• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,789 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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The cottage the group approached was old, likely not having been properly cared for in at least a few decades. A few bushes had grown into the building, and the trees surrounding it felt more like a protective curtain than an invasive reclamation of property.

"Miss Shy's cottage," Apple bloom explained while leading the group closer. "Miss Fluttershy was a kind mare who took in any an' every kinda critter under Celestia's sun. Ya could set some unruly beast right in fronna her and in a few minutes she'd have it eat'n outa her hoof, rollin' on its back and lettin' her pet its belly, or lettin' her treat it fer whatever was wrong with it. Hay, she was the only mare I knew who could give Opal a proper bath instead of a quick rinse."

Zelus, still carrying a recovering Cimmerian, trotted up to the yellow mare and stared at the cottage with curiosity.

"It looks like something is in there."

Scootaloo nodded in agreement, "I know last time I passed by here Angel had taken to guarding it in Fluttershy's absence. I don't think rabbits live that long, but he wasn't stupid. I wouldn't be surprised if he left someone else to watch this place if Fluttershy wasn't released in his lifetime."

Zecora chuckled knowingly, bowing to the group in farewell.

"I have guided you to your destination in safety, and now must make an exit most hasty. If ever you find yourself in need most dire, you need only ask for the assistance you require."

"Thank you. Oh, and Cimmerian thanks you as well, or he would if he could," Zelus told the zebra. "I apologize if I've been short with, everyone actually. This has not been a pleasant or simple trip, as I thought it would be."

"I take no offense at your frustrated outburst. My own first encounter with joak left me acting much worse," Zecora explained with a knowing smile. "Learning of our shortfalls can be a bitter pill to swallow, but know that we grow stronger with every new tomorrow."

Zelus turned slightly, giving the heaving changeling a worried look before realizing he was laughing weakly, likely at the constant rhyming. He raised a shaky hoof, waving farewell to the zebra as she left. The rest of the group bid their zebra guide goodbye as well before turning back to their destination, keeping to the treeline.

Zelus shook her head in irritation at her passenger.

"You know, at least Trixie could talk to me when I was carrying her."

"Yes, but Trixie was not very happy with losing control of herself to a bug she didn't know," the little mare retorted from her place in Zelus' ear, "Trixie only hopes she keeps her mobility after she is cured of this transformation."

The group came upon the yard unmolested, though that changed as soon as they approached the door. The griffons and thestrals perked up, looking around for the source of rustling in the trees even as Cimmerina noticed faint traces of emotion floating around the cottage.

"Somethings still living here," the changeling muttered to his vehicle.

Suddenly the trees were lined with hundreds of eyes, all pointing tiny makeshift spears at the group. Several primitive bows, and even what appeared to be a ballista was set up and aimed at the group. Feeling the alicorn tensing up below him, Cimmerian nudged her and whispered into her ear.

"Remember, Zelus. We don't want to fight so talk to them, see if we can work this out."

"They're rabbits," the alicorn deadpanned.

"They have ballistae," he retorted, pointing to the siege machine, "and if they have that one in plain view and are smart enough to build and use it, I'd bet they have more hidden in the foliage; I know I would. My shell will probably deflect most of what they have, and I don't think they'll be able to puncture your skin with anything but the bolts, but we're not looking for a fight. Step ahead of the group and announce our intention."

Cautiously the alicorn moved ahead of the group and spoke in a clear voice.

"We're here for the Coin given to the yellow pegasus by Discord."

"None shall enter the chambers of The Caretaker!" a deep voice spoke out, causing Zelus to take an involuntary step back in shock. A single rabbit in a brown robe hopped forward to meet the changeling-turned-alicorn, a glowing amulet around its neck. As the rabbit chittered, the amulet pulsed.

"For generations we chosen of The Caretaker have guarded her abode, awaiting her glorious return! What right do you claim to invade our lands!"

"The Caretaker is likely Fluttershy," Cimmerian whispered into the mare's ear, "We're going to try to use the coin to summon help for The Caretaker."

Zelus nodded, encouraged by the stallions coaching.

"We want to use an, Artifact left in the pegasus' cottage to summon help in freeing her."

"No such thing exists in the Home of the Caretaker," the bunny argued, "Had it existed, the First Guardian would have used it."

"The Caretaker was caught offguard by her friends betrayal. She did't tell him the password to her vault. She gave the password to Cimmerian."

"So you say. What proof do you have that it was she, the most kind of the four-legs, that sent you?" the robed rabbit challenged.

Shifting himself off of the alicorn's back, Cimmerian wobbled a bit on his hooves before steadying. With Zelus keeping him upright, he approached the elder.

"The Caretaker has given me the password and ordered me to never reveal it to another, binding me by the most holy of oaths."

Several of the bunnies squeaked in shock, one even swooning dramatically and being caught by a nearby friend. One bunny, wearing several odds and ends that had been fashioned into an ill-fitting set of armor, hopped right up to the elder and began squeaking and chittering rapidly. The elder silenced him with a raised paw.

"I know the Oath of which he speaks, Hoppalong; it is no myth. Many generations ago, The Caretaker was befriended by several other four-legs. One of them knew the magics of a powerful oath, one which no four-leg would dare break. If he is indeed bound by such an oath, it is out of our paws. He may pass."

Turning to the changeling, the bunny stared hard at him with more intensity than a rabbit should posses.

"Prove to me, outsider, that you know The Oath."

Cimmerian sat back on his haunches, taking a deep breath as if to center himself, to prepare for some ancient ritual. The griffons and thestrals watched on in interest, wondering what ancient right they were about to witness, while Zelus cocked her head in curiosity. With great reverence, and with his eyes closed, the stallion crossed his heart with a hoof, then fluttered his forelegs like wings. He then proceeded to tap an eye with a hoof, wincing as he pressed too hard against his eyelid to be comfortable.

The robed rabbit gave a knowing nod, stepping aside and motioning for those behind him to clear a path.

"The Holy Oath. You and your mate may pass, though the others must remain here. The Caretaker's chambers are small, and I do not believe your group would even fit. Be respectful of The Caretakers abode, outsiders. It is all we ask of you."

Zelus attempted to protest at the misclassification, but Cimmerian cut off the mare with a quick application of his magic to her muzzle, whispering into her ear.

"I can still barely walk straight Zelus. Let it go. And Trixie? Keep your head down."

The two walked into the cottage, passing through the overgrown living room and the creaky but still serviceable steps to the second floor. Zelus stopped the changeling for a moment, entering the room first to make certain it was empty before waving him in.

"You're learning, Zelly. We'll make a guard out of you yet," the stallion joked, earning a glare from the alicorn.

"I want nothing to do with this stuff anymore," the mare retorted, "The moment we get back, I'm going to talk to Pandinus about doing something else. Maybe I can guard the hive instead."

"You jumped into this with no prior training as a guard, Zelus. It's kind of to be expected that you'd make mistakes. You're not here as a bodyguard anyway. You're here as our heavy hitter. If we need someone to break an ambush open, you're our mare," the shape shifter countered, looking about the room for a small safe. "You had a bad scare. I understand that, I was kind of nervous after I almost got eaten by a giant snake. But I didn't have the time to worry about it happening again. Besides, we won both of those fights, and we'll win any others that come our way as well. Now look for a small safe with three butterflies on it."

After about four minutes of searching, Cimmerian was jolted out of his search under Fluttershy's bed by a loud 'We found it!' from Zelus. Despite his warnings, Trixie was flitting around the newly revealed safe, an illusion having been cast over the area to hide its presence.

"Trixie spotted the illusion as I was looking around the room and walked me through dispelling it," the black alicorn explained with a smile. "The charm was quite powerful, but we managed to take it down."

"Awesome. Now, let's see," Cimmerian muttered leaning closer to the safe. Running the password through his head one last time, he sighed at the ridiculousness of said code.

"Discord Rules, Celly drools."

With a click, the safe popped open, revealing a coin sitting in the middle of the safe, surrounded by-

"I did not need to see that," the changeling muttered, grabbing the coin with his magic and quickly turning away from the safe. As he pondered how to activate the coin, the pegasus' advice being 'do something random with it', his ear flicked as two mares approached the safe, his hearing picking up a shout of excitement from the minuscule magician.

"Playcolt? Oh, Trixie hasn't gotten her hooves on one of those in ages! Quickly! Open it, open it!"

"Why are they wearing socks? And why does that make them more appealing?"

"Oh Celestia! Look at that barrel! Look at that horn! Put it in the bag, Trixie will have need of this for later!"

"Perhaps you can explain later what this is about. Should I take this as well?"

"Ew, Trixie refuses to acknowledge you asked her that. Have you never seen one of those?"

"Well, it looks like-"

"Trixie knows what it looks like, and she refuses to play with another mare's toy."

"Zelus, please tell me you're not planning on taking Fluttershy's..."

The words died in Cimmerians mouth, the queen holding a small plastic figurine of some superhero, a pegasus in a green body suit and purple mask.


The stallion rolled is eyes, placing the coin on Zelus' snout. The alicorn mare crossed her eyes to try and stare at it, and it glimmered slightly, apparently activating.

"That did it?" Cimmerian asked in shock.

After a few moments the coin deactivated, giving no clue as to whether Discord had heard its call. Cimmerian sighed in defeat, returning the coin to the safe and closing the door.

"If he's not going to show up, I'm not going to carry that thing around with me. I can feel the magic radiating from it from here, and if the Nightmare is scanning for magic, it's going to pick up something like that pretty easily. It would be like dragging a bucket of chum along behind you as you swam through the ocean."

"So what, the trip was wasted?" Zelus asked, following the stallion back down the stairs.

"No, not in the least," Cimmerian dismissed, "But this part of the trip was useless. That's why we're doing so many things in one trip. If something doesn't pan out, we still have other things that were successful. We talked to the thestrals, and we went to the Everfree like you were asking, though I don't think that ended how you had hoped. There's still two more things I want to do out here though. First, I need to check in at the town hall for missing persons flyers, see if I can find some information on the foals back at the Temple. I don't know which idiots decided to kidnap children, but I need to know if their parents are looking for them. Second, I want to know where Celestia, Luna, and the Element Bearers are being held. Once we get to Bloom's farm, you're going to give me a lesson on shape shifting, and I'm going to check it out. As it stands, the griffons and thestrals would be cause for alarm in this part of the country, and alicorns are looked to as royalty. Normally I'd have sent Apple Bloom or Scootaloo to check this, but as a changeling I think I can check the records myself."

"And what about us?" Zelus growled. "We're supposed to be guarding you, remember?"

"I'll bring Trixie. If anything happens, she can warn you guys, and you can destroy anything that gets in your way," the dark blue changeling answered, stepping into the sunlight. Walking up to the robed rabbit, he bowed his head.

"The artifact did activate upon our discovering its hiding place, but Chaos did not heed its call. Thank you for your aide, but we will search for another way to free The Caretaker. I have a way to find her as well as those imprisoned with her, and will be using it tonight. If all goes well, I will have the location and be able to see her with my own eyes tomorrow to begin to devise a way to free her."

"Beware, four-leg," the elder said as Cimmerian's group gathered their things. "They say The Caretaker is guarded by a beast most foul. To see her with your own eyes is to risk its wrath."

The changeling bowed one last time to the rabbits as they departed.

"I will be wary of such a beast. Thank you for the warning, and thank you for allowing us access to The Caretakers Chambers. May your people continue to serve Her with dignity and honor."

Safely out of earshot and sticking to the cover of the forest on the way to the farm, Zelus drew closer to Cimmerian and shot him a question.

"The Tartarus was that about? Why did you talk like them back there?"

"It felt right," Cimmerian answered with a grin. "Besides, they were kind enough to let us in; I can at least humor their cause. I don't get to talk like that very often. It's fun."

"Buck, that was awesome!" Scootaloo squealed, prancing on her hooves. "Did you see the ballistae those rabbits had? Those things would have punched through royal guard armor! And the ambush! I knew Angel was smart, but holy horse-apples, that was nuts!"

"Ah didn't realize it had been so long since we stopped by Shy's place," Apple Bloom said in a daze. "That was, Ah can't believe we've got a little civilization o'bunnies right next door ta the farm."

Listening to the idle chatter as they approached the farm, a different question played through Cimmerian's mind.

'Why did that rabbit sound like Morgan Freeman?'


Gleam rose from her bed with a groan, unable to sleep. She knew something was going on, but what it was she hadn't a clue. The changelings had started acting off. Agitated was a good word for it, and even Pandinus was staring off to the north-west on several occasions, as if there was something out there. The niggling feeling at the back of her mind wouldn't leave her, and so despite the early hour, the unicorn rose and went to confront the queen.

The changeling queen currently residing in the Temple of the Shadows was sitting on the roof of the Temple, looking towards the north-west when Gleam found her. Already worried, the unicorn cautiously approached, making uneasy note of the fact that Cadance and Amare were beside her, and both staring off in the same direction as the queen.

"Pandinus?" the cherry mare softly asked, "There's something going on with the drones, and I was wondering..."

"We're not alone out here," the queen answered. "I've already sent a messenger to Zarris and Shadow Talon to warn of the possible threat, and considering changelings are not fans of water, I doubt it's some long lost hive. A link approaches from the sea, Gleam."

"Do you think the Nightmare's discovered us, Din?" Cadance asked, not looking away from the horizon.

The queen shook her head.

"I don't think she knows the specifics, but she may have an idea. The last batch of drones that were sent out here, they were a multitude of things. Anger, fear, despair, and so much hunger. But these, these are empty of everything. I don't know what it is we will be facing, but we must prepare for conflict."

"Gleam, tomorrow things will begin," the large changeling said to the unicorn, turning to face her. "The weak and frail of Shadow Talon will be arriving around noon. They will be directed to the newly excavated area that was being prepared for the thestrals. I know griffons don't like being underground, but we can't waste time moving them to safety when an attack could happen any moment. The open chamber should calm them a bit, at least. In the meantime, we will be shoring up defenses around Shadow Talon and preparing towers for both casters and archers. Should they be over run, we will activate the shield Shadow Weaver has been working on. It will seal the Temple for several days, and it will be up to Cimmerian to destroy the array while it holds. If that does not work... we will evacuate by digging new tunnels and escaping underground."

"But, but this is our home. You want us to just-"

"Cimmerian has asked that I keep you all safe. This entire temple could be razed for all we care, so long as the beings that live here survive. We have the ability to survive, we have the ability to rebuild; twice as fast and strong this time. That being said, we're not a few random beings lost in the woods anymore. We are a nation. I will not allow this country my mate has left me in charge of to burn on my watch. I have plenty of love; if nothing else, I can hold the barriers up myself."

"That would be dangerous, Pandinus," Cadance said from her position to the left of the queen. Tearing her gaze from the danger lurking in the distance, the alicorn looked to the shape shifter, Amare cradled in her forelegs.

"I want to, to help with this. I learned how to maintain barriers myself. I'll use a lot of energy doing so, but it would be safer for me to do it than you."


"I'm not going to let you do this, Din," Cadance cut the queen off, "You're pregnant. That kind of strain could harm the foals."

Pandinus winced, holding a hoof over her barrel protectively. The pink alicorn smiled at the sight and continued.

"You and Cimmerian have done so much for me, I have to start helping too. This is something I can do to repay your kindness."

Pandinus chuckled, using her aura to pull the smaller mare into a hug, crushing the small proto queen between them as Din nuzzled the top of Cadance's head.

"Thank you, Cad."

"You know, most ponies would take that name as an insult," the pink alicorn said with a grin.

"Well it's a good thing you know why I find it a good name," Din replied before turning back to Gleam.

"My hive will be ready to defend the Temple to the best of our abilities. Later on today you will leave a note on the message board about the danger, and ask everyone to begin preparations for the assault, as well as moving medical supplies and a good amount of food into the storage chambers. The emotion storage rooms may be used to store your own food as well, as long as you keep it properly secured. I don't know what would become of solid food that's dropped into a pool of emotion, but I do know that food can rot. I don't want someone dropping food into a pool and not noticing."

"What about Cimmerian?" the unicorn asked hesitantly. The queen had been in a foul mood ever since her slight boost had worn off after her 'experiment' and Cadance had explained that there were unexpected side effects that had left her feeling miserable. Thus Gleam was a bit hesitant to bring up the absent alicorn.

"He should still be able to help if we need it, as the armor is still here. That would actually be something I'd like to try. The captured hives berserk after the array is destroyed, and they can't taste him when he's not physically there. The drones would attack whoever is nearby, leaving us to worry about whatever's left."

Turning back to the horizon, the large changeling continued.

"However, he needs to be able to find it, and even if I can feel him at the moment, he that won't help us, as the distance between his physical form and myself is too great. I can speak to him when he takes the armor, but I won't be able to direct him to the other hive."

"Wait, you're speaking about him as if he was a changeling, did something happen, is that the side effect Cadance was talking about?" Gleam asked, earning a glare from the pink mare.

Pandinus scowled at the alicorn still in her forelegs, but sighed after only a moment.

"No, that wasn't the side effect. Cimmer and Zelus came across something in the Everfree, a plant called poison joak. It switched their species, so now Cimmerian is a changeling and Zelus is an alicorn. From what Luna told me afterwards, Cimmerian spent most of the first day unable to speak properly as he kept activating his venom glands by accident, leaving his tongue numb," the changeling explained with a faint smile. Cadance and Gleam shared a giggle at the thought, but both looked to Din to continue her explanation.

"That's him we feel in the distance now Cadance, not Zelus," the queen said, continuing her explanation. "It's his physical mind I would be in contact with, it's through an actual mind that we communicate. His possession of the armor does not allow for me to feed off of him, nor does it allow me to communicate clearly with him in his current form."

"So you can't direct him to where you sense the danger," Gleam finished, nodding in understanding.

"Nor can he find it himself, unless he has other ways to detect the arrays. I won't send him out over the ocean to find a single ship. He could easily get turned around or get lost and then he'd be less than useless to us, and he'd have to abandon the armor in the ocean somewhere," Pandinus finished.

The queen released her grip on the pink alicorn and set her gently on the bricks beside her.

"We need to work on a transfer array for this. It will keep you supplied with love while you channel the shield. Several drones will be in the emotion chambers, consuming what you need and sending it to you. In the meantime, I am going to be flying over to Shadow Talon to oversee the preparations. I will let Luna know about this latest threat when I next see her, and she can warn Cimmerian. I have much to do."


"We're nearing the port designated on the map, Your Highness. By the navigator's estimates we'll be in visual range in two days," the image of the commander said.

"Good," Queen Twilight replied. "The sooner that area is cleared, the sooner I can figure out what they did to my drones, and the sooner we can get back to purifying Equis. The changelings could be repurposed, the griffons, minotaurs, dragons, and thestrals cannot. I want that area clean of living beings by the end of the week."

The image flickered as the connection was cut, and the mare turned back to her most recent acquisition, a manic grin on her face.

"Always thought you were too good for us, didn't you? Thought you could go where ever you liked, do whatever you wanted. But now, now you'll be what my changelings cant be. I will find a way to use you, my dear friend. With your consent or without it."

From his place in a heavily warded room made completely of arcanite and crystal, the Avatar of Chaos floated lazily even as arcs of lightning kept him tethered to the ground. He cast a disinterested glance at the purple alicorn and sighed.

"What is it with you alicorns and not having any self-esteem? I mean, I heard Lulu fell to one of those things, but you, Spackle? I thought you were made of sterner stuff than that."

Recoiling at her captives knowledge, the alicorn sneered through the magical barriers.

"She fell as they all will. The Nightmares are unstoppable. I will finish the job that the first was unable to; I will see this planet destroyed."

"Well that's no fun. What if I don't want you to destroy this world? Besides, I hear there's this most interesting individual working against you now."

Discord turned to face her, head resting on his paws.

"I don't work with ponies who don't have my best interest in mind."

The mare gave him a grin that would not have been out of place on a dragon.

"I'm afraid, my dear friend, that you really don't have any choice in the matter."

Author's Note:

Didn't think it would be that easy, did you? Oh, and-

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