• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,788 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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Kings Weep Not for Their People, But No King is He

The band of survivors walked up to the Temple dragging their spirits behind them. Ted gave the ponies he passed at the entrance the order to allow the canines to make use of the Temple as they needed, and to allow the injured access to the medical room, and walked past those who greeted him in the halls with dull eyes. He'd been so stupid, even knowing there were things out there that could rip this small band of survivors apart. He'd even appeared in full view at the port. If news reached the Mad Queen of his existence, there was nothing that would protect his ponies. Dropping his bags by the door, he climbed into bed, not even bothering with a shower despite the bloody field he'd traversed. He just didn't have the energy at the moment. It wasn't physical fatigue, he'd not felt that often since his release from the armor.

No, the alicorn was weary of every mistake he may have made so far. Had it been wise to invite the changelings in to the Temple? To date they'd caused no problems, but there was only five, including two children. Was wiping out the bandits truly necessary? Could he have driven them off without killing them? What about the trip to the port? Should he have put the expedition off, at least until he could properly disguise himself? Then there was the trip to find the missing ponies; there were a hundred ways that could have gone wrong. Honestly, Mirage had noticed his presence, even if she couldn't see him. Of course something running on instinct could pinpoint his location by the scent of his emotions.

Then there was something he'd realized when he saw the bodies outside the den. The bandits that had attacked him in the forest, and even the snake before that had been messy. He'd been covered in gore after fighting the snake and while it had been gross, it hadn't made him nauseous. Even ripping into the bandits at the beach he'd been unaffected by the death he'd dispensed upon the attackers. Why? It was the first time he'd killed a sapient being, the lead gnoll making it obvious by even speaking to him. So why had it not struck him?

'Because it wasn't her first time killing in self-defense.' He realized. Once more, Luna's memories had helped him, this time in a way he'd not even able to fathom at the time. They were so strong sometimes, so terrifying to his mortal mind, and yet they'd done so much for him. What would he have done if he'd not had them to fall back on? He'd never have made it out of the ritual room without falling on his face, first of all. The snake would have killed him and his ponies, dooming the rest of the Temple's residents to starvation. The gnolls would have either made off with his ponies for food or slaves, maybe him as well depending on how his assault against them went.

More and more he reflected on his situation, and so many ways things could have gone wrong. Further and further into the darkness his mind fell.


The changeling caretaker had heard of it within a few moments of Father's return from the den. Spreading almost as quickly as news of His return was news of the dark cloud that seemed to hang over His head. She herself had tried getting close to the alicorn, but had started to feel nauseous even from the hallway outside his room. She wasn't sure what to do to help him, but she didn't seem to be alone.

Gleam was standing in the hall as well, looking at Father's door with a worried expression, one that couldn't even begin to match what the shape shifter could feel radiating off of the mare.

"Do you know what happened?" Mirage asked the unicorn. "All I've heard so far was he got back and he's upset. That, and if I get any closer than this, I'll get sick from the depression Father's radiating."

"You can sense that?" The mare asked. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Father returned from the den with a few more of the canines than He left with, some of them scratched up pretty badly. They were also sad, but Tulip managed to get one to talk while she was helping Trauma bandage them up. It seems the den was hit by a large group of armored griffons and ponies a day or so ago, leaving the place in shambles."

"So He feels it's His fault that a group of bandits got attacked in what was most likely a retributive strike, why?"

"I can only assume it's because He hoped to turn them around." Gleam responded. "He saved us, didn't He? Even you and the nymphs would either be dead or wandering the jungles still if not for His help. Instead your free to walk around the Temple, the only changelings on the planet that can do so in their birth form, as far as I know."

The changeling winced at the mention of her previous condition. "Fine, He wants to help everyone. But what can we do?"

"I don't know, Mirage." She said, shaking her head. "I think for now, we just need to give Him some time."


'What about Mom and Dad?' The alicorn wondered drearily. 'Are they even still alive? Even if I manage to stabilize the area enough to put time into finding a way home, would it even be worth it? It felt like a few weeks at most, and it was forty years, but even then does time pass the same here as at home? If this worlds time flows differently, is the earth even still there? Or did the sun explode by now, wiping away the last traces of everything I knew?'

'My work, my home, my life, even my name isn't really the same here. What do I truly have anymore? At the end of the day, what is Theodore Fredson left with? Simple answer.'



Buster, a large gnoll, his hunched form easily hanging over the ponies, pondered his current situation. He was by no means the most intelligent of his den, nor was he the dumbest. He knew that the den was gone, that it would probably never be used again, that in such a case, the survivors would be left to wander the jungles until they were picked off by the local fauna or fell to starvation, injury, or old age. The fall of a packs den was the fall of a pack.

But the big pony, the pony's Alpha, he didn't like that. He told Buster to follow, and follow the gnoll did. The canine didn't have anything else to do anyway. Buster was, by law, Alpha of what was left of the pack, but he had no idea what he would do with such a position. There were no elders to ask for advice, there were no hunting packs to set up or lead. Why was he still here? Why did he and the others cling to a life that had no purpose?

'Because pony Alpha say so.' He thought. 'Pony Alpha know what he doing, so Buster follow. Buster supposed to be Alpha, but follow pony Alpha.'

"Buster not Alpha." He mumbled sadly to himself, looking around the medical room at his patched up pack mates. Ponies had helped them, even after pack attacked them, because pony Alpha said so. Now ponies were sad because Alpha was sad. They didn't line up to challenge the Alpha, they didn't pack up and leave with others to make a new den. Some waited for their Alpha to feel better, some tried finding things to cheer Alpha up, others just did what they were supposed to, because Alpha needed them to do good work.

'Alpha is strong.' Rust had told some of them what the Pony Alpha had done, how he had torn through the pack's hunters like a claw through a layer of leaves. 'Alpha leads pack.' The big pony lead the smaller ponies, he told them where to go and what to do, and they did it. Even the not-ponies listened to him, because he was Alpha. In the end, even Buster had followed the Alpha, because he didn't know what to do. But Alpha knew. Alpha always knew what to do.

'Pack trusts Alpha, follows Alpha through life to death.' He would help Alpha. He'd tell the others, too. If they didn't like it, they could leave. Big pony already said pack-mates can go if want, so Buster give them same choice. Alpha would find something for Buster to do, and Buster would follow Alpha. Just like Buster had always done. Nothing would distract him from his duty.

'Hope Eve stay. She pretty.'

Ok, almost nothing. Buster was sure Alpha would forgive thinking about her.

Auto's eyes tracked every movement in the medical room, watching as the ponies finished working on the last injured gnoll.

'Stupid ponies. Why we still here, why we not take them yet?' he thought to himself. He watched as his larger pack mate, Buster, relaxed against a wall, dozing off as if he were back in the den.

'This not den, he stupid? Maybe catch stupid from pony, but Auto not. Too much brains. All pony's fault. If not fight back, not lose so many of pack. Then not lose to what attack den. Bet big pony knew about attack, that why ask send Auto away, so not be there to help den.' The little gnoll was seething with anger, looking around the medical area. It was against everything he knew. The ponies healed the sick, not kicked them out. The ponies knew nothing of fighting, and were only good as slaves and meat. Why did Buster follow big pony? Looking around at the remains of the pack, he made his decision. He'd challenge Buster for position of Alpha, then lead the pack away from stupid ponies. Find new den, become strong again. Maybe take some ponies with as slaves.

His attention was dragged to a mad giggling, seeing crazy pony trotting happily to his desk with a blood bug attached to his nose.

"Maybe not take slave, not have place to keep anyway." The gnoll muttered to himself.


Even as lunch passed, a unicorn worked feverishly in the war room. There were buildings to design, crops to plan, resources to allocate, not to mention figuring out where to put all of the things still sitting in the courtyard before the storm struck. Looking out the window, he could see the rumbling clouds in the distance. They awoke a fear in the unicorns heart for a grand total of three seconds, before he smothered it, remembered the Nightmare's words.

'If a race of magic-deficient creatures can learn to live with no control of the weather, so can I. Let no one say that Shadow Weaver was shown up by a creature with not a single mote of mana.'

He went back to his work, scribbling out a few lists before rushing out into the hallway and hoofing it on to a passing pony, ordering them to deliver it to Gleam. Wondering how he would seal the war room and the library against the rain, his question was answered by a buzzing noise, as a changeling flew about the outside of the room, rubbing a strange goop into the cracks in the temple before blasting them solid with its fiery magic. The creature worked quickly, sealing the cracks and attaching wooden boards held in place by pegasi over the holes.

'Maybe the Nightmare was onto something when He kept the bugs.' He absentmindedly thought, watching as within minutes, the war-room's walls were sealed against the coming storm. The Nightmare did so much for him, He vindicated Weaver's existence. The Nightmare's resurrection proved to him that he wasn't just following some fairytale, that change was possible. The Nightmare confused him, it was true, but he realized why he had so many problems trying to understand his ruler's ways. Weaver was attempting to understand the mind of a God. As if a mortal could ever hope to understand that!

'Not only that, His Darkness even explained to me why He helped us, and I brushed it aside like the heathen I was.' He thought, shaking his head. 'Truly He could have struck me down for my stupidity right then and there, speaking against His will. But once again He knew better, as He always does. I will not let my Lord down again.' The nightmare was in His room resting, recovering from whatever ailed Him, but His wishes were clear. The Nightmare wanted this place to be a refuge for ponies, thestrals, griffins, changelings and the, ugh, gnolls, or whatever else showed up at the temple, then fine.

Shadow Weaver would make this place the best Celestia-damned paradise he could.


Everything you know is gone. Everything you cherish has withered away. Everything you love has long since crumbled to dust...


She spread another layer of wax over another patch exposed dirt, before igniting her horn, leaving only the sealed substance that would keep the chamber warm and dry. The entrance was also rounded now. If water rushed into the basement, much of it would be directed away from her nest. She took another look around, observing her progress so far, and smiled. Food was plentiful, she had a nest she didn't have to actively defend, and all-


The changeling winced, clutching her head with a hoof. Shaking off the pain, she snarled, storming up to the second floor. She pushed through the nauseating field of depression, and bucked open the door to the room Safe/Warm/Food was staying. His current mood was driving her mad, well, mad again, this time with the pain the waves of depression were causing her. She'd begun relying on the large kind of/not really prey. He offered everything she needed, and asked only that she not hurt his hatchlings. She even saw the hatchlings of other queens in the halls, not just ponies and cat-birds. He would treat her hatchlings the same, right? So she'd made a passive link to him, allowing her to taste his emotions no matter where he was, and funnel just a little of it into herself, allowing her to feed whenever she was hungry.

Now that link was the cause of her pain. His depression was rolling off of him in waves, driving the changeling hatchlings away, causing the pony hatchlings to emit bitter sadness, and worst of all was funneling depression right into her, giving her indigestion. Slowly, the alicorn turned to look at who had just kicked his door, and she swung at him.


Ted could only stare in confusion as the proto-queen glared at him, hoof still raised from where she'd back-hoofed him across the face. Slowly he raised his left hoof, touching the now-tender spot on his cheek and pulling the hoof away, checking for any blood.

"Disgusting, bitter. Giving me headache and scaring hatchlings away. Stop it." She hissed at him. It was all Ted could do to just nod along, wondering where the hell she'd come from. Finally, she rubbed her own muzzle with a hoof, before speaking again. "Say want to learn of us? Learn of changelings? We taste emotion, each different to us. What you feel before? Bitter, disgusting, almost make me sick. Had to push through to reach you, room still spinning. Do again, I do more than hit. You scare all hatchlings in Nest." Finishing her rant, the changeling turned for the door, unsteadily making her way to the hallways.

'Oh my god, I can't even be depressed without hurting someone here, how messed up is that?' Shaking his head, he rubbed his temple with his right hoof, wanting to avoid rubbing the tender spot. 'God dammit, just leave me to my mise-'

There was a flash of black and grey from the doorway, a painful impact near his eye, and Ted's world spun as he was thrown from the bed.

Author's Note:

Moral of the story? Female on Male violence = funny, Male on Female violence = assault.

Yes, the proto-queen's part was fun to write. Yes, leaving you guys to call her the not-quite-queen makes me happy. No, I will not be happy for too much longer. :pinkiesad2:

Oh, and I just watched the trailer for Fallout 4. *Random Fanboy noises* :pinkiegasp::yay::rainbowwild::raritystarry:

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