• Published 12th Nov 2014
  • 2,123 Views, 28 Comments

The thing about maturity - Scekkel

Sparity - Spike is very concerned about him and Rarity and after a talk with Twilight decides to go away.

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The thing about heartswarming eve

The Thing About Maturity
Chapter 6 "The thing about Christmas"
By: Scekkel
My Little Pony © Hasbro

Spike was just finishing the last decorations for Heartswarming eve, and he smiled as he put the star on the tree. He could smell the food from the kitchen where Applejack and Pinkie pie had been cooking all day. The last few months had been heaven for Spike. He and Rarity had really hit it off together. They had finally told their friends about a month ago, that they were officially a couple. Their friends had just laughed, they had known for a long time and thought it was a bit unnecessary as it was quite obvious. Although, Fluttershy had been very happy for them, as she had whispered to them when the others had left. Spike had also send a letter to Twilight, who had answered with the longest letter since she had gone to Canterlot. “Dear Spike and Rarity. I am very happy for you and I look forward to see you when I come back.” Even though Twilight had told her friends that she had no time for visitors, they had tried. Spike could easily recall when Pinky had tried to get them all to Canterlot. Twilight had certainly been surprised, but had not been able to speak for more then 10 minutes. It was clear to see that even though she enjoyed the hard work with Luna, she missed her friends terribly. That was why Spike had arranged a Heartswarming eve in Canterlot. He knew that Twilight, even though she wanted too, just would not have the time to go to Ponyville, and Celestia had agreed that they could use one of the minor ballrooms of the castle. They weren’t so many ponies and the big one was to be used for the big Heartswarming eve event. So Spike had graciously accepted.

Because of the size of the “minor ballroom” Pinkie wanted to invite a whole lot of people. So the guest list had become quite a bit bigger. That meant the all their parents and siblings would attend the party as well. All the princesses would attend it as well, right after they had overseen the bigger event.

Spike had just turned on the lights for the tree when Fluttershy came through the door. “They’re here,” she informed. She had been at the train station waiting for the guests to arrive. Behind her Big Mac and the Cutiemark Crusaders entered, and right behind Scootaloo Rainbow Dash and her parents came in. Dash originally had to be there along with the other bearers of the elements, but had to work for the weather patrol as a big snowstorm had been ordered for Heartswarming.

Spike climbed down his ladder and greeted all the guests. Rarity’s parents got the biggest welcome of them all. Sweetie Belle had noticed and teased him with Rarity. Spike blushed a little. Her parents just laughed. The truth was that they had only known for a few months, because Rarity had been a little concerned about what they would say about her dating a dragon. Her parents had been a little sceptical, but after having learned who he was they had decided that it didn’t matter as long as their daughter was happy.

“Are all the preparations done?” Rarity’s mother asked Spike in a sweet tone.

“Almost,” he said. “Applejack and Pinkie just have to finish the food and then all the last guests just have to arrive, then we’re about ready.”

Raritys Parents was commenting on the nice work they all had done and her dad was especially interested in the nice smell from the kitchen, when Rarity called from a door opening in the other end of the hall, which lead to the rooms, which everybody would occupy tonight. Spike walked to her.

“What’s up Rares?” He asked.

She turned around. “Could you sip me?” She asked him.

He went a little closer and zipped her dress up.

Rarity turned around again. “Thanks darling,” she said and kissed him. “Have everyone arrived?”

“Well everyone from Ponyville, but we still miss Shining, Cadance and Twilights parents. I just talked to your parents, they seem happy for us” he answered.

Rarity smiled. She had always been very embarrassed with her parents, but somehow Spike could always sense when and save her from such a situation.

“I’m sure they are, but not as happy as me” she teased.

Spike smiled. “Well then show me how happy you are,” he teased back.

“Are we making demands now darling?” She said and moved a bit closer to his lips.

“If it involves your lips, I’m always making demands,” he said and kissed her. They embraced each other and when they departed they both said. “Happy Heartswarming.” And giggled a bit.

“Now if ya lovebirds are gonna stand there and be all smoochy all day, you can just go find a room for yaselves.” Applejack said.

Spike and Rarity followed Applejack out though the door, both a little embarrassed. They then proceeded to the other guests and started to talk their way through the rambling masses.

Twilight sighed, as she looked herself in the mirror. The night blue dress did not seem to fit her very well. Lune had lent it to her so she would have something nice to wear for Heartswarming. It was a very nice evening dress and filled with patterns of moons and stars. Luna had it refitted because Twilight insisted not to buy any dress.

Behind Twilight the door suddenly opened.

“Are you ready, Twi?” Luna said from the shadows.

“Yes Luna, but I don’t really feel like I can wear this dress, it feels weird,” she confessed, with her head bowed.

Luna walked up to the mirror and looked at the lavender unicorn in the mirror. She said. “I think it suits you very well.” Then she nuzzled Twilight in a way, which made her blush.

Twilight giggled and turned around facing the almighty alicorn who had a teasing smile on her lips. She looked so divine in her dress. Luna stepped forward and kissed her.

Twilight was a little surprised, but kissed back.

“I thought we agreed not to do this until you had finished your studies?” Twilight whispered in a teasing tone.

Luna opened her eyes after a while and embraced her love. “What about we just forget about it? Just for tonight.”

Twilight’s body shook a little because of the pleasure in her voice. Luna smiled over the effect her words had had on her love.

Twilight looked at Luna for a long while, considering her words. “Just for tonight then,” she then whispered in her ear.

Finally they had moved all the long table the their appropriate position according to Pinkie’s “super duper heartswarming party” plan and people started getting the tables ready for all the food which was currently in the kitchen.

Pinkie carried one enormous tray after another and soon some of the other guests joined until everything had been placed in the tables. Now they just had to wait for Twilight and the princesses. Shining had arrived earlier with Cadence. Since she wasn’t a princess of Equestria she had no obligation to watch the show. Half an hour later the doors sprung open and Luna, Twilight and Celestia came through the door. They were received by many smiling faces. All Twilights friends came running towards her, and Spike was the fastest. Twilight then got hugged and it was just chaos. She smiled and so did Luna but no one noticed, except for her sister.

When everyone had greeted the latecomers they started to eat. Spike sat with Rarity on one side and Twilight on the other.

“Why did you not come sooner?” He asked her.

“I had promised Luna to keep her company during the entertainment.” Twilight answered.

“Okay. I’m so glad to see you,” he said. “It has been so long.”

Twilight smiled at her little brother and then over the mare he had made his, and soon discovered that all the bearers around her sat staring at her. They were all very happy to see her. Luna, who sat on Twilights other side, decided to take a chance and tease her lover a bit.

“Well, it is very nice to see you all, but I have been so glad to have Twilight tutor me over the past months and then she kissed Twilight on her cheek and smiled at the reaction she got.

Twilight blushed, her heads new colour almost matching pinkies. All her friends sat with their mouths open.

“Do you want to tell them or shall I” Luna said.

Twilight looked down. “I will do it myself.”

“Are you too together!!” Pinkie Pie almost yelled.

“Well,” Twilight started “Not really.”

Luna made herself noticed by making a short noise.

“We are together, but not officially until we are done being tutor and student.” Twilight stated a bit more calmly.

“How in tarnation did you two happen?” Applejack ejaculated.

Lune took the word. “Well, after a few months together, some things happened and suddenly one night we found ourselves kissing in the library.” She confessed.

Twilight blushed again. “But then we agreed not to do anything until we were done with the tutoring.” She did not tell them about all the candlelit dinners and other dates they had had. Nothing had happened on them, but that was sort of the idea, to learn to know each other, but not get intimate before the tutoring had ended.

Everyone was a bit astounded by the new couples commitment, but decided to respect it. Rainbow dash even told Twilight that is was a nice score, which Luna had chuckled at.

It had been a splendid dinner and even Rarity who normally did not eat that much, because she wanted to keep her figure, could not eat another bite.

Spike helped pinkie and some of the others with carrying out the empty plates. They all agreed to exchange gift before dessert.

Spike had made a very nice jewel box for Rarity out of wood with some burned in hearts in the top. It was quite large and inside she found a smaller hearts shaped fire ruby than she had. It was hung on a leather necklace. He gave Twilight some rare books, which she was overjoyed to receive. When she thanked him Rainbow tried to look in the gift Rarity had given him. He ran over and took it from her, while he blushed wildly. Dash tried teasingly to take it from him, but in the end he succeeded in taking it from her, under loud laughter from their friends, all except Rarity who blushed a little herself.

They then ate their dessert and after a few hours they all agreed to go to bed.

Everyone was to stay at the castle tonight. Rarity and Spike had occupying a big site with a balcony. The very same Rarity had used once before.

The fire had already been lit and Rarity and Spike both sat down on the long haired rung in front of the fire.

“Spike? Did you enjoy tonight.” She asked him.

Spike thought a bit. “Very much my love, and it was so nice to just have fun with everyone.”

“I still can still not believe it. Twilight and Luna, an item.” She said.

“Well, we don’t really know what happened so maybe it wasn’t so sudden to them. Spike sat with Rarity’s head between his legs. She looked longingly up at him.

Spike looked down at her. “You are so beautiful love, how you could ever have fallen in love with me, I’ll never know.” He said to her.

She kissed him. “What? A prince charming like you? I was head over heels for you all along.” She said.

Spike smiled, he knew she was teasing him. Deeply she really cared for him.

“Come here my marshmallow.” He said and dragged her in for a long and pleasurable kiss. “Do you think you could use it tonight.” he asked.

She looked at him with a ‘are you really serious look’ and said. “Well, I don’t really know if I want to.”

Spike made his face hard. “You will wear it tonight.”

“Oh my god.” She cried. “A raging dragon. Of course I will do as you say.”

She took the present Spike had put on the bed and disappeared into the bathroom.

Her action had been a little to dramatic and corny even for Spike, but it didn’t matter because she loved playing to the last bit.

The Heartswarming bells rang throughout Cantorlot and as the two lovebirds in the suite happily played, another couple in the castle was very happy finally being together.

Twilight had actually been quite thankful to Luna for making her telling her friends. It had been quite hard for her to tell them, and Luna knew, but this one night was not to be spoiled by talking. The two ponies had been yearning for each other since they agreed to make the most of the night.

Everyone ended up having a good party and even though Rarity had bought Applejack a scarf she didn’t like very much, she had not complained one bit. Now they all slept peacefully through the storm nice and cosy.

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas everyone and sorry for the surprise ship :derpytongue2:

I hope everyone will enjoy a merry Christmas. I know there are many mistakes and such in this chapter, but I really wanted to get it up tonight. And yes where I am the clock has just passed 1 am.
I thoroughly enjoy writing now. It has been an adventure for me to try and publish my work and even though it did not turn out exactly as I wanted it to I'm very proud of what I've made, and will definitely continue to write other fanfics.

This will probably be the second to last chapter in this story. I hope you like this Christmas special.

And too all of you out there you does not celebrate christmas: Happy Heartswarming eve :pinkiehappy: