• Published 3rd Jul 2019
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Fire and Steel - shirotora

A man finds himself in a strange world in a body he knows very little about. Now, with a little help from his reluctant acquaintance Ember, he must either find a way home, or a reason to stay

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Chapter 19: Next Stop, Pony Land

We all sat gathered around the firepit in Ember’s cave. We had just finished explaining what we found, and everyone had a contemplative look on their faces.

“So... if it wasn’t a dingonek that killed my brother, what was it?” Smolder asked.

“We don’t know,” I said. “My guess is it’s either something that possessed a dingonek or a shapeshifter of some kind.”

“It doesn't matter,” Smolder said, her face hardening in seething anger. “I’m going to find it, and I’m going to kill it. Slowly.”

“Before you can do that, you need the means to fight it,” Star said. “That means you will need to learn magic, and in order to do that, Ember needs help from the pony princesses to connect you to the weave.”

“But we still haven’t heard back from them,” Spike said. “We can’t just show up in Canterlot unannounced and demand to see them.”

“We can’t, but I bet Twilight can,” I said.

Spike looked at me with wide eyes. “W-well... yeah... I guess she could, but...”

“Spike, that thing killed my brother,” Smolder growled. “And it’ll probably kill somedrake else unless we stop it.”

“I...” Spike sighed. “I’ll send a letter to Twilight, let her know what’s going on and that we’ll be there in a few days.”

“Thank you, Spike,” I said.

As he went to compose his letter, the rest of us sat in silence for a while.

After a couple minutes, I finally asked Smolder, “Are you going to be okay?”

Smolder was silent for a bit before responding. “It was an act, you know. Him being a jerk. He just wanted to fit in. He... he liked poetry. We used to sit somewhere far away from anydrake else and he would recite some new poem he wrote.” She pulled her knees to her chest, hugging them tight and hid her face between them. “Now, I’m never going to hear his poetry again. We’re never going to sit at the edge of our cave, watching the clouds and telling jokes or funny stories.”

I moved to her side and put an arm around her shoulders. She leaned against me, letting me hold her close.

“I promise, we’ll get that monster. We’ll make sure it doesn’t hurt anyone else.”

We sat in silence for a time, the only sounds being the crackling of the fire and the soft sobs of Smolder.

Finally, after a few minutes, Spike came back. “Alright, Twilight’s going to send word to the Princess.”

“How long did it take you to get here from there, anyway?” Ember asked.

“About six days,” Spike said.

“You traveled for six days by yourself?” Ember asked.

Spike winced, “Yeah, I know that wasn’t the smartest thing to do.”

“Forget that, it only took you six days?” I asked. “Where the hell was I that it took me months to get out of there?”

“It sounds like you were probably closer to Hoofington, to the West,” Spike answered. “Ponyville is more North and a little west. We’ll only have to go through a small corner of the forest.”

“Why couldn’t I be zapped to the same place as Leo and the others?” I asked, rhetorically.

“Zapped?” Spike asked, confused.

Crap, they don’t want them to know that stuff.

“Yeah,” I started, coming up with an excuse. “We aren’t from around here. We’re from far, far away, and were transported here magically.”

“Oh... well, that would explain why nopony’s ever even heard of anything like you guys,” Spike said. “I would think a species of intelligent creatures would have been found.”

“Anyway, let’s get ready,” Ember said. “Do we need anything to meet the princess? Like, I don’t know, some kind of tribute or something?”

Spike gave her a confused look. “Why would you need tribute?”

“How should I know. I’ve only ever seen three ponies in my life,” Ember said. “I’m not exactly an expert, here.”

“Right, sorry,” Spike said. “I guess ‘common sense’ isn’t always universal. No, you don’t really need anything, but if you’re going to be trying to bring dragons and ponies closer, she’ll probably want to introduce you to the Canterlot elite. So, maybe you might want something to wear to meet them. But, I’m sure Rarity would be happy to make you something.”

Ember thought for a moment, scratching her chin. “Actually, I think I have something.”

She retreated into our room and came out a minute later carrying that set of bronze looking armor she had. “What about this?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “Ponies seem a little too peaceful to appreciate a fully armored dragon walking into the capital.”

“Actually, that might not be a bad idea,” Spike said. “I mean, I wouldn’t wear that as it is, but... Bring the cuirass and vambraces. I have an idea.”

I gave Spike a curious look. “I didn’t expect you to know what those were called.”

Spike blushed, twiddling his thumbs. “I... kinda dream of being a knight.”

I chuckled. “I should have figured. A noble ambition.”

“Thanks,” Spike said. “So, what about you? Do you have anything to wear?”

“No, I’m afraid I don’t.”

“Great, then we can get you something, too,” Spike said. “Oh, and you might want to bring some gems or gold to pay for anything we might need.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Ember said. “Then we’ll leave first thing in the morning. I’ll ask Star if she can take us close to Ponytown.”

“Ponyville,” Spike corrected.

“Whatever. Until then, I suggest we rest up.”

The next morning came bright and early.

We packed up whatever we thought we might need in my bag. I was pretty sure it was the lightest it had ever been, what without all the pelts I used for bedding, the makeshift tools, and all the other stuff we didn't need that I once did.

It did have a bit of food, though, as Star said she wasn't wanting to risk going all the way to Ponyville and risk the princesses being there.

She still refused to tell us why they apparently hate her.

Regardless, she was going to drop us off at the closest place she was willing to venture, the Castle of the Two Sisters.

While, I wasn't too fond of being left in the Everfree, Spike said he'd been there enough that he could guide us.

I had to admit, the little guy seemed more confident than when he first arrived in the dragon lands. I had to wonder if he just opened up more as he got to know us, or if he really was just more confident over all.

It wasn’t bravado that had him take the lead in the forest.

“So, the most dangerous threats in the forest are probably timberwolves,” the little dragon explained. “There’s a manticore, but he’s a big softy. There’s also a couple cockatrices, but Fluttershy keeps them from petrifying ponies. They’re smart enough to know that would extend to us. There are a couple carnivorous plants, too, but I know what to lookout for, so as long as you listen to me if I say stop, those won’t be an issue.”

I smirked at the way he took charge. I had a feeling he’d grow up to be something of a leader, one day.

We walked for a couple hours before we came to a shallow cave in a rock. It was lined with numerous wood carvings and vials of liquid.

“Alright, this is the halfway rest point,” Spike said. “See the wards? They’ll make you a little dizzy for a second, but they’ll keep out anything else.”

We took a quick break and ate quickly. Ten minutes later, we were off again.

Another hour and Spike turned back to us and grinned. “Watch this.” He let out a loud whistle and a couple minutes later a rustling could be heard, as if something was barrelling through the brush. Spike was the only one that didn’t leap back as a massive feline leaped out to greet us.

“Hey, buddy,” Spike said, scratching the manticore’s cheek. “Can you go tell Fluttershy we’re almost there?”


I started, staring wide eyed as it bounded away.

“Did... did he just talk?” I asked.

The others gave me a funny look.

“I’ve been talking, dude,” Spike said.

I shook my head, “No, the manticore.”

Smolder and Ember gave each other a confused look.

Spike just looked concerned. "Are you feeling alright, dude?"

I shook my head. “Stress must be getting to me. Let's just go.”

It didn't take much longer before we emerged from the forest. Not far from where we were, a quaint, vaguely familiar cottage stood out.

In front of said cottage, the manticore sat in the lawn. Behind the manticore, a curtain of pink hid what little yellow peaked out from around it.

"Okay, guys," Spike turned to face us, stopping our procession. "Fluttershy's a really sweet pony, but she's scared of dragons, so just take it slow."

“Perhaps Spike and I should take the lead?” I offered.

"Good idea," Spike agreed.

The girls fell back a little, as we approached the timid little pony. Fluttershy seemed to find enough courage to come out from behind the manticore and start toward us.

That was when I noticed the eevee at her side.

I gave a wave and greeted him out loud, <<"Hey, Conner.">> The facial hair gave his identity away, quite nicely.

<<"Long time, no see, Luke,">> he returned. <<"I heard you got hitched.">>

I laughed. <<"It's not that official, yet.">>

Fluttershy relaxed a little at our obviously familiarity. Though, she still shot nervous glances at Ember.

"Fluttershy!" Spike ran up, giving the pony a hug. "How have things been? Twilight hasn't burned down the library without me, has she?"

Fluttershy giggled. "Nothing that severe. Welcome home... you are here to stay, aren't you?"

"Of course," Spike said. "Come on, I want you to meet my friends."

Fluttershy hesitated, but forced herself to move toward her fear.

"This is Luke," he introduced me, first. "He's an old friend of the eevees."

“It's a pleasure to meet you,” I said, with a small smile and a nod.

She blinked. "Oh, my... did you...?"

"Yeah, he talks in your head," Spike explained. "It's freaky at first, but you get used to it.

"Anyway, this is his girlfriend, Ember," he continued on. "She's technically a princess, but that doesn't really mean anything in the Dragon Lands. She's also a really powerful mage."

Ember polished her knuckles on her chest. "It's true. I'm pretty awesome."

Spike moved to the last member of our party. "And this Smolder. She's Ember's protege."


Spike turned to us to finish things off. "Guys, this is Fluttershy, another of my pony friends."

By the end of the introductions, Fluttershy was almost completely relaxed. "It's a pleasure to meet you.Twilight said you were coming, but we weren't expecting you for a few days."

"Yeah, we got a ride," Spike said.

"Oh, my, I hope you didn't have to bully another dragon," she said, worried.

“Actually, a friend gave us a ride,” I said.

"Oh, good," she sighed in relief. "I know Twilight said things like that are normal for dragons, to toughen them up, but I still can't bring myself to like it."

“I understand how you feel, Miss Fluttershy. If we have our way, that way of life will be wholly unnecessary one day.” I said, reassuringly.

"I'm glad," Fluttershy said. "Well, I'm guessing you're looking to take the train the rest of the way?"

"That's right," Ember said. "I'm kinda curious about this 'train', anyway."

"Why don't I take you all to see Twilight," Fluttershy suggested. "She'll be able to help."

“Why don't you go on ahead,” I said. “I'm going to catch up.”

Ember gave me a lazy wave as she headed off. "Alright, have fun playing with your friends."

I chuckle before looking back at Conner, speaking aloud. “So, I hear Leo's a mommy.”

Conner winced. "Yeah... kinda."

I could feel the concern wafting from him. "What is it?"

"Well..." he thought for a bit. "We're just a little worried since they haven't hatched, yet."

"How long ago were they laid?" I asked, concerned for the poor baby eevees.

"About a month ago," Conner replied, somberly.

"Oh, that's not that..." I paused, thinking about something. "Wait, Equestria month, or Earth month?"

"Uh..." Conner blinked. "Oh, right. Equestrian month."

"So, about an Earth year?" I said. "Damn. That's not good." I thought for a moment. "Let me see them. I can sense aura, life force. I can at least tell you if their aura is okay."

Conner perked up, though his worry was still there. "Y-yeah. You could. Maybe you'll notice something we can't?"

“You may come around.” Yomega’s mental voice echoed out. “Leo and I are here. Mind you head, the Daycare may not be big enough for you to fit in”

I smiled. "I see Yomega's getting a handle on his powers."

Conner gave me a confused look for a moment before realization dawned on him. "Yeah. He and Leo are at the Daycare. I can show you where it is."

"You don't have to if you don't want to," I said. "Yomega psychic'd me directions."

"Oh, that's good. I still have some things to do around here, so I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah, we'll have to get the gang together sometime," I said. "Are movies a thing here?"

"Um... I think so," Conner replied. "There's a theater, but I've actually never asked what kind."

"Well, we'll have to find out. Catch you later."

With that, I made my way to the Daycare, following Yomega's mental instructions.

Eventually, I came upon the place. It actually wasn't bad. Still, I was going to have to make time to build them something better.

"Hello!" I called.

"Come on in," I heard Leo call back. "Or... as much as you can, anyway."

The door was wide enough that I could have fit through, but it would have been cramped inside, so I just stuck my head and shoulders in.

It was nice and cozy, with several 'beds' for the eggs.

Leo and Yomega were laying beside each other, with one of the eggs cradled by Leo. If I had to guess, it was their's.

Leo's and Yomega's child. That was a weird thought.

"I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" I asked.

"No, we're actually glad you're here," Leo said, though I could feel her trepidation.

"Jeeze, and I thought Ember and I were 'active'," I teazed.

Leo blushed. I grinned. "Well, aren't you adorable when you blush."

That was when I felt a feeling I knew well from Ember and to a lesser degree, Smolder.


Sexual desire.

"So, the eggs," I said a little too quickly.

I really didn't need to think about my old friend that I still had trouble not thinking about as male being into me.

I didn't need to sense emotions to feel Yomega's amusement as he spoke up. "We would really appreciate it if you could tell us what you feel from them."

I held out my hand. "May I? It's easier when I'm touching."

And apparently Leo's mind went right to the gutter.

I was going to have to watch what I said.

Or just scratch her itch.

No! Bad thoughts!

I glared at Yomega, who was trying to stifle a laugh while Leo's emotions shifted toward embarrassment.

Thankfully, he had enough tact to move things along. "You may. We just really need to know if anything's wrong."

I shifted my focus entirely onto the task at hand. With one paw resting on the shell of the egg, I let my senses flow into it.

I felt his life force. It was strong, energetic, and eager to hatch.

So why isn't it?

That was when I felt something else.

"There's something else here," I said. "Something is keeping it from hatching."

"Wh-what?" Leo's voice wavered, fear building up quickly.

"As far as I can see, it's not only not harming the egg, it's actually keeping it healthy," I explained, quickly.

I looked deeper, focusing on the foriegn presence.

Suddenly, something lashed out at me. Dark energy coursed through me, wracking my body with pain.

It only lasted a moment, though, before it receded.

Leo was beside me, a paw on my side as she gave me a worried look. "Luke, talk to me. Are you okay? What happened?"

"I... I'm fine, just... numb," I assured. "I saw something, though. I'm not sure where it came from, but I think it was trying to stop me from seeing what was in the eggs. It looked like some kind of... dark claw thing."

Leo's fear spiked, the color seemingly drained from her face.

"D-did you say... claw?" she asked, shakily.

"Are you sure that's what you saw?" Yomega looked worried, too.

I looked at them, confused. "Yeah, why? Do you know something about that?"

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