• Published 30th Sep 2014
  • 17,599 Views, 1,209 Comments

Just Roll With It - sunnypack

Ever had your Dad marry a mythical creature? Ever just wanted a normal life? If this is you and you're not me, then this is exactly what we don't want, right?

  • ...

22 - Double

Chapter 22: Double

The class arrived near the border between the my forest and my house just as I caught up. Runner gave me a playful bat on the shoulder with his hoof, impressed I managed to even catch up. I'll be honest, I was surprised too. Wavey and Golden gave me a smile as I entered the class ring with Purligravy giving me a short look of disapproval that I had wandered off. I gave her a sheepish smile in return.

Rolling her eyes, she continued her speech.

"Okay class, what is this place called?"

A hoof shot up in the audience. It was Golden. Purligravy gave a permissive flick with her hoof.

"Oh! It's 'Harmony's Haven', Miss Purligravy. This is the sovereign land of Prince Harmony, the current heir to Equestria!"

Purligravy nodded, while I felt a certain level of embarrassment being the focus of my own class.

"Who can tell me what this land was called before it was assigned to Prince Harmony?" she posed to the rest of the class. The class looked back with blank faces, including me. Huh, now you have me interested, go on Miss. Purligravy, go on.

After a suitable pause Purligravy gave a light laugh.

"This place used to be called to Everfree Forest," she lectured but paused as a hoof shot up.

"Yes, Darkle?"

A small orange-coated colt tilted his head curiously.

"Why was it called the Everfree Forest?" he asked inquisitively.

Purligravy tapped a hoof on her chin.

"There are many theories as to how the Everfree forest got its name. Many ponies have postulated that the Everfree Forest had gotten its name after Queen Tempora claimed this land under Equestrian rule from a temporary annex of the Minotaurs. After freeing her subjects, she built a castle bastion here and moved the royal court here as a symbol for her commitment to freedom. The surrounding villages had then named the forest 'the Everfree Forest' as it was a crucial site in repelling the Minotaur incursion."

Many of the colts and fillies had wide looks in their eyes, as if they could see the battle spring forth in front of their eyes. Purligravy continued in a hushed tone, we all strained forward to hear her words.

"Some say that this forest was the site of King Spatium's death," she croaked quietly. "Queen Tempora had made an offhand comment that King Spatium wanted this forest to remain 'Ever Free' and so it became the Everfree Forest."

Purligravy returned to a light tone startling the closer ones at the front.

"But these are all old pony's tale. The important thing is, you must check these rumours with established fact."

She giggled.

"Maybe you could ask the Prince if he drops by today!" she commented cheerfully.

"Pretty sure he wouldn't know," I muttered.

Runner turned to look at me.

"What was that?" he asked but I waved a dismissive hoof.

"Nothing," I said, then glanced over at the rest of the class. "Oh we're moving on, let's go."

Runner gave me a concerned look.

"You've been a bit of a downer ever since I mentioned the Prince, you got something on your mind?" he asked, studying me. My eyes widened at his surprisingly perceptive observation. I forced a grin.

"Nah, it's fine," I reassured. Runner gave me an odd look but nodded slowly and trotted up to meet Wavey and Golden.

I made to follow but I stopped mid-hoof step as I heard rustling in the bushes nearby.

It seemed familiar.

Glancing around, I quickly dove into the bushes.

"Discord?" I hissed urgently. Two wide red eyes looked back at me guiltily.

I sighed.

"Listen, you can't be near here, these ponies aren't very friendly towards draconequuses," I continued, while Discord pressed a clawed finger and a pawed appendage together.

"I just heard you were coming so I came by to see how you were doing," he said quietly and gave me a meek look. He scuffed a hoof on the ground. "I didn't think you would find me."

I rolled my eyes but tussled his mane anyway.

"Alright Discord but you're going to have to be a bit more discreet," I whispered as Discord nodded.

I peeked out of the bushes, coast was clear. Suddenly, I turned back to the bushes. I had a sudden, impish impulse shoot through me. We hadn't gone pranking in a while…

"Discord," I began, but the draconequus came to the same conclusion quickly.

"Let's go pranking!" he shouted excitedly, dancing on the spot.

We took the long route around the class. I quickly dropped by to say that I was feeling sick so I had to head back home. Purligravy nodded as I feigned sadness and coughed a little for effect. Then, we snuck into the house, using the back door entrance.

"Okay," I cackled rubbing my hands together. Being human again was liberating, the mana drain from the ring was worth it.

"We've got to make an impression on these impressionable young foals."

Discord nodded eagerly.

"Should I go for the bubblegum trick? It's a classic."

I shook my head.

"Discord where is your sense of madness and chaos? A good prank has to be executed in good taste," I chided, bopping him on the nose. He rubbed it in annoyance as I continued my lecture on what made an excellent prank.

"Firstly, you need to know your target! You're not a little foal anymore Discord, you're an up and coming colt! So are our targets. We need something a little more dramatic, something with flair!"

Discord's ears perked up.

"I've got it," he chattered excitedly, bouncing up to my ear and whispering his plan. It was totally unnecessary seeing as there was no one home but I humoured him. As he laid out the diabolical points of action I felt my grin grow wider and wider until I thought my face would split in two.

"Discord," I said, giving him a broad smile and hugging him tight. "You're a genius!"

I paused.

"Better let Purligravy know though, stay here. I'll give her a heads up."

It would be a quick detour to the castle to pick up a proxy to let Purligravy know but heck this'll be worth it.


"Targets are in sight, over," I radioed through a beat up walkie talkie. I was lucky to even find a nine volt battery for it. Do they even make those anymore?

A crackle permeated through the shrubbery.

"Copy that, H1. Moving to kill zone," Discord replied and I couldn't help but laugh maniacally in pure glee. He had only learnt the lingo five minutes ago. That kid, sorry, colt was smart as they come.

"Roger that, D-alpha," I sent back creeping along the edge of the shubbery.

The class had managed to reach the 'magical fallout tree' but ponies had taken to calling it 'the Tree of Harmony'. I scoffed at that when I found out. Ponies had a penchant for exagerrating things and gossiping, so I really couldn't fault them for attaching a name to the, admittedly strange, crystalline tree.

At a break in Purligravy's lecture, I strode into the clearing, clearing my throat.

The class whipped around, eyes wide. I almost broke cover when I saw Runner nudge Wavey and point and stare. Golden had her mouth open comically wide.

"I say, I say, I say," I warbled in a posh, decidedly British accent. "What is all this? What are you doing on my property?"

Purligravy quickly shot forward, bowing.

"I'm sorry, Prince. We have permission from the castle-"

I held up a hand which brought her to silence.

I locked gazes with the teacher.

Mildly I asked, "Did you see the tree?"

Purligravy glanced nervously at the tree.


My eyes widened.

"This is a matter of national security! If anypony is found seeing or touching the tree we'll have to administer punishment on full authority of the Crown," I intoned gravely.

"I-I," Purligravy stammered. I forestalled her again with a hand.

"Enough. I've heard enough. I'm afraid this is unacceptable. Unacceptable at all. You must all be punished!"

I drew out my concealed gun.

"This is a highly advanced piece of weaponry from my home planet. With one pull of the trigger-" I pointed it at Runner. Runner looked scared out of his wits "-it will neutralise the target."

I started cackling evilly.

"Skies," Purligravy cried dramatically. "The Prince has gone mad!"

At my predetermined cue, Discord leapt out of the bushes, frightening everyone with his sudden appearance.

"Monster!" yelled a particularly hysterical filly.

Discord leapt in front of Purligravy as confusion spread amongst the class.

"Harmony!" he yelled desperately. "You have gone too far."

His wings lifted to reveal another gun. It gleamed in the light of noon.

I laughed at him.

"Pathetic creature. Do you think your might can equal an alien of another world? Can you defeat the Prince of Equestria?"

Discord's brows drew down as he shook his head sadly.

"I'm sorry, Harmony," he whispered and he pulled the trigger.

I felt the impact on my abdomen and I stumbled back, dropping my gun to the grass with a dull thud.

"Discord…" I croaked. "Why?"

Discord rushed forward and knelt at my side.

"Harmony, you taught me to what was right, even if it hurts doing so," he lamented as I drew a shuddering breath.

I smiled at him.

"I'm proud of you, Discord," I mumbled, cradling his head.

"I feel… cold."

Then I passed away.


There were tears in the crowd, I'll tell you that. That was one heck of a performance we put on for the kids.

They all gasped as I got up to my feet and took a florid bow with Discord and Purligravy.

Slowly, shocked as they were, they started stomping their hooves. Surprisingly it started with Runner and then it spread throughout the class until everypony was happily stomping along.

I grinned and waved.

I spoke as the applause died down.

"I've always loved the theatre. Performances, especially impromptu performances like this one is a good way to expand your mind creatively. It's always important to have a laugh every now and again, don't get too bogged down in studies-" I glanced at Purligravy and leant in "-but don't let the teacher know I said that," I whispered conspiratorily as Purligravy rolled her eyes.

"I'd like to thank Ms. Purligravy for going along with the performance. I'd like to thank my buddy Discord here for being my brilliant co-actor and I'd like to thank you all for putting up with my antics!"

Hesitantly, the class made to bow as I finished but I snorted.

"Come now, that was all part of the act. Get up, get up, no bowing and scraping for me, I don't like that sort of thing. I'm not that kind of Prince."

A curious voice piped up among the swath of students.

"So what kind of Prince are you?" a grass-green filly remarked.

I paused, thinking this through.

"Well," I began and I caught Discord's gaze. "I'd like to say, I'm not a Prince at all."

I smiled at all of them.

"Just call me Harmony."


After that the class started to open up to me a little more. I knew most of them by aquaintance and half of them as friends, so I had to concentrate on acting as if I didn't know them. They seemed eager to ask questions about Earth.

Things like:

What kind of monsters do you have there?

Do you have unicorns and pegasi and earth ponies there?

Are you a spy?

Can you fly?

How do you stay standing without a tail?

What do you eat?

Do you eat ponies?

How did you make the Tree of Harmony?

Is Harmony your real name?

I chuckled as I tried to answer their flood of questions as best as I could.

"Yes there are monsters on my world, I don't like to talk about them personally but they sometimes appear on newspapers. We have stories of unicorns and pegasi and there are some ponies back on Earth. No I'm not a spy. But then again a spy would tell you that, hmm? No I can't fly… yet. Lots of practice. I fell over a lot when I was small. I eat whatever is in the fridge-" I picked up Discord and pretended to give a lick, I pulled a disgusted face "-nah I don't like the taste. Magic. Yes."

The Q&A ended a little prematurely as Purligravy cut in.

"All right class," she called out. "I'm sure the Prince has many things to do and so do we. Let's move on and visit the castle!"

Though there were a few sullen looks, the rest of the class obeyed, reluctantly following the teacher.

I turned to Discord.

"That was fun," I laughed. "I think they like us."

Discord gave me a wide grin.

"We should do this more often."

I gave him a mock-horrified expression.

"Oh stars forbid, if we were to team up and prank again, the world would end!"

We both laughed at that.

Author's Note:

Well now, you asked for it.

Jessie: Prepare for trouble.
James: Make it double.
Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.
James: To unite all people within our nation.
Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love.
James: To extend our reach to the stars above.
Jessie: Jessie!
James: James!
Jessie: Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light.
James: Surrender now or prepare to fight.
Meowth: That's right!

P.S. They were nerf guns.

Next Chapter: Pirates of the Temporal Seas. Let's board those transtemporal ships and go through Time, raiding and pirating everything. This. Will. Be. Fun.

As always, my semi-permeable readers, thanks for reading!