• Published 7th May 2016
  • 4,740 Views, 1,953 Comments

Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Equus: Tartarus

The three princesses followed the group to where the ships they used to reach the planet were located, once again surprising Twilight by the technology that was being presented to her, before Ratchet asked where on the planet the entrance to Tartarus was located. It was then that Ratchet and the others discovered that they really didn't need to use their ships to begin with, as the gateway happened to be located in a clearing that rested near the ruined castle that Celestia and Luna used to rule from. Considering that they were pressed for time, with a creature that the Wardens of Tartarus feared enough to call for aid when he revolted, the group had to wonder why they were wasting time like this.

"Tirek won't be able to escape Tartarus fully this time, not without taking out each and every Warden that patrols the land of the damned," Luna commented, to which she beckoned with a wing and headed towards the Everfree Forest, where Ratchet and the others followed after her and the other alicorns, "which could explain why he's trying to create anarchy; he wants to turn the prisoners against the Wardens so they'll be hunted down, all without wasting the time and energy to take them out himself. To be honest I am surprised that he hasn't tried something like this in the past, but he must not have known that the Wardens had a back up plan in case he decided to act up."

"Who is this Tirek?" Azimuth asked, speaking the question that was currently on the mind of everyone except for the alicorns, Starlight, and Sunset, "I take it he's some sort of monster that you sealed away to prevent him from hurting your people, or something to that effect I wager."

"At one point in time he went by the name 'Lord' Tirek," Celestia commented, though at the same time she used her magic to move some of the branches out of her way as they walked through the entrance of the forest they had approached, "He's a being that absorbs the magic of others, forcefully I might add, and grows when he reaches a certain milestone in the amount of power he steals. The first time we dealt with him we had the help of his brother, which was why Luna and I were able to seal him in Tartarus all those years ago. Then he escaped from Tartarus, without anyone realizing it, and began his rampage, to which Twilight and her friends used the power of Harmony to send him back to his prison, though instead he was sent to Nirn..."

"Which was where I went when I wanted to return home for a few weeks," Sunset added, remembering what had happened when she had stepped through the mirror, and the battle that she had gone through in order to best the demonic centaur, "I scoured Nirn, collected artifacts with the purpose of making sure that they didn't fall into Tirek's hands, and eventually had to fight him myself, where I fulfilled a prophecy and ascended to my alicorn form. The two of us sort of transformed the landscape around us, which was because Tirek's power caused destruction and had nothing to do with what I was becoming. Then I shattered his magic and let the Wardens take him back to Tartarus without most of his magic, which means that he had to have recovered much faster than what anyone could have expected."

"Wait, this monster can absorb magic?" Qwark asked, to which the three alicorns, and Sunset, nodded their heads for a few seconds as they walked through the forest, "Our God of Destruction's powers run on magic, so doesn't that mean that we're practically handing him the power to obliterate the universe?"

"I don't intend to give him the chance to do that," Sunset commented, though at the same time she noticed that one of the Ursa Majors was staring at them as they walked through the forest, to which it backed away when it noticed that she was staring at it, "I learned my lesson the last time he and I crossed paths, after he stole quite a bit of power from some important people I knew, though this time it will be a battle that will likely stop his revolt in its tracks."

Ratchet stared at his sister for a moment, because he detected that she was confident in her abilities to overcome everything that this Tirek threw at her, which wasn't like his sister at all. He knew that her status as the God of Destruction might have changed her in ways that she hadn't noticed yet, but he hoped that she was going to take this as serious as the alicorns were. Though when he took some time to consider the changes that Princess Celestia had mentioned, about how Sunset had been against destruction and had returned to her roots, he noticed that Sunset was serious, which meant she was planning on ending the fight with Tirek before he did something terrible.

When the group emerged in the clearing that the Princess had mentioned they noticed that there was literally no trees in the immediate area around the blackened gateway, though as they approached the swirling gateway they noticed someone standing in front of the gate. The person in question appeared to be bipedal like Ratchet, Angela, and Azimuth, but at the same time the person appeared to be female if their body structure was anything to go by. The Warden, because that was who had to be standing in front of the gate, was dressed up in some sort of crimson colored armor, which was metallic in nature, though her weapon appeared to be some sort of sword... and she was wearing a helmet that prevented them from seeing her face.

As the group walked towards the Warden she seemed to notice them, to which she raised a hand over her heart and bowed to them, though Ratchet and his family suspected that she was more focused on Sunset, but at the same time guessed that the Warden wanted to give them all some level of respect.

"Lady Sunset Shimmer, I am honored to stand in your presence," the Warden said, looking up at Sunset as the group stopped in front of the gateway, "I only wish it was under better circumstances."

"Its a pleasure to have one of the legendary Wardens reach out to me," Sunset replied, knowing that, at one point in time, she had wanted the legendary figures to contact her at some point, but then she became serious about the matter once more, "I received a letter a few minutes ago telling me that Tirek is causing trouble again, so we came as fast as we could without directly teleporting to the gate. What's he doing at the moment?"

"He's taken control of one of the few standing castles, the largest I might add, and has been using it as a base of operations for his revolt," the Warden replied, to which they passed through the gateway and entered Tartarus as a group, where she started leading them towards the place that Tirek had taken over, "He's searching for my brothers and sisters, trying to eliminate the only thing that is keeping him and his army locked away in this land, but we have hidden ourselves well and know to avoid conflict with larger groups to avoid being overrun."

Sunset nodded as they walked down the path that was in front of them, which apparently went right towards the castle that Tirek had taken over, though she discovered that the building in question was like a copy of Canterlot's castle, only twisted by dark colors and the towers had been replaced by large black crystals. The sky itself was much darker than the sky of Equus, though it wasn't pitch black like some scholars believed it to be, and there weren't open fires or screams of the damned everywhere. In fact there were an alarming number of cells that were opened, which matched what the Warden had described when she mentioned that the inmates were revolting, though she knew that most of them would willingly return to their cells once she had finished fighting Tirek.

"Has Tirek killed anyone?" Azimuth asked, because if this was a revolt, and the condemned prisoners were running free, he knew that some of them had to be killers, despite how peaceful the planet they had visited had been.

"Thankfully he and his followers have merely captured those that oppose him," the Warden commented, to which she twisted her head towards the sound of a loose rock, before she calmed down and continued towards the castle, "The way things work in Tartarus is that the only way to seriously weaken our magic, which would allow the prisoners to escape in large numbers, is to trap us inside the cells, effectively making the Wardens the prisoners. We implemented this system when it was revealed that Tirek had escaped the first time, though he might have already uncovered our tactics... or this is dumb luck on his part."

"Then we should focus on letting Sunset take out Tirek," Azimuth said, to which everyone else nodded their heads and agreement, knowing that he had a sound plan in mind already, "if he's the leader of this revolt, as it appears that he is, then taking out the head of the snake will make everyone back off... especially with the power that Lady Sunset recently acquired while she was away."

As they rounded the corner Sunset noticed that there were a large number of prisoners gathering in front of the castle, no doubt waiting for more to arrive before they were given their orders, but she knew that this could be the perfect opportunity to deal with a large number of enemies. She spotted a floating island made of rock, which looked like it overlooked the entire castle grounds, to which she suggested that the Warden lead the others up there so none of them were caught in the crossfire. She really didn't want any of them to be held as a hostage by Tirek, or absorb the powers of Twilight, Celestia, or Luna, to which the three alicorns nodded their understanding and flew up to the island that she had spotted. Starlight, on the other hand, gathered her magic, wrapped it around the rest of their group, and levitated them up to the island, leaving Sunset to approach the castle alone.

As she walked onto the castle grounds, which was more level than anything else she had seen so far, she noticed that all of the inmates around her were staring at her as she approached them, though at the moment none of them raised their weapons... which meant that they were being smart and mentally debating what they should do with her.

"Tirek!" Sunset shouted, causing many of the inmates around her to flinch as she called out the centaur's name, though she didn't care about them at the moment, "Come out of your castle and surrender to the authority of the Wardens and their allies!"

"Who dares to oppose the new Lord of Tartarus?!" a voice shouted in return, to which Sunset watched as the centaur, in a smaller version of his final form no less, emerged on one of the walkways and stared down at her, "Ah, Sunset Shimmer, we meet again. The last time we fought you were empowered by the power of your friends, who aren't here at the moment, and by the power of an alicorn, which you no longer are by the looks of it. Why would I surrender to you? You are nothing but a unicorn that's been twisted into your current form, so I have nothing to fear from someone like you. Soldiers, show her the errors of her way... but make sure that you leave her alive, so I can add her power to mine."

Sunset looked at the enemies that gathered around her, silently daring one of them to throw a punch or something, which was followed by one of the inmates attacking her and causing the other ones to follow suit. Sunset sighed as she dodged the attacks that were coming her way, as they were so slow that she could follow them while only using half of her power if she really wanted, while she studied her opponents. Several of the inmates received punches to their chests, which knocked them to the ground with enough pain to prevent them from moving at the moment, while also shattering several weapons in the process.

Some of the inmates realized that they were unable to actually touch her, which caused them to flee and let their fellow conspirators to face their fate, but at the same time Sunset used a small amount of her power to summon a gust of wind that literally knocked all of her enemies onto their backs. She then glared at all of them, daring one of them to come at her again, but apparently the inmates were still weakened from being in their cells, because they decided to run and left the courtyard... to which she turned towards the centaur once more.

"I will only say this one more time," Sunset shouted, though at the same time she stared at her opponent, because she knew that he was going to fight her to the very end no matter what, "Surrender to the Wardens and stop this revolt... otherwise pain will be your only reward for everything you have done so far."

"Again you talk big, and it is pissing me off," Tirek commented, though at the same time he jumped off the walkway he was on and landed on the courtyard, where he stared at Sunset, "Come then, Sunset Shimmer, let us fight each other once more... though I promise you that this time the outcome will be much different than the one on Nirn."

Sunset knew that the outcome of this fight would be different from the last one, because this time she was a God of Destruction and Tirek wasn't empowered by the powers of godly creatures, but she let out a sigh and prepared herself. Before she made a move, however, she noticed that a sinister red aura was surrounding Tirek, which meant that he was powering himself up with the intention of going with his full power from the very beginning. Now that she knew what her opponent was doing she moved both of her hands behind her back and waited for him to finish, knowing that a large number of people would generally attack a foe when they were powering up, but she wasn't about to do that with Tirek. She knew that if she could beat the centaur at his full power, like she had done the last time, it would damage his resolve and maybe break his spirit... preventing him from doing something like this again once he knew that she would keep coming back to face him time and time again.

"What is she doing?" Qwark asked, not understanding why Sunset would purposely allow Tirek, who happened to be a centaur, to increase his power to its full potential.

"She's allowing Tirek to use his full power," Celestia commented, already knowing what her previous personal student was planning on doing, while at the same time she silently agreed that this was the best course of action, "Sunset is thinking that if she beats Tirek while he is at his full power, like she did back on Nirn, it might make him reconsider what he's doing and persuade him that trying again in the future is a mistake."

"Hopefully she can convince him that it is futile to continue attacking Equus," Luna added, feeling the desire to join the battle rising already, though at the same time she knew that this time she would have to stand back and watch what was going to happen.

As Starlight and the others nodded their heads in understanding, while leaving Qwark somewhat confused by the specifics of what they were referring to, Starlight noticed that there was someone else on the island with them. The person in question happened to be a short man with pale blue colored skin, purple colored eyes, and slicked white colored hair that was pushed backwards. The man also had a blue halo that was resting near the back of his head, while at the same time he was wearing a dark green outfit with an orange triangle on his shirt and a pair of white boots of some kind. Starlight had no idea who this man was, but at the moment she knew that he wasn't a part of Tartarus, while at the same time she didn't like how he was looking down at Sunset and Tirek.

It appeared that she wasn't the only one that noticed there was a stranger nearby, because Celestia was walking over to the man while they waited for Tirek to finish powering up to his full potential.

"Greetings, I am Princess Celestia of Equestria," Celestia said, causing the man to glance in her direction for a moment, though he didn't seem too annoyed by her presence, "I can tell that you are different from the Wardens and everyone that resides in this realm. So tell me, why have you come to Tartarus?"

"I came here to watch the new God of Destruction fight," the man replied, his eyes shifting towards Sunset once more, which immediately told Celestia that there was something more that he wasn't telling her, "I also came to speak with her about some... important... matters, ones that only the God of Destruction can deal with."

"Then you arrived in time to witness her battle with Tirek," Celestia commented, to which she stopped near the man and turned towards the duo that was below them, knowing that the stranger deserved some distance between the two of them so he didn't think that she was invading his personal space.

"Indeed I have," the man said, though it was at that moment that a small smile appeared on his face for the briefest of seconds, before it disappeared completely, "and it seems that they'll be starting soon."

Celestia nodded and joined the others in looking down at the area below them, where they would be able to witness the fight that was about to happen... and see what destruction Sunset brought to Tirek.

When Tirek's aura disappeared Sunset raised an eyebrow as she looked upon the humanoid form that the centaur had taken on when he attacked Nirn, though instead of him being old and wrinkly he was in the years that would tell someone that he was in his prime. He appeared to be about thirty years old, though at the same time his arms had taken on a crimson color while his chest was still black colored, but at the same time he had dropped the centaur form and went with a more humanoid shape with hooves in place of his feet, along with some pants to cover his lower body. His horns still curled outwards from his head and then twisted back towards his head, completing the look he had gone with so long ago, but this time Sunset didn't fear his transformed, and empowered, state.

"I saved this form in my head after you beat me the last time," Tirek said, to which he walked to the left for a moment, while at the same time smiling at Sunset the entire time, "I have since discovered that my humanoid form is much stronger than my centaur form, though the fact that you aren't running or shaking in terror, like you were the last time I took on this form, just makes me even angrier at you."

"Why would I be scared of you?" Sunset asked, not even bothering to pull her hands out from behind her back, while at the same time keeping her eyes on her foe, "I am the God of Destruction for this universe... anything you can do will be nothing compared to what I can do to you."

"You? A God of Destruction?" Tirek said, to which he chuckled for a few seconds, though he was loud enough that his minions chuckled as well, "Please, you aren't a God of Destruction. You don't have the guts to destroy anything on the scale that I can, much less kill everyone that's caught in the crossfire... especially if what happened on Nirn is anything to judge you by."

"Are you going to keep talking, or are you actually going to fight me?" Sunset asked, because if Tirek was going to keep talking she was just going to approach him and blast him back into the castle with enough force to shatter some of the walls and crush several of his bones.

Tirek roared for a second as his dark energy flared around his body, which was followed by a large dark orange colored sphere with an outer ring that was colored black, roughly twice the size of Sunset's new body, flared into existence in front of him. Once the attack was fully formed he loosed the sphere and sent it flying towards where Sunset was standing at the moment, to which she let out a sigh, pulled her right arm out from behind her back, and held her palm out so that it could face the sphere. A few seconds later the sphere stopped in front of her, where it was an inch or half an inch from touching her, though she didn't feel the need to back up or anything... because she was vastly disappointed in the amount of power that had been put into the attack.

"Ha! How do you like that!" Tirek shouted, to which the revolting inmates that were following him cheered, because they assumed that their empowered leader had done something that they could not, "Do you see Celestia? It was a fluke that Sunset could beat me the first time, which means that once I have sealed every last Warden in their precious cells I'll be coming for the magic of Equus once more."

"You need to take me seriously," Sunset said, causing Tirek to turn towards her as she shattered the sphere of energy without even moving a muscle, "I mean, if that was you at your best, and I seriously hope it wasn't, then I had better just end this now and not waste anymore of our time."

Tirek growled and charged at Sunset, swinging his arms at her in an attempt to slam her into the ground and break her like he had back on Nirn, before her ascension to being an alicorn. Energy danced around his arms as he attacked her, though at the same time she merely ducked and weaved around the slow attacks that came her way, leaving her disappointed in her opponent once more. As Sunset moved away from the attacks she also blocked several of them with her right pointer finger, because her foe was moving so slow that she needed nothing more than that to stop the centaur in his tracks.

After a minute of toying with Tirek, and not even letting him land a single hit, Sunset ducked under one attack and touched his chest for a moment, sending enough force into his chest to send him flying through the air and forcing him to collide with the wall behind him. The inmates that were watching let out a chorus of gasps as their leader was forced backwards, though at the same time Sunset could hear the uncertainty in their voices without them even saying anything. Tirek had been unable to touch her even once, not before she blasted him back into the wall, so they were apparently weighing their options in the face of their new discovery.

A few seconds later Tirek pulled himself from the wall and stretched his arms, indicating that her power hadn't put him down just yet, but she had been planning on forcing him to reveal what he could really do, because she wanted a challenge before she finished him off.

"You are definitely stronger than you were the last time we fought," Tirek commented, to which he spat out some blood onto the ground as he pulled himself to his full height, "but even then you cannot hope to beat me. Sooner or later you'll slip up and then I'll strike, where you'll suffer a devastating attack that nearly shattered the planet we last fought on. Then, when you are broken and bleeding, I'll break out of Tartarus and cover Equus in a fire that will reduce it to a barren world... and then I'll tear open a hole to a new planet and start over until all of creation belongs to me."

"Bring forth your full power," Sunset said, staring at Tirek the entire time, because she wanted to see the centaur's full power and judge whether or not he was worth the effort to even use her full power, the power of a God of Destruction, against her opponent, "because right now you don't stand a chance against me... so push yourself to the max and bring out every ounce of power you have to call upon."

Tirek growled and floated into the air, where he kept his eyes upon his opponent the entire time, while feeling annoyed that everything he had done to her so far appeared to have no effect of her at all. It was like he was relieving the nightmare that had brought about his defeat on Nirn, though this time he was at a disadvantage considering that he couldn't hurt his opponent this time around. It actually made him wonder if he had a chance to beat Sunset, but the thought of losing to her, for a second time, infuriated him, to which he allowed his red hot anger to wrap around him as he gathered his energy into a large flaming sphere of destruction that was twice as large as the last one he had thrown.

"Behold, Sunset Shimmer, a ball of energy that has enough power to decimate the immediate area that is around the castle I have taken over," Tirek shouted, knowing that this time he would annihilate his opponent and claim control over all of the magic in Equus, "With this you will die and I shall take over the planet you sought to protect with all of your power!"

Tirek lowered his hands and set the ball of energy down towards the castle's courtyard, noticing while his minions ran for their lives, and retreated to an area where they could watch without being harmed, Sunset merely stood there and watched as the ball came towards her. He couldn't believe that she was just standing there, letting the destructive ball of energy come at her, but he would gladly take her silent submission and destroy her where she stood. Soon the sphere came into contact with where she was standing and started to glow as it pushed itself deep into the courtyard, where he knew that in a matter of seconds it would detonate and take the entire castle with it.

He landed near the sphere and watched as it pushed itself further into the ground, though after a few seconds he noticed something odd about the attack. A few seconds passed before the sphere stopped its descent and started moving in the opposite direction, to which he watched in shock as Sunset moved out of the crater she was in and pushed his attack into the air. He was equally shocked to discover that she was wasn't phased by the attack at all, indicating that his full power hadn't been able to wound her at all... in fact he couldn't even leave any dust or scratches on her skin or the odd clothing she was wearing.

A few seconds later she heaved the attack into the air and used her energy to grind the sphere into nothing, taking a brief moment to note that there was a hint of dark purple around her magic, which she knew had to represent the destruction aspect of her new abilities.

"Is this really the best you can do?" Sunset commented, to which she stared at Tirek for a few seconds, wondering how she could have had so much trouble with him in the past, "What happened to the being that could only be defeated by the power of Harmony? What happened to the centaur that could devastate worlds and cause the ground to buckle under the weight of his attacks? Here, maybe I should show you one of them."

As Sunset walked towards Tirek, and took her time in the matter, she allowed her energy to gather around her left fist, similar to the attack she had used to shake the ground and cause devastating earthquakes that had been the original reason people had feared her powers. She reflected on the fact that she had kept this power under wraps ever since she had merged with two of her aspects during the time Vox had her and her family captured, but now she had to admit that she was curious as to the destruction she could cause with this attack now that she was a God of Destruction. As she walked forward she noticed that Tirek was remaining where he was standing, though he was either foolishly standing his ground or he was stricken with a level of fear that he wasn't used to feeling.

When she drew close to Tirek she remembered what he had done to her back on Nirn, and the pain that had coursed through her body, so she held her right hand out and grasped her foe with her magic, to which he seemed to snap out of his frozen condition and tried to struggle against her power. She mentally smiled as she used her magic to lift Tirek into the air, similar to what he had done to her, though when she was right in front of him she accessed her power and threw him into the air. She kept a ring of her magic around the centaur's chest and waited as she brought her left fist by the right side of her body, as she intended to repay the centaur for what he had done on Nirn... though after a few seconds she pulled on the magic to bring him back down to her.

A few moments later she spun around and planted the side of her fist in the right side of Tirek's chest, stopping him from reaching the ground while she cracked both the air around them and the ribs that were under her fist... though that was followed by what she had been anticipating.

That was followed by the ground beneath their feet beginning to violently shake, worse than the 10.0 earthquake she had caused back on Yeedil, though at the same time the ground cracked all around them. Sunset could literally feel the air around them vibrating with the intensity of her power, while the revolting prisoners cowered in fear as the ground separated into multiple sections and moved away from each other. She also watched as the ground around her broke apart and sections fell into the abyss that existed below the castle, while the walls of the castle itself cracked and shattered under the weight of her power. Even one of the castle's towers shattered into a large number of pieces, each of which fell to the ground all around the base of the castle, though some of them were unlucky enough to descend into the darkness beneath them.

When the deed was done, and the worst of the shaking was over, Sunset caught Tirek as he fell off her fist and tossed him backwards, where she allowed him to squirm and feel the pain that she had inflicted on him. She was pleased to have gotten some measure of revenge for what happened on Nirn, but she knew that, at his current level, there was no reason to bother finishing the fight... not when he had likely gotten the message. She also noticed that her power had extended passed the boundaries of the castle's courtyard, as it appeared the the areas around the castle were still shaking, tearing apart known structures while reshaping the entire landscape of Tartarus. She had known that her power of destruction was powerful, if everything she had done in the past was anything to take into consideration, but sometimes she even surprised herself with the level of devastation that was happening all around the realm.

"W... what are you?" Tirek asked, somehow finding the strength to get back onto his hooves, though at the same time he knew that he wasn't in any condition to fight her, not without some serious training, "You aren't the Sunset Shimmer I remember fighting back on Nirn."

"I told you Tirek, I am the God of Destruction for this universe," Sunset replied, to which she moved her hands behind her back for a moment, "You should consider yourself lucky that I'm going to spare your life today, because now that you know some of the power that I command you should do the reasonable thing and stop this revolt of yours. Should the Wardens call me back to deal with you again, if you case more trouble for them, I shall return and break you again... but should you upset them a third time, and force them to call upon me, I'll just destroy you where you stand."

"D... destroy?" Tirek stated, though Sunset could hear the terror in his voice, because it meant that he was imagining what she meant by the single word.

Before Sunset could open her mouth to explain what she meant, and describe what had happened to the last person she had used the skill on, she felt the presence of another inmate charging at her. Instead of dodging or moving out of the way she pulled her left hand out from behind her back and raised it into the air, catching the sword that was coming to strike her down and stopping the inmate in the process. Normally she would have forgiven the inmate for trying to kill her, because it really wasn't her place to judge the condemned, but this time she decided that she could make an exception to show Tirek what would happen to him if the Wardens called upon her two more times.

As she thought about what she could do now, and ensure that Tirek didn't do anything like this again in the future, she pulled some of her destructive energy into her right hand, to which she prepared herself for what she was about to do.

"Watch closely Tirek, this is what I meant when I could destroy you where you stand," Sunset said, to which she raised her right hand and leveled it with the inmate that had attacked her, making sure that the palm was facing her target before she said the word that would change how everyone viewed her, "Hakai."

The inmate barely had time to register what was happening as the attack struck his core, to which he started to scream in pure agony as his very being started to unravel before both his eyes and before Tirek's eyes. Sunset held onto the inmate for a few seconds, ensuring that the technique had a firm hold on the condemned inmate, before letting go and watching as the inmate's body broke apart into a thousand tiny particles. The screaming continued for a few seconds, though once the entirety of the inmate's body had been destroyed the screaming stopped, indicating that she had erased his entire existence with a single word.

With the deed done Sunset returned her hands to behind her back and faced Tirek, who was shaking in fear for his own safety now that he knew what was at stake if he caused trouble two more times. Sunset nodded her head once and started moving towards the edge of the courtyard, where she levitated into the air and flew up to where her group was waiting for her. As she landed on the floating island she noticed that the three princesses were surprised by what she had done, while her friends and family weren't, but as the Warden flew down to the area to take stock of what had happened down there, however, Sunset noticed a strange man standing near Celestia... though at the same time she respectfully bowed to him when he walked over to her and the others.

"Sunset Shimmer, God of Destruction for Universe 13," the strange man said, his voice indicating that he was powerful despite how he looked, though at the same time Sunset knew that something was up, "I am the Grand Priest. I have come to talk with you about some important matters that are related to your universe."

Sunset nodded her head and knew that something was up, because the stranger, who had identified himself as the Grand Priest, had said that her universe was actually Universe 13, which meant that everything she had learned about the twelve other universes was actually real. If she was correct in her thinking, and she assumed that she was, that meant that the other twelve Gods of Destruction she had read about, Beerus and the others, were actually real and were busy keeping their own universes in order. If she followed this reasoning she could quickly determine that the Grand Priest was here to find out who the Supreme Kai of her universe was, the being capable of eventually creating worlds to replace what she had already destroyed, as well as her Angel, the being that kept watch over her and stopped her if she really went on a rampage, or something to that effect.

Sunset wondered, for a few moments, how she and the Grand Priest were going to go about choosing who best fit those roles, but she had the feeling that the people, or rather ponies, who would soon fill those roles were close to her, even if they had no idea what was coming their way at the moment.

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