• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,315 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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The Abyss

The two of them looked backwards towards the sound. Was that Rarity? Or someone else? The thunder cracked loudly out over the field beyond, rattling the very barn. It sent chills up Anon’s spine.

“What was that?” he asked

“I don’t know.” Sunset said, grabbing the necklace around her neck “But we better check it out. It came from the saloon.”

They quickly slide down the ladder and out toward the saloon. Even though it was raining quite hard, the air felt almost deathly still, foreboding even. They both run towards the saloon and walk through the doors. It was quiet and the only out of place object was a knocked over chair at the bar. Anon pointed to the left.

“You look over that way, I’ll head over this way.” Anon said

“Right.” Sunset agreed

“If you need me just shout.”

“I will. Same for you.”

They both go in their agreed directions, searching the barn for clues. The saloon was empty, as if Rarity and Shy hadn’t been there at all. They looked the entire saloon over and found nothing, not even the slightest trace. Just as they were converging back to each other another scream was heard. But this one was certainly not from their two friends. It was almost inhuman in nature, as if something was trying to pretend to be human with the shriek. It came from the house opposite of the saloon. Both Sunset and Anon sat there, looking at each other but not moving a muscle.

“We need to get out of here.” Sunset said

“Not without Rarity and Shy we don’t.”

“But where are they?”

“I wish I knew.”

“Let’s go outside. Maybe they went searching for us when that scream was heard.”

“I’m down for that.”

They both ran back outside into the freezing cold rain and began to call the names of their friends. They called for a few minutes, hoping not to disturb whatever was making the horrid noise. Just as they were about to give up, they heard a call.

“Anon!” a voice said in a hushed yell

It was Rarity and Shy, hiding behind the saloon.

“What is that noise?”

“We have no idea.” Rarity said “Whatever it is, it sounds unfriendly.”

Shy was shivering and hugging her legs

“C-Can we get out of here please?” she asked

“Yes. Whatever that thing is, I don’t want to find out.”

They begin to book it to the car, not wanting to waist another second in this horrible place. Just as they were on the verge of the car, Anon heard whatever voice made that sound whisper in his ear. It had a grotesque, mutated voice, almost like the sound of molten metal being poured into a freezing cold basin. It said but only a single word.


He didn’t know why, but just hearing it speak gave him a feeling of anxiety, of near terror. He quickly got into the car and they drove out of there.

“What was that?” Sunset asked

“I’m not sure.” Anon said “But whatever it is, it’s gone now.”

“Well I think it’s safe to say this day out is concluded.” Rarity said, brushing herself off “Shall we go home? I’m sure Anon’s girls will be home soon.”

Anon checked his watch. Nearly three o clock. He needed to get home fast.

“Yes indeed. The girls will be home in about fifteen minutes.”

“Then we will get you there posthaste.” Sunset said

Just then Anon got a text. It read please come pick up Adagio, she’s in trouble.

During the time that all these spooky events were taking place, the girls were going on the first trip to school. That morning on the bus was surreal for them, it had been the first time they had ever stayed a significant time away from their adoptive father, thinking on their own terms and making their own choices without any guidance. It was going to be quite an interesting day for sure. They all walk off the bus and the minute they did, Sonata began to get afraid.

“I miss daddy.” the little seven year-old said

"I know Sonata.” said Adagio “But we can do this."

"You promise you'll stick with me big sister?"

“Of course, Sonata. I’ll do it for as long as I am able. We are going to be taking separate classes though.”

Sonata clutches her belly, feeling slightly sick

“I don’t know Adagio. I don’t want to be separated from you.”

Aria looks towards her sister and smiles

"Listen little sis.” She said “If you can do this then we can make that three-meat pie you've been wanting to make."

Sonata cocks her head to the side

“But I thought the smell of meat made you sick?”

"It does. But if you can make it through this day, I will gladly endure it."

Sonata smiles brightly

“Alright. I will.”

Adagio smiles at Aria, not expecting her to take the lead in this way. Those two really had come far and it was all due to their shared bond of cooking and baking. Just then three other students walked over to them. It was Trixie, Bonbon, and Flash. None of them looked happy.

"You’ve got a lot of nerve showing up back here.” Flash said “After trying to control the entire school, after trying to put us under a spell of adoration. Here to try to do it again?”

"The Great and Powerful Trixie believes they are. And she is not happy about it."

“What are you freaks doing back here anyway?” Bonbon added

Sonata gets tears in her eyes and Aria puts herself between the bullies and little Sonata.

"We've changed! We're not like we used to be!" Aria yelled

"Yeah right.” Flash jabbed “You guys are freaks. Get the hell out of here."

Adagio’s head begins to ache. The evil Siren part of her was forcing its way back to the surface again.

“Go… away!” Adagio yelled at the beast trying to claw its way into her conscious

"Oh? And why would Trixie want to do that? It is you who should be leaving, monsters."

Just before Adagio lost control, three people stood in their way. It was Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, now teens.

“Hey!” AB yelled “Leave ‘em alone.”

“Get out of the way Applebloom.” Bonbon said “This doesn’t concern you.”

“It does concern us.” Sweetie Belle said “Leave them alone.”

“You do realize who these people are, don’t you?” Trixie asked

“Ah course we do. But they’ve changed.” Applebloom said “Our sisters ‘ev said so.”

Bonbon doesn’t buy it

"Yeah? And how do we know you're not lying?"

“We ain’t.” Applebloom said “And if we was, then you can come fer us first.”

“Fine.” Flash says “But if we see so much as one wrong move-“

“Get out of here!” Scootaloo said

They finally leave and the three girls turn around to the Dazzlings.

“Hey there. You wanna stick with us?” Bloomy asked “Y’all seem to be a bit new.”

“We’ll show you the ropes” Sweetie smiled

Sonata wipes the tears from her eyes and looks at the three teens offering their hands in friendship.

“You won’t be mean to us?” she asked

“Of course we won’t.” Scootaloo said “What classes do you have?”

Turns out their schedules were nearly identical, all except for little Sonata, who was too young to be in the same classes as everyone else. This caused her a great amount of stress but all she had to remember was the pie that her and Aria would make. It helped her get through the day with ease. Aria, partnered with her almost bestie Sweetie Belle had an easy day as well. Adagio, however, was not nearly so lucky. She was fine until her gym class after lunch, but that was when the Siren came back with force.

As the class started its opening run, Adagio began to feel light headed and dizzy. Her vision began to get dimmer but she soldiered on. She was nothing if not persistent with her endeavors. It was hard to keep to her values, however, as her head felt as if it were being bludgeoned with a tire iron. Applebloom tapped her shoulder nearly making her jump out of her skin.

“Do ya need ta take ah rest? Ya look like yer about ta keel over.”

“No.” Adagio panted “I’m perfectly fine.”

Adagio’s legs began to feel weak and she stopped running, sitting out on the sidelines

“Maybe I should take a little rest.”

She put her head in her hands; it felt as if her brain was about to explode. Applebloom ran to her side after explaining the situation to the teacher.

“Come on. Let’s getcha outside for some fresh air.”

AB and Dagi both walk outside the gym, but it was too late. Just as they had reached the lockers beside the gym Adagio fell into a black abyss. It was as if she was falling into a dark pit from which that was no escape. Was it finally over? After all this time, she still couldn't change? She let her dad, no, let everyone down. This was all her fault. If she only had a stronger will, a stronger mind, one not so prone to corrupting influences. Who knows what her Siren side was doing with her body right now? Maybe she just was doomed to be evil. Maybe she couldn't change. Her past truly couldn’t be escaped no matter how fast she ran. And she hated that.

Adagio sat in the empty void. It was so cold, yet so peaceful. This really was the end of the road, wasn’t it? No more Sonata. No more Aria. No more school. No more Anon. She closed her eyes, slowly starting to sink into the milky black. First her legs fell in, then her arms, then her torso. Just as her head was about to sink below the depths of darkness, she heard a faint voice calling her name. It grew louder and louder until finally she opened her eyes. She was on the ground, surrounded by a few people. Her ears were ringing like a church bell and her vision was blurry.

“Adagio are y’all alright!? Ya said somethin’ about it comin’ then ya fainted.”

It was Applebloom sitting above her saying all those things, though it was hard for Adagio to make sense of what was being said. She was still quite delirious.

“Adagio answer me!”

Finally, her ears cleared out and her vision became clear


“Yeah it’s me! They said yer dad was comin’ to pick ya up.”

Adagio got tears in her eyes. She was being a burden again. To think she was almost entirely consumed by the being inside her. She actually almost gave in to it. She almost let it win. Couldn't she do anything right? In about ten minutes Anon had arrived. Adagio had just been waiting against a locker, twiddling her thumbs and thinking about just how much of an embarrassment she’d been. Anon walked over to her.

“How are you doing sweetie?"

Adagio just shook her head

“Come on. Let’s get you home.”

Anon holds out his hand and guides his daughter back to the truck, waiting for her sisters to be done with classes. The second the door closes, she speaks.



"I'm sorry daddy. I really screwed this up huh?"

“What do you mean?”

“It came back again… the siren. If Applebloom hadn’t been there I might have…”

Tears begin to run down her face

“You fought it back, though didn’t you? That proves how strong you are.”

“You think so?”

“I know so” he said “I’ve got it Adagio.”

“Got it?”

“A possible solution. We might not be able to solve it, but I know someone who can."

“Who’s that?”

“A princess from a foreign land.”
“A Princess?” Adagio asked curiously “I had no idea you were so well connected daddy.”

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