• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Time: Vorselon's Warship

It took them a few seconds to leave the planet's atmosphere and reach the vastness of space, though when both Aphelion and Starlight declared that they had reached a safe distance, and had left the time anomalies that were occurring on the planet behind, Ratchet opened up his communicator and hoped for the best.

"Qwark, come in!" Ratchet said, silently hoping that the former captain was alright, because while he was an idiot at times he had to admit that he had his moments, which usually helped them out in the end, "Do you read me?"

"Its good to hear your voice Ratchet." came Qwark's response, causing some smiles to appear on everyone's faces for a moment, "They've got us in these containment cells and... They're coming with food. Oh thank heaven, they're coming with... TAP WATER?! YOU ANIMALS!"

Starlight couldn't help but groan at the fact that Qwark was concerned about what his captors were serving him and the other captives, instead of worried about the safety of the civilians that had been captured along side him. She had long since determined that there would always be some trace of the old captain Qwark lingering in the new Qwark, though she always hated it whenever that trace showed itself.

"Would you just listen to me?" Ratchet said, though it was clear that he was annoyed that they were even having to save Qwark in the first place, "I need you to activate the nav-beacon on your belt. Can you do that?"

For a few seconds Qwark was quiet, as if he was messing around with his belt to activate the beacon in question, though Ratchet was tempted to say that he had forgotten about it. Before anyone said anything about the beacon Aphelion declared that they were receiving the signal from the ship, which would allow them to find where Vorselon was holding Qwark and the Fongoids.

"Good, now hang tight." Ratchet ordered, knowing that the former captain would remain where he was until they arrived, which would be followed by them busting their way out of the ship, "we're on our way."

As Aphelion approached the warship in front of them she announced that there were twenty-five enemy ships coming their way, which meant that Vorselon knew that they were coming to save the people he had taken. Ratchet maneuvered them around in the air, giving Aphelion time to test her new abilities that the Zoni had given her, be they new maneuvers that she couldn't use in the past or try out the upgraded weaponry that she had. Several enemies tried to shoot her down, but she and Ratchet used their combined abilities to slip past everything that was thrown at them while dealing damage to their foes. After some time it became clear that the Zoni had given Aphelion the advantage over their foes, as within three minutes of engaging the enemy ships they were the last ones standing, allowing them to fly down onto one of the wings of Vorselon's ship.

Once they landed Ratchet made sure that they all had their helmets engaged, due to the space around them, before Aphelion opened up and allowed the four heroes to climb out so they could rescue Qwark and the Fongoids. As they moved towards the main body of the ship they had to pause by the thrusters, to avoid being roasted by the flames that allowed the ship move forward. At the second thruster Ratchet used a modification he had added to his wrench, which would allow him to grab onto certain metallic objects, such as a bridge for instance, and pull it into place. He had mainly crafted it, with Starlight's help, in the off chance that he had to do something like this and Starlight wasn't around to help him out, though this time she didn't seem to mind him doing the work.

The third thruster seemed to be going none stop, to which Ratchet spotted something attached to the outside of it and yanked the item clean off the engine, powering it down so they could pull the bridge down and get across. They then had to walk up a magnetic wall so they could reach an airlock, which was opened by pulling apart another power section with the new addition to Ratchet's wrench, before they moved inside the ship and closed the airlock behind them. Once the airlock was closed they moved through the passage that they were in, dispatching three lone robots before they could alert anyone to their presence, before they started to move past some laser defenses. After a few seconds they reached a bolt crank, which they turned around a few times to clear the path for them, though they also took out a robot, with saws for hands, that arrived in an elevator.

Once they were all inside they rode down for about five seconds before they reached their next destination, where they shot down another lone robot that was standing guard before noticing that they were going to have to walk around another ionized walkway, just like the one they had used to get inside the ship to begin with. It didn't take them long to reach the end of the walkway, not when all they had to do was knock out a small power module of some kind and dodge some moving lasers, though Ratchet did have to tear apart another power station that was blocking their way.

The next room they entered had a swarm of the smaller robots moving around the ceiling, though Starlight smiled as she, Ratchet, and Searing purchased the new Mr. Zurkon weapon that had been released, to which the trio of killer robots charged at the swarm and started blasting them apart... to which Ratchet noticed something odd.

"Um, where did Sunset go?" he asked, as he was sure that the pegasus in question hadn't fallen behind, though that was followed by Starlight directing his attention to the other side of the room they were in.

Sunset was flying around the enemies that were below her, occasionally swooping down to cut one apart with the blades above her wings before moving into a higher area, though it was clear that she was either distracting them or she was having fun. With the enemies on the other side of the room distracted Ratchet and the others hopped down into the area below them, where they opened fire on the group that was down there. It didn't take long to put down the robots that wanted them dead, between the four weapons that they already had, so Ratchet was able to access the bolt crank with ease, moving some of the platforms into a usable bridge for him.

Ratchet often questioned why Starlight didn't just use her magic to create walkways and platforms for them, but it was generally because the amount she needed to create would prevent her from doing anything else, so they had to play by what was in their environment and use whatever they found to their advantage. When they finally reached the other side of the room they found Sunset standing in the middle of a pile of robotic parts, indicating that she had used her blades to crudely dismantle the robots until they stopped moving.

"What took you guys so long?" Sunset asked, letting out what was a fake yawn, though Ratchet could tell that she was just trying to impress them for some reason, "I was getting tired of waiting for all of you."

"You did a good job of clearing the way," Searing said, a smile appearing on her face as the group looked down the walkway they had to take, "Come on, let's hope Qwark hasn't done anything stupid yet."

They followed the walkway into a passage that was in front of them, though after a few seconds Starlight spotted something that she recognized; a fragment of the RYNO V holoplan, which she had ripped apart and scattered to prevent it from being used. It was significantly more powerful than the previous four versions she had created, which was understandable considering that every new generation of weapons was better than the last. She was just shocked to find it here, on Vorselon's warship, which told her that their new enemy must have been planning on gathering all ten pieces of the plan so he could make the weapon... which told her that she needed to summon the other pieces with her magic before they fell into the wrong hands as well.

The group then entered another passage that needed two power modules to be deactivated before they could pass through it, to which Ratchet pulled the exposed power parts off of the modules and allowed them to advance further into the ship. That was before they came to a large central hub area, where they found a bunch of enemies standing near what Starlight claimed was explosive charges... which Ratchet detonated with a blast from his blaster and took out the entire group in front of them.

"Whoever is making Vorselon's minions needs to be fired," Ratchet commented, resisting the urge to bring his palm to his face after seeing the stupidity of the robots he had just destroyed, "that was way too easy for us to do."

"Look, we can complain when we're off the ship," Starlight said, to which she latched her magic onto the bolt crank and turned it so they could use the nearby ionized walkway to progress further into the ship, "for now we should focus on rescuing Qwark and the Fongoids."

As they walked along the pathway Ratchet pulled apart more power modules as the rest of the group dismantled the robots that tried to stop them, eventually bringing them to another passageway that was filled with laser traps. Ratchet used two different bolt cranks to allow them to move through the passageway, especially when they had to time their advances carefully, but they eventually made it to the elevator that was waiting for them. That brought them to an area where they noticed Vorselon talking to the Fongoids he had captured, apparently asking about someone named Azimuth, which was who he thought Ratchet was back in the village, but other than that it didn't appear that they were going to get very much out of watching what was unfolding before their eyes.

As it turned out Qwark, Alphius, and one of the children were being held to the right of where they entered, to which the group noticed that Vorselon had to be stupid to let Qwark keep his blaster.

"It is good to see all of you again," Qwark commented, before beckoning to the laser wall in front of him, "Now then, how do we get rid of these barriers?"

Ratchet answered the question by tearing apart another power module, deactivating the barrier and preventing anyone from noticing... until Qwark ran up to a door and kicked it down, which turned on the alarm that they had been trying to avoid the entire time. From that moment on they openly found all of the forces that Vorselon had as they made their way to where the rest of the Fongoids were being held. Sunset used her wings to their advantage, as when all of their enemies were in a room she would fly to the back end of them and start tearing them apart with her blades, cutting down the numbers everyone else had to fight. When they reached the other side of the room they were in, where the path took them anyway, Qwark struck down another door and allowed them to attack the guards that were outside the cells that the Fongoids were trapped in.

It didn't take very long for the group to defeat their opponents and free the Fongoids, though Qwark insisted on riding in the escape ship with them to ensure their safety... though Ratchet had the feeling that there was something else the former captain wanted to ask the group before they returned to their planet. A few seconds later Ratchet spotted the bolt crank that allowed him to launch the escape pod into space, to which Vorselon screamed at his minions as the group made their way down the path that their opponent had planned out for them in advance. They eventually came to a weapon vendor that was sitting in front of an elevator, to which they restocked their ammunition and rode down to the arena below them, where they discovered that Vorselon was essentially a head that was controlling a robotic body.

"Pitiful creatures! You have meddled in Dr. Nefarious' plans for the last time!" Vorselon declared, his voice sounding a little modified by his suit, "Prepare to be killed by... wait for it... LORD VORSELON! Hahahahaha!"

Ratchet and the others prepared themselves for what should be a tough fight, but Vorselon's attacks were apparently lightning based and Starlight was able to use a shield that negated everything he could send at them. Ratchet found it annoying that Vorselon only had one set of attacks that focused on one element, though within three minutes of starting the battle they had dismantled his armor and defeated him... to which his head case ran away and declared that this wasn't the last that they had seen of him. With that deed done they moved through a different door and found Aphelion waiting for them, to which they climbed into the ship and departed from Vorselon's warship.

While they left the warship behind, and let it move to wherever Vorselon's base was located, Qwark told them that he had learned that Azimuth was located on a planet called Torren IV, in the Vela Sector. Ratchet thanked Qwark for the information, once again happy that he was on their side these days, before Aphelion engaged the warp drive and they departed from the sector they were in.

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