• Published 12th Nov 2014
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The thing about maturity - Scekkel

Sparity - Spike is very concerned about him and Rarity and after a talk with Twilight decides to go away.

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The date

The Thing About Maturity
Chapter 6 "The Date"
By: Scekkel
My Little Pony © Hasbro

Spike had been counting the days to his date with Rarity. It had been a week with constant butterflies in his stomach, but now that the day had come he felt so excited he could hardly move. He had been out with Rarity quite a few times before. Sometimes when he had helped her out with her dresses she would treat them to something good at a restaurant, but this was something else. They were two individuals who liked one another and wanted to see if they fitted together.

The big clock on the wall in the common area of the library, told Spike that it was noon. That meant that he had lots of time to get everything done for tonight, but first he wanted to take a bath. He went to the bathroom, where he had put out his clothes for tonight. Normally he would just take whatever was first in the closet if he wore anything at all. Today though was special, he had to look his best for Rarity and had used a lot of time to choose his outfit.

He stepped into the shower and started to thoroughly clean his scales and tail. When he was done, he grabbed a towel from the closet and started to dry himself. In the midst of drying his legs someone knocked at the door, he hurriedly finished up and went to the door.

“Hey Spike”, someone said behind a mountain of roses.

“Hey Rose.” He said a little unexpected.

“Is it a bad time, because I can come back later?” Rose asked.

“Of course not come on in” Spike said and let Rose in.

She put down the Roses on a nearby table. “I know I agreed to deliver these Roses directly to Rarity later, but I wanted to make sure you approved of them before I delivered them. I picked out only the best ones we got in today for her, this being a special occasion and all.” Rose said.

Spike smiled at her. The Roses looked incredible, not even one of them looked a little sloppy, they all had a perfect shape, and the way she had arranged them so they created a kind of heart when you looked at them the right way was absolutely jaw-dropping.

Spike had been to her shop to request some roses for Rarity and Rose got so happy that she wanted to try this new arrangement style. Spike had decided to give her free hands and now he was very happy he had.

“They look amazing Rose,” he said to her.

She smiled “I thought so”, she said. “Just wanted to make sure before I delivered them”.

“Are you going there now?” Spike said.

“Yes actually. Why? Is it too early?” She asked.

“Yeah actually, I thought it would be better around 6, because that’s an hour before I have to go get her.” He said “but could I persuade you to wait just a moment.”

“Yeah sure”, she said.

Spike ran upstairs and a few minutes later he came down with a card in his hands. “I just realized I had not written a card to go with the roses, but I had actually prepared a poem to give her tonight, but I think it would be better to give it to her like this.” He explained.

Rose took the card and looked in it. A few moments after, she had tears in her eyes. “Wow Spike that was really sweet”, She confessed.

Spike smiled. “You really think so?”

“Yeah,” she said while drying away her tears. “But I have to go now, let me now how it all goes.”

She took the roses and went towards the door, which Spike opened for her. He closed the door after her and went back to the bathroom where he opened a window to let in some fresh air.

He then brushed his teeth and was extra careful to make his fangs clean. When he was done he took the clothes and walked in to his room. Well it was originally his and Twilights room, but now he occupied the bed. Other than that the room didn’t look much different, except for a curtain drawer, which until some days ago held some of the dragons most treasured documents. Since he come back he had not had any time on his hands. He had to take over all Twilights duties as the Librarian of Ponyville, so until today he hadn’t even thought of looking in that drawer. Well aware that there was a painstakingly long time until he had to go get Rarity, he walked over to the drawer and opened it.

The drawer was empty. “How could it be empty,” he thought. “Were is it”. The contents were of course still at Raritys, but Spike didn’t know that so he looked in the other drawers and every possible place inside the room. He thought that Twilight had simply moved it, but an hour later when he had look everywhere inside the tree, he got desperate. Who could have taken it! He thought it best to ask Twilight so he began to write a letter. Spike and Twilight had grown up together and had since then almost always been together, but now that she had gone to Canterlot she had taught him how to send letters directly to her instead of Celestia. It was actually quite a complex spell to set up as it had to work forever and everywhere, and Spike had to learn how the magic signature of the Pony was. After all these years as Twilights assistant though it wasn’t too difficult for him.

Twilight answered fast, but the letter had been written so fast that it was almost unreadable. “Did I not tell you not to bother me during tutoring unless it was of the most dire importance!! No I don’t know where your things have gone, I haven’t moved them.”

Spike got a little embarrassed, he had panicked so much about his love letters to Rarity, that he had not even considered Twilight had classes, but this was of the most dire importance. Well, to him at least. But who could have taken them?

He looked at the big clock in the common room. It was almost 4 O’clock

Rarity had just come out of the shower, when she took a big pink towel to dry herself with. She then took off the smaller towel around her mane and blow-dried it. After she had finished both mane and tail, she walked into her bedroom.

It really was tonight she thought. She was really happy, much more happy than when she normally had a date. It was a date with a friend, a person she already knew really well, so it was like starting on the 15th date, but there was still flirting involved and if anything, Rarity liked to flirt. Well not really flirting, but more for the fun of it.

She stood in front of her giant walk-in closet and noticed her bag behind the door. It was neatly packed with all Spikes letters and such. She thought that she would be able to sneak it back to the library without anyone noticing it, but now he was back and already, when he had come to ask her out, she wanted to give it back to him, but she was afraid how he might react after learning about it. She had to give them back to Spike tonight, it was only fair to him, but she could not wear her bag to a date, she should take him home to herself afterwards and then explain to him.

Rarity opened her closet to find the dress she had made the day before. She had just finished the last details yesterday. She was really happy with the design. It was a long dress with a clear cut at the bottom. It was a simple dress, but nothing had been forgotten in the process, and when you touched it you felt how soft it was. The red colors flourished along it to create a flowing effect. You could really see that Rarity had been making dresses for years.

She dressed herself in the deep red dress and took a few paces in front of the mirror just to be sure. She then took off the dress and started doing her hair, a process, which always took a long time, but of course also here Rarity was a total master.

Spike had again looked everywhere, but had been forced to conclude that his letters and poems were gone. He was a bit uneasy, but knew he had to pull himself together. He was convinced that someone had taken them, but who? He decided to let it go and just get on with it. After all it wasn’t too long before he had to go get Rarity.

Rarity had just finished her hair when someone knocked at her door.

She looked at her clock. It was much to early for Spike to come get her. Who could it be at this time of day?

Outside her door stood a very happy looking Roseluck.

“Hello Rarity,” she said “I have some flowers for you.” Rose handed the well-filled bouquet over to the surprised Rarity. “And here is the card” She said before she left Rarity in the doorway.

It wasn’t the first time Rarity had received flowers, but she hadn’t expected such a grown move from Spike, from what she knew it had been his first date. “Maybe he had had somepony in Canterlort” she thought.

She smelled the many beautiful roses, Spike really had made Rose select the best ones she had. They smelt amazing. She closed the door and put the flowers in some water, and then she took up the card Rose had left on top of the bouquet. It had Spikes writing on it.

“For the most beautiful mare in the world.” It said on the outside.

The poem it had inside was just as beautiful as any of those she had read. It was something, which can only be described as beautiful. Rarity read it again she then put it next to the crystal vase on her counter. She felt so wonderful inside. Nopony had never made her feel this special. She would make this night unforgettable.

It was ten minutes to seven; Spike was on his way to the carousel boutique. It was already pretty dark outside, not that cold though. He saw that the moon was really large today. He wondered if Twilight had asked Luna to create a full moon for his sake. He smiled at his thought. He wandered along the dirt road. Nothing must go wrong tonight, everything had to be perfect. He knew that he would do anything he could to make this night special.

He reached the boutique at exactly 7 pm and he then knocked on the door. A few moments passed but then he could see some shadows on the other side of the door. Rarity opened and Spike lost his jaw. Rarity had sat up her hair glamorously in curls. Her dress was amazing and her tail was expertly styled. She had not added a lot of make-up, just as to mark her features. Finally she had added one of Spikes roses in her hair. Spike was awestruck, but even more so when he thought. “She did this for me.” “Waow.”

“Hello Spike,” Rarity said.

“Hello Rarity,” he stammered. “You really look beautiful.”

She smiled.

Together they walked down the dirt path into the heart of Ponyville.

Spike had reserved a table at the best restaurant in Ponyville. He knew the waiter and he had told him about his date. When they entered the waiter hurried straight to them. “Hello Spike”, he said. “Your table is right over here.”

The waiter had placed them in the far corner of the restaurant, a table only for two far away from any other table. He had put flowers on the table and some candles. “I will bring your starters in a little while, please make yourself confortable.

Spike pulled out the chair and Rarity sat on it, he then sat down opposite her.

“Spike, this is all very romantic,” said Rarity. “How did you even get this table, normally only the owner uses it?”

The dragon smiled at her. “Well, I know that waiter from way back. He one worked in Canterlot, but he didn’t like the great city, so he decided to move to Ponyville, and then he joined this place, because his brother is the owner.”

“Where did he work”, she asked.

“In Canterlot castle. He was my and Twilights personal waiter.” He answered.

Then the Waiter came with their starters.

“This looks really good Spike”, Rarity exclaimed.

“I agree,” he answered.

On Spikes plate there was of course a gem salad, but since gems were actually expensive he had been out to find them himself and delivered them to the kitchen a few nights ago.

They talked through the starters and the rest of the dinner, and when during the desert Spike told her about when he had sneaked into the kitchen of Canterlot castle and ate all the chocolate ice, that was meant for the princess, when he was little, the princess had been so angry that she had made him do work in the Canterlot gardens. Rarity could not help but laugh a little. Usually it would be Rarity who talked the most, but today things where different. Spike felt much closer to Rarity this evening. It was like he had risen up the stairs and was now able to reach her on the giant pedestal, upon which he had placed her, himself.

When they had finished eating and talked for a little while longer, the band suddenly stopped playing music. Then the waiter came and asked if they had finished their meal, and they both answered “yes.” “Very good,” he stated. He then flicked his fingers and two other ponies came, while Spike had pulled out Raritys chair, and removed their table and chair. The band started playing music with a bit more rhythm.

Because Spike and Rarity where seated so far away from other guests, once the table had been moved to the side, they had lots of space. Rarity slowly caught on to what was happening and then Spike held out his claw. “Will you do the honour of dancing with me, my lady?” he asked.

“Of course,” she answered.

Of course even though Spike had grown over the last couple of years and that it was certain he would be higher than Rarity in a few years, he was still a little smaller than she, but he managed to dance very expertly with her anyway.

The band really hit it off and soon the other guests in the restaurant wanted to dance too, so when they had finished eating the waiters would come and take the chairs and tables away, so that they would have much more space.

Spike dragged Rarity on to the now great dancing floor. They danced for what felt like hour upon hour and even though only 1 had passed they were now pretty tired, and the band of course noticed that, so they started to play more gently, which gave them the opportunity to pull back to their own corner. They held each other tight and slowly stepped around to a very romantic melody.

After some time they agreed to go home, because it had become quite late. When they were outside the Restaurant Rarity pulled Spike to the side. “Thanks Spike, it was amazing” and then she suddenly kissed him. Spike who had tried to be very cool tonight, suddenly felt like rubber in her hooves. She. Kissed Him. It was a long and passionate kiss. When they pulled away from each other, they both blushed and tried not to look at each other.

As they walked down the dirt road, they spoke very little, too embarrassed to look at the other. Rarity was the one who felt the strangest. “What are you doing Rarity,” she thought. “You have kissed guys before.” With Spike everything had felt so wonderful tonight, and it was without question the best date she had ever had. None of the stallions she had gone out with had shown her such attention, as Spike had tonight. She felt like a school filly, who had just kissed her first boy.

Spike didn’t dare look at her, all these times he had imagined how it would be to kiss the love of his life, but never had he imagines it would be this good. Her lips had been so soft and when he thought about it he shivered all over.

When they arrived at the boutique the worst embarrassment had disappeared. Rarity was a little afraid in fact because a certain bag had taken place in her thoughts. She new she had to give it to him and tell him about it.

“Spike, would you come in with me for a moment?” She asked.

Spike heart tripped. “Why did she want him to come inside with her?” He wondered “Yes of course Rarity” he answered.

Inside the Boutique Rarity made him wait while she walked upstairs. She came back a few moments later with her saddlebag in her aura and seemed to be very careful with the contents.

“Please don’t be angry Spike,” she started.

Spike looked confused, how could he ever be angry with her.

“I did not mean to take it, but I wanted to read it all and I found it while the others prepared that medicine for Scootaloo, which I am sure Twilight told you about. I am so sorry, I didn’t think much of it at the time, but with everything that happened I thought it best to tell you everything.” She confessed.

Spike had covered his face in his claws, not out of anger, but embarrassment. He wasn’t really angry with her for taking it, but to think that she had seen all he had written about her. He uncovered his face and the blush was back in his cheeks, he was about to say something to the Unicorn, when he discovered she had her head hanging down. He remained silent.

“I really liked it”, she said. She had tears rolling down her face. “When I read it I felt so good, it was amazing to read something like that about myself, or at least how you see me. I understand if you are angry, but Spike, you are really talented.” She cried.

Spike wasn’t the least angry anymore, he felt if possible even more embarrassed, than before, but it was a good kind. She liked it and she had praised him for it. He felt really glad. “Rarity, it’s okay.” He stammered.

She looked up

“I’m not very pleased that you took them, but in a way I’m glad that it was you who did it. They were after all meant for you,” he said. “But, I’m am very glad you like it and if you want to keep it, it would be okay with me.” He stated, while he looked her in the eye.

“Oh Spike,” she exclaimed before she pulled him in for a big hug and a following kiss. “I’d really like that”

Author's Note:

I'm sorry about the long wait, but I've had loads of exams these past weeks. In return I'd like to do a Christmas special sometime next week, which will be the second to last or the last chapter. That solely depend on how long I have to write it.

Happy holidays from Scekkel