• Published 12th Nov 2014
  • 2,119 Views, 28 Comments

The thing about maturity - Scekkel

Sparity - Spike is very concerned about him and Rarity and after a talk with Twilight decides to go away.

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The Thing About Weddings (Last Chapter)

The Thing About Maturity
Chapter 8 "The Thing About Weddings"
By: Scekkel
My Little Pony © Hasbro

"You whaaaat" four voices said at the same time in the dining room in the Canterlot castle. Spike, Rarity, Luna and Twilight yelled at each other in the exact same moment.

"Congratulations." They all yelled equally highly together.

"Are you serious." Spike said.

"Yup" Twilight answered.

"Well, well isn't this the lovely turnout," Rarity said, with a smile. "I don't suppose you lovely dears have picked out a date yet?" She asked them.

"Well no not yet." Twilight confessed. But it will be this summer in any regard. "Spike I can't believe my little brother is getting married."

"What about yourself" Spike said with a joking tone. "So who proposed." He asked.

"Well." Twilight dragged. "We were never really clear on that. It was sort of both of us." She said with a red face.

Luna looked away briefly and her eyes fell on Celestia who had been sitting and enjoying the conversation so far. Luna looked at her and mouthed the words "You knew!"

Celestia stared innocently at her cup of tea.

They all started chatting about wedding stuff. Rarity was of course the one who seemed most into it, but it wasn't until an hour later that Celestia opened her mouth.

"Why don't you just get married together everyone?"

"Twilight, Twilight! Please calm down it's going to be okay" Luna said with a slightly annoyed, but at the same time worried voice.

Twilight didn't notice her lover right away, she was very occupied by looking at some list she held paranoidly in her hooves.

Luna walked over to Twilight and embraced her tightly. "Twilight please relax it's going to be okay".

Twilight finally realised she no longer were alone in the room and looked up at her lover with a slight blush of red. She finally relaxed and Luna let her go. "I'm sorry Luna, it's just that there is so much to do and the wedding is in only 3 days. I don't see how I'm supposed to be able to have time, to do it all."

Luna looked at Twilight for a few seconds. Normally she liked this obsessive side of Twilight, she always thought of it as passion and because it often were about little things that no pony really noticed anyway, it reminded her of how she felt when she made the night sky and nopony saw it. But this was different.

Twilight had not been herself the last few days though. After taking all the scheduling and planning of the two weddings on herself a few months ago she were finally about to crack.

"Twilight I have told you that I would help you if you just asked me. I have said it almost a thousand times and believe me I don't exaggerate, I know how much a thousand is."

Twilight looked down. "Sorry Luna, but everything has just been so hectic that I have not had any time to ask anypony for help."

Luna looked down at the purple mare, with a soft look. It was true that things had been hectic at the least in the last few days. The bakery who was supposed to deliver the pastries and wedding cakes had backed out at the last moment because their best baker had become ill. After a lot of writing around Twilight had finally got her friend Pinkie Pie to take the order, which she had been immensely happy about. But this and a lot of other things had caused Twilight not to sleep very much. Always waking up remembering something she had to write down or do right away.

"Twilight I know that you really wanted to plan this wedding, but you should have known that a double wedding would require twice as much planning as the one you planned for your brother and Cadence." Luna took twilight into her hooves again and kissed her lightly on her cheek and held her tightly. "But you know that I'm here for you right? You have just to ask me to do it, whatever it is."

Twilight looked up the blue eyes of her lover. They always made her feel calm, they seemed as deep as the night sky their owner would make every night. Twilight was lost for a moment, but quickly came back because Luna nuzzeled her ear.
"Maybe you could take the bottom half of the list today it's only 3 tasks and if we hurry we could have a bit of time before you have to go take up night court." Twilight said with a little blush

Luna looked at Twilight with a smile. "Now this is some planning that I enjoy"

The two soon to be wives kissed and hurried of to do what they had to, before meeting at their rendezvous.

"Spike!, SPIKE! Where are you! I need those fabrics dear." Rarity shouted in a slightly panicked voice. She was just about to loose it, the inspiration she had been waiting for, for days. She had almost given up on the "final touch" as she called it these days. Spike had with all his might convinced her that she needed some times off and had dragged her along to Sugarcube Corner in order to calm her down a bit. Just as Rarity had tried to relax she had seen some new cupcakes Pinkie had made and the only thing Spike heard was something about, how the white sprinkles had fallen on the purple frosting before she had pulled him back to Carrousel Boutique and manically started to work on a dress.

Spike came running under a mountain of different coloured fabrics. "They're here love" Spike were of course no longer any puny little dragon he had grown to the height of a pony, so task like this were no longer hard for him.

He but the large rolls of fabric down on the table next to Rarity and watched as she started creating the last touches to her wedding dress. Normally the groom weren't allowed to see the dress, but Rarity didn't care, she wanted to do this herself and if that required the dress to stand in the middle of the living room she didn't care in the least that Spike saw it. Of course Luna's and Twilight's dresses had been finished weeks ago and stood ready to be fitted when they would arrive tomorrow

"Then, now it is finished. Oh I cannot wait to wear it." Rarity almost screamed

Spike looked happily at his fiancée, he loved seeing her like this, it was this passionate part of her that he liked very much, that and her amazing looks. "It is very beautiful" he said as he walked close to Rarity and put a claw behind her neck and pulled closer to her ear. "It could only be prettier if you were wearing it".

Rarity looked at her lover. "Always the gentledrake" She smiled and kissed him. "Who would have known, just a few years ago, that we would be standing here, about to get married."

"I knew Rarity, or at least hoped for it. You are everything that I ever wanted in life" He kissed her again. and she smiled at him.

Rarity suddenly kicked off from the ground and threw herself into her lovers arms and he caught her with much experience. "Ever my gentledrake, ever my love." She kissed spike as he landed them both on the diva. She did not stop kissing him.

The night blue Pony and her purple lover lay breathing heavily on the bed, both so happy to be rid of their bonds as teacher and pupil. In fact, the roles had switched, but in a much less official manner.

Luna stretched and her now sleeping lover smiled. Luna got up and threw the blanket over her as she walked to the door. She hoped that night court would be over quick. She would not allow her mare to sleep the whole night alone. Not when they were going to get married in a few days.

Luna had demanded that the ceremony was conducted in the evening so that she could decorate the sky for the special occasion. Funnily enough, the prospect of having stars and the big full moon shine down on her like a spotlight had not been a deal breaker for Rarity

All their friends were invited. They decided to make the ceremony in Ponyville, away form the prying eyes of the nobles and newspaper ponies.

The gift table was enormous, everyone was happy and as the sun disappeared in the horizon the full moon began to make it's entrance. two small shadows could be seen making their way down from a tall building. Luna and Celestia had raised the moon and Luna had set the stars.

"Good luck dear sister" Celestia said in a hurry before she flew off.

A voice behind Luna said: "It is beautiful, love"

Luna turned around assuming she appreciated the night sky, but Twilight was looking at her. And she gave her a tasing smile.

Half an hour later the guests began to gather and find their places on the rows of white chairs. In the midle their was made room for the ponies of the hour and a purple carpet had been placed leading all the way down to an arch made of tree. All along the carpet the chairs had a green and white band twirling around themselves on the left side and a purple and night blue on the right side.

As the last pony found her place the music started and the two couples went down the carpet. Twilight and Luna to the right and Spike and Rarity to the left.

Many ponies cried when they saw the two happy couples and as the moon looked down upon the stage of their love it enveloped them in a moonlight that made the white dresses shine. Rarity had really outdone herself this time.

They had all made special vows for one another.

"I love your Rarity. From the first time I saw you, you made me smile. And you have kept doing that for a long time and I know you feel the same about me. There's nothing in this world as important for me to protect, as you. From today on, we own each other, you and I are one ready to be there for each other. And you can of course always count on me, for I aim to be your knight in shining armour" Spike finished as everyone awed.

"Spike. I know I can be stubborn, a little annoying and obsessive from time to time, but you are able to see past that, you once told me that it was because of these things that you loved me. You told me that you feel like I have let you into my world and that you feel we are one. I will forever love and cherish that thought because it is one of the dearest I own. I real love exist that is what you have shown me."

Of course everyone began crying at that point.

Twilight looked at her little brother and her friend and when Rarity had finished she reached with her magic to get her own vows. Nothing about learning them by heart, in Twilight's planning there was no room for mistakes.
But is was not there. "Where is it, Luna I cannot find it! I forgot my vows Luna... Oh no this is a disaster."

Luna smiled down at her. "I have it here twilight. I knew you would forget the most important thing, just relax and tell me what you feel like you did that night" She whispered as she let her magic rip up the piece of paper.

All the onlookers looked excitedly at Luna and Twilight.

Twilight began to stammer as Luna suddenly spoke

"My love, I love you. You always go to the deepest lengths to please everyone. You even went and planned this whole wedding by yourself. You are amazing, you always want the best for ponies even though they don't always deserve it. There is no one I'd rather stand with here today. But remember what you asked me when you proposed. That we became one. So from now on I demand that you share the pressure with me, that you will let me be your stone when you get obsessive, because I want to share everything with you.

Twilight stood still with tears in her eyes. "I, I dunno what to say. I can tell you I love you but I have said that a million times. When I am with you, my life seems easier, I do not worry as much because you are there to help me. I will promise to let you more in to my world like Spike and Rarity has done for one another. I want to see your light as well as your darkness. As I want you to see mine. We have eternity in front of us, but I promise you my love, that not matter how hard things get, there will always be one pony to admire your night sky.

The crowd started cheering as the rings was placed and the party was started for real.

The evening was a blue of laughter, kisses and happy couples. It was the wedding of their wildest dreams and early in the morning two carriages had collected them all and set course for their honeymoon.

Author's Note:

Well that was it. I have you enjoyed it just a little bit and I hope the story in somecapacity was worth waiting for.

Comments ( 2 )

Wow, been so long since this updated I gotta go back and start from the begining

And I am sorry for this, it has been several years, but the fact that you are going to go back and read it all (even read any of this at all) makes me really happy :)

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