• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,778 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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Like a Good Neighbor

Ted lifted himself from the bed, stretching almost lazily as he readjusted to the waking world. One of the greatest things about his new form was the lack of grogginess after waking. There was no dramatic shift in awareness while asleep, no slowly fading in and out of consciousness while waking, no spending ten minutes trying to lift his head off of the pillow. He woke up, and he was ready to go. It probably had something to do with the dream walking. The effect was diluted if he spent a bunch of time in his own dream and let his mind go blank, but if he was in a hurry and jumped right from the dream realm into wakefulness, he would be just as alert as he felt there.

The alicorn hopped off the bed and headed out into the halls. There were several things he need to get straightened out before heading out. Most importantly would be breakfast. He hadn't been eating much lately.

Ted winced slightly at the thought. 'Ok, head to breakfast, then check on Din.' He thought to himself.

Just before hitting the stairs, he heard muttering down the hall. Ted shook his head and walked over to the war room.

"I thought I told you to stop doing this, Shadow." He said, walking into the war room behind the unicorn.

Shadow Weaver jumped, whipping around to see who was speaking, before groggily looking at the windows. "Buck." he muttered, rubbing his eyes with a hoof. "I was just about finished with the plans for those watch towers you wanted. They're a bit more complicated than I thought they would be." Shadow said, gesturing to the papers scattered across the table.

Ted gave a quick look over the plans, before turning back to Shadow. "They look good, Weaver. I'll have to double check them later on today, though."

"What happened?" Shadow asked. "Normally you're still asleep at this time, that and you normally look over these things as soon as they're readable."

Ted chuckled at the unicorn. "I've really gotten that predictable huh? I'm going to the abandoned port soon, as I don't think it's going to be abandoned for very long. There's a boat just off the coast, griffon refugees from what I could tell from the dreams. I'd like to check on them. They've been through the grinder."

At the smaller stallion's confused expression, Ted explained. "The meat grinder, it's an expression that means they've been through some pretty nasty experiences. Many of them were experiencing nightmares last night, and many of those nightmares involved an invasion. The Mad Queen's made her move, I believe, and has struck at the griffon lands. Do you know where Amald is? I think it would help if he was there as well."

The unicorn nodded, pulling his notes and plans onto stacks. "I think he starts training for the guards a bit earlier. Something about teaching alertness at all hours. That and there's no one else awake now, so he doesn't have to worry about someone else getting hit by the trainees."

"Thanks Weaver, and get some sleep. You do too much for this place to be hurting yourself like this. I need you at your best, not dragging your f-hooves." Ted said before turning to the door. Making his way downstairs he stopped in the mess hall for a quick bite. Slop was already preparing the morning meal, so the dark alicorn didn't have to wait long for a warm breakfast. Finishing quickly, he made his way to the medical room and checked on the queen.

To his surprise, Pandinus was awake when he entered the room, giving him a half-hearted glare as he walked into the room.

"Well well well, came to grace me with your- what are you-Ack!" The queen was cut off as Ted pulled the recovering queen off of her bed into a deep hug, the sight of her bringing the memories of the swarm back to his mind, as well as the implications it brought to light. If he'd been just a little more desperate for money, or a little looser in his morals, there was a good chance the queen, and possibly the nymphs as well, would be part of that mindless army.

Pandinus stuttered for a moment, at a loss. The emotions pouring off the alicorn were not what she expected at the moment, and for the life of her she couldn't figure out what had led to this particular medley of feelings. "Cimmerian? What's going on, what happened?" She asked, confusion in her voice.

"I'm going to be going back to the abandoned port town, Din, there are some refugees that may need some help." He said, setting her back down and going over to the surplus medical cabinet. He'd told Head Trauma to set such a thing up so they could sell the extra poultices and potions that Tulip made, but for now it would serve a different purpose. One of an olive branch to the likely skittish griffons that would be making landfall soon. "They were driven from their home country if what I saw in their dreams is true, and by changelings."

"Impossible, there aren't any hives large enough for such an attack. As far as I know, this is the only hive on the planet with an actual link." The queen replied, her shock at the news quickly turning to anger.

Looking from the supplies for a moment, Ted gave her a sad smile. "Did you ever wonder what the Mad Queen was doing with those queens and drones she's been capturing over the years Din?" When the changeling failed to respond, he continued. "I think she's suppressed the drones, and is using them as shock troops and invasion forces. Mirage mentioned that ability to me when I asked her why she was so hostile to you. What makes it scarier is that the Mad Queen has been gathering any queen she can subjugate for unknown purposes, even going as far as offering a bounty for a queen or proto queen. I would bet she is using them as broodmares, a source of nigh-infinite soldiers that she can turn lose on anyone she deems unnecessary. The drones I saw in the dreams were frail things, many falling apart even as they tore into the griffon defenders, but it's quantity over quality in this case. The old 'ten thousand grains of sand wearing away at a stone' idea."

Filling the last spot in the pack with spare bandages, Ted slung it over his head and tightened the secondary neck strap, holding it in place. Finished with his work, he walked back up to the changeling queen.

"That was almost your fate, Din. When I first found you, Sahkest mentioned the bounty. How the last bounty for a dying queen was still a very large amount, and how he was certain we could get enough for you to afford a small island. Each. Kinda scary, isn't it?" He said, giving a mock chuckle. "Could've had enough money to build this place up fast, wouldn't have had someone ruining my sheets or scaring me shitless when she misinterpreted what I asked. But the moment this day occurred, the moment I learned what happened to that proto queen I sold off? It would have killed me." The dark alicorn leaned in and gave the recovering queen a quick nuzzle. "When I get back, and if you're feeling up to it, we're going to have a nice heart to heart. No more asking things, we're going to write it out and include exactly what we think the requests entail. We're two different species from two impossibly different cultures, Pandinus. I don't want another misunderstanding costing someone their life. Ok?" Then, sporting an actual smile, he leaned in to whisper into her ear.

"And just so you know? Some people find a dangerous female attractive, so I hope you're not planning on altering those eyes or fangs."


Ted walked out into the courtyard where Amald was overseeing the training of a few gnolls and ponies with a slight bounce in his step. Leaving the queen a blushing, mumbling ball of confusion had been strangely rewarding. He'd definitely have to do it again in the future. Of course, he still didn't understand how the hell a creature could blush through chitin. Maybe one day he would get enough free time to put these oddities to some good old fashioned science. The alicorn nearly giggled at the thought. Some of the things he'd seen here would make most scientists back home curl up in a corner and cry. Dragons, flying horses, a sun that apparently revolved around the planet, growing a full crop of carrots in three weeks, and an entire species that survived off of emotion, that actually drew nourishment from the opinions and positive attitudes of those around them.

'Truly, science doth weep at the mention of Equis.'

Drawing the griffon's attention, he greeted the soldier with a smile on his face despite the bad news he would have to deliver.

"Good morning Amald. I hope you don't have too much planned for them today, as I'm going to need you to head out with me in a moment. We have an opportunity to help some people who were recently scared badly, and I think your presence would ease them greatly."

"I was planning on running them into the ground this morning, but I suppose I can just have them do a couple laps of the temple in full gear. They'll have to take turns of course, Sterling and Spot haven't finished many sets of armor just yet, nor do they have much more material. That's been added to the list, by the way." Turning from the alicorn, Amald gave his orders to the trainees, explaining to them all he wanted them to accomplish. As he finished, Ted stepped forward.

"I'm certain you can do what has been asked without supervision. You've taken up this training to better defend the Temple and those inside. To slack in this training would be like slacking while on watch. Here you'll lose out on the exercise, on watch you'll be the reason for loss of life. Do your best and support each other in your trainer's absence. He won't always be there for you, after all."

Gathering his gear and a small sack of provisions, the griffon returned his attention to his leader. "Ready when you are, sir."

With a nod, Ted stretched out his wings, preparing them for the flight ahead. No need to injure oneself by rushing into exercise. Satisfied he was limbered up properly, the alicorn took to the air, heading away from first rays of dawn. As they made their way to the old port town, the alicorn explained to the griffon just why his presence would be needed.

"You're certain it was changelings?" The griffon asked.

"About as certain as I can be without actually asking them. I checked two dreams last night, and both had two themes. Running from something, and drones. Not like Mirage and Grift, like the drones Pandinus just hatched. The main difference was that these things were all foaming-at-the-mouth insane and ripped apart anything they could catch." The alicorn answered sadly. "Even those who surrendered were injured, though I think they lived."

The two reached the port town just as the sun edged over the horizon. Seeing no activity from the boat at the time, nor any activity in the town, the two landed easily on the old guard tower. They settled in to wait for a response form the ship, Ted laying down on the watch tower's roof. The passengers would be hard-pressed to spot them even with the sharp vision of griffons while the two sat with the sun at their backs. A few moments afterwards, Amald frowned.

"That's a griffon trading ship, those things aren't made for carrying a bunch of passengers. I'm amazed they made it this far. How many do you think are on it?" The griffon asked.

Ted closed his eyes in concentration. "I think I remember... there should be at least twenty five passengers, though I don't know anything more than they're all frazzled." A low rumble in the distance drew their attention to an approaching storm front, slowly advancing on the coast. "We can't wait too long. If they don't make a move soon, we'll have to be the ones to initiate contact. I haven't seen any motion above deck, have you?"

The griffon shook his head in a negative response before double checking his pack and making sure to secure his gear. It wouldn't do to lose it to a sudden gust. After another few minutes of watching the ship with no response, the two agreed to approach the ship. Moments later, they landed on the deck, only the light clacking of Amald's claws signaling their arrival, as Ted was drawing upon his powers to silence his landing. Turning to the griffon, the dark alicorn spoke in a low voice. "I'm going to keep out of sight for a bit, if things go south, I'll pull you out and we'll use the shadows to escape. For now, try knocking on the door."

Amald took a deep breath before approaching the door. There was no telling the mental state of those below deck, as the cargo ship was completely sealed from the inside, allowing no view of the passengers. Drawing up a talon, he struck the door to the cabin three times before speaking. "Anyone there? I was told you may require aid, and have come with some extra medical supplies." The griffon waited a few moments, and after getting no response, decided to try a different tactic.

"In life we serve, in battle we are proven, in death we find honor amongst our ancestors."

The old griffon oath garnered a response from those inside, as slowly, the peephole was opened, allowing Amald to see the bloodshot eyes of the young griffon on the other side.

"Is, is it clear? The bugs aren't out there, are they?" The young tom asked with fear in his voice.

"It is, son. I haven't seen a changeling all day." Amald said with certainty.

"Are you alone?"

Amald frowned. "There's one more with me, but he's keeping his distance. Doesn't want to scare you any more than you've already been. He's actually the one who noticed earlier." At the sudden crack of nearby lightning, the elder griffon leaned closer to the door. "Listen, son. There's a bad storm on its way here. I don't know what condition your crew and ship are in, as I'm not a sailor, but the weather's going to get bad soon, can I speak to whoever's in charge of this ship? My friend would like to speak to him as well, and possibly find a place for your crew to weather the storm."

"I'll ask if he will see you sir, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. Who should I be alerting him of, sir?"

Stepping back from the door and standing a bit straighter, Amald gave a salute with his left talon, placing it across his chest. "Tell him Amald, ex-lieutenant of the Storm Talons wishes to speak with him, as does my host and current liege, Lord Cimmerian."

The tom's eyes widened in shock, before he slammed the peephole shut, the skittering of claws and paws on the wooden deck speaking of the speed at which the younger griffon left. A cough behind Amald drew his attention to the veiled alicorn.

"Lord Cimmerian?" Ted asked him.

"What other title would you hold, sir? You are the lord of the Temple at this time, are you not? Besides, as much as I hate to admit such a weakness, we griffons are suckers for titles."

The alicorn nodded. "I see, and I assume the Storm Talon's were an elite group of some sort back in High Talon? Judging by the kid's reaction, they are, or were, kind of a big deal."

"We were the High Queen's Knightly order. If a dispute came about that the queen could not settle, we would travel there and resolve it. If bandits became more than a nuisance, we'd gather a force to wipe them out. We moved with the queen's blessing." The griffon sighed, shaking his head. "Queen Elsha is a wonderful ruler, and led my people well in an era of peace."

'But she wasn't cut out for war.' Ted thought, picking up on the unspoken problem. "The Mad Queen planned this from the beginning if my guess is right. The disarmament of the griffon lands was in preparation for this invasion. It may take time, but I'm certain we can find a way to strike back at the queen. Most of her power was obtained by ambushing those stronger than herself, and separating those who could oppose her. According to a friend, she ambushed the bearers of harmony, then used the power she drew from their bonds to hold the princesses of day and night. The changeling queen's she's captured seem to supply her with a huge number of soldiers, and she personally wields a large amount of magical power. But it's all a very fragile deck of cards, with her magic power being the only solid base she has. Even that is surmountable. According to my friend, an alicorn develops faster with followers. Do you think she truly has anything more than mindless zealots in her cause?" He asked with a smile. "My own strength has been growing rapidly since my release, and it will only continue to grow in the coming days. I may be getting ahead of myself, but with enough followers and magic study, I could possibly overpower her on my own, much less with the sun and moon princesses working with me. As for the rest of her power base? Free the bearers, and she can't hold the alicorns. Interrupt the link to the drones, and they'll probably berserk, given their treatment and mental state. We already know I can counter some of her arrays, so I'll be asking Pandinus about the queen's link. If I can find a way to block that, her army is less than useless, they may wipe themselves out."

"Don't changelings share minds?" The griffon asked. "Have Pandinus grab one of the drones, and she can probably get all the information you'll ever need out of one."

Ted winced at the thought. "Mirage explained that one to me. Yes she could get the information, but she may also get whatever torment the Mad Queen's subjected them to over the years. I don't know if that's worth it. Some of the drones are pretty much empty shells, so she'd have to dig into their link to find the information, a link that has the tormented minds of hundreds of changelings that have been suppressed by the Mad Queen. That's even assuming she can piggyback the link like that, I don't think they work like network connections."

Amald was about to ask what a network was when the peephole slipped open once more. "I thought ya said ya were alone!" The angry voice of the captain all but snarled. Ted had to stifle a chuckle when he saw the eye patch on the old griffon captain. His good eye tracked over the deck, confusion marring what they could see of his face. "Who were ya talkin' to? And don't tell me it weren't no one, neither!"

Cursing under his breath, Amald faced the peephole once more. "I was speaking with my current ruler, Lord Cimmerian. He has claimed a nearby landmark and his followers have enjoyed a much safer existence since his arrival. If you would prefer though, I will speak with you inside the ship, though I ask that we make haste. A storm approaches." Amald said.

"No, here's fine." The griffon said, the sound of several bolts being undone. Once more Ted had to stifle a chuckle at the appearance of the captain. A tricorne sat upon the griffon's head, an eye patch was over his left eye, and, this one had him nearly in stiches, the captain had a peg leg where his right paw would have been.

"Captain Yael of the Gold Talon." The sea griffon introduced himself.

"Amald, ex lieutenant of the Storm Talons and current head of the guard at the Temple of the Shadows." Amald responded, once again saluting.

The captain gave the other griffon a searching look. "Temple of the Shadows, eh? Don't sound like a place ah'd like ta visit on a nice day, much less with a storm comin' in."

Amald chuckled at the response. "It's what it was called before a few ponies reclaimed it. It has since become a bit of a sanctuary by Lord Cimmerian's order, offering refuge to any who ask. And before you ask, the ponies are not out here because they enjoy the weather. Most of them were attempting to escape the insanity of their homeland just as I did, just as you have."

Captain Yael seemed to chew this information a moment, before nodding. "Fine, but I want to meet this Silmarillion guy first."

"When ever you're ready, sir."

With his cover busted anyway, and being cued by Amald, Ted took a few steps back, putting a respectable distance between himself and the older griffon before dropping his veil. The response was instantaneous.

"A pluckin' alicorn? You're servin' the same damn thing that put us in this situ-mph!?" Yael shouted at Amald.

Ted 's horn was aglow, along with a light aura around the captain's beak. "I would appreciate it if you kept in mind, Captain Yael, that the same alicorn who attacked your people also betrayed her own mentor and friends, imprisoning them all in various states of awareness. Do not judge a species by the actions of one individual. Especially one that has not even been an alicorn for a century. Didn't Celestia lead the pony tribes for several centuries with no major issues? I know my information is outdated, but I don't remember hearing of her meddling in the affairs of other species unless it would bring war to her country." The alicorn said, releasing his hold on the captain's beak afterwards.

"Won't even let me say mah piece, and ya wonder why I do-" The captain yelled, before being cut off by Amald.

"Enough!" The griffon guard yelled. "We have come offering aid and wish to know your answer before the storm hits, if you wish to spend this time throwing insults at us and wasting our time, we will leave. We could be spending this time on other tasks."

"Aid you say?" Another voice asked from the doorway. Turning from what was quickly devolving into an argument with the captain, Ted was greeted with the sight of an elderly griffon. From the voice, he assumed it was female, and the dress did help confirm his guess.

"I apologize for the captain's behavior, every now and again he seems to forget that we are not all sailors." Directing her attention to the distant rumble of thunder, she turned back to the alicorn. "I am Lady Thrisha of Frostborne Peak. Most of those below hail from that village, though we picked up a few stragglers along the way. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?"

"I am Theodore Cimmerian Fredson, current ruler of the Temple of the Shadows sanctuary." He said, giving a respectful bow. "I've come here today to see what aid I could provide, and after taking into consideration the coming storm, possibly offer shelter in the form of a storage building and barracks that have just been finished by the main temple. It could house some of your number, whatever their condition may be, and I can even offer to open my infirmary if you need it. As a show of good will, I present you with this." Ted answered, offering the pack of medical supplies in his telekinetic grip.

The matron caught the bag, opening it and checking the contents. "Yes, we could use the bandages. The swarm did a number on some of our folks." She then picked up a small vial of Tulip's healing poultice, a smile gracing her beak. "Freshly made poultices, it's been a long while since I've come across something like this. Most hospitals these days employ magic or potions."

"So it is true, it was changelings who attacked your city?" Amald asked.

"Yes though they seemed, unnatural for lack of a better word. I've seen a few changelings in the past, and they never acted so animalistic. It was as if they were-"

"Their minds were suppressed, those that were sapient. The rest were mad with hunger and bloodlust." Ted finished.

"I was going to say feral, but yes, that seems- how did you know?" Thrisha asked. Squinting at Ted, she set aside the bag and approached him. Slowly, she circled the dark alicorn. "I've seen you before in ancient tomes, or an incarnation of you. You were the cause of the dreams weren't you? You bear the powers of the lunar princess, yet you offer shelter instead of ruination. How did you come upon the powers of The Nightmare?"

Ted chuckled at the griffon's question.

"A short series of unfortunate events." He said with a sad smile. "However, I learn to embrace this new life more each day. I would be happy to entertain your questions in full later, Lady Thrisha, but time grows short. If your people are indeed injured, I would not advise flying over the jungle in a coastal storm.

Thrisha gave a curt nod. "Than I humbly accept your hospitality, Lord Cimmerian. Most of our injured are still flight worthy, though a long flight will do them no good, and those that aren't can be supported by the others for now. I must ask, however, what species will we encounter at your home?"

Amald looked slightly uncomfortable at the question, but Ted answered stoically. "We currently have members of the three primary pony tribes, a family of thestrals, the remnants of a local pack of gnolls, and... twelve changelings."

"Ya what?" Captain Yael shouted. "Ya mean ta tell me ya got some of them mindless abominations wanderin' your home, and expect us to be okay with it?"

"Those in the Temple are true changelings, not those starving animals that were loosed on your city. The sapient drones have both proven themselves a boon with their superior digging abilities and their help in sealing the Temple against the storms that frequent the area. While you are here I will do what I can to keep Grift, Mirage, Pandinus, and the nymphs clear of your people, but this is their home as well. After the storms pass, I will ask that you either leave, or accept the fact that I will not turn anyone away based on race."

"The gnolls actually hit us with a raiding party last month, though the lord wiped out most of the attacking group in retaliation. Those that survived, he planned on pulling them into the fold. What was I you said, sir? Teaching them better?"

Ted nodded. "They were raised being taught that all other species are below them, that the only one worthy of respect was their own kind. Buster and his pack mates have served as our watch for the last few weeks while Amald trained an actual guard force. I have high hopes for them, they're adapting well."

Yael was furious. "Ah don't give a pluckin' hoot abo-"

"I understand, Lord Cimmerian." Thrisha said, cutting the captain's tirade short. "I'll alert the others to the situation, as well as the alternative at the moment, and be back with those who wish to accept your offer. There may be some complaints, but I think some of us can survive the ordeal until we can find a better alternative."

"There is a town about two days walk to the north of the Temple. That will be where I direct your people if they do not wish to stay, I believe Sahkest, the dragon Quartermaster, made the flight in a few hours." Ted added.

"Pluck it, why not just head dere now?" Yael demanded. "Won't have to deal with the damn bugs."

"While I'm sure you'd get to the port eventually, Captain Yael, I have wounded to worry about. The coming storm will not be kind to them." Thrisha said. "I will be back shortly, and hopefully with an idea of how many will accept."

"Before you go, may I have an idea of how many to expect? I'd like to give Gleam a chance to prepare."

The griffon matron cocked her head in confusion, but answered anyway. "I believe we have about thirty seven on the ship, including myself and the captain."

"So make room for at most thirty six griffons, got it." Ted responded with a grin.

As Thrisha descended below deck, and Amald and Yael proceeded to stare each other down, Ted stepped back to the mast of the ship and laid down, casting his consciousness into the dream realm.

Gleam was just finishing breakfast in the dining hall when a strange cascade of silence filled the room. Turning to the entrance, she was stunned as Father's armor walked into the room, looking around before the glowing eye holes focused on her. The armor then approached her, making its way through the crowd with purpose.

As it came closer, the mare could see the armor seemed empty except for the strange swirling shadows that moved through the internal cavities. Finally the armor reached her and to her surprise it spoke in a clear, familiar voice.

"Good morning Gleam. I apologize for the surprise but I can't physically be here at the moment. Amald and I are currently speaking with some griffon refugees to the west." The voice of Father echoed from the armor, causing hushed gasps and whispers to spread throughout the hall. "I would like to offer the storage building and barracks for their use until a storm passes, then they will be free to do as they please. I think a few will be moving on to Zarris afterwards. There will be at most 36 of them, though I doubt all of them will accept the offer. Please let Buster know we may need another hunting trip to supply them with a decent meal. Ah, one more thing, there's a nasty looking storm approaching from the west coast, so please prepare accordingly."

Even as the unicorn finally snapped out of her shock, she watched as the armor moved to speak with Mirage.

"Good morning Mirage." The armor said. "I'm sorry to do this to you and the nymphs, but there are a few griffons that will be staying with us for a while. Do you think you can keep Gem and Adamant clear of them? It will only be a day or so, and there's a storm coming anyway, so they won't be going out much during those days."

"One of these days that bleeding heart of yours is going to get us killed, sir." The changeling muttered, shaking her head. The armor just smiled somehow and chuckled at the changelings response.

"But Mirage, if I stopped caring, what would you guys eat?" The armor said, softly rubbing a foals head with an armored boot.

The changeling prepared a retort, but stopped, confusion written on her muzzle. "Right now? Nothing." The shape shifter said. "I can't taste anything from you right now, not while your speaking through the armor." The changeling frowned. "I must have missed it before since you were so close when you did this last time."

"Really?" The armor said lifting a boot to brush against the shadows that formed its chin. "I'll have to keep that in mind. I will need to speak to you and the other changelings about what happened to the griffons when I return. Enjoy your day, I need to get back to the ship." With that the armor walked back out of the dining hall, every set of eyes in the hall on it.

Gleam just stared, her eyes barely picking up the faintest wisps of a tail and mane that had manifested on the armor and were swaying with every step. The moment the armor was beyond their sight, the crowd burst into loud speculation, many asking the changeling if that really was the alicorn. Curious herself, Gleam trotted up to his empty seat and pounded an empty mug on a table.

"Quiet!" She shouted over the obnoxious noise of the dining hall. As the shouting and yelling died down, the mare looked over at the changeling matron, motioning her to approach the throne. As soon as she was standing next to the unicorn, Gleam asked Mirage the question on everyone's mind.

The changeling rolled her eyes at the question, a mischievous grin on her face. "Of course it was Father. How else did you think he managed to ink his own face so well a few days ago?" Father would probably find a way to get her back for ousting his prank but for now, listening to the raucous laughter that broke out in the dining hall along with the confused looks of several of the ponies that had tried to tell him he had ink on his face, Mirage decided it would be worth it. It wasn't like she ruined the prank when he was still messing with everyone else.

Author's Note:

I knew where I wanted to go next chapter (sometimes I get lucky and set myself up fairly well) and once I started writing, trying to find a stopping point was like trying to keep gamers away from E3. It wasn't happening. So, there you go, one of the longer chapters I've written. Actually, I think it's the longest of all of them, even the other stories.

So close to 6k, but I just don't want to add any more. The next thing that happens will be another chapter in and of itself, and expanding for no reason other than adding numbers makes me angry.

So close.

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