• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,315 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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Operation Christmas Part Two

A knock is heard on the door and it sends Adagio into a tizzy.

"Who's out there?" Anon asked

"It's me, Aria." the voice answered

"Do you need something Aria?"

"Just checking on you."

"We're fine Aria we just need a second ok?"

Footsteps go back through the house as Aria makes her exit. Adagio has gone back into full panic mode and Anon is doing everything he can to calm her down.

"What's going on Adagio?"

"I can't get it out of my mind! It's so scary! I don't want to die!"

"You're not going to die Adagio. Just take deep breaths ok? I will keep you safe. I promise."

She starts to breathe slower and slower until finally she calms down, all the while hugging him tighter than before.

"How are you feeling now honey?"

"Still scared. But better."

"Good. Well I'll tell you what: we need to do some Christmas shopping for your sister Aria. Care to join Sonata and I?"

She smiles

"I'd love that dad."

Anon didn't really want to go back out shopping again so soon, but if it meant calming Adagio down he'd do it. He stood up, the little fifteen year old still firmly attached to his waist. This wasn't going to be so simple.

"It's going to be pretty hard to move with you on my waist like this. How about we just hold hands alright?"

She nods and quickly lets go, embarrassed at her childish actions. She grasps Anon's hand tightly.

"You're doing great." he encourages her "You're very brave Adagio."

As they walk downstairs they find both Aria and Sonata looking intently into each others eyes.

"What are you girls doing?" Anon asks

They don't break from their gaze.

"We're having a staring contest daddy!" Sonata says, somehow both cheerfully and seriously at the same time

"And Sonata doesn't stand a chance." Aria taunted

"Well when the winner is decided we are going to go shop for Aria so I will need Sonata."

"D'aww! But we just get back!"

As Sonata complained she turned her head, losing the game (and so did you). Aria smiles at her victory.

"Told you I'd win." she gloats

"No fair! I want a rematch!"

"No, no rematches. We gotta get going Sonata."

"Awww! This isn't over Aria!"

"Sure it isn't loser."

Anon pulls Sonata out before they have a chance to go at each other's throats and gets into the car. She huffs as she's pulled out. So ornery. As they all file into the car, Dagi taps his shoulder.

"Can I sit in the front with you this time dad?"

"Sure thing sweetie."

He still couldn't believe she was calling him dad. It just seemed too good to be true. The air outside was so cold it cut like a knife. But that's what you get for going outside during winter at night.

"So what sorts of things does Aria like?"

Adagio and Sonata both smile at each other in the most mischievous of ways.

"Don't tell her I told you this, but Aria is actually quite the girly girl." Adagio said

"Is that right?"

"Oh yeah." Sonata said "Remember that banner we made? She was the one who drew all the unicorns and hearts. She loves that sort of thing. She made me swear that if you asked I'd say I did it."

"And what sorts of girly things does she like?"

"She likes pink stuff." Adagio said "Anything with lots of hearts. She also LOVES clothes shopping. Oh and dresses"

For a tough girl, she sure had a soft spot. Anon kinda liked that. It was cute. Aria was quite the interesting individual indeed.

"Well I think I'm going to buy her a dress." he said "What do you girls have in mind?"

"That's easy. I'm going to buy her some sort of stuffed animal. She loves them." Dagi said

"And you Sonata?"

"Hmm... I could get her that blanket she was looking at when we went to the mall last time."

"She was looking at a blanket?"

"She kept looking at this blanket that had a bunch of hearts all over it." said Sonata "I can't believe you didn't notice."

"I guess your old man isn't too observant is he Adagio?"

"No, no he's not. But we love you just the same."

"And I love you too. All of you."

They make it too the mall and get back out into the freezing cold. It was a shame, just when the car was beginning to warm up. But it wasn't so bad. Adagio still refused to let go of his hand and there was nothing better than the love of a daughter to keep someone warm. They travel to the nearest girl's clothing store.

"So what kind of dresses do you think she'd like Dagi? Anything specific? Any colors?"

"Long free flowing ones. And if it's pink or purple, she'll love it."

They wonder around a little before finding one that was practically made for her. Its a long dress the would extend down to her ankles. The chest was a royal purple color with a big red heart on the middle and the waist was a long, semi-transparent pink fabric. She'd look stunning in it. Once the dress was payed for, they were off too the toy store for the blanket Aria was eyeing. Sonata is spellbound.

"Can I get a toy too dad?"

"Nope. We'll be getting your gifts later alright? Wait till Christmas."

Sonata crosses her arms and stamps her feet. She was quite grumpy. Probably on the account of the dinner they were skipping to do this. Adagio looks through the shelves to see if there were any plushies that she might like. Adagio ends up finding a medium sized unicorn.

"Sonata, where'd you find that blanket?"


She was really cranky.

"Sonata please just tell me. The faster we do this, the faster we can get some food."

She just digs her feet in the ground and refuses to speak. Looks like he was going to have to do this himself. He walked around for a while and saw basket full of blankets. One was black and full of multi-colored hearts, and heated too. Perfect. After going to mall food court to get some quick food, he drove home with the girls and placed Aria's gifts under the tarp. When he walks inside, he sees Aria on the couch writing in her journal, completely oblivious to her surroundings.

"Have fun while we were away Aria?"

She quickly shuts the journal

"Not really. It was pretty boring with you all." she says, trying to play it cool

Sonata and Adagio walk in soon after.

"Come on Sonata. Let's go get you to bed. It's getting late."

"No!" she said, defiantly "I don't wanna!"

She was being the devil right now. Not even food was fixing her attitude.

To his surprise, Adagio takes over.

"Come on Sonata. Daddy has had a rough day. Can you please just take go to sleep? I promise you'll feel better."


"Please?" she pleads "For big sis?"


Sonata marches upstairs and slams the door with all of her 7 year old strength.

"Don't worry dad. I can take care of her. She listens to me better than you."

Such a little adult. Adagio was amazing.

"Thanks Adagio. I really appreciate it." Anon said "Well I think I am going to hit the sack. Aria, your dinner is on the counter if you want it. Goodnight girls. I love you."

Adagio frantically grabs his hand.

"B-but you can't go to bed yet! I don't want to be alone!"

Anon sighs and smiles.

"Do you want to sleep with me and Sonata tonight?"

"You'd really let me!?"

"Of course I would darling. Go get in your PJs. I'll meet you in my room."

"Thanks dad! I love you!"

She gives him a kiss on the cheek and he smiles wide. She was so sweet. He walked upstairs and got ready. It didn't take long before Adagio came in. She was quick, that one. Sonata was already on the bed, passed out so he had to be careful when moving her. Sitting in the middle of the bed with the girls on either side of him, he closed his eyes. It was going to be a little hard however, with Adagio's massive poof in his face.

"Goodnight daddy. I love you." Adagio said

"I love you too sweetie. Goodnight. Get some rest ok?"

"I will."

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