• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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R/C: Gemlik

Unlike the flights to the previous planets, where each of them had some level of relaxation before their arrival, Ratchet and his siblings were busy preparing for their arrival at the Gemlik moon base, where they knew they would find a massive amount of Drek's soldiers waiting for them. Clank, on the other hand, remained in the front of the ship, allowing the auto pilot to fly them to their destination while making sure that they didn't run into anything in the middle of space. It gave Ratchet and his siblings time to prepare their weapons, fix up their gadgets and whatever armor that Sunset was trying to craft for her siblings.

Starlight focused on going over the various holo-plans that she had already created, the ones that Mr. Gadget had put into production and had already produced anyway, and reflected on how to improve them for the coming trials. She had a variety of weapons that she had downright rejected after completing their plans, though there were a few components on those weapons that she knew she could use to augment their existing weapons. Of the crates in the cargo area she found several that had weapon pieces, one that she had asked Clank how they got their hands on, only to discover that they had been dropped off by an unknown ally on Hoven... as if they had been in thanks for destroying the PlanetBuster.

Sunset, on the other hand, devoted half of her time to trying to create armor for her and her siblings, though she was disappointed when she found that there wasn't a vast amount of metal and components that she could use to craft anything. She had planned on giving Ratchet a chest piece that would protect him from enemies that targeted the chest area, but thanks to the small amount of components that she had to work with she knew that she couldn't do that. She made do with what they had and built a gauntlet that Ratchet could wear on his left hand, one that was designed to expand outwards and form the gauntlet when her brother thought the command. She was using similar commands that the Pilot's Helmet used, so that way it was much easier for her brother to use the gauntlet without having to learn another series of commands.

The other half of her time was devoted to researching the various spells that she had found, wondering if her new magic could mimic the powers that the people of Old Earth had found. She seriously hated to admit it, but the more she learned about her magical abilities, and what she was truly capable of, the more she wanted to expand her existing knowledge and learn more spells. She knew that she was far from mastering all of her abilities, but she needed every spell she could get her hands on so they had a lot of options when it came time to fight Chairman Drek. She and Starlight shared every spell that they found, intending to increase the amount of spells that they knew, but Starlight also admitted that the 'voice' spells that Sunset had found might be beyond her abilities at the moment.

When they got closer to the moon base Sunset immediately started scanning the area, purely to figure out the layout of the base and to determine how many soldiers were waiting for them. She still had the feeling that Chairman Drek had purposely lured them to this location so he could dispose of them, which only made her wonder what trap they could potentially be walking into.


When they finally arrived at the moon base Ratchet brought the ship down on a landing pad that was on the outer area of the base, giving them the opportunity to restock their weapons as the scans finished running. Ratchet and Clank looked over the layout of the path that they were going to take, because there was only one path from their current location that lead into the actual base. Starlight reviewed the various defenses that were scattered throughout the base, thinking of ways to overcome the towers that they had seen when they had flown into the landing area. They wanted to be absolutely sure that they knew everything they could about the base before they got underway, during which they occasionally looked out from their area to be sure that their enemies hadn't noticed their arrival.

Sunset, on the other hand, was focused on one of the readings that she had taken, one that was on the other side of the moon base and revealed someone that all four of them wanted to punish for what he had done to them. Captain Qwark was here, on the other side of the moon base, which only told her that Drek had sent him to deal with the problem that he had failed to resolve the first time... which only made her more angry.

"I do not see Drek's ship anywhere." Clank commented, having finished going over the readings and determined that their target had already left the area, "We must have missed him!"

"Who knows where Chairman Drek and Captain Qwark was now!" Ratchet moaned, more annoyed that they couldn't catch Drek and end this madness, "If we're going to catch either of them we'll need a faster ship."

"Perhaps we can find such a ship at this station," Starlight said, knowing that her own reading indicated that there was one such ship on the other side of the base, before she noticed something different about her sister, "Um... Sunset, are you feeling okay?"

Sunset had, while her siblings were talking, held her hands over the visor that protected her face from the space around them, because she had felt something unusual happen to her eyes. When Starlight looked at Sunset, which was when she lowered her hands from her visor, she caught a gasp before it could escape, because her sister's eyes were different now. Her normal cyan colored eyes had changed to an eerie golden color, though the sclera around them, which was usually white, had turned pitch black. It was almost like something dark and terrifying had awoken in her sister, though she apparently hadn't noticed the change save for the fact that her eyes hurt.

"Qwark... he's here," Sunset growled, feeling her anger rise as she looked in the direction that the Captain was supposed to be located in, which only made her approach the end of their platform, "Let's get this show on the road!"

Before either Ratchet, Clank, or Starlight could say anything Sunset leapt into the air, but then they were amazed as she sailed over to the small bird like robots that were waiting for them, smashing her fist into one of them and shattering it into pieces. As she hit the ground the rest of the robotic birds lowered to the ground and attacked her, but she swung her arm and slammed her fist into one of their heads. As the robots focused on her Ratchet and Starlight attacked from behind, using their handheld weapons to take out the robots so they didn't accidentally hurt their sister with a missile or with flames. When only one robot remained Sunset grabbed onto one of its wings and swung it around, sending it right into the tower that was standing behind Ratchet and destroying it, including the barrier it generated.

Once the first group of enemies had been dealt with Sunset immediately wanted to move on, but Ratchet stopped her the moment he noticed that her fingernails had sharpened into claws.

"Calm down Sunset," Ratchet said, though he was surprised by how feral his sister had acted, as he had never seen her act like this in all the years they had lived together.

"I'll calm down when we've dealt with Qwark." Sunset replied, charging up the steps that rested beside them and zeroing in on the next group of enemies, with her siblings following behind her.

The next area had six more of the flying robots moving around above where they were standing, though they also noticed that there was a soldier from Drek's research station walking around as well. As Sunset launched herself up to one of the flying robots and raked her new claws into it, though Starlight noticed that there was some form of actual gravity around the station, otherwise her sister would have flown off into the depths of space in an instant. The soldier turned his gun on Sunset as she landed beside him, but that turned out to be a distraction as a Devastator missile hit him in the chest and tore him to pieces. Neither Ratchet or Starlight bothered with the flying robots, allowing their now more feral like sister to tear them out of the air and smash them into pieces.

Neither of them were sure what was happening to Sunset, though Ratchet and Starlight, having seen the eerie eyes that she now possessed, believed that it was her sudden discovery of her magic that was changing her personality.

Once the last of the little robots had been taken care of Starlight turned her Devastator on the second tower and blew it to pieces, opening the way and revealing a soldier that was using a turret, though he was protected from damage from the front thanks to a glass wall of sorts. Ratchet and Starlight looked at their enemy for a moment, wondering if they should utilize the barrier spell that Starlight had used once or twice in the past, but the decision was made for them in the end. Sunset sailed through the false air and landed behind the turret, to which the soldier turned around in surprise seconds before her fist tore the poor guy to pieces. She then turned to the door that was blocking their way, but that was when Ratchet and Starlight discovered that she was waiting for them to catch up with her.

Ratchet, upon walking up to his sister, discovered that the door was locked with an Invinco-Lock, so he sighed as he pulled out the Trespasser and slid it into the lock. A minute later he retraced the gadget with a grin on his face, allowing the door to slide open and reveal what the three of them would have to deal with next. Another turret rested in their way, though as Sunset got ready to leap over to the the turret's back Ratchet held her back and pointed at the path that had been built into the side of the area, telling her that they could deal with it without her doing what she was planning on doing.

Ratchet had to admit that his theory about his sister's change in attitude had to have some truth behind it, because Sunset merely growled as he told her to stay put and stayed where she was standing, where he noticed that she seemed to have adopted the posture of a wild fox or something. Starlight ran out into the open and the turret started to fire at her, but as she jumped around and annoyed the shooter Ratchet got onto the upper path and took out the three little robots that he found there, before walking down behind the turret and taking the shooter out. Before beckoning for Sunset to join them he found another Invinco-Lock to deal with, so he pulled the gadget back out and went to work on the lock for a minute or two, before it opened up.

Once that was done he stashed the gadget away and beckoned for Sunset to join them, though he was starting to worry about the impact her magic was having on his sister, because it really seemed like he and Starlight were looking at someone else. Sure, all of them were angry at what Captain Qwark had done to them and were planning on dealing with it when they found him, but he was beginning to suspect that, as she was the older sibling, her anger at Qwark was much greater than both his and Starlight's own anger. Qwark had hurt both him and Starlight as well, so her desire to get back at him was likely to be much greater than either of them could muster on their own.

The moment Sunset was standing beside them again she noticed the turret that was sitting out in the open and growled, before bursting through the fake air and landing behind the soldier, to which she tore him down in seconds. Ratchet and Starlight moved up to the empty turret and found a path on their right, one that had three more of the little robots running around what they assumed were poison containers. Ratchet pulled out his Blaster and took a shot at the closed container to where they were standing, wrecking all of the containers that were standing there and tearing the robots to pieces with the poison clouds that erupted from the destruction. As Ratchet did that Sunset looked over the edge to the left of the turret, to which she found two more soldiers staring up at her in fear, before she grinned and leapt into the lowered walkway.

"She is staring to scare me," Clank commented, though he was secretly wondering how much anger and hate the Cazar was feeling to make her adopt what she was doing at the moment, as his data banks held no records of her race going over the edge like she currently was doing at the moment.

"She'll be fine once we deal with Qwark," Ratchet stated, but even as he said that statement he had to wonder if getting back at Qwark would allow them to start healing, or if it was going to cause more harm in the long run.

Starlight, seeing a piece of one of the poison containers sitting on the floor in front of them, wrapped her magic around the piece of metal and chucked it through the air, sending in on a collision course with the tower that was keeping the barrier up. She then noticed that there was a airship in the middle of the area she opened, one that appeared to be waiting for them to step into the room so it could begin firing at them. She then got an idea on how to quickly remove the airship before it could hit any of them, so she turned to Sunset for a moment and beckoned to the enemy waiting for them. Sunset grinned and burst into the air, using her newfound speed to sail on top of the airship and slam her fist into the cockpit, taking out the pilot in an instant.

Before she destroyed the ship itself the door behind her opened, allowing her to spot two more airships waiting for them, so she ducked into the cockpit and turned her ship's guns on the new arrivals, blowing them out of the air within seconds. She then turned her ship on the poison containers that were waiting outside the room, getting rid of them and any unfortunate enemies, before she leapt out of the cockpit and destroyed the ship. She then walked out into the area passed the room that Starlight had opened up, searching for additional enemies to get rid of while her siblings caught up with her.

Starlight made an effort to record everything that was different about her sister, just in the off chance that Sunset didn't remember what was happening at this moment... but she suspected that the information she was gathering would be used in some other manner. She also made sure to collect every bolt that was lying on the ground, because she also had the feeling that they would need every bolt they could get their hands on when they caught up with Drek.

The group walked to the door that Sunset had opened when she had taken out everyone in the immediate area, revealing an elevator that would take them into the base. However, the ride down was incredibly short, which told Starlight that it was merely meant to move people from the outside area and deposit them on the inside area. When the door in front of them opened they found four more of the flying robots moving around above their heads, to which Ratchet merely patted Sunset on the shoulder for a second. Sunset leapt across the gap and latched onto one of the robot's legs, dragging it to the ground before she used her claws to cut out the power module that was powering her enemy. The other three robots came down seconds later, but Ratchet, Clank, and Starlight watched as she merely repeated the process until all four of their enemies were dead.

Starlight noticed the rising liquid poison that rested between where she and Ratchet were currently standing and where Sunset was standing, so she engaged her magic and created a walkway for her and Ratchet to join their sister. They then turned to the right and found another chamber that was filled with the same rising liquid, so Starlight repeated the process and created a walkway that connected to the platform in the middle of the room, before extending it to the other tunnel they would be heading down. Once they had crossed the chamber Ratchet spotted another gap in front of them, though on the other side he noticed three more of Drek's soldiers waiting for them to arrive. He shared a glance with Starlight, who nodded her silent agreement, before patting Sunset once more, allowing their feral sister to sail through the air and strike their enemies.

"This seems wrong," Clank commented, noticing that neither Ratchet nor Starlight were using their weapons very much, to which he determined that they were taking advantage of the changes in their sister.

"I'd rather not fight with her in this state," Ratchet replied, pulling out his Swingshot as he waited for the enemies to be finished off, "Arguing with her never worked in the past, because most of the time she was right while the rest of the time either Starlight or I were right in what we were arguing about. This time, however, her anger and rage towards Qwark is preventing her from focusing on anything other than revenge, resulting in what we are now seeing. Even if we wanted to have her hang back and not kill everything, which might be impossible at this rate, she'd figure out a way to get back into the fight."

"I hate taking advantage of her current state, but we might as well let her vent her anger," Starlight added, knowing that her sister had a lot of anger to blow off before she reverted back to her normal self, or at least she hoped that Sunset would return to her normal self, "She'll return to normal once we've cleared this base out."

Ratchet would have said more, but then he noticed that Sunset beckoned with one of her arms, to which he waited for the liquid to lower before he swung to the other side. Starlight, on the other hand, merely made another bridge and walked across, joining her siblings at a point where they could see what was in their way. They found a rail system that would take them down into the area below them, which would make them walk around and avoid the orange poison until they approached the other exit. Starlight, not wanting to bother with this, created a walkway that allowed them to walk over to the other exit without having to worry about the poison below them. They found another soldier waiting for them, but this time flames danced around Sunset's right hand and she threw it at the poison containers near the soldier, taking him out and clearing the path for them.

They then found another chamber filled with rising and lowering poison, but before Ratchet could plan out what they needed to do Starlight created a walkway that descended towards the platform below them, allowing them to reach their destination without hurting themselves. The elevator they found took them back up to the outside area, though when the door opened they found two more of the flying robots waiting for them. Sunset leapt out of the elevator and smashed the first one into the floor, before turning around and planting her foot in its chest area, shattering the power module and reducing the pair of robots into a pile of scrap. They found a barrier blocking their way, though as Ratchet started to wonder how to bring it down Sunset found three more robots to rip out of the air, revealing an area that would allow them to break the tower that powered the barrier.

"Hey Sunset," Starlight said, causing her sister to turn to her for a moment, to which she pointed a hoof at the tower, "Go crazy and break that tower down."

Ratchet watched as Sunset grinned and sailed into the chamber that was blocked off, where she smashed the tower that powered the barrier, before turning to her right for a moment and smashing into the airship that had been patiently waiting for them to arrive. The door opened to reveal a trio of flying robots that lowered to the ground, but this time Sunset leapt back to where Ratchet was standing as he loosed a Devastator missile. It tore into one of the poison containers and blew all of the robots to pieces, including the rest of the containers so that their journey forward was much easier. Before they moved through the next area they spotted three soldiers sitting behind turrets, but as they started firing Ratchet noticed that there wasn't anyway to get to them.

That was before Starlight pulled him over to another Trespasser pad, to which he started hacking into the Invinco-Lock while Sunset remained in front of the turrets, jumping around and keeping their attention on her. When the door was open, and the soldiers manning the turrets were vulnerable, Ratchet threw a minion sphere out and the little robots rushed out and tore the soldiers down. Once that was done they rejoined Sunset, who had moved further down the path and was staring at the eight flying robots that were flying around the area in front of her. Ratchet also spotted two soldiers that were fully prepared to fight them, though this time he had Sunset stay back in case the door behind the soldiers opened and revealed an airship that was waiting for them.

As he and Starlight tore into the little robots and the soldiers, which was easy thanks to the Pyrocitor taking care of the robots, the door behind the soldiers did open and revealed two airships that had their guns trained on where they were standing.

"Sunset!" Ratchet shouted, taking out one of the soldiers as the airships moved their guns towards him and Starlight, "Take them out!"

Seconds later Sunset sailed right into the cockpit of the first airship, smashing the pilot the moment she impacted it, though this time she had angled her attack so that the force of her strike would make it collide with the second airship, taking both of them out in a minute or two. As her siblings dealt with the rest of their enemies, blowing them up with their weapons, she moved up onto the platform that would take them around the building Ratchet had opened the door on, finding a second set of turret enemies that didn't have a weak point by the looks of it. Sunset growled as she approached the first one, slamming her left fist into the glass and shattering it in seconds, causing the soldier to scream as she got rid of him.

When Ratchet and Starlight caught up with her they found three broken turrets and three dead soldiers, though Sunset appeared to be waiting for them so they could move on together. They found another elevator that allowed them to descend into the next area, but this time it turned around so that they would be upside down for a time. Starlight resorted to using a spell that mimicked the ability of the boots that Ratchet was wearing, to keep herself and Sunset from falling on their heads until it was time to let go. When the door opened the three of them found what appeared to be an army of robots birds that had a force of soldiers working beside them, along with what appeared to be seven dispensers that restocked the birds every now and then.

"By the Maker," Starlight commented, taking in how many enemies there were and wondering if she needed to use the RYNO to clean all of them up, "that's a lot of enemies. So, shall we use our weapons to get rid of them, or shall we loose the beast?"

Ratchet looked over at Sunset, whose eerie eyes were lingering on the enemies that they were staring at, but he already knew that she was thinking at the moment. Truth be told he was eager to use up all of Sunset's rage and anger so that she'd return to normal, though he did catch the fact that she was starting to pant from the amount of fighting she was doing. He had to believe that his sister's rage was quickly reaching its limit, which she believed would mean that the moment it ran out she would return to normal. He sighed for a moment before patting Sunset's shoulder, to which Starlight nodded as she undid the spell she had cast on her sister, allowing Sunset to drop into the area below them.

The moment she landed the soldiers pointed their weapons at her and signaled the charge for the little robots to engage their enemy, which resulted in all of the little robots surging towards her. Sunset growled and allowed power to gather in her hands, to which she spun around and released a gale of wind that pushed everyone of her enemies backwards. Once that was done she went on the offensive, weaving around the sea of enemies and making her way to the outer area, where she slammed her fist into the dispensers and destroyed the devices in seconds. When one dispenser fell she moved onto the next one, avoiding her enemies until she had removed all of the devices that would spawn more of the little robots, until they were all gone and she finally engaged the horde of enemies that had been following her.

"So, even in her feral state she retains her intelligence," Clank commented, watching what was happening as Ratchet and Starlight slowly lowered themselves into the area, "Most impressive."

As Sunset fought on one side of the massive chamber, keeping the enemies focused on her, Ratchet and Starlight took out the enemies that stayed at the back of the pack, making it easier for their sister to do what she was doing. Once all of the enemies were dealt with the door behind them opened, though while that happened Ratchet noticed that Sunset was definitely getting tired, because she was starting to huff every now and then. He also noticed that her claws were halfway gone at this point, telling him that she was definitely running low on whatever was fueling her transformation into her feral state.

They moved through the new door and rode the elevator back up to the outer area once more, though this time they found a set of spiral steps that allowed them to walk out to the area that they had seen on their earlier readings. As Sunset stepped out of the stair area, and her siblings followed her, she found the person that she was eager to get back at for what happened on Umbris.

"QWARK!" Sunset roared, bursting into the air the moment she spotted the Captain, who had been staring at the staircase the entire time as if he had been expecting them.

Ratchet and Starlight expected their sister to reach the Captain in seconds and knock him onto the floor, so that way they all could beat some sense into the man that had betrayed them and the galaxy, but that didn't happen. Qwark apparently had his fist at the ready, because the moment Sunset reached him his right hand was in motion before she even realized it was coming. As she reached for the Captain's face, to force him into the ground, his fist came into contact with the left side of her head, knocking her to the side while shattering the glass of her mask.

"Sunset!" Starlight shouted, though as she ran over to her sister Ratchet leapt into the air and brought his wrench down on where the Captain was standing, only for Qwark to jump back and disappear into a starfighter.

While Starlight cared for Sunset, who had been knocked out by the surprise attack, Ratchet and Clank jumped into the ship that resting behind them, allowing them the opportunity to take off and bring the fight to the Captain. Ratchet then discovered that Qwark had been expecting him to follow, because he started a one sided conversation while he attempted to shoot them down. The rest of the enemies that resided in the moon base flew out to join Qwark, where they started firing at Ratchet as he attempted to avoid them and shoot down Qwark as well. He heard an angry yell over the intercom the moment he destroyed the first of the six engines that Qwark's ship had, which only brought a smile to Ratchet's face as he continued to fire at his enemy.

"I owe you one..." Qwark started to say, but then he decided to cut himself off as Ratchet tore the second engine off of his starfighter, "Why you son of a..."

When the second engine fell Qwark turned his starfighter around and turned on a tractor beam of sorts, keeping Ratchet's ship in one position as he loosed a barrage of missiles at him, where Ratchet returned the favor by blowing the missiles up until the tractor beam failed. As Qwark moved out of the way Ratchet made sure that his next pair of missiles hit their target, blowing the third engine, and a section of the ship, to pieces. A shield sprung to life around the starfighter as the rest of Chairman Drek's ships zeroed in on where Ratchet was, forcing him to focus on getting rid of the annoying pests while Qwark moved away from him.

It took some time, but Ratchet eventually took out all of the fighters that had come to Qwark's aid, where he found that the shield had been lowered and resumed firing upon his true target. When the fourth engine was destroyed, and another section of the starfighter followed afterwards, Qwark shouted that Ratchet was going to pay for what he had done, but Ratchet didn't care at the moment. When the fifth engine failed Ratchet heard the Captain taunting him and telling him to catch him if he could, which only annoyed Ratchet more than he already was. As he tore into the sixth and final engine he heard Qwark pleading for his life, saying that they should let bygones be bygones while trying to save his own skin.

Ratchet sighed and pressed the missile button one last time, letting the ship's final missile tear into the final engine and blow it to pieces, which resulted in Qwark's starfighter spinning out of control as it headed towards the planet below them. As the ship went down he heard one last transmission from the former hero, saying that Ratchet had passed some sort of 'test' before he started screaming at the top of his lungs as he collided with the planet below them. Once the deed was done Ratchet returned to where his sisters were waiting, depositing the ship in the hanger he had gotten it from before running over to where Sunset was resting.

"How is she?" Ratchet asked, kneeling beside Sunset while Starlight was looking at her tablet, no doubt because she had taken some readings to be sure that Sunset hadn't been seriously hurt.

"It appears that she'll be fine, save for the bruise she'll have for a few days," Starlight said, glancing at Clank for a moment, as the robot had found a faster ship and another Infobot, "Clank, do you think we can still use the ship we used to get here?"

"It is on route as we speak," Clank replied, a light chuckle escaping his lips for a moment, "I anticipated that we might need more than one ship if the one we found here was small, and it appears that I was correct in that regard, so I activated a signal that will bring the other ship to us. Now then, we should see what Chairman Drek is up to this time."

The Infobot revealed that the rest of Drek's soldiers were currently in the process of attacking the planet below them, no doubt following the orders that he had given them. The news robot seemed to have suffered some damage as well and there appeared to be someone who was running around like a mad man, though Ratchet was glad that they had already dealt with most of the forces that were supposed to be attacking Oltanis. Before Ratchet could say anything about the situation on the planet below them, and he was sure that Starlight and Clank had their own opinions as well, he heard something that he wasn't expecting.

"Self Destruct Sequence Initiated" a recording said, one that sounded a lot like Chairman Drek and seemed to come from all around the moon base, "Prepare to Die you Insolent Brats!"

As the station started its built in self destruct sequence Ratchet noticed the ship they had taken from Umbris come into the area they were in and landed near the staircase they had taken to reach this point, just as Clank had promised. Before he made his way over to the faster ship he helped Starlight carry Sunset onto the second ship, before telling her to strap themselves in and closing the door behind him. He quickly made his way to the other ship, where he found Clank waiting for him, and strapped himself in, before starting the ship and heading towards the planet below them, with the ship carrying his sisters not far behind. He barely looked back as the moon base exploded, knowing that Chairman Drek was going to be annoyed when he figured out that they were still alive.

He breathed a sigh of relief that they had overcome the trap that Chairman Drek had set for them, though he knew that they were getting closer to the end of their journey... and the inevitable battle with Drek himself.


Chairman Drek frowned as he looked at the screen that showed him the Gemlik moon base, watching his enemies move throughout the entire base and slaughter his troops. He zeroed in on Sunset once, raising an eyebrow when she entered her feral state and charged at the soldiers that opposed her, somehow overpowering everything that was in her path. It was almost as if he was looking at a different person when the beast emerged, because she didn't act like the warrior she had been before her arrival at the moon base. Her anger and hatred towards Qwark had fueled some sort of evolution in Sunset, something that both he and his head scientist hadn't been expecting.

He was at least pleased that Qwark had gone down with the starfighter, because that removed one annoyance from his life that he didn't have to deal with himself anymore. Even the destruction of the moon base failed to remove Ratchet, Clank, Starlight, and Sunset from the equation, which only fueled his anger towards the family that stood in his way.

"Shall I call on your elite soldiers?" his head scientist asked, having waited until he was sure that Drek was in a better mood than he had been when the news of the station had come in, but he had determined that his boss' mood wasn't about the change anytime soon.

Drek sighed as the picture zoomed in on the pair of ships that departed from the moon base, one that had been the ship that was stolen from Qwark's base on Umbris and the second being a highly advanced ship that he had developed for his own personal use in the future. He was getting tired of the 'heroes' stealing his gadgets, weapons, and ships, because they were being turned against him and he was growing tired of being annoyed. He also thought about the question for a moment, wondering if he should just call the entirety of his elite forces in and send them to Gadgetron, so that way he could remove the people that supplied his enemies with ammunition.

"Call all of them in and tell them that I have a high ranking mission for all of them," Chairman Drek finally said, his screen moving to show the headquarters of Gadgetron for a moment, "I'm going to hit these 'heroes' with everything I've got... even if it means that I have to destroy Gadgetron as well."

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