• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,783 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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Everything the Light Touches

Ted stood before the entirety of his following, even Queen Pandinus finding a place among the gathered, though he was certain it was to make more lewd gestures at him as he gave his speech. She'd been fairly persistent, taking every available chance to flirt or flaunt herself at him (It turned out that yes, a changeling queen could in fact lick their own horn). Ted took a few breaths to steel himself. He hated public speaking, but this was the future he'd been damned to live. Bracing himself, he stepped onto the makeshift podium that had been set up on top of the Temple of the shadows. Standing tall and proud in his armor, he spoke in a loud, clear voice.

"Followers, I want you to look around you." He said, gesturing the completed smithy, a small storage barn near the finished crop fields, and a larger warehouse styled storage building. "A month ago from today, several ponies gathered in this place to pull a monster from its prison, hoping it would attack the one on the Equestrian throne. A month ago, they learned that the being they received was nothing like they predicted, that it was more than they had hoped for. Instead of doom this being offered them protection and leadership. Instead this being gave them hope when they had none, helped them fill their empty bellies, and gave them the things they needed to mend their wounds.

"Last month they were told to lay aside their prejudices, to welcome into their home beings of other races, some of whom had actually attacked them days before. To accept into their home beings who were used to scare them into behaving when they were young with promises of abduction and torture. They learned that these stories were just that, stories that only stopped them from learning the truth, that these beings were like them in so many ways. They learned that everyone, no matter their race, wants to live comfortably with their loved ones, to have purpose and goals. Everyone wants to have a place where they can lay down their heads at night, not fearing a midnight assault, or wondering where their next meal will come from, if it comes at all. But most of all they learned about hope. Hope saw them through the jungles to this place they now call home. Hope kept them alive even as they fled everything they knew. Hope kept them alive, even as they left their friends and family, unable to live in the world they once loved. And hope is what they followed, the reason they followed a stranger after the devastation of their home.

"Those buildings behind me? I didn't build those. I didn't gather the wood, or shape it, or write the blueprints for the buildings. You all did that. Shadow Weaver and Gleam, you two have done so much for this place, this, I'm overjoyed to call it this, this home we have here. We owe you much for your efforts. Amald, your training of our guards is progressing wonderfully despite what you may say, and I look forward to the day when I can sit on my flank as our finest blade-bearers guard the caravans and gathering expeditions instead of having to watch them myself." He smiled at a few chuckles from the crowd at that remark. "Mirage, thank you for watching the foals. Our children, the foals, the pups, the nymphs, the chicks and cubs, at the end of the day that is why we forge ahead, isn't it? To make this world better for them. To make it so that one day, our children, grandchildren, or however many greats are required grandchildren can sleep peacefully, never fearing hunger, never fearing oppression, or hatred based on who or what they are.

"That is my dream for this home, this town, this, Stars willing, future city. A place where ponies and griffins and changelings, where gnolls, dragons, thestrals, and zebras can walk down the paths, waving to those they meet, not fearing another race because they're different, not seeing a new face and assuming hostility because that face is not one of their own race. I want you to learn strength from this home we have. Mastery over the lands and skies from the ponies. Mastery over the dangers of the jungles from the gnolls and griffons. And mastery over the underground from the changelings. Each contributes, each can find a place, even without a talent pasted on their butts." A cheer from a few gnolls punctuated the statement. "We will not survive the coming days, nor will we survive the next year. We will not survive a decade, or ten, or millennia.

"We will not survive, because surviving implies that we only barely make it through our days. We. Will. Flourish! This town will continue to grow, from the contributions of our current population, or the influx of those looking for a better life. We will continue to grow, because there will not be a single being that won't look upon what we have here, and want to be a part of it. We will grow, because there is no better insult to those you left, to those who promised you harm, than to live well, to live a happy life. And we will make this our home, our city, our country!" A wide smile appeared on the alicorn's muzzle. "That is why for the next week, there will be a bucket in the dining hall. Write what you want the city to be called on a scrap of paper, and add it to the bucket. If you are incapable of writing, ask another for help. It is not something to be ashamed of. It is why we are here, to improve ourselves. And if I see my name in any form for the name of the city, I will personally burn the vote, understand? This is supposed to be about us, not me. Thank you all for everything you have done. Now go! Slop has been working on something special for today. Be sure to thank him on the way out. And ladies? Last I heard, he's still single."

The final comment got a reaction from the chef, who pulled his large hat over his face to try to hide his eyes.

Stepping off the dais as the followers made their way to the dining hall and the prepared foods, he was met by the changeling queen, who was staring at him with a confused look on her face.

"I don't get it. Your the king, right?" Pandinus asked him. "You rule this place, you say what happens, and they follow, like any nest. Why do you need to do something that bothers you so much? How do those words help?"

"It's the difference between our species, Din." Ted told her with a smile as they both headed for the stairs. "They don't follow me like changelings follow a queen. They don't follow me because I'm their ruler. They follow me because they know I'll do everything in my power to guard and to guide them. I'm not their king. I'm more than that." The alicorn stopped just before the first steps, turning to face the queen. "I'm their Alpha, their leader, their confidant, their guardian, and if they truly want me to be, their father. Yes I feel strange having random ponies calling me that, but if it's what they need to feel safe, it's a small price to pay. What do I get in return? Their loyalty, their love, and the knowledge that they stay by my side not because they're afraid to cross me, but because they feel safe here, or because they know they can go farther here than anywhere else." Having said more than enough for the day, the alicorn headed down into the Temple to join in the festivities. Queen Pandinus just stood there a few moments, digesting what he'd told her. Suddenly she grinned, a particular response to one of her comments now being shed in a new light.

"It would make perfect sense, Cimmerian, a king needs a queen after all."

"I'm not a king, Pandinus, now stop it, I have too much to do right now."

The changeling queen smiled as a new method of attack occurred to her. "Not a king, but a Father... very well, I can work with that."


Ted was seated in the courtyard, not on a raised chair, but on a simple cushion amongst his followers, his armor left back in his room. In the place of honor for the celebration sat three cushions on a raised platform, currently holding the three he'd given special commendations to during his speech. Shadow and Gleam both seemed uncomfortable with all the attention, but Mirage just beamed under the focused affection.

'Ha, it's probably an all you can eat buffet up there.' He though to himself. The changeling had come a long way, even starting to gain a healthy pudginess despite dropping the majority of the emotions into the growing stockpile in the queens nest.

'It suits her. All matronly females should have a bit of weight to them. Makes them more intimidating when they're disciplining the kids, and leaves more to hug when they're dishing out affection.'

Motioning to Slop to proceed, the chef disappeared into the Temple before returning with a cart that had several large barrels on them, followed by the dragon that had provided the kegs. Well, provided as in flew them out here while picking up the promised snake fang as well as payment for the drink. Ted had negotiated for the drinks a few nights prior via dream walking, planning on making it a more memorable occasion by allowing his followers to truly cut lose. Upon hearing of the impending party, Sahkest had offered to fly the booze out to the temple personally, provided he was allowed to partake. Those on guard duty were saved a keg of their own, to be opened when everyone else had recovered and he could find replacements for them. He wanted no reason to get the guards jealous, so they were promised a personal keg and a full day to enjoy it, along with a smaller feast provided by Slop's new assistant.

Watching the party that was taking place around him, he was shoved by a large claw, which then presented him with a mug of something that smelled quite potent. Shrugging his wings, the alicorn took a hearty gulp of the offered beverage, only to gag at the burning sensation it left in his body.

"I gotta say, whelp, I was worried when you walked off with that ratty-looking bug. But I'll be damned if you aren't still alive with your emotions all intact." The dragon said sitting heavily on the ground beside him. "I also will say... Damn, I didn't know they could change that much in a few weeks. She actually looks sapient now."

As the dragon turned to face him, Ted nearly reeled from the potent smell of alchohol on the dragons breath. "And I gotta know, whelp. I gotta know this. How is she?"

"Sahkest, you're drunk. Go lay down."

"Oh come on, whelp!" The dragon said with another shove. "Don't tell me you haven't even touched her! That's why you nabbed her right? Whisked her away from certain death or torture or whatever the hell the Mad queen does with 'er toys, to satisfy that raging beast that no mortal mare could contain!" The dragon shouted, before bursting into drunken laughter. Ted merely folded his hooves over his head while laying on the ground, accepting his fate.

"Sadly, he has not, despite my best efforts to remedy the situation." Ted could almost hear the smile in Pandinus' voice.

The dragon just stared at the changeling, looking between her and the alicorn repeatedly.

"Your joking." He turned to Ted once more. "She's joking right? You have somethin' like that struttin' around your house and you haven't even tried to- Wait, despite your best efforts?!? She is asking you to plunder her shores, and you haven't?!? Are you gay? Seriously, that's the only reason I can think of."

"No, Kest, I'm not, god, I've been trying to get this place supplied and I'm not looking for that right now. I mean, this is still weird as hell for me to be thinking about."

"That's why you don't think about it, idiot! You grab a couple more drinks of this here wonder-brew, knock 'em back, and drag her to your room. Hell, she'll do the dragging if you let her, if what she's sayin' is true!"

Finishing his drink, Ted lobbed the empty glass across the field, not even noticing as it landed on a unicorn's horn, much to the delight of its comrades. "Am I the only living creature in this damn jungle that doesn't think with his dick?" He yelled at the dragon, before turning to the changeling. "Or her vagina? Don't think I'm sexist, I'll rant at both of you equally! I need another drink, where the fuck is my cup?"

"Just grab another, that's why these parties have so many extra's. The damned things grow legs sometimes." The drake responded,

Taking the fresh mug from the dragon, and using the drakes special keg to fill the mug, the alicorn chugged the drink, downing another half a glass before staring at the remainder. Across from him, the young queen carefully sipped the concoction, before smiling and throwing back the rest of the glass and pouring herself a second.

"The hell is this stuff anyway? It tastes like shit."Ted thundered, spooking a few nearby citizens before they laughed and returned to their conversations.

"I dunno, some mish-mash of boozes they serve in my favorite bar. Best one was pick, pocky, pogo, I don't know wha' the scales it was. Only thing strong enough to down a dragon even when diluted with other crap they mix it with." The drake replied, finishing yet another mug.

"I don't give a flying fuck what it is, I want another glass." Filling his mug once more, the alicorn slammed back the entirety of the mug, before standing up and shakily making his way to the Temple. He passed Pandinus, before turning and grasping her with his magic even as she squeaked in shock.

"That's how you do it, whelp! Take her to your room and make her yours!"

"Use your other head every now and then, dipshit. I'm going to my room, she's going to do that buzzing thing again, and I'm going to bed!" Ted thundered, the queen giggling drunkenly in his slipping magical grip. Seeing the queen slowly sinking despite his amazing magical abilities, the alicorn set her on his back, only taking three tries before he successfully landed the changeling between his wings. Pandinus didn't seem to mind the attempts though, merely giggling and buzzing her wings as she rose and fell with each successive attempt.

After much stumbling and yelling at a step that had dared trip him, the foolish step cowering under his hooves as it should, he finally made it to his room and stumbled into bed.

"Alrit, Huggle-bzz, make wit te buzzin'." He mumbled, his face half-buried in blankets. His only response was a soft giggle, followed by the changeling on his back making some kind of purring sound while cuddling into his back.

"Close enough..." Ted muttered, slowly drifting off to sleep. He could yell at her for her lackluster performance later.

Author's Note:

There, Ted has successfully survived a full month in the jungles! I hope you guys didn't fall asleep during his speech, you would have missed a great party.

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