• Published 7th May 2016
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Ratchet and Clank: The Starlight of Solana - Blackdrag-rose

Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer grow up alongside Ratchet on Veldin, where they begin an epic journey to save the galaxy.

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Arsenal: Metropolis; Devastation

Ratchet stared at the pillar of energy that appeared between where he, Starlight, and Angela were currently standing and the area that they had left their ship at, though all he felt at the moment was fear. They all knew what Searing was capable of doing to planets when she was pissed off, which was why they had gone out of their way to prepare themselves for the day the demon showed herself again. Time and time again they had thought that Qwark would have been the one to loose Searing into the universe again, and that they would have another Yeedil on their hands. They had prepared for this day, silently thanking the Maker, and whoever else that was watching, that they didn't have to fight Searing each day ever since Sunset had left Yeedil's hospital.

Despite all of their planning and preparations, all of which took the majority of the year they spent in the Bogon Galaxy, all Ratchet could feel as he gazed at the pillar was fear... and it took all of his willpower to stop himself from shaking.

"We're done for," Ratchet said, falling to his knees as he finally tore his gaze away from the energy, "Stopping Searing from taking over when she was halfway in control is one thing, but I don't think that we'll be able to stop her this time..."

"Of course we can stop her Ratchet!" Starlight said, interrupting her brother as she stared passed the energy, her eyes locking on where they had left the Hyperion, "We just need to get aboard our starship and retrieve the Cores that we've already collected so far. If one of them was able to stop Searing back on Yeedil, then I am sure that two of them will be able to do the same thing here... provided we can get out of this cell that we're apparently trapped in. I hate to admit it, but it seems that Nefarious planned this out better than we gave him credit for... because according to my readings this cell is designed to prevent us from leaving without using our time and energy to break it."

"Can't you just use your magic and teleport out of here?" Angela asked, though by what Starlight had just said she assumed that Nefarious had also added something that prevented her from doing that.

"Not until that barrier is down," Starlight replied, touching the cell that they were trapped in for a moment, which rippled for a few seconds before going still once more, "Give me some time and I'll crack right through it."

Angela nodded and sat down beside Ratchet, knowing that she could at least comfort her boyfriend while they waited for Starlight to break through the cell that Nefarious had trapped them in... all while watching and waiting for Searing to appear. All she hoped for was that Starlight could free them quickly so she could stop Searing, but they would have to be patient and see what was coming.

Nefarious stared at the pillar of energy as he waited for Searing to emerge, though while he waited for her to do so he was studying the power that was right in front of him. He had been curious about the strange energy signature that he had found when he studied the Core, though he was curious as to why the pillar happened to have an identical signature to the Core. Magic, as he had learned from watching Starlight, was something that was almost unheard of in both the Solana and Bogon Galaxies until she and Sunset had showed themselves. It was an interesting field of study that only the sisters were professionals in, considering that they used it daily, and he had been slowly studying it himself in an effort to beat both Starlight and Sunset, or Searing as he discovered the amber alicorn was also called.

He had looked at the forums shortly after the explosion of the Leviathan, before he launched his assault on his city, and discovered that many people in the Bogon Galaxy claimed that Searing had anger issues, which was what triggered the near destruction of Yeedil, but he knew that it was a natural disaster that had struck the planet and not someone using magic.

He would have thought more about what he was seeing before his eyes, but not seconds after he returned his attention to the pillar the energy rippled and tore itself apart, as if announcing that Searing was ready to reveal herself. He expected to find a possessed pony that looked like a demon, but what he actually found in the middle of where the pillar had been was something completely different. He found a more humanoid creature standing before him, looking more like the humans of old than the cazar that he had read about in the reports, but then he noticed all of the oddities that were attached to her. For one thing she was wearing a flaming dress that resembled a cross between something one would wear to a ball and some sort of ancient armor, while her hair appeared to take on the appearance of moving flames.

Nefarious then noticed that, in addition to everything he had already seen, Searing's tail was on fire, just like her hair, though that wasn't the main thing he was looking at. His robotic eyes were on the seemingly bone white crown that was wrapped around her forehead, which her horn appeared to be resting against, and the hole that had appeared in her chest, though that rested between her neck and the upper parts of her chest. When Searing opened her eyes he noticed that her sclera had turned almost pitch black while the inner part of her eyes had turned an icy cyan color, completing the transformation from a seemingly innocent pony creature into the demon that many people spoke about.

"So... you are the one who has released me from my prison this time," Searing said, landing on the platform that Nefarious was standing on, while giving him the chance to hear the twisted voice she used whenever she spoke, "Dr. Nefarious."

Nefarious, despite being a robot and having no mechanics that could allow him to feel any of his old emotions, felt a sudden wave of fear pass through him the moment the demon said his name, because he detected a vast amount of hate behind those words.

"Yes, I am the one that 'released' you, as you put it." Nefarious said as calmly as he could, because if he had did his research right, and he was sure that he had done so, then he knew that Searing loved to give people fear before destroying them, "And now I have turned Captain Qwark's greatest asset against the rest of the Solana Galaxy... to bad he's not here to see this. I'd love to see the look on his face when he realized what was going to happen next, but I guess I can settle on the faces of those that still remain in the city."

"So you woke me from my slumber, and gave me complete control over Sunset's body, just to blow this city to pieces?" Searing asked, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow at him, though Nefarious detected that she was annoyed over something.

"Is... is something wrong?" Nefarious asked, as all his research indicated that Searing loved to destroy whatever she could get her hands on and usually repaid whoever woke her up with destroying something for them.

That was when Searing started to laugh, though whether it was at him or what he had just said Nefarious had absolutely no idea, so he decided to wait and see what happened next. The strange thing about the whole transformation he had witnessed was the fact that the sky above them had partly become as black as night, while the rest seemed to be the normal coloration. As he stared at the laughing demon he began to wonder if this had been a good idea, because everything wasn't going as he had planned when he had come up with this idea some time ago.

"Oh no, everything is just fine..." Searing said, staring right at Nefarious with what appeared to be pure hatred in her eyes, "except for one small detail that you have appeared to overlook. Captain Qwark was to be killed by my hand... and YOU F**KING STOLE MY KILL!"

Searing slammed her fist against the air to her left and cracked it, which caused the ground below them to shudder for a few seconds before the buildings started to crack under the pressure. Nefarious, having equipped his body with a sensor that detected how powerful earthquakes were, would have sweated when his sensor detected a 7.5 quake in progress, but if the stories were to be believed then this wasn't her full power yet. In the off chance that Searing turned on him, which apparently she was in the process of doing, he had also crafted a weapon that would harm her, so that he could force her to submit to him.

He pulled out the weapon in question, the Cannon that Ratchet and his family had discovered thanks to the terminal on Daxx, and pointed it right at Searing, but before he could press the button Searing appeared to the right of him and cut the weapon in half, completely destroying it in the process. He wondered how she could have sliced his weapon in half, but then he noticed that one of the blades that had been attached to her wings had been removed and reshaped into a usable sword, while also generating enough heat to cut through the gun like it was made of butter. Now he was beginning to see what the other villains on the forums had meant when they said that it was a bad idea to upset Searing, which he had done by simply killing Qwark.

As a consequence he was fully beginning to regret this entire venture, because now it appeared that no matter what he had planned was going to be destroyed before he could even put them into action.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Searing asked, apparently waiting for him to have some sort of reaction to all the power she was currently using against him.

"Um... errors have been made?" Nefarious replied, staring into Searing eyes as he wondered what the demon had planned for him, all while regretting all of his decisions that related to this attack.

"Indeed." Searing agreed, wrapping her magic around Nefarious for a few seconds, giving him a moment to rethink everything that had just happened before she broke him.

Seconds later she swung her arm and sent Nefarious flying into the nearest building, crashing through one of the walls and several of the support structures that were supporting the building. Searing released Nefarious for a second and gathered energy in front of her hand, zeroing in on where she had left Nefarious before she released the beam of energy and tore a massive hole in the building. Before the smoke could clear she spotted her enemy as he engaged his jetpack and tried to get somewhere where she wouldn't find him, but she didn't intend for Nefarious to get away from her. She flapped her wings and flew through the air as she zeroed in on where Nefarious was, bashing her fist into his back the moment she caught up with him. The ground around her quaked as she released a barrage of charged punches that mimicked the power that induced earthquakes, which produced miniature quakes as she beat the daylights out of Nefarious.

Searing then grabbed a hold of him before he fell into the abyss below them, and broke his body during the fall, though she latched onto his neck and held him up for everyone to see, as if she assumed that any survivors of Nefarious' attack on the city were watching this fight with their own eyes. She grinned as she summoned her magic around her left hand, forming the sphere upon sphere technique that she had used to nearly shatter Yeedil into a thousand pieces, knowing that it was the perfect spell to destroy Nefarious' resolve and his will to continue living. She then slammed her fist into his chest and let the magic happen, which resulted in her cracking the air around them and doing a vast amount of damage to Nefarious' body.

Ratchet and Angela watched in horror as Searing's attack began to shatter the entirety of Metropolis, as the ground cracked and heaved into pieces as the buildings around them shattered under the intensity of the earthquake. It was Yeedil all over again, though this time they were unable to do anything that would allow them to stop the demon from destroying another world. Starlight was still working on the barrier that was keeping them trapped at the moment, which meant that the Cores would be unable to assist this world until it was brought down. Ratchet only hoped that this was all that Searing planned on doing to Nefarious, because if there was more to come then the entire world would likely be destroyed.

It was horrible to even watch the destruction unfold before their eyes, all while not being able to leave where they were so they could get the Cores and stop Searing.

"I've got it!" Starlight suddenly declared, which was followed by the barrier around them falling apart, "Now then, I'm going back to the Hyperion, pick up the Cores that we found, and hopefully stop that demon before she destroys this world. I suggest that you guys get out of here before things really get out of hand."

Ratchet couldn't agree more, because the moment Starlight teleported out of the area he pressed a button and called on their ship, silently hoping that his sister could stop the demon once more. He knew that Starlight could stop Searing, but he had to wonder if two of the Cores would be able to counter all of the rage and anger that the demon was feeling at the moment.

Once the attack was finished Searing grabbed onto Nefarious once more and tossed him at the nearest building, one that she was surprised to find had mostly survived the earthquake without falling to pieces like all of the other ones. Nefarious crashed into the side of the building and broke through the wall, though this time he made no effort to move himself from where he landed. Searing noticed this as she drew another blade from the set of wingblades that were attached over her wings, as the first one had easily snapped under the pressure of her attacks. She allowed her energy to gather around the blade, though as she prepared another attack that would finish off Nefarious she noticed some of his drop ships coming towards where she was standing.

She found it amusing that he believed that his servants could even harm her, let alone touch her with their weapons, so she let a grin appear on her face as she faced them.

"Getsuga," Searing said, swinging her new sword at the ships as she released the energy she had been gathering, all while shouting the second part of her attack's name, "Tensho!"

A wave of pure red energy roared through the air as it surged towards the drop ships that were coming her way, though she was delighted to see them try and move out of its way before it touched them. The wave, however, still crashed into the trio of ships and tore them all to pieces in a violent explosion that rocked the area around where they had been flying. When the smoke cleared there wasn't a single trace of the ships to be seen, so Searing discarded the burnt out sword she was carrying and flew down to where she had discarded Nefarious, who had been trying to use his followers as a distraction so he could flee.

Searing grabbed onto his neck again, dragged him outside the building that they were in, and flew over to the platform he had originally been standing on when this entire thing happened, though once she was there she pinned him to the floor. Then, once Nefarious was in a daze about what was happening around him, Searing heated up her right hand and used her nails to slowly dig into his chest piece, intending to go right for his heart.

"W... what are... you... doing?" Nefarious asked, though despite all the damage she had caused to his body Searing could detect that he was definitely scared for his life.

"An eye for an eye, as the saying goes," Searing commented in return, allowing her nails to dig even deeper as she reached for the one thing that was keeping Nefarious alive, "You killed Captain Qwark and stole my kill, so it is only fitting that your life replaces the kill that you stole from me."

"Wait!" Nefarious proclaimed, as if there was something that he had that he hadn't shown her yet, "If you let me live I can give you information on Qwark that you would find useful to..."

"What information could you possibly have that would prevent me from taking your life?!" Searing asked, feeling the metal around her nails melt as she drew closer to her target, "Qwark is dead, so anything you have is useless to me."

"Well... that is where you and everyone else is wrong," Nefarious declared, reaching his left hand to his right hand, where he pressed a few buttons and pulled up a short video of a pod escaping from the Leviathan before it exploded, "I had some systems running on the Starport and they caught a glimpse of an escape pod leaving the ship, which I double checked and detected a squishy that resembles Qwark. Searing, if you let me live... I'll let you kill Qwark for real. And, as an added bonus, I won't attack you with my forces."

Searing looked at the robotic villain for a few seconds, trying to decide if he was pulling her leg or if he was telling the truth, but then decided that she could always have someone else check his findings and see if they were authentic. If they weren't real, and she suspected that this was a ploy of his, then she would gladly track him down and finish the job of ending his life, regardless of whatever planet he fled to once this was over. She gripped his right hand with her left hand for a few seconds, giving him the impression that she was studying the findings that he was showing her, before she ripped her right hand out of his chest and cut his right hand off, all with her heated nails.

"AHHHH! Its going to take me two hours to program a new hand!" Nefarious shouted, though then he seemed to think about something as Searing climbed off of him, "No wait, I'm right handed... THREE HOURS!"

"That sounds like its not my problem," Searing commented, holding onto his severed arm as she flapped her wings and took to the sky, "Be thankful that I'm even letting you live, Nefarious, because if this is a lie constructed to save your life then I shall gladly end whatever planet you run to for safety. Now begone with you... before I change my mind."

Searing grinned as Nefarious was teleported out of the ruined city by his robotic minions, though her mood was quickly ruined when she noticed Starlight levitating herself over to where she was flying, with both Cores floating around her. She would surrender herself to them for now, but once they uncovered the truth behind Nefarious' words she would break free from her prison and track either him down for his lies... or find the place that Qwark calls home and finish what she started. Either way someone was going to die... though at this point Searing hoped that she had been lied to, so she could ruin another world before bringing an end to Nefarious' life.

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