• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 8,332 Views, 216 Comments

Three Dazzling Daughters - BG9

A man with an unusual name comes across the three Dazzlings after their defeat in a younger, kid form. Cuteness ensues.

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A World Beyond

Sunset kept reading on.

First, I want to say I have made an antidote for Adagio. She will need to take it every day for a month so I will need to send a lot of it through the portal. Next, about the thing that's-

Sunset flipped to the next page

We have detected some strange abnormalities with the portal. Dark magic seems to be seeping out for our end but we have yet to determine that cause. This is also preventing us from using the portal, thus we cannot send the antidote to you until we figure this out. I want you to try to access the portal for you side and see if it works. If not, send me a message.

Sunset knew what she had to do. She strapped on some better clothes and made her way to the school. Better now than never or so the saying goes. And what better time to check on the peculiar paranormal pony portal than at three in the morning?

Sunset arrived at the portal and on the surface, nothing seemed out of place. No black mist or spooky skeletons emerging from the entrance. It looked as it always had. Only one test left. Sunset walked through the portal, but what she found on the other side was not Equestria. It was a white, empty void. Nothing as far as the eye could see. That was of course, except for the giant iron gateway. It was filled with ornate designs the most striking of which were the three girls taking up equal portions of the gate, gems floating above their heads. They looked eerily similar to Anon’s three daughters. It also had a strange writing across it that Sunset had never seen before. Sunset pushed on it with all of her might but nothing would make it budge. Where the hell was she? Was she in another dimension? Somewhere in between Earth and Equestria? And with no way out at that. Just as she began to get lost in thought the gate started to open. It made a loud creaking noise, as if it hadn’t been opened in years. She peered into the open gate but all she saw was darkness.

She stood there in front of the open gate and the gate did nothing else. She took a few steps forward to really study it. Just as she did so, tiny little eyes started to open all over the inside, filling the darkness. Sunset felt a sense of dread wash over her as she realized they looked to be children’s eyes, no older than toddler age. But that wasn’t the end. A black mist began to seep from the gate and swirl around her, dragging her through past the edge. Sunset let out a loud scream before the gate shut behind her and she fell into the darkness.

When Sunset came too, she was back in the human world. Her watch read three fifteen AM. That meant that only a single minute had passed from when she entered and when she exited. Was it a time dilation? She got up and put her hand on the portal. It was sealed completely shut. She had to tell Twilight. Maybe she would know something. Sunset nearly sprinted home to go write to Twilight. She detailed everything she could remember in her report. Twilight replied almost instantly.

that is fascinating. I have checked all my books and haven't come across one mention of that strange gateway. We tried to access the portal again but the dark magic won't let us through. I hope we can find something soon… according to my books, Adagio doesn't have much time.
Sunset wanted to know more but she was beat. It felt like she was dragged through a meat grinder. For all she knew, she probably was. She needed some rest. She would tell Anon the next day.

Things were not going so well at Anon’s residence either. Once Sonata was safely secured in the hospital, he took the girls home for some rest. They fell asleep like rocks, but Anon couldn’t fall asleep to save his life. He was in an elevated state of alert and it felt as if someone was watching him. No matter how hard he looked though, he could not find any sign of anything out of place. He spent the entire night awake, just feeling someone’s eyes upon him.

The next morning Anon rushed the girls to school without much incident. After last night’s events, Adagio and Aria were tired and a bit shaken up, thus they didn’t say much. Once that was out of the way, it was off to the hospital to check on little Sonata. When he got there, he could tell that she had about the same luck sleeping as he did. She had bags under her eyes and she looked so pale.

"You don't look so good sweetie." Anon said sympathetically

"I didn't get much sleep last night. I kept seeing... that thing..."

Sonata's eyes filled with a bone chilling fear

"What thing?"

She explained about the creature that had led her to the strange gate. How it seemed to still be haunting her mind's eye with it's menacing presence. Could that be her Siren? Could they take other forms? Poor Sonata. She must be so terrified. If only there was something he could do, some way he could help. He hated being so powerless. He hated seeing his sweet little girl experience so much terror and not being able to do a thing about it. Anon gives her a big hug.

"I love you dearly Sonata. Please remember that. We'll get through this."

Sonata smiled a smile so wide it filled his heart with joy. Nothing made him happier than to see her smiling. Anon's phone buzzes and he picks it up. It's Sunset Shimmer.

I've got something to tell you. I contacted Twilight. Meet me in the park in fifteen minutes. This is urgent.

Anon wanted to stay with his darling girl but he knew that this meeting could very well hold the cure for Adagio's condition. He couldn't afford to wait.

"I'm sorry Sonata. I have to leave for now."

Sonata's face dropped

"But you just got here." she said sadly

"I know sweetheart. But I may come back with the cure for this horrible nightmare you've been having. So just stay put ok? This'll all be over soon."

Anon hugs her tightly once again. You never really know what you have till it's gone. The fact that he nearly lost her, that she nearly ran off a cliff, made him want to hug her so tight and never let go. He couldn't bare to lose them. They were the one thing that gave his life meaning and purpose. And he would protect that purpose with his very life if it came down to it. Anon hops back into his car and drives to the park. Sunset was already present. Whatever she wanted to talk about was clearly very important, as her facial expression clearly exhibited. He just hoped that this important news was good rather than bad.

"What is it Sunset?"

"Good. I'm glad you came." she said "There is a lot I need to tell you about."

She smelled almost metallic. As if she had been bathing in liquid mercury. It was quite strange. She sits on the bench.

"You're going to want to sit down for this. It's a lot."

Anon does so and Sunny runs him through all the events from when she contacted Twilight to now. Needless to say, Anon's head was spinning by the end of it.

"Wow." he said "So what does it all mean?"

"Twilight and I are still working out. She has no idea what the mysterious world is. And now the portal won't open up."

Because there just had to be some bad news right? This was so odd. Why was all this happening? Why now?

"Well keep me up to date with what happens." Anon said "We're going to work this out."

"I will. We're going to open up the portal and get your daughter's back in good health again. I promise."

"Thanks Sunset. I can count on you."

At school, Adagio's condition was worsening once again. She was experiencing the headaches with great frequency and magnitude. She could feel her control slipping. It was only a matter of time before her former self regained control. The siren within her knew this as well. It was just playing with Adagio now. Taunting her. It could probably have taken over her right at that moment. But, being the sadistic creature it was, it wanted to drag out her torment. She could barely blink with out seeing those horrendous siren jaws, eagerly waiting for the moment to snatch her up and devour her whole. She was in a constant state of fear. She new the moment she dropped her guard it would pounce. She hopped daddy had an antidote or some solution. She didn't know how much more of this she could take. She was running out of time.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so very long. I get busy with life and such. I've also got a new story coming along as well that I am hopeful you will all enjoy. Hope you enjoyed this latest installment.

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