• Published 12th Nov 2014
  • 2,123 Views, 28 Comments

The thing about maturity - Scekkel

Sparity - Spike is very concerned about him and Rarity and after a talk with Twilight decides to go away.

  • ...

The fleeing

Twilight walked up the stairs in the library; she was quite irritated this morning. Spike was supposed to have helped her reorganize the books this morning, but he had been sleeping through it all, and now she wanted to give him a piece of her mind.

She opened the door quite forcefully and yelled ’’Spike!’’

Spike opened his eyes slowly and saw the lavender unicorn beside him. He yawned and stretched. ‘’What’s up Twilight?’’ he said as he sat up in his basket, scratching his neck with closed eyes before stretching again.

Twilight looked furious. ‘’You were supposed to help me this morning Spike.’’ She said. ‘’You promised that you would help me reorganize the books.’’ ‘’But when I tried to wake you earlier you said you would come in a minute’’

Spike froze as he remembered his promise ‘’I’m so sorry twilight’’ The Dragon said with an apologizing tone, while he looked down. ‘’I was just so tired and fell asleep again.’’

Twilight looked down at him but could not scold him anymore when she saw his adorable baby dragon face. ‘’Well we have other things to do this morning so come down and make some breakfast as an apology’’ she said in a teasing tone.

Spike knew that it was okay again so he walked down the stairs and proceeded to the kitchen.

Twilight laughed lightly ‘’That is my spike always helping others, except when he is sleepy.’’ She walked downstairs looking forward to one of Spikes breakfasts. He was really good in a kitchen.

When she came downstairs Spike was already making breakfast; Haypanckes, her favourite.

Half an hour later Spike called from the kitchen ‘’Food is ready’’ Twilight looked away from her books and glanced at the sun. She wondered why Spike had taken so long to prepare breakfast. Usually he would have been done within 10 minutes or so, but who was she to discuss with haypancakes. She walked into the kitchen where Spike balanced two cups and some apple cider on some plates.

He put it down on the table and Twilight sat down while he poured some cider in the glasses

Spike took the chair opposite her.

Twilight started eating with enthusiasm; it was only when she had eaten about half of her pancakes that she looked at spike. He was sleeping on the table with some pancake on his fork in the left hand.

Twilight looked at Spike as he started to snore. ‘’Spike, Spike!’’

Spike just slept on like nothing happened.

Twilight got a little annoyed and with her horn she levitated a pot lit and a spoon close to spike and started hammering them together until spike flew up from his chair.

As he slowly discovered that nothing was wrong twilight put the lid and spoon back in place.

‘’What is it with all your sleeping Spike’’

‘’I’m so sorry Twilight but I’m just so tired.’’ Spike looked down. ‘’Rarity needed help with more work than she thought and we forgot the time so I was not home until 4 in the morning.’’

Twilight looked at Spike who was still looking down with a serious look. ‘’Spike, I know that you love Rarity, but don’t you think that it is bad for you to strain yourself so much to help her?’’ ‘’I mean it is good to help a friend but you can’t go on like this.’’

‘’But Twilight’’ the young dragon said ‘’I really like being with Rarity even if it is just as a friend. Maybe some day she will like me.’’

Twilight looked down on him with pity in her eyes. ‘’Spike, I know that it is hard for you to never have your feelings reciprocated by Rarity’’ She felt really horrible with punching Spike with reality. ‘’ I just don’t think she will see you as more than a friend, you are so young compared to her and I think she looks for a stallion her own age’’ Twilight bit her own lip just as she finished speaking, regretting what she said right away.

Spike finally looked up with tears in his eyes. He cried. He looked angrily at twilight. ‘’What do you know!’’ he shouted at her. ‘’What do you know about anything!’’
‘’You always sit here reading your books; you never even had a coltfriend.
Spike ran out the kitchen and up the stairs. He curled up in his basket after locking the door.

Twilight looked down at the rest of her food and looked like she was going to throw up. She know that she had hurt the dragon but she knew that somepony had to say it to him sooner or later and figured that it was better to hear it from her than being rejected by Rarity.

Spike cried in his basket. He knew that Twilight was right, but he had always pushed the thought away. He knew that she wanted a big muscular stallion like big mac or somepony like that. He knew that she wanted some one who was more mature than him. He just didn’t want to think about it, but the realisation showered him like nothing else, and the thought of him never being with Rarity was tearing him apart and he could not. He was so sad that he never thought he would be happy again. He just wanted to run away from it all and forget about Rarity. He opened his eyes and walked to the dresser where he knew he would find some paper and quills.

Rarity woke up and greeted the sun with a yawn. She blinked a few times before she rose from the bed. She undressed herself and walked to she shower. While in the shower she loved to sing and one of her favourites was art of the dress, which was always inspiring to her.

When she got out of the bath she looked at the watch and noticed how late it already was. ‘’Oh my’’ she said ‘’Did it really get so late last night.’’

She walked into her workroom ‘’Spike really was a great help yesterday, I must say that he has become quite the gentledragon to be so helpful’’ She really meant it. She would never have been able to do all that work, not even in a week if it had not been for the little dragon. Because when she was in the zone it would slow her down when she had to fetch fabrics and sewing materials herself.
She decided to take the rest of the day off and ask Spike to dinner at a fine restaurant this evening.
She was sure that the little dragon was still sleeping and imagined her cute little Spikey-Wickey sleeping sweetly in his basket.
Her image of the little dragon was destroyed when she reckoned that Twilight probably had already woken him.

She decided to go ask him right away then there would still be time for her to get back to her Boutique and get ready for dinner.

She walked through town waving and greeting her fellow ponies as she passed. Everypony especially the stallions always looked when Rarity walked past them. She was the most beautiful pony in Ponyville, maybe even in Equestria. She had had countless offers from different stallions through the years but it never got beyond dating, as she was saving herself for her special somepony. She had never asked out a stallion and the ones she had been out with had always only been after her looks, and even though that was half of it, they never cared much for her personality, and she never really liked their personality, therefore it always ended with a breakup.

Finally Rarity reached the library and gently knocked the door. ‘’Spikie! Are you there?’’ she shouted

Twilight opened the door and greeted Rarity. ‘’Hello Rarity.’’

‘’Well good day Twilight.’’ Rarity gracefully greeted back. ‘’Is Spike there?’’ she asked looking inside the tree.

Twilight hesitated ‘’Well…’’

‘’Well?’’ Rarity said looking confused

Twilight was about to tell her about her little green friend’s heartbreak but was silenced by a silent. ‘’Forever.’’ in her head. ‘’Did you hear that?’’ She asked Rarity

‘’Hear what darling?’’ Rarity said a little concerned

‘’Ehh nothing’’ Twilight answered.
‘’Well.’’ Rarity pushed.

‘’Well what?’’ Twilight said.

‘’Is he there.’’ Rarity said a little annoyed.

‘Uhm yes of course’’ Twilight said like awaking from a trance. ‘’He is just upstairs, wait here and I’ll go get him.’’

‘’You don’t need to do that, I’m sure he won’t mind if it’s me’’ she said going around Twilight.

‘’Wait!’’ Twilight said, but too late. Rarity had already climbed the stairs and opened the door

Twilight sighed and slowly climbed after her. About halfway she heard Rarity gasp loudly.
Twilight took the last few steps in a hurry and ran into the room where she found Rarity sitting on the bed with tears in her eyes and a piece of paper in her hooves.
Twilight walked over to her ‘’Rarity are you okay?’’

Rarity seemed very sad and sobbed a little while she regained her senses. ‘’It’s for you dear.’’
Rarity handed Twilight the letter and she immediately recognized spikes handwriting.

Dear Twilight

You are right about everything you said and I’m sorry I snapped at you. I’m not mature or strong enough to be with her. I guess I have always known but have always tried to just don’t think about it. Therefore I’m leaving. My decision is clear. My love for her is eternal but it is too big for me to handle right now and after our talk, the bare thought of me being around Rarity kills me inside when I know I can’t be with her. I don’t know what the future will bring but I will not come back until I can be the one for her, she is the only one for me.

Yours truly – Spike.

Twilight had to read it twice for her brain to comprehend it, and even then she found the whole situation ridiculous. How could Spike, her nr. 1 assistant have left. But a few moments later she realized what fool she had been. She had rejected Spike in Raritys place, before he had even talked to her about his feelings. Before he had had even the slightest chance to get his girl she had crushed his dream. She had said something she had no right to.
It was her fault Spike had gone.

‘’It’s all my fault she said.’’ A tear found it’s way down her cheek while she collapsed on the floor. ‘’It’s all my fault’’

Rarity had been sitting looking straight into the wall since she handed Twilight the letter, but when Twilight collapsed she woke from the deep trance she had been in.
She walked over to Twilight on the floor and looked at her. ‘’Twilight.’’ She said with a determined voice.

Twilight looked up at her beautiful friend while revealing the tears streaming down the face.

‘’Twilight I am quite sure that whatever you said to him, it was something that had to be done. In reality the guilt lies with me. I should have talked to him about it long ago, but I never did. If you should blame someone it should be me. I am sure you did what you did in a good meaning, and you did the best you could and nobody can expect more from you than that.’’

Twilight looked at her still with tears in her eyes, but she had stopped crying. She just continued looking at her. She was really beautiful, majestic even; she could understand why Spike was so crazy about this mare.
‘’I should have spoken to you before I said all that to Spike’’ she sobbed.

‘’Now that is correct, you should have spoken to me about it that would have been the recommended course of action, but try to see what has happened Twilight. You did not want him to suffer anymore. You did it in his interest.’’

Twilight got up on her hooves again and hugged Rarity. ‘’We should both have done something different Rarity. But I am sorry I had no right to blend in and say those things. It was none of my business.

Rarity hugged back ‘’Now we must believe in Spike and hope he can take care of himself. He will return when he feels ready I am sure of it.’’

Twilight pulled away and smiled at Rarity. ‘’You are right of course, and I think he will be alright.’’

Suddenly the big front door was kicked wide open and in shared joy of what they both thought was spikes return they both ran out of the room.

But suddenly a voice called ‘’Twilight, hurry come here!!!!’’

Author's Note:

First (published) story :)
I hope you will enjoy it and I would love to hear what you think even if it is critique.

Let me know if you find the story interesting