echoing cry.

Lapis grinned.

“Now you’re all alone with me,” she said. “Let’s get to know each other!”

Author's Note:

Getting back into my fic again, enjoy another double update!

Just to let you know, the way I've planned this might get a little sad, you have about two arcs to prepare, if I do it right.

Next Chapter: Jealousy is a fickle beast.

As always, my jostling readers, thanks for reading!