• Published 3rd Jul 2019
  • 17,953 Views, 1,922 Comments

Fire and Steel - shirotora

A man finds himself in a strange world in a body he knows very little about. Now, with a little help from his reluctant acquaintance Ember, he must either find a way home, or a reason to stay

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Chapter 11: Apprentice

The next day, Ember and I decided to spend a bit longer in her cave. Every dragon there knew to stay away from it, as it was technically a part of Torch’s hoard. That, and he made it a command on the Bloodstone Scepter that no dragon is to approach unless he or Ember gave them express permission.

Surprisingly, we only spent most of the morning having sex. There was, like, a whole hour we weren’t going at it like bunnies.

Not all at once, but one total hour. Did I mention that I was never a furry or scaly back on Earth? I think that’s important to mention.

Anyway, after a while we decided to actually see the sun.

"So, what’s first on the agenda?" I asked.

“Well, I want to go to dad’s volcano real quick to see if some dragon came,” Ember explained. “She’s a little young, and her mother's kinda over protective, so she’ll be with the hatchlings.”

"Oh? A little sister you never told me about?"

“More of a... I don’t know, what do you call a student that’s not really a student?”

"A protege?"

“Sure, we’ll go with that,” Ember replied with a shrug.

"Alright, let’s go meet her, then," I said.

We headed out of her cave and across the crater to the opposite side. As we left, I noticed a stubby legged, derp-faced reptile.

"What the hell kind of dragon is that?" I asked.

Ember looks over and shrugs, “Probably one of Crackle’s cousins, or something.”

It took about two hours to get to the other mountain, and we arrived just before noon. Torch’s mountain wasn’t quite as active as Ember’s, so it was a little cooler.

Like Ember had said, most of the dragons here were much older, or too young to find a mate. One group of younger dragons were wrestling across a pile of rocks stacked up high.

One of them, a cute little orange dragon with darker spines and rather thick horns threw the last of the youths off the pile and stood triumphantly to proclaim, “I’m queen of the hoard!”

Ember applauded as we approached. “Not bad, squirt. Still the toughest one here.”

“Ember!” the young one exclaimed as she flew over to give her a fist bump. “What’s up? Come to convince mom to let me go to the cool side?”

Ember chuckled. “We’ll see. Anyway, I want to introduce you to someone.” Ember waved me up. “Luke, this is Smolder. Smolder, this is Luke. He’s my mate.”

“Your mate?!” Smolder shouted in shock. “But, what about my big bro?”

Ember winced and looked at me. “You mind giving us a minute?”

"Of course. I’ll be nearby." And with that, I left them to their privacy.

Smolder huffed, crossing her arms. “You chose... whatever that thing is for a mate over my brother?”

Ember sighed. “Smolder, I’ve told you before, I’m not interested in your brother.”

“So, what, you came over here to rub it in, or something?” Smolder grumbled.

“Of course not,” Ember said. “I actually wanted to show you something awesome. Hopefully, you’ll be able to help me with something even more awesome.”

Smolder shrugged. “Fine, I guess.”

“Come on,” Ember turned to lead her away.

“Holy cow!” Smolder's eyes shot open. “What happened to your wing?!”

Ember sighed. “I’ll tell you later.”

I got strange looks from several of the dragons present. Most of them had seen me arrive with Ember, though, so they weren’t giving me any trouble. Or, at least, I assumed that was why they weren’t.

Ember went off somewhere with that Smolder girl. I kinda wondered who her brother was. Ember did say a few dragons wanted to be her mate, but the only one I met was that Garble guy and there was no way a cute girl like that was related to that douche.

I would have to ask later.

“Ah, Luke,” came a booming voice that was impossible to forget.

I turned to see Torch approaching me, and gave him a respectful bow.

“You have my permission to speak in my head,” he said. “If you do anything else in there, though, I will squish you.”

"Of course, my Lord," I replied.

He raised a massive eyebrow. “Since when am I your lord?”

I suddenly felt a chill of fear shoot through me as I prepared myself to say what was needed.

I swallowed thickly and said, "Since... Your daughter and I are... mates."

“Ah, yes, I suppose that would make sense, then,” he said, not at all reacting how I thought he would. “So then you have decided to become one of my subjects, then?”

"Y-you don’t mind that your daughter and I are together?" I asked.

“Why would I mind? You are strong and will sire strong offspring,” he said, matter-of-factly. “Did I not already say you had my blessing?”

Ah, that’s what he meant, I thought to myself.

“So, why are you here and not with Ember?” Torch asked. “There are many other males that wish to be my daughter’s mate. Should you not be protecting her from them?”

"I think it would be more accurate to say I would be protecting them from her," I said.

“Yes, I heard she did something strange to a dragon that tried to challenge her,” Torch said. “I think she may have left out something when she told me what you and her went through getting here.”


Torch gave me a calculating look. It wasn’t a look I often saw from dragons. It certainly told me that Torch wasn’t just a brute.

“My father told me that once, long ago, dragons were the masters of this world, with the power to move the very heavens,” Torch said, proudly. “But we lost that power.

“Tell me... did my Ember find it again?”

"Yes. We found the spirit of the last dragon Empress, Aurora, and she granted Ember the power."

Torch let out a thoughtful hum. “Then, as my subject, I have an order for you.” His massive head swung down to gaze into my eyes with an unrivaled fierceness. “Help my daughter become strong. I will not have my successor as Dragon Lord be weak, magic or not. I expect her to win the Bloodstone Scepter when my time as Dragon Lord comes to an end.”

I gave a small smile and a bow, "It would be my honor, my Lord."

I found Ember near where we parted, along with Smolder.

“There you are. I was worried you got eaten, or something,” Ember greeted.

"Actually, I was talking to your father," I said.

That got Ember’s attention. “About what?”

"About you and I, and what he expects of me as your mate," I said.

After we talked for a bit, Torch had asked me not to mention our talks about her magic or his intention to let her compete in the Gauntlet of Fire when it comes around.

“Oh, yeah? Like what?” Ember asked.

"Like how he expects strong offspring from us," I said.

Ember chuckled. “Well, of course our babies will be strong. We’re us. I don’t know why he thought he had to say anything about that.”

“Are you really that strong?” Smolder asked. “You don’t look that tough.”

“Oh, he is,” Ember assured. “Even my dad said his punch stung a little.”

Smolder's eyes shot wide open in surprise. “No way?! Dragon Lord Torch actually felt your punch?! You gotta show me!”

“Later,” Ember interrupted. “I want to get back.”

"Alright, then. It was nice to meet you, Smolder. Maybe we can hang out before the Gathering ends." I gave her a wave as we started heading back.

Ember chuckled at that. “Yeah, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to. She’s coming with us.”

I turned around, and sure enough, there she was, following us. "Aren’t you worried some of the older dragons might bully her?"

“Nope,” Ember said with a smirk. “Because she’s staying with us.”

I looked at Ember and asked, "Are you sure? I mean, what if we want to do... you know... mate stuff?"

Ember snorted in amusement. “‘Mate stuff’? Really? What about it? You’ve seen how big my bed is.”

I groaned. "I’m not talking about sleeping arrangements. I’m saying it’ll be hard to have any fun with her staying there."

Ember blinked in confusion. “Why would it be hard? How would mating be any different with her on the other side of the bed? Wait, you don’t think you have to mate with her, too, do you?”

I stumbled, nearly faceplanting. "Wh-what?!"

“I’m just saying, you don’t have to if you want to. I don’t think she’s interested, anyway,” Ember continued. “Hey, Smolder, are you even interested in mating?”

I turned back to the younger dragon, praying the answer was a very resolute ‘no’.

Instead she shrugged. “Meh, I didn’t really come here for that, but I might not say no if the right male asks.”

"Uh... Ember... How old is Smolder?" I asked, again, fearing the answer.

Ember slowed, trying to think. “Smolder, how old are you, now?”

“Twenty, why?” Smolder replied.

I let out a sigh. "Oh, thank god. I thought you were, like, twelve or something."

“Wait, is that why you were weirded out by her being in our bed?” Ember asked.

"Well, that was part-"

“Dude, you thought I was a hatchling? Really?” Smolder asked, incredulously. She flared her wings. “Do I look like a hatchling to you?”

I gave her a flat look. "If I knew what a hatchling looked like, I’d be able to answer."

Ember chuckled at that. “Hatchlings don’t have wings.”

"Oh... Well, then no, you don’t look like a hatchling," I said. "I’m sorry for that. I’m still learning about dragons. In fact, I still don’t know how old Ember is."

Ember just chuckled. “Thirty-one.”

After that, we fell into pleasant conversation. Mostly, it was Ember and Smolder telling stories of things that happened since they had last seen each other.

“... And then, Luke just said, ‘Hey, forget pretending. I’m hot, you're hot, let’s just be mates.’”

Ember finally finished telling the story of how we met and our journey here. She went into a bit more detail then she did with her father, but not quite as much as when she told Star.

"She’s paraphrasing, of course," I added.

Ember rolled her eyes. “Well, excuse me for not talking like a dweeb,” she teased.

I just laughed.

The mirth was cut off, though, by a strange feeling. I glanced around, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

“Hey, Luke, what’s up?” Smolder asked.

"I don’t know," I replied. "I’m getting the strangest feeling that something’s wrong, though."

“It’s probably nothing,” Ember said, though I could sense her worry.

I tried to ignore it, but the feeling just kept getting stronger and stronger. Finally, I couldn’t resist it any longer. I turned and ran off, heading toward the forest.

“Wait up!” Ember called.

I tried to hold myself back as to not lose her. I wasn’t sure what I was feeling, but if it was bad, I might need her to back me up.

And I had a feeling it was bad.

Author's Note:

Surprise, motha huggas! Bet you didn't expect to see this today, did'ja?! An update from EE and F&S in the same day?! Surely, this is only a coincidence and has no further meaning, what-so-ever.

Anyway, can't say how long it'll be before the next chapter, but hopefully it won't take as long as this one did.

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