• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Equus: Vacation

Sunset yawned as she pulled herself out of the bed that she had slept in the previous night, as Twilight had been kind enough to give her a room for the night, while at the same time doing the same thing for the rest of the group from the Polaris Galaxy. Twilight and Celestia, along with Starlight and Luna, had gone deep into the night learning about the responsibilities of both the Supreme Kai and the Angel, as two of them were interested in their new responsibilities while the other two were satisfying their own curiosity. Sunset knew that she needed to know what the others did, and had spent some time with them as they read through the book that the Grand Priest had given Twilight, but after everything that had happened that day, and her fight with Tirek, she had retired to the room she had been given and went to sleep.

She looked over at the stand that happened to be in the room when she walked through the door, where she had taken off her godly mantle and baggy style pants before climbing into bed, but after letting out a sigh she collected the components of her godly attire and pulled them back into place. Once her clothing was back in place she headed towards the door and opened it, to which she walked down the hallway and made her way towards the room where she had left the others. When she reached the library, where the others had retired with the book, she found that only Celestia and Luna were awake, which was understandable considering that they were the ones that had raised the sun and moon every day, for most of their seemingly immortal lives.

As Sunset took a few more steps into the library she discovered that Starlight happened to be sleeping on a nearby couch, while at the same time Twilight was sprawled over the piece of furniture she was laying on, apparently adapting to her new form with some ease.

"Good morning Sunset," Celestia commented, apparently noticing her former student, turned God of Destruction, enter the room that she and her sister were in, to which she held up a cup of coffee, where Sunset noticed that both of the sisters were drinking some as well, "I take it that you slept well?"

"I did," Sunset replied, taking the cup with her hand, while at the same time noticing that Celestia was already accustomed to using her new body, as if she had prior experience with a body that was similar to her new one, before shaking her head and taking a sip of the coffee, "Did either of you sleep, or have you been studying the book that the Grand Priest left for us?"

"I took several breaks during the night, to simply stretch my legs and get some rest," Luna spoke up, before she pointed at her sister with the quill that was held in her magical grasp, "my sister, on the other hand, has been studying the book and its contents all night long. I have long since satisfied my curiosity, the curiosity that relates to the responsibilities that the Supreme Kai and the Angel must fulfill, but I have kept my sister company when the others went to sleep... and I will admit that I feel jealous of young Twilight."

"Luna, you know the book mentions that a universe could have more than one Supreme Kai," Celestia said, to which she set the book down, which had been held in her magical grasp the entire time, and turned to her sister, "but, as the book says, it will take some time before we can raise someone else to that rank. Besides, I'm sure Twilight will be willing to share her experience with her new position, once she has some experience sowing the seeds of creation for new planets."

Sunset had to admit that she was a little curious about that process, but then decided that it was better if she let the knowledge of creation remain with Twilight, as it was now her role to oversee that part of the universe. She still wondered why Celestia had put forth Twilight's name, especially when she could have easily chosen her sister or even Starlight, but she guessed that her former instructor's explanation would have to do for now. As she thought about that she heard a yawn, or rather a growl that sounded like it had been mixed with a yawn, and noticed that Razor was sleeping in the corner of the library, though it appeared that he was waking up. She smiled and walked over to the cat, to which she rubbed its head for a few seconds, though once the cat was awake it licked her hand before it rose to its feet.

Sunset was somewhat glad that Angela and the others had installed a device that served as a quick way to the Hyperion, as that meant that they wouldn't have to worry about using magic all the time to get from the castle and travel to the ship. It also meant that Razor could easily return to the ship and get his meals whenever he was hungry, meaning that he didn't have to rely on them all the time, especially when some of them were going to be busy with their new responsibilities and wouldn't have the time to feed him at certain times.

"Twilight told me that she was interested in how you managed to acquire such a creature as a companion," Celestia commented, watching the strange cat passing through the doorway that had been created, heading aboard the ship that everyone called the Hyperion to eat his meal, before she turned to Sunset, "though I am sure that you have more interesting stories than how you befriended Razor."

"I'll be sure to tell her the story, one day anyway," Sunset stated, though at the same time she knew that it wasn't a very exciting story, as she had merely healed Razor's leg and he had, in turn, left his pack behind to become her companion, which in turn caused some of her enemies to run in terror, "Now that we have chosen who my Angel is, and determined who the Supreme Kai is, I think we can finally relax a little and not have to worry about anything."

"Twilight and Celestia will have to train with their new skills at some point in the future," Luna spoke up, glaring at her sister once more, indicating that she still believed that she was more deserving of the Supreme Kai position, but she made no further comment on that subject, "but, after everything you and Starlight have been through, I think a few days of rest and relaxation are in order... especially if you are to be a God of Destruction all the time."

Sunset nodded, glad that the two were actually agreeing with her, despite the fact that Celestia hadn't said anything about it, but before she actually said anything she heard the sound of more yawning. The trio watched as Starlight and Twilight stretched for a few seconds before they finally woke up, though that was followed by the noticing that they weren't alone. That was also followed by Angela and the others walking into the kitchen area, to which everyone gathered around the large table, which had been brought in from the ballroom and swapped with the one that had been sitting there, before they had their morning meal.

It was during that time that someone mentioned going back to Pokitaru, a vacation planet when they explained things to Twilight, Celestia, and Luna, where they could relax without anyone bothering them, unless another villain decided to come and bother them like the last time they had been there. When they all agreed with that plan, and they had finished with their meal, they moved into the gateway that was open and walked onto the Hyperion, where Angela and the rest of the original group had to explain things to the three ponies that had followed them aboard... and explain the existence of the holograms that were the AI's for the ship.

Celestia seemed to find it amusing that Sunset and Starlight had created so many ponies to live aboard the ship, to help them with managing the entirety of the systems that had been installed, while Twilight expressed her desire to learn about what the two ponies had done... and discovering that Luna was slightly amused, while saying nothing about it.

When they were all aboard the starship, and the connection to Equus was severed for the moment, Ratchet returned to his seat and started the sequence that would allow them to travel back to the Nefarious Space Station, as it was an easier location to jump to than the Great Clock. With the warp drive engaged, and everyone was seating in a chair or a couch, Ratchet slipped them into the warp space and allowed them to head back to the Polaris Galaxy, where he assumed that at least Orvus was waiting for their return.

"Is something bothering you Orvus?" Nefarious asked, noticing that the elderly Zoni was floating around the space station, in the same manner that he had seen many times when they were staring at the various aspects, but at the same time they had gathered together in the station, waiting for something.

"Nothing bad this time around," Orvus rapidly said, assuring Nefarious that nothing bad was supposed to be happening in the near future, though at the same time he knew that something could change at a moment's notice, "though we should be receiving some good news any minute now."

Nefarious opened his mouth to say something, especially after everything he had learned since he had started assisting Orvus and Sigmund in the Great Clock, but before he could say anything Lawrence came over to where they were standing at the moment. His butler, who he considered to be his greatest companion at this point in time, showed him the tablet that he was holding, to which he and Orvus discovered that something was coming through the warp space. Or, when Nefarious studied the reading more carefully, the object coming their way was the Starship Hyperion, though there were some additional readings that reminded him of Sunset.

It appeared that something had happened since Starlight and her companions, as well as the God of Destruction herself, traveled back to their home world, but he guessed that they would soon discover what was happening... while at the same time he suspected that Orvus knew what was coming.

A few seconds passed before the Hyperion tore through the warp system and appeared near his station, though as the three of them watched the ship they noticed that it was already starting to slow down. As the ship slowed down Nefarious had to wonder who the other three energy signatures belonged to, because from what he could tell they didn't belong to either Sunset or Starlight. They waited as the ship came to a stop and a magical gateway opened on the other section of the walkway that they were standing on, to which Nefarious noticed that the group was together and that nothing had happened to them... while at the same time noticing that there were two additional hybrid ponies, looking like Sunset despite their strange attire, and another pony walking beside them, only the third stranger was definitely an alicorn based on how she looked.

Nefarious noted that the three strangers had to be where the energy was coming from, because they seemed to be on a different scale than what Starlight was on at the moment.

"Lady Sunset, it is good to see you again," Orvus said, to which he, and by extent Nefarious and Lawrence, bowed to Sunset for a few seconds, before turning to the newcomers, "and I see that you were successful during your visit to your home world. I am Orvus, the Supreme Kai of Time for Universe 13. Who do I have the honor of addressing?"

"I am Celestia, the newly appointed Angel for Sunset," Celestia replied, politely bowing to the group for a few seconds, before she turned to the rest of her group, "this is my sister, Princess Luna, and Twilight Sparkle, the newly appointed Supreme Kai for Universe 13."

"It is a pleasure to meet the two of you," Orvus said, to which he looked at them for a moment, taking in their new forms and the clothing they were wearing, before nodding for a few seconds, "All I can assume is that the two of you were chosen by the Grand Priest during his visit to your home planet, but I will not ask that you tell me about what he said, as I can determine what happened. So, what can I and Nefarious help you with today?"

"We were thinking of taking a break and heading to Pokitaru for a day or two of vacation," Sunset replied, knowing that Luna would have to go back to raise the moon, and she guessed the sun as well if Celestia insisted on staying near her, "though I was curious if you heard anything about the other villains."

"Everything has been quiet in the Polaris Galaxy," Nefarious answered, finally glad to have a chance to speak, while at the same time reflecting to take an opportunity to introduce himself to the group, while at the same time pulling out his own tablet and calling some images of the planets into existence around them, "I've heard rumors that there are some bandit groups forming in the Bogon Galaxy, though at the same time there hasn't been anything major in the Solana Galaxy. For the most part the three galaxies are safe at the moment, so none of you should have to worry about anything ruining your vacation and your sightseeing."

"I also agree that having some time off is essential for anyone, be they a normal person or the God of Destruction herself," Orvus commented, a smile appearing on his face, to which he beckoned towards the ship they had been traveling in, "You should be able to reach Pokitaru within an hour, maybe two, but you should be able to enjoy yourselves before yo have to return to your duties."

Sunset, knowing that Orvus was the Supreme Kai of Time and watched over the timelines from the Great Clock, knew that there was something that the elderly Zoni wasn't telling them, which meant that she needed to be on her guard. Just because Nefarious was on their side, and told them that there were no reports of suspicious movements in the three galaxies they had already liberated from their tyrants, didn't mean that someone wasn't looking to cause trouble. She suspected that they would eventually find someone who wanted her dead, because she knew that there were idiotic people who insisted on pestering her until she ended up killing them... though Qwark and Nefarious were the only exceptions to that rule.

As some of the group turned back to the magical gateway they had walked through Starlight turned back to Nefarious and asked if he was going to take some time off as well, almost as if she was inviting him to join them, but the doctor politely declined and stated that he had some former acquaintances he wanted to check up on, just to be sure that the villains he knew weren't causing problems somewhere. With the answer received Starlight followed everyone into the gateway and returned to the ship, though when everyone was aboard the vessel she closed the gateway and they reentered the warp system.

It didn't take them long to reach the space near Pokitaru, though Ratchet brought them out of the warp space with some distance between them and the planet. It gave Angela time to ask the manager if they could rent out the private suite, like they had done after Ratchet and his sisters had been freed from Dreadzone, while at the same time allowing Celestia, Luna, and Twilight to stare at the planet they were approaching. Sunset, on the other hand, knew that some of them wouldn't be staying very long, as she knew that Luna, at the very least, would be needed back in Canterlot so she could deal with the nobles and their annoying politics... unless she and Celestia closed the courts and had told the ponies of Canterlot that they would be gone for the majority of the day.

As Angela put down her tablet, and started to tell everyone that they had the suite for a few days, a few ships appeared on the radar, though Sunset stared in the direction they were coming from and prepared herself, because she assumed that they might have walked into a trap of some kind.

"Greetings to the inhabitants of the Starship Hyperion," a voice said over the intercoms, one that sounded robotic and reminded Ratchet and the others of Captain Slag, but they knew he was dead and gone at this point, "this is Captain Ironbeard, the new ruler of this part of the Solana Galaxy. You are hereby ordered to stand down and surrender your cargo to us, as well as the one called Sunset Shimmer, so that she may be punished for her actions against the pirate formerly known as Captain Slag and his lieutenants."

"Great, another nuisance reveals itself," Sunset commented, to which she raised a hand to stop everyone from talking all at once, "I'll just obliterate them... no use wasting ammunition on them."

Celestia seemed to be caught off guard by the fact that Sunset was taking direct action against the pirates, and was planning on simply destroying them, but she simply shook her head and beckoned for Sunset to be about her business. With the nod of approval from Celestia received Sunset opened a small portal so she could jump over to the other ships, as she intended on taking them out one by one until only the captain remained.

As Sunset stepped onto the enemy ship she noticed several of the pirates were preparing themselves for the eventual assault if the Hyperion didn't surrender to them, which they seemed to know wouldn't be happening, but she found it funny that no one had noticed her yet. She decided to see how long she could remain there without them discovering her presence, to which she closed the portal and crossed her arms behind her back, all while watching the robotic pirates go about their business.

"Listen up ladies," someone shouted, someone that Sunset assumed was the lieutenant of this ship, to which the robotic pirate walked through the door and completely missed who was standing beside it, "the captain wants us prepared for the assault on the Hyperion, which will be in a few minutes if they follow the pattern that our leader has discovered. Soon we will have the so called God of Destruction tied up, and then we can do whatever we want... which means that we can begin a new age of piracy with the leaders of the various organizations taken out."

"And what about the Bogon and Polaris Galaxies?" one of the other pirates called out in return, which was followed by some of the others muttering their agreement to what their comrade had said, "Aren't there heroes and Jedi in those galaxies that will come once we burn their headquarters down?"

"And the captain has a plan for that," the lieutenant replied, though he said so with a hint of joy in his voice, "Soon we shall bring an end to the order they had brought to the universe and bring about an age of chaos that will make the last age look like nothing in comparison!"

"Well, that's not good news for anyone," Sunset said, to which the entirety of the pirates turned around and noticed that she was standing near the door, though that was followed by them getting their weapons and pointing them at her, "and, unfortunately for you, this will be the last day you ever see."

One of the pirates charged at her and swung his weapon at her, as it was one of the energy swords that she recalled them carrying at times, though all she did was catch it between her pointer and middle fingers, much to her opponent's surprise. That was rapidly followed by her touching his chest and releasing a small burst of energy, which destroyed her opponent's chest and killed him instantly. The other pirates charged at her and started firing their weapons at her, though she merely danced around them and used some of her magic to impale them with spikes made out of pure destructive energy. That also meant that anything they came into contact with exploded, so she made sure to send them flying into key parts of the area around them and started tearing the ship apart.

When all of the pirates were taken care of, and she forcefully tied the lieutenant to the engine with her magic, she flew outside the ship and detonated her magic, blowing a massive hole in the first ship, while at the same time hearing that the other two ships were starting to move away from the destruction.

Sunset smiled as the two remaining ships sent out their flyers to deal with her, to which she noticed at least thirty enemy vessels coming her way as she maneuvered them away from the Hyperion. As they followed her she called on her magic and summoned several cylinder shaped objects, which would look like cans to those that weren't very observant, before she threw them at the ships that were following her. The cylinders expanded into javelins, ones that were made of pure energy, and collided with the enemy ships, to which the unfortunate ones exploded and caused some of the others to change their direction before they were hit... but Sunset merely took control of the magic and sent them flying into the closest enemies.

With that attack done she moved towards the large ship that was close to where she was flying and grinned as she wrapped her magic around her hand, though she allowed it to take on the shape of a blade before she swung her hand, which was followed by a large wave of energy, like the Getsuga Tenshou she had used many times in the past, cutting into the ship and detonating with enough force to tear the entire vessel to pieces. She then danced around the remaining ships that were still following her, which she suspected from robotic pirates that were programmed to feel no pain, though at the same time she loosed a stream of magical missiles that tore her targets to pieces... before she fired a larger charge at the final ship and blew it into a thousand pieces.

Once all of her enemies had been dealt with Sunset came to a stop and studied the area around her, waiting to see if there were any other enemies that wanted to reveal themselves... though that was when a large ship, one even larger than the Hyperion, exited the warp space and came to a stop near where Sunset was floating. She assumed that this was the flagship of her newest enemy, though at the same time she didn't care what the pirate wanted, which was why she moved her hands together and called upon her power. A few seconds later she pulled them apart and summoned a large ball of destructive energy, colored fire red like everything else, and sent it soaring at the pirates... effectively obliterating them from the universe with a single blow.

When the smoke cleared she smiled when she discovered that her enemies had been taken care of, to which she teleported back to the Hyperion and allowed them to head back down to the planet they had been heading to the entire time, knowing that it was time for them to finally rest from everything that had happened over the last few days. As they headed down to the resort area she reflected on when Discord would have some news about when one of the other displaced ponies would return to their home world... but for the moment she decided to take her mind off of everything else and relax, until she was needed to fulfill her responsibilities once more.

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