• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,332 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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A Scarlet Letter Part 2

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoy this completely improvised section. This is dedicated a someone I lost along the way.

Anon pushes her away.

"Why did you do that?" he asks angrily

Rarity looks down.

"I... I thought you would like it... I mean we've known each other for a while and I just thought that maybe..."

He feels anger well up inside him.

"I don't need your pity. I gave up dating long ago."

Rarity looks crushed

"But.. Darling-"

"Be quiet!" he yelled "Do you have any idea what it's like to have the love of your life for seven years cheat on you with your best friend? Huh? Do you have any idea the scar that leaves in your heart?"

Rarity just looks down and stays silent

"I am flattered by the gesture, Rarity, but I will have to decline. I will never open my heart to another woman again."

"B-but Anon. You just want to be alone forever? What a horrible way to live."

He finally snaps.

"Stop that. I don't fucking want or need your pity. This is how I am choosing to live. Because my heart is so unbelievably broken that dating another girl is out of the question. I will not be hurt again. I don't care if I have to live in solitude for the rest of my life. I am not dating. Period. I get that we were friends as kids. I get that you're crushing on me. But I refuse to let someone near my heart again."

Anon stormed off, leaving Rarity speechless. He hated it when people talked to you that way. Sure it was a feel good thing to have a lover, but it was just not for him. He had been tricked and hurt once and you were not going to be hurt like that again. Anon walks back into the pool, thankfully it was empty. He strips down naked and sinks into the pool. He had to get rid of all this negative energy.

He swam back and forth down the long track over and over, his anger giving him the strength to move mountains. He was not only angry at her for talking to him in such a manner and sneaking a kiss, but also angry that he blew up at her like that. They had been friends since childhood! She had helped him so much throughout the pain his sister caused him. She probably had eyes for him for sometime and he just blew it up in her face. She must be heartbroken. Why couldn't he just control himself?

He swam back and forth until his muscles were practically screaming at him to stop and his. lungs burned from the respiration. He didn't get out until he was mostly numb. Just then the door opens and Anon quickly rushes to wrap the towel around his body. It was Rarity. Her eyes were red and puffy.

"S-sorry Anon... I didn't realize..."

"No. It's ok." Anon said "Care to sit?"

She nods and sits on one of the chairs by the pool. They both sit in silence for a while before Rarity pipes up.

"What happened to you? Ever since you got with your fiance... you changed. I had no idea you two had even broken up until now, much less through cheating... I mean I had a hunch of course but why didn't you tell me? And why did we lose contact for so long?"

Anon hugs his legs, making sure to keep his junk out of the way of Rarity's gaze.

"After I broke up with her I got lost. I just..."

Rarity placed a hand on his back

"I know you Anon. You fell into yourself. It was just like when we met. Do you remember?"

Anon smiles to himself

"Yeah. It was in kindergarten wasn't it?"

Rarity giggles

"More like second grade."

"Right! And those jerk kids were teasing me. I had just fallen so far. I hated everyone and everything. Then you came along and stood in between them yelling" Anon switches his voice a more girly, prissy version "'If you're going to get him you're going to have to go through me!'"

They both laugh with each other

"Oh I didn't sound that girly! And then you said, and I quote," her voice becomes more gruff and deep "'What do you want? You know I'm not the most liked kid here right?', as if you were some dramatic movie character or something."

"And do you remember that time we went on the class field trip to the zoo? You kept trying to force me into your music."

"Oh you know you loved it."

"I did, I did. You and your pop craze."

"It certainly wasn't as bad as that crude screamo music. I still hate the stuff."

"Well Rarity, I'm afraid you just cannot appreciate the delicate intricacies of someone screaming while playing the guitar."

"Oh yes, oh yes, so very sophisticated. How did I ever make it without you?"

They laugh again, just staring out the window as the snow gently fell.

"When did it all get so complicated?" Anon asked

"When we decided to grow up." Rarity said, he gaze fixed on the outside "It's much easier when you're a kid, just ignorant of the world. They say ignorance is bliss and they aren't kidding."

"So what did you do when we grew apart? You know, after college?"

"You mean after you quit?"


"I became a fashion designer. It's extraordinary difficult work but very rewarding. I wouldn't trade it for the entire world. What about you?"

"My grandfather died and I inherited his fortune. I've just been living simply ever since."

"That's very like you. All the tools to do the job yet you choose to stay in the quiet life."

"Are you saying I'm lazy?"

"No. I admire it really. I wish I could choose the quieter life. Live simply and easily. But the art of the dress just calls me. I can't ignore it. Sometimes it's ok just to live simply."

"Why push yourself so hard if you want to live simply?"

"It's my calling. Like I said, I just can't ignore it."

They both fall in silence again, watching the outside and listening to the gentle too and fro motion of the water.

"There was a song we always used to sing. Do you remember it?" Anon asked

"You mean the one we always sang on our way to school?" Rarity asked

"Yes. Do you want to sing it with me? Like the good 'ole days?"

"O-oh perhaps not. I haven't sang alone like this in years. A-and we could get caught and..."

"I'll start."

Anon clears his throat and they both begin to sing in time to one of their favorite songs from childhood.

Rarity blushes bright red

"Ugh I sounded awful." she said

"Nonsense." Anon smiled "I think you sounded perfect."

"You didn't sound too bad yourself. I guess you didn't lose the magic."

"Nor did you."

She smiles, her pony ears and hair extension fading.

"Well I need to go back to bed and check on the girls. I'll see you tomorrow ok?"

"Alright. You really do love them don't you?"

"More than you know."

"Then I believe you. I trust your judgement on this. If you say they're good then I believe you."


Anon takes his clothes and waves goodbye to the purple haired girl, making his way back up the room half naked. His legs and arms hurt like a bitch from all the swimming. He slowly opens the door and finds a sight that makes him smile a mile wide. The three girls are in the same bed, hugging one another and sleeping soundly. They were so sweet when they actually got along for once.

One thing was for sure: he had been through a lot, suffered a lot. But his heart wasn't out of love yet. It was still alive and well, all thanks to his three little girls and a certain scarlet letter.

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