• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,784 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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Holiday Fever

The queen followed her charge at an easy pace, her drone following silently behind her along with the stallion's two other guards. Both seemed as lost as she was at his sudden mood swing, and that was with cultural context! What hope did she have of figuring this mess out?

"Oh, I want a hippopotamus for Christmas, only a hippopotamus will do! Don't want a doll, or dinky tinker toys, I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy! I want a hippopotamus for Christmas, I don't think Santa Claus will mind, do you? He won't have to use our dirty chimney flue, Just bring him through the front door, that's the easy thing to do!"

Turning to the guards, the queen tapped one on the shoulder, drawing the attention of the griffon. "What the buzz is a hippopotamus?"

"Not sure, uh, ma'am. I've never heard of one," he answered, never taking his eyes off the stallion.

The queen cocked her head in confusion as the stallion practically pranced down the street, chuckling as he began yet another line of some strange song about receiving strange creatures as gifts.

"I want a hippopotamus for Christmas, only a hippopotamus will do! No crocodiles, or rhinoceroses, I only want, hippopotamuses! And hippopotamuses like me too!"

Zelus winced at the alicorn took off at a quick trot towards the lake, a strange glimmer in his eyes and a giggle on his lips.

"Stars, what's come over him?"

"Maybe the Hearths Warming reminded him of something? He was talking about being from another place, another world. Maybe they had a similar holiday."

At the queen's and griffon's questioning stare, the thestral guard continued, "I know some ponies get really attached to their holiday traditions, and if its similar, it may feel like a bit of home. With all the things he told us were similar, there are still a ton of things that are different between the worlds. I think I'd be happy to be in familiar territory again, even if it wasn't quite the same."

"I guess I can see that," the griffon said, taking a seat as the alicorn moved down to the water. Cimmerian's horn ignited, a few large globes of water being levitated out of the lake. He held them over the ground, setting them one on top of the other, and wove a second spell, freezing the globes of water on top of each other. Chuckling, he pulled a small scarf out of his bag, wrapping it around the connection between the top and middle stacked orbs while magically altering the color of several locations on the statue. Nodding in satisfaction, he began singing yet another strange tune, this one being one about a man of snow.

"You're a changeling. What's he thinking about?" the griffon asked her.

Zelus watched him silently for a moment, shunting a little of the emotions to her drone. "I can taste his emotions, not tell you his thoughts. That being said, he's happy, but at the same time there is sorrow. It is a strange combination, and I don't think I've ever tasted it before."

"Nostalgia, I think. That's about what I feel when I'm reminded of the past. When I'm reminded of good times that are gone," the thestral said softly.

Zelus turned back to the alicorn, having sensed yet another surge of power from him. She watched as he focused on a point near the lake yet again, but he did not pull globes of water. The water flowed over the cave floor to him, freezing in place as it reached the position he required. The ice began to flow upwards, thickening into a large post before suddenly expanding from the base it had been given, forming a crystalline tree made entirely of ice. Strange formation hung from it, orbs in random places, lines that seemed to wrap around the tree, and a star at the top. It was beautiful, and before long she noticed they were not alone. Cimmerian's spells had drawn a crowd, thestrals of all ages staring at the strange creations of ice and magic.

As the stallion's gaze moved over the crowd, lingering on the gathered pony nymphs especially, the queen felt it again. That burning happiness she'd felt from him every time he spent time with the hatchlings at the temple. He reclined on the ground, looking around with a calming smile and spoke loudly enough to be heard over the crowd.

"Who want's to be the first ponies in the world to hear a tale," he asked them, causing silence to cascade about the crowd. "The story of a creature whose heart didn't understand the holiday spirit, the tale of a miserable creature, the Grinch, who tried to steal the holiday?"


"Are we ready?" the soldier asked his subordinate as they trotted onto the airship.

"Just about sir. We have most of the supplies, and the mark fours are already loaded into the ship. I've also debriefed the soldiers about the dangers of these models. Don't need a soldier thinking they're normal drones and stepping on one, or worse kicking one," the younger stallion responded, following after him.

The commander nodded in response, trotting up to the ships bridge.

"Prepare to take off. The Queen wants this problem dealt with as soon as possible. We do this fast enough, we'll be back just in time for Hearths Warming. I'm sure everyone will appreciate that."

Looking over the map the commander sighed in exasperation. The area was supposedly dead except for an old trading post way out there, Zorro if he remembered correctly. Not exactly the place to test the mark fours, but at least the chances of them harming Equestrian citizens was minimal, should something go wrong.

For the first of many times, the commanders shifted uncomfortable as the ship began to move, the idea of being on the same ship as those drones not being the most pleasant idea. Faust help them if some idiot went over and punched one of the drones. The Royal Navy would likely not find anything left of the airship.


She watched the Nightmare as it spoke, but she wasn't listening to its words. She watched its actions, watched as it nuzzled foals, watched as it laughed and joked, watched as it created objects of beauty with ice and magic. This was not her god, this was not the dark deity her family had pledged itself to. It was a mockery, a disgusting twisted form of Her majesty.

"You're certain he said it was her?" she asked the thestral beside her.

"He was quite certain. Said that it is not the same creature, but the same species. I plan on leaving in a few days. I wish to learn more of this fraud first. If you are true to her, you will be at the docks in four days. Gather the loyal. We can't hurt him, not with what I've read on alicorns, but we can strike against him with her aid."

The mare nodded, watching as the alicorn continued his story, a large image of a strange green furred monster stealing Hearths Warming items from the odd bipeds. The councilor may have been certain about joining the Nightmare, but she had heard what the sham before her had said about that creature as well. She didn't like the alicorn, but he was right. The Nightmare had specifically targeted their race and called for their annihilation. The mare and those that followed her would not be at the docks. But neither would they join the alicorn before her.

'He may not be the being mother always spoke of, but should the Nightmare move to end the world as he predicts, we may need to work with him. I don't know about that fool, but I'm quite fond of living.'

Even as the hidden meeting was ending, another was taking place, this one also giving its attendees a front row seat to the spectacle by the falls.

"I don't know, Silver. You said he has Luna's blessing? We've been waiting for this for centuries," the armored stallion beside her whispered.

"I'm certain. I even spoke to her last night. Nightmare Moon, she never bothered with dreams even with a name like that, never attacked through dreams. It was always shock and awe. This one at time he carries himself strangely, almost like a mare. It fits with Her words of his past, of his origin. Princess Luna has named him as her son in all but blood, and even his magic bears her mark. You know this as well as I, Crimson. You've seen the dreams, heard the foals talking about them. He even spoke to a few of them, calming their night terrors."

"Night terrors he could have caused," the stallion interjected.

Silver rolled her eyes, knowing the stallion was mostly being paranoid for the sake of argument.

"Yet I don't see it. He lacks the control Luna had, his tells are fairly easy to read. His tail shifts freely, as he is still unused to controlling it. His ears twitch freely, his wings shift when he is uncomfortable, he may not even realize he has these tells."

Waving a hoof towards the gathering she pushed on, "Yet he draws ponies to him. He doesn't even try, he just does. He sees ponies decorating, and he wants to join. He created a beautiful tree, and it brought the crowds. He tells them a story, making them trust his words, making him feel more approachable. Princess Luna even told me his ponies back in The Temple call him Father Cimmerian, sometimes just Father. He's that approachable, that concerned with the wellbeing of those that look to him for aid that they give him that title."

The stallion sighed, the sound producing an odd echo from behind the faceplate of his armor.

"I would have agreed to lead my soldiers under his banner just with Princess Luna's blessing, you know. Why would you be so willing to put more out there for me?"

"Because as much as I wish to believe the Night Watcher would do what's best for us, I don't know if she would," Silver explained in a tired voice. "Celestia and Luna are loyal to their country first, even when it betrays them. This one though, he doesn't care what you are. That's a changeling queen following him, Crimson, and she does so willingly! They never even show up in public, yet here is one, acting as his bodyguard. If even a changeling queen, as flighty as they are, is willing to follow his lead and guard him with her life, how can we who have sworn to aid the Lunar Diarch do anything less?"

The stallion was silent for a moment, tapping a hoof on the ground as he thought.

"He's staying at your place right? I'll stop by tonight with the heads of the Night Wings. If he'll accept us, we'll be leaving at his word. Be careful, Silver. If someone as loyal as myself can question his legitimacy, you know there will be those who will move against him. Take care of yourself."

Silver nodded, turning from the display and nodding to her companion.

"I will, Crimson. I will see you tonight. If you ask, I'm certain he will have a place for your flock as well. He seems to have a soft spot for families."


It was nearly two hours later that the alicorn finally managed to break away from the crowds. Some seemed to know what was going on out there, that not all was well in the world, and they were scared. Seeing an alicorn that treated them kindly, that brought them back what the Equestrian Queen had stolen from them, it reassured them. Others were just fascinated by his appearance. He was the next step, he was to them what Celestia and Luna were to the other pony tribes. His very presence seemed to draw the thestrals to him, even with the large changeling hovering behind him.

That had actually surprised him. Zelus had started hovering the moments the crowds started to grow but never stepped between him and the citizens. Certainly she could probably figure their intentions based on their emotions, but it was still a strange change from her usual all or nothing style of guarding him.

"Yes, sir! Mister Wood sells seeds, you could probly get one for your tree from him!" a young colt shouted to him as several bounced around him, not willing to allow the neatest thing they'd seen in years out of their sight just yet. Fortunately for the stallion, it wasn't him the foals were fascinated by.

"I heard bug ponies had holes in their legs, where are yours?"

"Do you eat ponies, or drink blood, or suck out souls?"

"Momma said changelings were just really big bugs, that they didn't actually think. What makes you different?"

"Can you turn into Mister Cim'rian?"

To his amusement the queen bore all their questions with a silent glare, acting the part of a real guard the one time he was hoping she'd act naturally. It would have been an excellent opportunity if she'd use it; learning to deal with kids was great practice. Most wouldn't hold mistakes against you, just laugh at your mistakes. It was embarrassing, but that same embarrassment helped to reinforce the lessons learned.

Shaking his head with a rueful chuckle at the mare's expense, he once more entered Runic's Ruminations, the stallion bolting to the counter the second he'd heard the jingle from the door's bell.

"Hello again, Sir! I finished the runes about an hour ago, all that's left is choosing what to emblaze them on. After that, a quick charge and they'll be ready to go. I can do it myself, or I can show you how to charge them, seeing as you're both capable of magic."

Pushing a few of the remaining foals away from the queen, he pulled her along with him to the back of the shop, shooting the foals an apologetic smile.

"I'll let you guys have her after we get her fitted, okay?"

A few cheers erupted from the foals, and Zelus glared at him.

"Cheer up, Zel. They're hatchlings, right? Treat them kindly, and they'll return your kindness with affection."

"Ok, now I have a few items to choose from, but if nothing here-"

"This will work." Zelus said, levitating a set of bracers to herself. They were simple things, even if they were made of silver. The stallion nodded, quickly grabbing a measuring tape from a nearby shelf and getting a measurement of the queen's forelegs. She shifted uncomfortably at the contact, but Cimmerian's hoof on her shoulder seemed to calm her down. The Inscriber then ran over to the bracers, quickly transcribing the runes directly onto the surface of the bracers. After about five minutes of etching, he sighed, lowering them to the table.

At his instructions, Zelus slipped them onto her forelegs, the bracers easily being adjusted to accommodate her larger than normal size. The instant she applied magic to the array, she clopped her forelegs together, feeling the magic shielding her from even the slightly cool air of the shop.

"They work?" Cimmerian asked, earning a blurring nod from the changeling. He smiled at her enthusiasm before turning back to the unicorn.

"How much do we owe you for the bracers?"

"1,400 bits sir. Or you would, a stallion came by and paid for them, said it was an early gift for when he sees you later tonight."

Cimmerian's ears flattened in irritation at that, "Did you get a name at least? I'm not a fan of accepting gifts from strangers when there's a war going on, and if you did something to the bracers-"

"I swear on my horn I didn't sabotage them, geeze. You're as paranoid as a cow at a griffon festival," the stallion said with a roll of his eyes. "I think it was one of the Night Wings. They're an old order, predating even Canterlot's founding. They're pretty rigid ponies, but would follow their leader into Tartarus itself if he asked them to. Crimson, their leader, is old money but he's also big on history. I don't think he's going to cause you any trouble, especially if you've got foals hanging on you like you do."

The alicorn bowed respectfully to the stallion.

"Thanks, Runic. I don't know if it's been put out but I came here to offer the thestrals a place if they need it. I'm sure Weaver would love some help with the defensive wards he's designing on the temple."

"Weaver...Shadow Weaver? That fool managed to survive his suici-" the stallions jaw dropped open and he stared at the larger stallion for a moment, his horn blazing as he scanned over Cimmerian. Zelus tensed, but seeing it was a scanning spell relaxed slightly. She still kept her aura focused on a chakram, though.

"I can see it, yea that's his magic in there. Amazing, he laid down the foundations, and a living body, this was the result. The magic involved must have been, I can't even imagine just how he managed to pull it off. There's been no complications, no issues? You don't move like a soul in a golem, so the only answer I can think of is the body is now completely settled, leaving you with an actual flesh and blood container."

"I eat and sleep if that's what your talking about." Cimmerian answered, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"And rut, from what Din showed me," Zelus called out from across the room, inspecting the runes and testing the temperature adjustment controls. She stuck her tongue out at his glare, giggling as she turned her attention back to the bracers.

"Wait, like you can even, oh wow now that's thorough," Runic said with a chuckle.

"I think it has much to do with the fact that I had a lot of magic bound to me as well," Cimmerian said, still scowling at the queen. "I took a hit from the Elements of Harmony, and they left me in the armor. That armor sat in the Everfree for almost half a century, and was saturated in the wild magic there. Between being extracted from an alicorn, being blasted with a powerful source of Order magic, and basting in wild magic for that long, I probably provided a good portion of the used magic myself." Cimmerian told the stallion, watching the gears turn as Runic processed the information.

"Amazing, oh I wish I'd been able to, wait! Do you still have the armor?!?" Runic shouted, his smile turning manic. "The armor was said to have been crafted from pure magic, able to focus the power of its wearer to an incredible degree! It's to inscriptionists and enchanters what the Queen's Chalice is to worshippers of the First Herd."

The alicorn smiled at that, remembering a similar cup from his own past. "I'm sure I can let you take a look at it, if you like. Of course, such a favor would need a form of payment, possibly-"

"Done! I'll have my stuff packed by the day after tomorrow! Just give me a destination, or something I can use to find it. Oh, this is going to be so cool!" the stallion practically shouted, dancing about on his hooves. "See Weaver again, get to tease him about his bad enchantments in college, study the armor, see the world, oh, do you think I could take a look at the arrays on the pony?"

"Maybe at a later time, we do have a rune you can study though. For now, we arrived on the boat from Zarris. If you take a ship there, ask the port master about the Temple. Tell him the dream pimp sent you, that should prove to him you actually spoke to me," Cimmerian said with a grin. Poor Silver may get upset that he'd be stealing away her enchanter.

Walking out into the city with his guards, he moved closer to the changeling, speaking softly.

"You didn't taste anything out of place during the offer, did you? Anything that I should worry about?

"Nothing but childlike wonder and excitement, no," Zelus said with a shake of her head. "He wasn't lying at any point, nor was he planning harm to anyone as far as I could tell."

"Good. Now, let's go get that tree. I also want to pick up a few bells and ornaments to mail to the Temple. The Trading Company should be able to get them to us pretty easily, since they have an office in Zarris. We'll send it all there and pick it up on the way home," he said, turning to her with a easy smile. "Try this if you get surrounded by kids again. If they make a simple request, fill it. If one asks you to turn into me, go ahead and do it. Talk to them Zel, learn how to interact with others. I know it wasn't big before, but even as a guard it can help. Learning how others normally react is useful, as you can spot odd behavior much more easily. Aggression isn't the only thing you need to be able to spot, it's also those who feel too, blank. I remember reading about this a long time ago, but some assassins would learn to cut off their emotions, not providing any killing intent for those sensitive to it to detect."

The queen stared ahead for a few paces, processing the idea. She nodded softly, looking to him for a moment.

"I'll give it a try. It's still, strange to me."


It was yet another boring day for the Queen of the Temple of the Shadows. Her king was off beyond her reach for the first time since she'd been captured by him, but she could still just make out the presence of her sister. She was calm; irritated but calm, so Din didn't worry for his safety too much. Sure an army might be able to defeat them, but a simple patrol? Cimmerian was smarter than that. He'd not stick around in any area long enough for their enemy to mobilize a large enough force. She trusted him with that.

Walking about the Temple, she sighed in relief at completing the needed forms and requests with Gleam. Even Cadance had stopped by, nabbing a few to help them with what little she was capable of. Soon though, the memories started becoming too much, forcing the pink alicorn to retreat once more. Pandinus was still grateful though, mentally pressing against her charge through the link with a gentle reassurance, making sure the mare didn't freak out too much or spiral anymore.

Speaking of her charge, she was currently headed to check up on the pink mare. She knew Amare was once more with her, but what they were up to, she had to see for herself.

Walking out into the fading sunlight, she smiled brightly at the sight, Cadance and Amare standing at opposite sides of a training field. In the center, four drones rolled around, wrestling for position. It wasn't just a fight between drones though. The drones were her own, true drones that under normal circumstances were all but useless in combat. What drew her smile was that Amare was teaching the alicorn to use the link.

It was a basic game, one Queen Pandinus' own mother had taught her years ago. Two queens, or in most cases a queen and a proto queen, would command several drones, giving them each orders on how to attack, react, and counter their opponent in real time, learning to multitask in a way many creatures couldn't comprehend. Her mother had started her with four drones, and of course had gone easy on her. Her mother could easily command eighty drones fluidly without breaking a sweat, the point was for her daughter to learn. Once Din had improved enough, her mother would add a drone, further dividing her attention, and starting again at an easier level.

The queen had started Amare with two, seeing as how she had no real experience with true drones, and if she pushed herself the proto queen could now utilize six drones before her mind started missing details. That wasn't what caught her eye though. It was the Cadance, the array on the mare's cheek burning brightly as she focused on the drones, giving orders and attempting to get some type of advantage over her adopted daughter's drones.

The drones rolled around, bumping into one another, and eventually devolving into a blob of chitin and fury. Cadance's ears perked in confusion for a moment, before Amare's drones both pinned the other two. It brought a smile to Pandinus' face, knowing exactly what had happened. The alicorn had lost track of them and sent her orders to the wrong drones, drones that were actively being controlled by another queen. The orders would fall on deaf ears, and her own drones would go without, stalling in their movements. Amare had capitalized on the mistake, and won the game, leaving the proto queen to hop around giggling at her victory while Cadance sulked, realizing her mistake.

"Well done for a beginner, much less a pony," Pandinus said cheerfully, drawing both sets of eyes. She looked over to Amare, her grin turning impish. "I see you enjoy winning against someone who is not so adept at our game. Enjoy it while it lasts, little one, we will practice again tonight. Seven drones this time."

As the proto queen's ears splayed in irritation at the perceived punishment, Din turned to Cadance.

"I didn't expect you to try this for a while yet, if you ever did. It's an interesting game, is it not?"

"It's, it's strange. Fun once you get used to it, but it's just so confusing sometimes, especially when you can't tell them apart, or they start sending information back. I think that messed me up a bit too," the pink mare said softly, turning back to the drones. The two that had been pinned moved towards her, standing at attention on either side. It was the ready position for the game, and Din smirked, snatching the other two with her own mind. She trotted over to Amare's position, the drones taking their places on either side of her, and she smiled warmly at the pink alicorn.

"I don't know how much Amare has taught you, so let's see how much you've learned," the queen stated, her drones taking the field. "I won't have you learning something incorrectly, you know. It would reflect poorly on my own image. Do well enough, and I'll have Slop make you something nice for dinner tomorrow. Your choice."

Cadance smiled for a moment before it faded into a look of concentration, the runes on her cheek blazing with energy once more. Her drones moved ahead slowly, taking their positions and readying themselves. At the queen's signal, the battle was joined. Cadance grinned despite the mental load. At least Amare was cheering for her.

Author's Note:

What, you didn't think changelings were all work and no play did you? Queen's gotta learn to multitask somehow, right?

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