• Published 12th Nov 2014
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The thing about maturity - Scekkel

Sparity - Spike is very concerned about him and Rarity and after a talk with Twilight decides to go away.

  • ...

When we look up to others

The Thing About Maturity
chapter 2 "When We Look Up To Others "
By: Scekkel
My Little Pony © Hasbro

It was Rainbow Dash, she had something yellow and purple in her hooves.

Rarity recognized the little thing as Scootaloo.
"Oh my, whatever did happen Dash," Rarity gasped

‘’She tried to show off in front of Rainbow Dash.’’ Sweetie Belle said as she and Apple bloom came running in behind Rainbow.

‘’She tried to do a Sonic Rainboom, but she couldn’t and ended up crashing into the Everfree Forest,’’ Apple Bloom continued.

‘’Then why haven’t you brought her to the hospital!’’ Twilight almost screamed in panic.

‘’Well we already did but they couldn’t find anything wrong with her, and when I told them I found her in a big pink plant they thought it could be something magical, and since you are the best magic caster in Ponyville we thought you could help.’’

Twilight looked seriously at Rainbow, ‘’did the tree have water drop shaped leaves?’’

‘’Yeah I think so’’ Rainbow Said.

Twilight exhales deeply and looked a little more relaxed ‘’Scootaloo have encountered the sleeping nest’’

‘’The sleeping nest?’’ Rainbow said

‘’Yes, the sleeping nest,’’ Twilight continued: ‘’I read about it in Supernaturals, after we were at Zecoras the first time I thought I might give the book a read. The tree itself is not lethal but she might sleep for many years and that might lead to death if she is not cared for.’’

‘’For years!!’’ Rainbow, Sweetie and Apple Bloom gasped

‘’Yes,’’ Twilight said, ‘’ there is however a cure, but I can’t really remember the exact recipe.’’

‘’Well what are you waiting for,’’ Rainbow pushed. ‘’Where is the book?’’

‘’Well’’ Twilight started carefully. ‘’ When I reshelved earlier, I was so angry at Spike, I didn’t really pay attention to where I put the books, so it could be anywhere.’’

‘’What!’’ The others said.

‘’Well we just have to look for it,’’ Rarity declared.

‘’You’re right Rarity’’ Twilight said and started to give instructions ‘’Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle you look at all the lowest parts of the shelves. Rainbow you give Scootaloo to Rarity and start searching the upper part, I am going to look in the middle and Rarity you take Scootaloo and put her on my bed, and while you are in there, search my room and see if it should be in there.’’

'’Yes Twilight’’ everyone replied and split up.

Rainbow flew up and down the shelves and sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom started in separate ends while Twilight looked in the middle.

Rainbow had placed Scootaloo carefully on the back of Rarity, who at this moment carefully slid her down on the bed, and made sure she was okay before she started her search.

She started at the desk but there was nothing, then the nightstand, also nothing, it was not long before she only had one piece of furniture to look in, the dresser.

She looked in the first three drawers, but there were only clothes. It was not until she opened the last drawer that something caught her eyes. There was the bowtie she had made for Spike one year earlier and some finer clothes; after all he did not wear clothes regularly, so it was not surprising that had left it there.
In the back of the drawer there was a notebook, some rolls of parchment and the big sapphire stone she had given spike a few years ago. She was a little surprised to see it. She thought he ate it the moment she gave it to him, but here it lay along spikes other belongings, which was few. After the whole story with his birthday he was afraid of it happening again, so he tried to not own too much.

She opened the notebook and her eyes opened bright, when she saw what it contained.
It was in Spikes handwriting and her name appeared as the only word in the first page. She was about to read further but was disturbed by a loud ‘’I found it’’ from the other room.

Twilight popped her head in ‘’Rarity you don’t need to look for the book anymore. Apple Bloom found it beside some high skilled magic book. I don’t know what I have been thinking putting it there.’’ She pulled her head back and left Rarity alone.

Rarity looked back on the notebook and the scrolls, she knew that she should not read them. It was Spikes private things for God sake, but he had taken his leave for now. She shed a little tear ‘’no Rarity you must stay strong,’’ she thought ‘’for twilights sake, she is also very upset and I may have to support her through this.” “But who is supposed to help me…’’ she whelped quietly.

She grabbed the book with her mouth and levitated the scrolls with her magic. She looked out the door and saw that the library was completely empty. She heard voices from the kitchen. They were probably about to prepare the cure for Scootaloo.
Rarity looked to the door and a little to the right, her eye caught what she was looking for. Her saddlebag. She left the book in her mouth to her magic and levitated the whole lot into her bag quietly without making any noise, while she praised herself for remembering the saddlebag.

She walked back into the room to check on Scootaloo before going down to the kitchen.

‘’How is she?’’ Rainbow Dash asked immediately

‘’I believe she is okay, she haven’t really moved but her breath seemed to be normal.’’

‘’Good,’’ Twilight commented ‘’Then she haven’t received a lethal dose.’’

Rarity looked confused, ‘’whatever do you mean darling? I thought you said the toxin was not lethal at all.’’

‘‘Well,’’ Twilight started ‘’Apparently I remembered wrong. You can actually die from the toxin. It works as a nerve tranquilizer and if the dose is overdone your nerves might die from it. Apparently as a result from the toxin you pass out, but it seems like the medicine is done. Let’s go up to see if it works’’

They all climbed down the stairs; one pony in particular made sure she walked behind the others, making sure nopony noticed that her bag was suddenly filled with something.

They entered the room and spread around the bed. Twilight who had a glass full of some blue coloured liquid in her magic aura, levitated it as close to Scootaloos mouth as possible before beginning to pour it down her throat.

Almost instantly Scootaloo opened her eyes and started running around the room. Rainbow Dash tried to get her to stand still but twilight stopped her ‘’no no you mustn’t stop her she has to use the remaining energy, we just kick-started her body and it has so stabilize itself before we do anything.’’

Scootaloo finally stopped and fell on the floor. ‘’Scootaloo!!’’ Sweety Belle, Rainbow Dash and Apple bloom yelled while running to her side and help her to stand up.

‘’What happened’’ Scootaloo mumbled as they tried to sit her on the bed.

Rainbow Dash looked angrily at her ‘’What did you have to do that for!!’’ she yelled at her.
‘’Why would you even try such an advanced thing, at your age! You finally learned to fly and before you get to enjoy it, you want to kill yourself!”

Scootaloo looked down, as she suddenly didn’t feel so bad about the dizziness anymore. ‘’Well I, I, I just wanted to be like you, you made the Sonic Rainboom when you where little and I figured that if I could do it as well you would train me to be just like you’’

Rainbow Dash looked stunned, ‘‘is that really why you did it kid? To impress me?’’

Scootaloo nodded.

Rainbow hugged her.

Scootaloo was immensely surprised and even Rarity could not let a surprised look pass.

‘’Of course I will train you’’ Rainbow Dash said ‘’You should just have asked me, I got really lucky when I did it the first time and it’s a wonder I didn’t crash too’’

‘’Really’’ said Scootaloo surprised when Rainbow Dash pulled back. ‘’You really want to train me?’’

‘’Of course squirt’’ Rainbow Dash said with a grin ‘’After I became a Wonderbolt last year I have been searching for new challenges, and you may be exactly what I need’’

Scootaloo almost begun crying but held it in ‘’Thank you so much Rainbow’’

‘’But you should probably get home soon squirt’’ Rainbow Dash said suddenly ‘’If you want to be ready to start training tomorrow’’

‘’Yes Rainbow,’’ Scootaloo said. ‘’Come on,’’ she said to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle ‘’I am so gonna get my cutiemark tomorrow.’’

Scootaloo was the only one in the crusaders who had not got her cutiemark yet, but the others had stayed in the clubhouse with her to support her, but this time they were sure that she would get it.

Rarity looked after the three friends who ran out the door.

‘’That was really nice of you Dash,’’ Twilight acknowledged. ‘’That is probably her greatest wish fulfilled’’

‘’Well, when I was little I had my father help me training, until I got better than him of course, but Scootaloo has nopony to teach her so I figured it would be nice for her to get a coach just to start her out, so she would be able to fly her own path one day.’’

The two other ponies looked at her with big eyes.

‘’Well it’s not anything to get emotional over or something, it’s just helping somepony. It’s not like I feel responsible or anything.

Rarity and Twilight giggled.
‘’Whatever you say,’’ Twilight teased

‘’Well anyhoof, I got to go home,’’ Rainbow Dash said looking out the window and then she took off, while Twilight and Rarity waved goodbye.

Twilight and Rarity found their way down the stairs and talked about this and that until Rarity made a serious face

‘’Will you be okay by yourself darling?’’

Twilight looked very sad. ‘’I know that Spike does something which he has to and our talk earlier really helped me. So I feel very sad, but I just have to get used to be alone, at least for now.’’ Rarity looked at Twilight with a newly found respect for the lavender pony, she herself could burst into tears right away.

‘’Well dear I should really get on my way as well.’’ She grabbed her saddlebag and gave Twilight a hurried farewell before setting her course for the Boutique.

Twilight stood waving in the open doorway, she noticed that it had become quite dark already and the moon carefully stood almost transparent in the sky.

As soon as Rarity reached her home she locked the door, and put the bag on her bed in the upstairs chamber. She lay down on the bed and began to cry. She cried for what felt like several hours and when she finally opened her eyes, the moon stood big round and full outside her window.
She sat up. This was all her fault she thought, why did she not do anything, why had she not spoken to the little dragon about all this. She sat there looking out the window at the moonlight. She just stared while thinking of the little dragon. Was he all right? Was he cold? Was he safe?

She knew why of course, she had always enjoyed being together with Spike whenever they had the chance, but it had never been a must for her to take it to the next level. They had been so close the last couple of years, and that had been enough for her at the time. But now she found herself here crying her heart out only wishing Spike would come back.

Rarity reached into the saddlebag with her magic and found the little black notebook. She dried her eyes with her hooves, as she would not like to spill on the book with her tears.

She opened on the first page with her name on it. It was written with the finest curls and dots, she doubted she could write it more graceful herself.
She took a deep breath before beginning to read.