• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,332 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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Fighting Titans

It was dark. And quiet. But she could feel it. The evil, menacing presence that was directly in front of her. The presence had a hunger for her soul.

"Adagio, my dear."

It sounded like her father's voice. But as a bright, cherry colored gem began to gleam through the darkness she could tell it was plainly not. Every bone in Adagio's body shook with fear.

"This ends now Siren." Adagio said "I'll be under your curse no longer."

As tough as she tried to sound, even she could tell how weak she was. The siren's razor sharp jaws began to glow in the darkness, a long tongue hanging out of it just begging to tear into her flesh. Finally it's full form came into focus. It's long fish body combined with it's hooves and crazed eyes. It stood at least twenty five feet tall. It was like staring at the devil himself.

"Aw," the beast mocked "The little girl thinks she can take down her own demons. How sweet. Are you afraid child?"

It slithered next to her, whispering into her ear

"You should be." it laughed

As much as Adagio tried she couldn't stop her trembling. The beast was playing with her. If it really wanted too, it could swallow her in one gulp without a second thought.

"Just accept it. You can't escape me. I'm not separate from you. I am you." it smiled "now become one with me again. And the entire world will adore you."

"Adore me?"

"Yes. Your father. Your sisters. The entire world. All of them will be bowing at your feet and kissing the ground you walk on. All I ask is for you to join me once again."

"Adagio stop!"

A voice cracked through her skull like lightning. It was her daddy.

"It's lying to you! If you accept her offer you won't be you anymore!"

Adagio finally snapped out of it.

"No monster! It'll be you who joins me!"

The siren just smiled devlishly

"Works for me." it mused "we can do it the fun way then."

The giant opened it's mouth and began to sing a sweet song. Before Adagio knew it, she was back at home again. Her two sisters were playing on the floor.

"Did it work?" she asked

But, like a fire through a painting, the whole thing began to melt, Aria's and Sonata's faces twisting and contorting as it melted. The twisted figures grabbed Dagi's ankles as they began to fad.

"S-save us... Adagio!"

It was Sonata's voice, only twisted in agony. Adagio put her hands on her ears. But the voices of her sisters penetrated her very mind. All she could hear was their screaming as they melted further. All of a sudden it stopped. She was in a bubble.


It was daddy again

"I-I can't do this! I can't!"

Anon hugged her tight

"You can do this Adagio. I don't have much time before your siren blocks me out again so listen closely."

Adagio nodded

"It looks tough but it's anything but. It can't actually touch your soul. That's why it's resorting to these mind tricks. And the way to beat it is even simpler: Show no fear and use love to destroy it. Think of your love for me, your sisters. Let it be your strength."

As abruptly as it happened, Anon was gone again. The siren sat there laughing.

"Love huh? Don't make me laugh." it said "Just try to love your way out of this one. I'll wait."

Adagio thought about her love for her father as much as possible, letting it fill every corner of her heart. But nothing happened.

"Well? I'm waiting. Isn't this the part where you shoot a giant love beam and seal me away?"

Daddy wouldn't have lied to her. There had to be another way. What was she missing? Adagio through her fist as the siren. It had no effect whatsoever.

"Oh the pain, make it stop. Well, I think this means it's my turn again."

It opened it's mouth again and sang another song. Only this one was fast and rough. Dagi was once again in a different scene, only Aria was there however. Aria was facing against her siren and doing even worse than she was. Adagio rushed to save her sister but came up against what felt like glass.

"Aria! Aria!"

She had to calm down. This was just another trick like last time.

"I won't let you fool me. This is just another illusion." Adagio said "Even if it isn't, I trust in my sister. She won't be beaten by a dumb fish like you!"

To her shock, the siren began to writhe in pain. She figured it out! She had to beat the siren at it's own game. If it tried to sink her into despair, all she had to do was resist it's temptation. She could win. She could!

Meanwhile Sonata was not fairing as well. Just the mere sight of her siren was enough to leave her on the floor in tears. And the siren was winning. The more Sonata yielded to her fear, the more she regressed. She had gone from the age of nine to the age of six in mere moments. She could feel her mind slowly beginning to slip as well. Each moment she became more irrational, less able to think critically. If something wasn't done soon, she'd quickly be consumed by the siren forever.

As for Aria, she couldn't even get the fight started. To her amazement, her siren wasn't even awake. It just lay on the floor, sleeping. No matter what Aria did she couldn't wake it from it's slumber.

"wake up you stupid fish! Wake up!"

Finally the fruits of her labor were realized. Aria's siren opened one eye. As it stood up it let out a blood curdling scream that was akin to a demon of hell crying out. The scream made Aria's very bones rattle. After nearly two minutes it quieted down, not saying a thing. Only staring at her intently.

"Listen up siren. It's time I seal you for good."

It said nothing. Only stared at her.

"What is wrong with you? Aren't you going to say something? Do anything?"

Aria looked down and realized it already had. Like Sonata, she was beginning to regress as well. She had lost two feet of height and her chest shrunk. She realized her mistake: anger. The beast was feeding off her rage. It was no surprise. Anger is and always had been her biggest vice. She had to stay calm and think. But what was she supposed to do? It was one thing to stop the beast from feeding off her. But how was she supposed to defeat it?

Aria yelled and tried to throw a punch at it, but it went right through it, as if it was a ghost. The beast screamed again, causing Aria to curl up in a ball and cover her ears. Aria screamed as well, the pain from the beast's roar filling every inch of her body. Think Aria! Think! There had to be a way to solve this!

"Calm yourself."

Aria looked up


"Calm yourself. Approach it with a cool and level head. You're already on the right track."

Aria took a deep breath and slowly began to relax, only to have the thing scream again. But it was an entirely different scream. It was a scream of pain. That's all she had to do. Be at center and at peace. If she could keep herself calm then the beast would have no power over her whatsoever. Aria sat on the floor and crossed her legs, folding her arms over her thighs, and closed her eyes. She took long, deep breaths. Each scream the beast made annoyed her greatly. But she slowly got a handle on herself each time. She blinked open one eye and saw it was working. The siren was evaporating. Each minute that passed it grew fainter and fainter. Until finally it was gone.

Aria opened her eyes and began to cough. It was as if that entire time she was even breathing. She sat up and saw she was in some sort of library. Inside a tree no less. She looked to the side to see Anon in some sort of circle, covered in runes. He wasn't moving a muscle. That must've been how he was able to communicate with her. She looked to her other side to see her two sisters, in the siren forms.

They were a lot bigger than she expected. Together they filled up nearly half the library. Yet Aria was still human, even being in Equestria. She looked down at her chest to see a new gem had formed. Only this time it was a brilliant purple color and glowed softly. It was hot to the touch, like putting your finger on a hot stove. She had done the impossible. She had sealed the Siren within herself. Hopefully the other girls would be so lucky.

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